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Bøker av Carlos Paulo

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  • - Basic lymphatic drainage for face Venus-Star protocol
    av Carlos Paulo

    TRAINING MANUAL FOR BEGINNERS AND TRAINERS. This book is practical and accessible with explanatory diagrams. It is a simple and effective technique. BASIC LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE SIMPLE PROTOCOL: Venus - Star Protocol

  • - The origins: Comic book superhero - Restored Edition 2021
    av Carlos Paulo

    Discover the adventures of the famous SUPERHERO "ATOMAN".2 fully restored adventures for the delight of comic book fans, children ...The setting takes place in the 1946s, in the context of new atomic bomb.Spy hunt, fight against magician ...This 1946 edition is fully restored.New comic bubbles, Correction of color shifts.Comes from Spark Publications.Editing: Greene J.1946Comic books Restore: PauloC. 2021In the same collection: The black Cobra (1954- restored 2021).36 color pagesSize 8 x 10THEMATIC: COMIC BOOKS ADVENTURE SUPERHEROES BOOKS FOR GIFT

  • - Protocoles antidouleur - Face et nuque. Neuro-facelift expérimental.
    av Carlos Paulo

    Pour praticiens de la santé, esthéticiennes, SPA ou pour tous !Retrouvez plus de 20 protocoles d'applications accessibles.Soignez vos douleurs orofaciales avec des ventouses. Utilisez des schémas explicatifs et des photos !Le présent ouvrage se centre sur une action neurologique des ventouses et plus précisément sur les nerfs cutanés sensitifs de la face et de la nuque. Cependant, la finesse de la neuroanatomie, nous invite à utiliser des méthodes complémentaires (hamac cervical, bâtonnet de massage, gua sha...). Les protocoles présentés sont accessibles à tous dans leurs principes de base. Il n'est pas besoin d'être ostéopathe ou spécialiste. Soignez la douleur orofaciale mais aussi nucale à domicile ou au cabinet du praticien. Ce livre est une source d'inspiration pour tous les soignants en thérapie alternatives et plus spécialement en cupping.La douleur faciale est essentiellement d'origine trigéminale puisque le nerf de la sensibilité de la face et du cou est le nerf trijumeau. Cependant, nous allons aborder le nerf grand occipital (dit d'Arnold) pour traiter les douleurs faciales.La partie n°1 avec un protocole de base antidouleur et 9 protocoles de ventouses faciales. Ils peuvent s'agencer comme un puzzle. Également, retrouvez des notions nouvelles de neuro-facelifting !Les parties n°2 et n°3 sont des approfondissements des connaissances de la première partie avec la connaissance des connexions nerveuses et des précisions sur le trijumeau.La partie n°4 est une application de ventouses aux onze nerfs cutanés de la face du trijumeau. Les onze nerfs seront décrits avec des techniques, de l'anatomie et peuvent faire l'objet d'un protocole isolé. Elle complète comme un puzzle, les neuf protocoles de la partie 1 avec des précisions pour le neuro-facelifting expérimental.La partie n°5 est une description détaillée et originale du nerf grand occipital qui inspirera beaucoup les thérapeutes.

  • av Carlos Paulo

    For health practitioners, beauticians, SPA or for everyone!Find more than 20 accessible application protocols.Treat your orofacial pain with suction cups.Use explanatory diagrams and photos!The present work focuses on the neurological action of the suction cups and more precisely on the sensitive cutaneous nerves of the face and the neck.However, the finesse of neuroanatomy invites us to use complementary methods (cervical hammock, massage stick, gua sha, tuning fork, etc.).The protocols presented are accessible to all in their basic principles. You don't need to be an osteopath or specialist.Treat orofacial but also nuchal pain at home or in the practitioner's office.This book is a source of inspiration for all therapists in alternative therapy and more specifically in cupping.Facial pain is mainly of trigeminal origin. The nerve of the sensitivity of the face and the neck is the trigeminal nerve. However, we will study the greater occipital nerve to treat facial or cervical pain.Part n° 1 with a basic pain relief protocol and 9 facial cupping protocols. They can be put together like a puzzle. Also, find new concepts of neuro-facelifting!The parts n° 2 and n° 3 are deepenings of knowledge of the first part with the details of nerve connections and on the trigeminal nerve.Part n° 4 is an application of suction cups to the eleven cutaneous nerves of the face. The eleven nerves will be described with techniques, anatomy and can be the subject of an isolated protocol. It completes like a puzzle, the nine protocols of part 1 with details for experimental neuro-facelifting.Part n° 5 is a detailed and original description of the greater occipital nerve that will inspire therapists a lot.

