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Bøker av D. L. Narrol

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  • av D. L. Narrol

    The fifth book of D.L. Narrol's time travel series has the same steampunk 1912 time-travelers venture again via Dr. Dimitrikov's time machine. They've somehow adopted a misplaced cave lion, an ill-behaved Neanderthal and Olga, the assistant commander of the KGB from their future; The Soveiet Union (1970). Captain Limmerick, tries to have his new companions assisted back to their time periods, but not all goes as planned. Dr. Dimitrikov discovered nuclear fuel when they had previously traveled to the U.S.S.R, in previous book Arctic Quest, but is inept on how to use it. They land in 1992, to discover the KGB has been over-run with corrupt pseudo-capitalism.The time machine's control panel is, by mistake, tampered with by the hostile Neanderthal, which leads the time travelers to Johannesburg, South Africa (1900), during the Anglo-Boer War. Captain Limmerick evaded this war twelve years prior, in his own time period; but, is compelled to involve himself because of his religious beliefs and his love and admiration for a victimized Zulu woman. Limmerick's distaste for war comes into play, where he changes history forever.

  • av D. L. Narrol

    It's almost 1911. Colin Limmerick, the handsome sea captain, has a problem. He's stuck with a twenty-eight-thousand-year-old Neanderthal on board his ship. He realizes he must venture into another time-travel quest to bring the ancient beast back to its own time period.Rosa, the pretty archaeology Ph.D. student, instills to eccentric Russian-scientist, Dr. Sasha Dimitrikov that they need another means of fuelling the time machine. The inventor of time travel has the idea of converging magnetic lines at magnetic true north in the Arctic to fuel the time machine and deliver the Neanderthal back to its time period.Limmerick, Dimitrikov, Rosa, and the sexy chancellor of the university venture Arctic waters, where they are confronted by an unexpected blast from their future. A Soviet sub from 1970 slips through the time vortex! Just what Colin, Rosa, and Dr. Dimitrikov needed on this mission.

  • av D. L. Narrol

    The third steam punk adventure of the Prehistoric Journey series takes the four time travelers to the unexpected once again. It's 1910, Captain Limmerick, Dr. Dimitrikov, Rosa, and Amoli mistakably time travel to 1487 England just after The War of the Roses. The queen is enchanted with Limmerick and has him knighted, where he must undergo challenging jousting tournaments, and prove his abilities as a skilled archer. He becomes entangled with the king's rivals and finds himself in near death situations. He uses his position, as part of the king's court, to rescue his friends from the castle dungeon, but struggles with the crown's idea of chivalry.During this voyage, they discover prehistoric mammals have been misplaced from when they tried to close the passage through time in Celtic Odyssey. The four time-travelers attempt to return to 1910, but another error occurs and for the first time, they travel to their future - 1970.

  • av D. L. Narrol

    Colin Limmerick is faced with the continuing dilemma of time travel gone wrong. Prehistoric beasts have filtered through the vortex of time and have appeared in his present day of 1910. Rosa, his past love, indicates they must block the passage of time and the only way to do it is to venture through another prehistoric journey. The eccentric Russian scientist, Dr. Sasha Dimitrikov, who developed the time travel device explains their return trip through time may not take them to the days prehistoric beasts roamed, but they could land anywhere in time. Limmerick has misgivings about his prehistoric expeditions through time, he feels he has opened a Pandora's Box by trying to play God. His life grows even more chaotic when he finds himself in the chancellor's bed. The chancellor agrees to fund his prehistoric time travels if he agrees to be her lover. He breaks his engagement with Amoli, who tries desperately to win him back. When they enter the time vortex, they, by mistake end up in 840A.D., the time of the ancient Celts. Viking invasions are ravaging Celtic villages and they are not prepared for this time in history. He is chosen to be the head warrior for the Celts in a series of battles with Viking warriors. He is unsure of himself because of his lack of experience with a sword. Dr. Dimitrikov tries to teach him swordsmanship, but it takes years for a great warrior to master a sword. When the head Chieftain of the Celts, first sees Amoli, her beauty enchants him; where he must have her. He demands to fight Limmerick to the death for Amoli's hand. The battle intensifies, while the spectators are roar with terror, thinking their newfound Celtic warrior has been killed by the Chieftain.Rosa is jumped by two Celtic hunters, she fights them off but they manage to steal Dr. Dimitrikov's time travel device. Despite all he has been through, she is determined to come up with a plan to retrieve the very important time travel device. There are also continuous meetings with Megaloceros giganteus; a prehistoric beast that leaked through the passage of time and ended up in the time of the ancient Celts. The Celts set up a burial for Limmerick. Rosa tries desperately to reach him. She kneels by his side to realize that he miraculously survived the battle. Amoli becomes the Chieftain's possession, but when he sees Limmerick is alive, he refuses to give her up. Limmerick and Dimitrikov both charge at the Chieftain with two-handed claymores and relentlessly fight him to his death.Dr. Dimitrikov finally positions the time travel device to take them back to 1910 A.D. They return to their modern-day living but Colin Limmerick is distraught that they witnessed a prehistoric mammal roaming an ancient Celtic time period. He realizes that he is an ill-prepared time traveler but learns through this Celtic Odyssey that prehistoric beasts are roaming throughout time.

