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Bøker av Chris Martin

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  • - The Complete Story
    av Chris Martin

    Launched in 1971, the Alfasud was an all-new departure for Alfa Romeo, both in its design and its execution. Originally it was developed with the dual intentions of launching the company into large-volume production and providing a more affordable model than their highly regarded sports cars. However, its story was far from straightforward. Although respected for its technically brilliant design and universally praised for its ride and handling, the model never quite reached its full sales potential and its reputation was marred by problems that could not have been foreseen. With over 240 photographs, this book includes: A brief history of Alfa Romeo to the end of the 1960sThe development of the Alfasud’s design and the political reasons for building a new factoryThe car’s reception from both the press and ownersThe evolution of the model from initial prototypes, to the improvements to build quality and performance, including the Giardinetta and Sprint variations;Alfasuds in competitionA discussion of the political and labour problems, as well as the early quality-control issues, andSpecification tables, performance data, chassis numbers, engine codes and colour charts.

  • av Chris Martin

    "Cu Fața la Soare, cu Fața la Lună" este o călătorie captivantă și jucausă în lumea fascinantă a mișcării Pământului și a ciclurilor de zi și noapte. Această carte pentru copii transformă învățarea despre astronomie într-o poveste veselă, scrisă în versuri fermecătoare și bogată în ilustrații pline de culoare. În centrul acestei aventuri educaționale se află un dialog plin de umor și înțelepciune între o ciupercuță veselă și misterioasa Noapte Neagră. Copiii vor fi purtați într-o călătorie de descoperire, în care vor învăța de ce este zi atunci când Pământul se uită cu fața la Soare și de ce apare noaptea când se ascunde de acesta. Versurile își desfășoară farmecul într-un mod accesibil și ludic, captivând atenția copiilor și transformând procesul de învățare într-o experiență distractivă. Ilustrațiile bogate completează povestea, oferind imagini atrăgătoare și explicative, pentru a susține înțelegerea copiilor cu privire la fenomenele astrale. Această carte reușește să ofere o introducere plăcută și educativă în conceptele de zi și noapte, explicând într-un mod simplu și captivant cum Pământul dansează în lumina Soarelui și în întunericul încrețit al nopții. Este o resursă minunată pentru copiii curioși care vor să descopere secretele cosmosului într-un mod interactiv și plin de haz.

  • av Chris Martin

    O poveste de iarnă, încântătoare, plină de căldură și emoție, pregătită să cucerească inimile tuturor copiilor care caută povești cu adevărat speciale. Povestea captivantă transpune cititorii într-o lume de cunoaștere și înțelegere, în care inima de zăpadă devine metafora unei prietenii calde, dar fragile. În noaptea înghețată, iepurașul descoperă treptat tainele și emoțiile omului de zăpadă, iar teama că această prietenie efemeră s-ar putea topi odată cu răsăritul soarelui adaugă un iz de melancolie și sensibilitate. Cartea rămâne singura mărturie care poate ține în viată povestea unei prietenii. O metaforă plină de sensibilitate, trăire și zăpadă!

  • av Chris Martin

    Bun venit în lumea minunat¿ a poeziilor vesele ¿i pline de culoare, create de Chris Martin ¿i adunate într-o carte plin¿ de tâlc, "Pe balt¿ la ¿äa Floarea"! Aceast¿ carte fermec¿toare este ca un t¿râm al fanteziei, unde animalele devin adev¿räi actori într-un spectacol de comedie la ¿ar¿.Chris Martin, maestru al zâmbetelor ¿i al cuvintelor juc¿üe, deschide cartea cu un dans de versuri, mul¿umindu-v¿ cu rime c¿ äi ales s¿ p¿¿i¿i într-un col¿ de natur¿ ¿i imaginäie. Aici, peisajul rural prinde viä¿ în rime hazlii, iar animalele devin personaje vesele ¿i pline de surprize.Poeziile pline de sunet ¿i bucurie sunt precum mici lec¿ii de în¿elepciune împachetate în râs ¿i culoare. Prin fiecare vers, Martin v¿ provoac¿ s¿ v¿ pune¿i imaginäia la treab¿, s¿ v¿ dezvoltäi creativitatea ¿i s¿ v¿ bucuräi de magia simpl¿ a vie¿ii la ¿ar¿.Aceast¿ carte nu este doar o colec¿ie de poezii, ci o invitäie la aventur¿ ¿i descoperire. Cu personaje fermec¿toare ¿i scenarii amuzante, micii cititori vor explora lumea animat¿ a satului, într-un mod plin de voie bun¿.Deci, strânge¿i-v¿ cu töii în jurul c¿r¿ii, preg¿ti¿i-v¿ s¿ râde¿i cu poft¿ ¿i s¿ visäi cu ochii deschi¿i, pentru c¿ aceast¿ carte este o c¿l¿torie plin¿ de bucurie ¿i înv¿¿¿minte, preg¿tit¿ s¿ v¿ captiveze inimile ¿i imaginäia!

