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  • av Dale Stubbart

    Greg may as well have been an Alien from Proxima Centauri for all the attention Cheryl was showing him.It wasn't his fault that the name Rachel was a close morph of Cheryl.It wasn't his fault that the two of them looked AND acted so much alike.It wasn't his fault that he had kissed the wrong one and that Cheryl had been there to see it.And it definitely wasn't his fault that Rachel had kissed him back. But now she wasn't returning his calls or his texts. How did he even have her phone number? It must have happened on Day 1.He would recall that in a moment. But first he had to add Proxima Centauri to his phone's dictionary, so that it wouldn't keep correcting it to Approximate Century.A few Swahili phrasesMaturity Level PG13; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Administrative

  • - Staying Wired in a Wireless Age
    av Dale Stubbart

    There are three reasons that I can think of to keep your computer wired these days: First, you may be wanting to avoid as many EMFs as possibleSecond, IYHO (In Your Humble Opinion) it's obviously more secureThird, you want the speed. you might need a faster network.In Hardwired, I detail how you can keep your computer wired, in this wireless age. It might also be possible to keep your cellphone hardwired. Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Electromagnetic

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a superhero who was invulnerable? One who could never be defeated. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that superhero were always on hand to rescue people?My name is Francesco Franchetti. This is my story of one such superhero - Invulnerable.

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Poems that make you smilePoems that make you groanPoems that make you wonderWhy you're reading them alonePoems that rhyme with rhythmPoems that simply don'tPoems that to you make sensePoems that surely won'tWho writes these poems anywayWhose mind has gone astrayJust tell your tales the normal wayI don't have time to playPoetry fans will like themLaureates will notShort stories added for a treatTo thicken out the plotPoems that make you smilePoems that make you groanPoems that make you wonderWhy you're reading them aloneOriginal Poems and Short Stories including: Poems that Make you SmileCracksSelfish MeMedicine Chest FeteReasonHow to Talk TurkeyAmber HoneyHome Again Gnome AgainThe LarboardCrystallizationWhere No Dream has Gone BeforeAn Orc Named O'RourkeOde to a RoachThe Gym Shoe TaxiRating G; Reading Level Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Crystallizatio

  • av Dale Stubbart

    This book introduces some poems for children. The first poem is The Piles Poem. As everybody who has children knows, there are always piles everywhere. We know how we deal with these piles as adults. The Piles Poem portrays how children deal with them.Three short children's poems follow The Piles Poem: -Squiggly Swirl-Sweet as Pumpkin Pie and -Turn into Zee's which is an A to Z bedtime poem.We end this book with Butterfly Kisses.Rating G (are you kidding, it's a Children's book); Ready Level Very Easy 2nd Grade; Longest Word: Tremendousness

  • av Dale Stubbart

    This Romance Tale will not delve too far into grammar rules. And, it really has little to do with grammar. It really has to do with how we see the world and with true romance.A blogger blogs about his thoughts. His thoughts usually include her. Then one day a Professor comments on his blog, saying something about irregular verbs. The blogger becomes obsessed thinking the Professor is calling him an irregular verb and telling him that as such he only has half a life.At first the blogger thinks he's alone in the world, but slowly he realizes he and her and their friends may be the majority, and that they may actually be the regular ones.This book is for those who feel alone in the world and for those who love a good, clean romance.Rating G; Reading Level: Easy 6th Grade; Longest Word: Prognosticated

  • av Dale Stubbart

    What horror could be worse than going insane?Ryan Davis, if that's even his real name, becomes engulfed by a time rift and ends up in the future.However, in this future, Spectres from a parallel planet are entering peoples minds and driving them crazy.They enter Ryan Davis' mind, but he's able to overpower them. And so he becomes the superhero Spectral, we we start winning this war.But soon, he starts to suspect that there's something even scarier than the Spectres.

  • - Sequel to Zuper Zed
    av Dale Stubbart

    Ever wonder that your superpowers might be too powerful? Ever wonder that they might do more harm than good? If you do, then you're probably a lot like our superhero Raven. She can put people to sleep. She can put everyone to sleep.