  • av D. L. Narrol

    Colin Limmerick lives a double life. His rugged good looks and merchant fishing trade don't coincide with his desire to continue his higher education at a London university. His Irish working-class pirate-like behavior repulses his stuffy elitist professor making it difficult for his research to be taken seriously. Looks are deceiving when his research idea to prove Darwin by demonstrating the great Irish deer megaloceros giganticus was sexually selected against. He meets physicist, Dr. Sasha Dimitrikov, an eccentric escapee from the Russian Revolution, who has developed a time travel theory. The only way Limmerick can prove his research is to venture through a prehistory journey.In the midst of his frustration, he becomes enchanted with a lovely research student, Rosa, who he manages to woo with great difficulty. Her Edwardian prudish scowl continuously pushes him away, despite her stimulated attraction for him. She mistakenly tosses Limmerick aside and is lured into Dr. Dimitrikov's arms. This occurs when the three scholars are on the first prehistoric expedition 10,000 years in the past in search of megaloceros. They encounter a prehistoric environment that is too unknown and unmanageable for modern people to survive. They are faced with several challenges but manage to conquer by survival of the fittest.Limmerick's research on prehistoric evolution is greatly admired by a foreign professor from India, Dr. Sharma, who introduces his voluptuous daughter, Amoli. She falls instantly in love with Limmerick where he is at first reluctant but succumbs to her seduction dance not realizing the clash of the cultures that lie ahead. At the same time, he is faced with a new challenge recognizing the first expedition left unexpected damage. He must time travel again in order to mend the chaotic mess he left the first time. He and Dr. Dimitrikov are faced with another prehistoric expedition, which is more life threatening than the first especially when they are violently confronted by a family of Neanderthals. His excessive drinking carries through the novel but heightens with his destructive behavior when he finally comes to terms knowing two 20th century men can't play God and that he must fight for what he truly loves.

  • av D. L. Narrol

    In the midst of a bloody battle with the menacing troll, Beowulf, the handsome and mighty warrior begs the witch to take him to a far land in order to spare his life. She warns him that this land will be something he will never understand. She grants him his wish, where he finds himself at a female university dorm in twenty-first century London. He knocks on Kyla's door, where she is flabbergasted at the handsome warrior dressed in leather hides. Kyla, at first, is reluctant to believe this man is an ancient Viking warrior. She takes him in and teaches him the ways of the twenty-first century.Kyla keeps Beowulf a secret to the outside world, by giving him an alias name. Beowulf, enchanted by Kyla's kindness, falls in love with her. Her best friend, Beth, is enthralled with this mysterious beau but is unaware he is a fourteen hundred year old Viking warrior. Kyla tries to fight her feelings for the ancient Viking, but his love for her is too strong to resist.This blend of romance and humor unfolds until they are faced with the arrival of Grendel, the troll. The witches' love for Grendel is a curse to the mighty warrior, where she plays the rules of sorcery by the book. Kyla can't fit into Beowulf's mystical world because she is an outsider. The witch knows and understands Beowulf's destiny and isn't pleased when she discovers Beowulf's unstoppable love for Kyla.Grendel terrorizes the streets of London, where Beowulf feels responsible. He asks the witch to rid modern London of Grendel, but the only way to do so is to send Beowulf with the troll back to sixth century Daneland. This is not what either of the lovers wanted. They are both pained by the separation.Kyla is then given the chance to join Beowulf in his time; she is reluctant about living in the sixth century. She becomes anxious to see her love and assures the witch that her love for the warrior is genuine. The witch then agrees on condition Kyla fulfills the four Norse Rules. Kyla manages to accomplish three out of the four. The witch grants the wish, due to Beowulf's request.When Kyla arrives in sixth century Daneland, she struggles to survive the unruly conditions under King Hrothgar and his mead hall. However, she is reunited with her warrior, who tries to shield her from sixth century hardships.Kyla learns the people of Daneland have had dealings with the unruly troll mother, who later imprisons Beowulf. Luckily, Beowulf breaks loose from the tortures of the troll mother and he decides to let her live.The king orders Beowulf to slay Grendel, once and for all. Through several attempts, Beowulf finally kills the troll and the king honors him for his bravery. A celebration takes place where King Hrothgar indicates Beowulf will be the next king with Kyla as his queen. Kyla fears Beowulf will want to remain in his sixth century so he can be king of the Danes.Just when Kyla expects that she and her warrior will be returning to twenty-first century London, she is then faced with her warrior's final battle with the dragon. This is Beowulf's biggest challenge, because the witch knows his destiny. She knows the battle with the two-headed dragon is when Beowulf will die. Kyla is terrified that she will lose her love as she watches the dragon almost devour her warrior. Kyla calls for the witch's help. The only way Beowulf can survive the dragon's mortal wound is to be sent to the twenty-first century to have modern medicine save his life. He will no longer be part of the magical-mystical world and he will no longer have the strength of thirty men. The witch makes it clear that she will never step foot in Beowulf's life again because he is now an ordinary man. However, with his own mortal strength, he thrusts his sword into the dragon and it falls to its death.

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