  • - and his French racing Fords
    av Chris Martin

    Charles Montier was an engineer, mechanic and Ford dealer in France who improved the ubiquitous Ford model T for the French market. He also modified and raced Fords in the 1920s and '30s with some success for himself, his son and his racing customers. This is the story of how growing up around the family blacksmith's forge and his early training led him to being known as the "Sorcier de la Ford" translated as the Sorcerer or Wizard. The Ford model T was not the obvious choice to race in the first running of the world famous 24-hour race at Le Mans but not only did Charles take on the challenge but he finished in a credible 14th place. He was even more successful in hill climb events in France and Belgium and then contested Grands Prix races in Europe against the best known names of the day. This book aims to bring him the belated fame he so richly deserved.

  • - Sorcier de la Ford T
    av Chris Martin

    Charles Montier était un ingénieur, mécanicien et concessionnaire Ford en France qui a amélioré l'omniprésent Ford modèle T pour le marché français. Il a également modifié et piloté des Ford dans les années 1920 et 1930 avec un certain succès pour lui-même, son fils et ses clients de course. C'est l'histoire de comment grandir autour de la forge du forgeron familial et sa formation précoce, l'ont amené à être connu sous le nom de "Sorcier de la Ford". Le modèle Ford T n'était pas le choix évident pour participer à la première course de la célèbre course mondiale de 24 heures au Mans, mais non seulement Charles a relevé le défi, mais il a terminé à une 14e place crédible. Il a eu plus de succès dans les courses de côte en France et en Belgique, puis a disputé des Grands Prix en Europe contre les noms les plus connus de l'époque. Ce livre vise à lui apporter la renommée qu'il méritait tant.

  • - Walking alongside a youth in crisis
    av Chris Martin

    Are you concerned about the direction your youth's life is taking? Have you ever thought, I can't keep doing this; something must change? Or have you had a tragic event involving your youth rock your world leaving you struggling to regain peace? Do you wonder about what comes next? Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. This book is filled with road signs of what works and what doesn't work in walking alongside a youth in crisis. It takes us on a journey with a youth and his loved ones as they seek to find peace amidst a life of turmoil. It traces the authors efforts to support a 'son' as he journeyed through his conflicts of mental issues, drugs, alcohol, homelessness, struggles with abandonment and social anxiety leading to suicidal thoughts.Pain, mental anguish, suicide, faith, and conflict are all explored along this journey. The book uses the overlapping journeys as insights into some of the shortfalls, behavior triggers and warning signs that you the reader might see in yourself or your loved one as you walk with your troubled youth or worst, try to maintain a sense of normalcy after they've made a tragic choice. Lessons learned are shared and insights given as to how to navigate some of these obstacles and find peace. The author's hope is that you learn from the experiences in this book as you echo your own journey.

  • - On Poetry, Autism, and Our Neurodiverse Future
    av Chris Martin

  • av Chris Martin

    A straight forward search for the culprit behind a misdirected but wounding snowball, sets Inky Stevens (The Great School Detective) on the trail of a much greater and more menacing crime.

  • av Chris Martin

    Are we living in a shitty heaven or a tender hell? Chris Martin's poems wrestle with reconciling the shocking horrors and common graces of everyday life in America.

  • av Chris Martin
    606 - 2 194,-

  • av Chris Martin

    Set high up on the cliffs in the grounds of a ruined monastery, overlooking the dreary town of Blinkton-on-Sea, is the otherwise unremarkable Blinkton High School. Here resides the enigmatic Inky Stevens - a talented and astute student, better known as "the Great School Detective".

  • av David Scott, Chris Martin, Dr. Elsa Guzman & m.fl.
    225 - 505,-

  • - Stories, Poems, and Music of the Future
    av Chris Martin
    265 - 381,-

  • av Chris Martin, Chris Garibaldi & Jason Magill

    Project Portfolio Management (PPM) provides the ability to significantly reduce cost, increase delivery efficiency, save revenue for other investments, and more effectively employ the organization's workforce to strategically aligned initiatives. Deloitte Consulting LLP's PPM strategy team provides insights for technology and business leaders to better deliver for their respective businesses using PPM.PPM provides direct visibility into a leader's organization, thus providing the information required to lead and make decisions authoritatively. It can be applied to many industries at varying levels of organizational maturity. By focusing on people first, then on process-and viewing technology as an enabler-you can use PPM to guide your business to maturity. If applied effectively, PPM helps one masterfully command his or her organization.Clearly stated and supported by real world examples, this guidebook helps leaders wield the power of PPM!

  • av Chris Martin

    The first collection from UK Writer and Poet Chris Martin, this eclectic mixture of performance poems, short fiction and comics acts a high-water mark for his work to date. The work spans topics including parenthood, drunken nights out, spontaneous group singing, depression, and glitter and has been created over a year of performance and public projects. Inspired by the poets of his childhood including the Mersey Beat Poets and Spike Milligans, Chris has blended their irreverent and often sideways perspective with the performance passion of modern artists like Scroobius Pip, Jess Green and Adam Kammerlin to create a style of his own. His work is not always safe for work, but is always designed to make you smile as well as think.

  • av Chris Martin

    World War II

  • av Chris Martin

    Speed Cameras, Ramblers, People Carriers ... our country is going down the toilet and nobody in power seems to care - what can be done to make Britain great again?

  • av Chris Martin, Garrett Nagle, Michael Witherick, m.fl.

    Supporting the OCR Geography specification; these resources use real-world examples in case study material. They provide support for various abilities with stretch and challenge activities for A2 students.

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