  • av Dale Stubbart

    How did I find myself alone in a ship with the one person who frustrates me the most? Why does Sarah have to be so different? Why do I keep hearing her name in my head? And why did I ever agree to take her to the middle of nowhere and wait to be paid for her trip until I got there?This makes absolutely no sense to me. And yet here I am. The worst part is we'll have to act like we're married for part of the trip. And I can tell you, neither of us is looking forward to that!Rating PG (Gambling); Reading Level Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Announcements

  • av Dale Stubbart

    I am a man of peace. Yet I am well aware that we all get pushed to our limits, and sometimes beyond.Suppose, just for a moment, that there was a nation who had always lived at peace. Peace was all they knew. They were sworn to peace.What happens when the invaders come?What happens when their lives and their way of life are threatened?What happens when peace is no longer an option?This is the story of one such nation. This nation however possessed a secret weapon, one which the enemy would never suspect.Let me just introduce this story with a word of warning to the enemy, Be careful! Some day you may just push the wrong person too far. And up until that moment, you'll never know who that wrong person might be or when you might push them too far.And when you do push them too far, you'll find out what it's like when a peaceful nation goes to war.Rating PG (War, Slavery); Reading Level: Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Grandchildren

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Ever dream of becoming a Superhero or a Superheroine? Perhaps you just want to hang around with Superheroes and be their best, coolest friend.Perhaps you want to marry a Superhero when you grow up.Well, maybe you're already a Superhero and nobody knows it, not even your Mom and Dad.And did you ever think that everybody might just be a Superhero in disguise?In this story a Dad tells his Son a bedtime story about a Superhero named Zuper Zero!

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Ever have a Superhero power which is too strange to describe? Were you ever able to do something that you didn't know you could? Perhaps you'd like a different name. Then perhaps you're a lot like Zuper Zero and Red's son - Zuper Zed.

  • - Condensation in the Form of Butterflies
    av Dale Stubbart

    Is there anything cuter than a Bunny Rabbit? Don't answer that! Just think how cute they are. Let the hope which those thoughts brings well up in you until it pops out of you like a Bunny Rabbit popping out of its hole.My friend the Wind, brings hope. Just let it touch you gently until it wriggles its way into your heart. Let hope spring up from there until it fills your entire being. Let hope spring up until you hope!When that hope comes, it will be like refreshing rain. It will be like joyous condensation after a drought. It will be like hope when there was none. It will be like condensation in the form of Butterflies. Welcome to the World of Mystical Poetry. Welcome to my world, where the Wind bring hope. Yes, sometimes that hope is fleeting. Especially if I try to desperately hang onto it. However, if I let it come and go as the Wind, that hope endures as I play with it and say, "Tag, you're it!".

  • - The Healer is Judged
    av Dale Stubbart

    Ribo Quadrilobe available at Amazon, is a Mystery where nobody dies. Ribo Quadrilobe is the quintessential robot. Ribo is a robot who has no desire to become a human. He is an investigator pursuing the case of one Hannah H Harvester. Hannah is a human doctor who has a super high percentage of patients who recover. Is Hannah violating the law which forbids her to use her religion and faith when practicing science?Will Ribo judge Hannah innocent or guilty? Will they fall in love?Ribo Quadrilobe is not a religious book. On the other hand it does take a close look at separation of church and state. I'm a firm believer in that concept, but how far should that separation go?Join Ribo for a breakfast of banana pancakes, and watch him reach his fullest potential with help from Hannah. Laugh at him being overly logical. See things from a Robot's perspective.Robots. Love Story. Government overreach. Humor.Reading Ease: Easy; Reading Level: 6th GradeRating / Maturity: General Audience; Target Audience - Mystery Readers, Robot aficionados, . Judge Judy fans, Romance lovers.Longest Word: Quadrocentigigasecon

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Meet AMBROSIA, one of GITCHI MANITOU's HELPERS.AMBROSIA tells the story of the BEGINNING. In the BEGINNING, GITCHI MANITOU created the EARTH in which we live.First GITCHI MANITOU created the CREATURES of LIGHTS, MOUNTAINS, TREES, FISH, BIRDS, and MAMMALS. At this time GITCHI MANITOU also created the SHIRES of EDEN, AGARTHA, ATLANTIS, SHAMBHALA, AZTLAN, and CAMELOT.Over time, the CREATURES start to forget about the SHIRES so GITCHI MANITOU creates the TRAIN to take them to the SHIRES so they can better remember them.AMBROSIA is a marvelous story teller, telling all about the CREATURES and the other HELPERS. Besides loving to talk, AMBROSIA also loves to eat and interrupts the story from time to time to talk about what they're eating right then.Some more memorable quotes: FISH also came in a variety of styles, but it wasn't as interesting a variety as with TREES. I'm just saying, personally, I don't think three really counts as variety. FISH might argue that point, but I don't think they have a strong case.Ah, lunch time! Sanjits is it? Surprise, surprise!You could be so kind as to pass me one of them, pretty please.And some mayonnaise.And some mustard.No, I'm not eating two sanjits. I'm eating one double-decker sanjit.Now, where was I? Oh yes. The CREATURES.Of course there's no CREATURES on this sanjit. Don't be daft! Those are my hands!Now what happened in the BEGINNING? Oh yes, I remember. No, don't remind me. I remember. It was a long time ago, it just took me a few seconds to call up that particular memory. Yes, I know, you all could tell it better. Yes, you were there too. But I'm telling this story. Somebody else can tell the next one.Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Intrinsicalitie

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Morley was definitely the Most Famous Monkey. What other Monkey had so many scientific papers written about him or her? What other Monkey has appeared on so many TV shows? What other Monkey has received so many awards? What other Monkey has received the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award?Indeed, Morley was so famous that many Human Children said they wanted to be like him when they grew up.But how did Morley become so famous?Rating G. However, this book contains topics like Graduate School and Term papers, so probably not for younger kids, even though it does feature a monkey. Reading Level: Medium 7th Grade. Longest Word: Enthusiastically.

  • av Dale Stubbart

    There are various versions of space-faring races. There are also various ways in which they might get along. That doesn't seem likely to happen this time.The Errowroots only travel through space when they need a new Planet. The people of Ven-trix explore space as little as possible. They have that capability, but nobody there really wants to Explore space. The Errowroots are conquerors. The use a Planet until it is used up. Then they go and conquer the next one. The people of Ven-trix are peaceloving. Still, they're isolationists. They don't want visitors from outerspace, let alone neighbors.The Errowroots always easily conquer the next Planet. Yet something went wrong when they tried to conquer Ven-trix. Selectron, a machine with many randomly pulsating lights has decided that Etosh, a young Errowroot, will go down to the Planet and find its weaknesses. Selectron makes all the decisions for the Errowroots. Selectron is never wrong.Cher-dan lives on Ven-trix. Unlike everyone else on that Planet, he would love to go to space. Maybe next year, when he is of age. What will happen when these two encounter each other?The Errowroots have Selectron - an all powerful machine on their side. The people of Ven-trix has Ven-trach on theirs. Ven-trach is an all powerful entity who is referred to as The One. Will the Errowroots conquer Ven-trix and make all it's people their servants? Or will Ven-trix somehow survive?

  • av Dale Stubbart

    What's it really like to be a remote viewer? What's it like to view what people are doing from afar without them knowing? What's it like to spy on people?Katu PF finds himself in this situation. Every year young people develop the ability to see what those on the other side of the periphery are doing. These are called Trans-Peripheralists. One might be come a Trans-Peripheralist at age 9. If you are going to become a Trans-Peripheralist, you will do so by the time your 12, maybe 13. Katu, however, doesn't gain this ability until age 16. And, only he knows that he has this ability.If you are a Trans-Peripheralist, you're supposed to report when someone beyond the periphery is shirking their duties. What's Katu going to do? Who's he going to tell? He can't be a Trans-Peripheralist - he's too old. Nobody will believe him.

  • - 101 Things to Know About Riding the Bus
    av Dale Stubbart

    If you are looking for instructions on how to ride your city / metro bus, this is the book. I've included lots of details to make riding the bus easier and more enjoyable. I want to make this experience as pleasant as possible for you. I wrote this book because there's so much to know about riding the bus. And, if you aren't familiar with how to ride the bus, it can be overwhelming at first.Also, you might have fears associated with riding the school bus in your youth. Or you might have fears from having tried to ride a public bus once or twice. This book is filled with facts about riding the bus. Hopefully, that will make it easier for you to ride the bus more often.

  • - The Zelding Are On the Move
    av Dale Stubbart

    Zaytohl, the young Cyatkwhoo is off by himself, deep in the woods, trying to be invisible. If he was just a couple of years older, he just knew that he could become invisible. But that doesn't stop him from trying to become invisible now. Then, all of a sudden, he must have become invisible. For he started to see three treasure chest slowly, very slowly pop out of the ground.Zaytohl knew from the stories that they must be the Zeldings' treasure chests. Of course he couldn't see the Zeldings themselves. They were much more invisible than he was.Zaytohl supposed that he'd have to tell the Council about his vision. That wouldn't have been so bad, but his dad was on the council. And his dad never believed any of his stories.Rated G; Reading Level: Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Indistinguishable

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Nobody wants toxic chemicals in their home. However, many people have toxic chemicals in their home, yet they are unaware that those dangers are lurking there. We live in a culture where toxic chemicals are just a part of life. Or so it sometimes seems. And they just seem to creep into our homes.Once those toxic chemicals are in our homes, it may seem daunting, almost impossible, to get them out of our homes. We try everything, short of exorcism to rid them from our homes. Sometimes nothing seems to work.Over thirty years of attempts, failures, and successes at ridding our homes of toxic chemicals have led to the creation of this plan. It takes a lot of work. And you will no doubt be overwhelmed by it at first glance.But the plan does work. And the end results are worth both the time and the effort. Removing toxic chemicals from a home, often results in the inhabitants being better able to breathe easier, being sick less often, and having more energy. It takes time. But it can be accomplished step by step. Do as much as you can. And do what works for you. Then move on to the next step. You may need to come back to the first steps and perform the remaining tasks. But eventually, you will work out what works for you. You will work out what rids your home from toxic chemicals to the point, that you can live at peace with your home again. Rating G; Reading Level Medium 7th Grade; Longest Words: Recommendations, Unintentionally, Internationally

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Ever get a headache when you travel? Do you have problems breathing on occasion or more frequently? What about a lack of energy or total brain fog? Man-made chemicals may be affecting you. Some studies show that one in five persons suffer from chemical sensitivities or intolerance. This book offers some solutions for those who like to travel, but suffer when fellow travelers wear fragrance. No one answer fits all of these people. Hopefully these answers fit you and will enable you to travel with less discomfort.Rating G; Reading Level Easy 7th Grade; Longest Word: Electrosensitivity

  • - The Christmas Gate
    av Dale Stubbart

    Lily is reading a bedtime story to her younger brother and sister. The story tells about how they all became a family and about their life on an alpaca farm in Hawaii. Lily discovers a secret gate which she goes through to help Uncle Santee and the Menehune prepare for Christmas.Some common words are written in both Hawaiian and English.This is a story for you Lilipua, my little sister.Mama says your name means Miniature Flower, but she always laughs afterwards. I think it's a joke between her and Papa. Lilipua really means This Flower Could Make You Jealous.A lot of things happened before you came to our family. I'm going to tell you some of them now. These things are really, really, really important. So listen very carefully. And whatever you do, don't fall asleep!OK?Rating G; Reading Level Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Marshmallows

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Dragon's Tears available at Amazon. From the depths of depravity comes another human being - no different than you or I. Ron knows how to survive. But his world is about to change.Even though Ron's world is vastly different from yours and mine, you'll find yourself relating to him, plotting with him, and hoping for him.Every day Ronald sends that part of himself which is Ron out of the pit to collect money, news, and/or food. These are the only things of value in the pit. To keep the reality Ron encounters from disturbing Ronald, Ronald breathes in Dragon's Breath and if it's too much, he takes Dragon's Tears. These are his rewards for Ron having brought back money, news and/or food to the pit.Ronald knows he can never leave the pit. And neither he nor Ron have any desire to do so, until Ron encounters Rose. Then they start to make a plan to escape.Cheer them on in Dragon's Tears.Fantasy, Drug Den, Alternate Reality, Great EscapeLength: 25 Pages - CondensedReading Ease: Very Easy; Reading Level: 5th GradeRating / Maturity: PG13; Target Audience - Young Adult; Those facing a choice between being chained to drugs and freedom to be themselves.Longest Words: Conversations, Communications,

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Sing Ho was innocently walking down the street minding his own business. Then he noticed a FedEx Truck driving down the street. There was nothing unusual about today. There was nothing unusual about the Fedex Truck. The normal amount of people were milling about. The normal number of cars and trucks were on the road. There was the normal number of buildings.But for a second, Sing Ho and that FedEx Truck were the only two objects in the world. Then there was only one, and Sing Ho's world went completely dark. Normalcy had just taken a left turn on the road to nowhere.Rating G; Reading Level Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Transportation

  • av Dale Stubbart

    In my mind, an expressive website is one which has personality. It is one which reflects your personality or the personality of your company. Do you want a plain classic website or one with flair?To some people an expressive website has a video or a slideshow. To others, it starts with a big picture at the beginning, before you get to any text. In my mind, an expressive website should be expressive throughout.My websites have always been expressive. My main website is both expressive and playful. Expressive applies to fonts, color themes, layout or arrangement, pictures, buttons, menus, and other elements of a website. And yes, it also applies to videos if you have them.Expressive websites should be engaging. Many websites take engaging to mean reminding you to sign up for their newsletter. Many websites take that too far, IMHO.Expressive websites take into account language. Do you say IMHO or In my opinion? Do you use words from more than one language?Do you use emojis? Are you a minimalist? Or do you use a lot of whitespace? Are your paragraphs single-spaced or double? Are they indented or not?This book explains how to make your website more expressive, more representative of you or your company. I keep things simple. You don't need to be a programmer. In order to keep things simple, I developed several functions that you can also easily use. It's all included in this book.Now, be exPRESSive!

  • - Your Favorite Place to Live
    av Dale Stubbart

    Falling in love is easier when you're open to living your passion. And when you fall in love with a place, you call it Paradise. You call it Home. But, what makes us fall in love with a certain place? What makes us want to live there?Discovering Home explores several attributes that make a place a Best Place to Live. Of course everybody has a different set of criteria for what makes a place Home. We all apply that criteria differently. This book is filled with top 10 lists. It also helps you figure out how to create your own top 10.Yet, just knowing where your favorite place is, doesn't quite cut it when you call that place home. Somehow, you've got to live there. That place is calling you to keep coming home, until you are homeDiscovering Home helps you explore this world to find Home. It also helps you explore your deeper, inner world to find that place you call Home. You will find that they are they same. Taking both paths to get there is more satisfying. For when you do, you really know that you are Home.Rating G; Reading Level Easy 6th; Longest Word: Multiculturalism

  • av Dale Stubbart

    I call Personal Electric Vehicles IEVs. That's because people want their Electric Vehicle to be more personal. They want it to resonate with who they are (I). Can you blame them? An IEV is like your alter ego. For some people, this would be a Tesla or a Nissan Leaf. But, IEVs are more personal. That means they're typically smaller. Often they're smaller or not much bigger than the driver / rider.Ask yourself these questions. If I put wheels on my feet and added some batteries for electricity, what would I transform into? How fast would I be able to go? And, how much fun could I have getting there? That's the IEV for you. What is a Personal Electric Vehicle (IEV)? How am I defining them?#1 It's Fully Electric: I won't be including any Hybrid Vehicles which use fossil fuels.#2 It's Personal: This vehicle not only gets you around, it is the definition of who you are.#3 It's Usually for One Person: One part of whether a vehicle is personal or not, is its capacity. While personal seems to imply one person, I'm going to include vehicles which hold two.You might normally be the only person in or on your vehicle. However, every so often, you might want to or need to, take someone else along. Perhaps you never go anywhere without your BFF. So, what kind of vehicles are we talking about here? Electric Skateboards, e-bikes, Micro cars and many more. I cover IEVs that travel on the ground - on the street and off-road. I cover those that go in and under the water and those which fly. I look at vehicles which are used on the farm and in the warehouse. The best part, is that I help you create an evaluation check-list for when you buy your IEV - the personal electric vehicle that is you.

  • av Dale Stubbart

    Ever feel like you're different? Perhaps you even feel like you're special. Are you out to save the world? Is your secret mission in life to help others?Meet the children of Generation Q. At first they had to be hidden because others were hunting for them, trying to eliminate them, before their specialness infected the world. For then it would be too late to mold the world according to the ideals of those who hunted these infants.What will it take for the world to accept these children who have now become adults? They look a little different from you and I. They act somewhat differently than you and I. And they definitely think very differently than any one of us.Should we fear them? Or should we accept their help and work with them to save the world?And what if, just when we're on the verge of accepting them, our worst, hidden fears come true? What if it's not we who are special?Rating PG13; Reading Level Easy 6th Grade; Longest Word: Evolutionarily

  • av Dale Stubbart

    And, lo, and behold, there was a famine throughout the landAnd Ice Cream was nowhere to be foundThe people cried and prayed for Ice CreamBut it couldn't be found in any freezerAll they could do was rememberUntil they all forgot, except oneHis name was GrandpaThis is a full dialog book. That means that the main part of the book is pure conversation. There are for speakers in this book - Young Bobby, Bobby's Grandpa, Bobby's mom, and a doctor. Grandpa loves telling Bobby about Ice Cream. But he's not supposed to, because supposedly there never was such a thing. Bobby's Mom raises Bobby and takes care of Grandpa all by herself (well, Bobby helps). She seems obsessed with making Brownies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Read this book, remember all that you love about Ice Cream, and find out why it has disappeared in this version of the world. Also enjoy all the scheming by Grandpa and Bobby.

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