  • av Carlos Paulo
    336 - 361,-

  • - Lymphatic drainage and face-lifting protocols
    av Carlos Paulo

    FACIAL CUPPING BOOKPractice with facial cupping set glass or silicone set. natural beauty book by dk with facial cups for cupping therapy for rejuvenation.Facial cupping protocols, natural beauty book with cups, 70 pages, 6" x 9 ", white paper / interior color / facial cupping for beginners / Easy four different programs for beauticians , family, Spa or for all.This book is practical and accessible, explanatory diagrams with natural beauty products set. It is a simple and effective technique with cheap natural beauty products for girls (or boys). Each step is detailed, with simple words for effective beauty tips, Cupping therapy and cups for face are safe therapy. Simple memo with lymphatic drainage or rejuvenation protocols.The action of the suction cups acts on the different depths of the skin, muscles, and fascia. All vascular and nerve structures are stimulated. The cupping facial will have a manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) effect. The cupping facial of this book is not based on Chinese medicine. It is based on the anatomical knowledge of the muscles and lifting concepts. By its physiological effect, facial cupping provides many reliefs.DIFFERENT PARTSThis natural beauty book is divided into four parts.LYMPHATIC DRAINAGEThe first part, insists on lymphatic drainage. Try the Venus-Star protocol! The second part, is a deepening of the knowledge of the first part on lymphatic drainage. These two parts are a kind of lymphatic drainage book. It wants to be autonomous and practical for anyone with little anatomical knowledge.There will also be close links between the lymphatic system and the venous system.REJUVENATIONThe third part, is an application of suction cups for the rejuvenation and facial treatments , wrinkles. Try three protocols of rejuvenation!! The fourth part, explains three tips or methods that are included in the concept of integrative facial cupping. INTEGRATIVE FACIAL CUPPING CONCEPT The face is a structure plated on a hollow sphere. So cleaning the mouth, nasal cavities, massage of the Meibomian glands are techniques that are included in this concept. Try the concept of INTEGRATIVE FACIAL CUPPING!! So the keywords of facial cupping are drainage, lifting, muscle release and toning! The cupping facial takes care of the whole face and the surrounding areas (face, neck and low-necked).This book is a complement with facial cupping set anti-aging composed with facial cupping set silicone . The theme of this book included facial cups for cupping therapy / facial cupping glass suction / natural beauty gift set for women /facial cups for cupping / cupping kit facial / cupping therapy sets with pump / wrinkles cream / facial cupping oil / cupping set silicone small / facial cups massage / facial cups for products.

  • av Carlos Paulo & Paulo Notebooks

    Bloco de notas simpático que te acompanhará durante a gravidez. Escreva suas experiências dia após dia. Portuguese Friendly notebook that will accompany you during your pregnancy. Write down your experiences during your pregnancy. Day after day.

  • av Paulo Carlos Paulo & notebooks Paulo notebooks
    264 - 438,-

  • av Carlos Paulo & Paulo Notebooks
    466 - 682,-

  • av Carlos Paulo & Paulo Notebooks
    415 - 526,-

  • av Carlos Paulo

    Para profesionales de la salud, esteticistas, SPA o para todos... Encuentre más de 20 protocolos accesibles. Trate su dolor orofacial con ventosas. ¡Usa diagramas explicativos y fotos! El presente trabajo se centra en la acción neurológica de las ventosas y, más precisamente, en los nervios sensibles de la piel de la cara y el cuello. Sin embargo, la delicadeza de la neuroanatomía nos invita a utilizar métodos complementarios (hamaca cervical, bastón de masaje, gua sha, etc.). Los protocolos presentados son accesibles para todos en sus principios básicos. No tiene que ser un osteópata o especialista. Trate el dolor orofacial pero también el dolor nucal en el hogar o en el consultorio del profesional. Este libro es una fuente de inspiración para todos los cuidadores en terapia alternativa y más específicamente en ventosas. El dolor facial es esencialmente de origen trigémino ya que el nervio de la sensibilidad de la cara y el cuello es el nervio trigémino. Sin embargo, vamos a ver el nervio occipital mayor (Arnold) para tratar el dolor facial. Parte n° 1 con un protocolo básico de alivio del dolor y 9 protocolos de succión facial. Ellos se pueden organizar como un rompecabezas. ¡Además, encuentre nuevos conceptos de neuro-facelifting! Las partes n° 2 y n° 3 son profundizaciones del conocimiento de la primera parte con detalles de las conexiones nerviosas y el trigémino. La parte n° 4 es una aplicación de ventosas a los once nervios cutáneos de la cara del trigémino. Los once nervios se describirán con técnicas, anatomía y pueden ser objeto de un protocolo. Completa como un rompecabezas, los nueve protocolos de la parte 1 con detalles para el neuro-facelifting experimental. La Parte n° 5 es una descripción detallada y original del nervio occipital mayor que inspirará mucho a los terapeutas.

  • av Carlos Paulo

    Pour praticiens de la santé, esthéticiennes, SPA ou pour tous ... Livre pratique et accessible avec des schémas. Technique simple et efficace. Ce livre n¿est pas basé sur la médecine chinoise. Basé sur la connaissance anatomique des muscles et des concepts de lifting. Procure de nombreux soulagement. La première partie insiste sur le drainage lymphatique. Partie autonome et pratique nécessitant peu de connaissances anatomiques. Essayez le Venus-Star Protocol!! La seconde partie : un approfondissement sur le drainage lymphatique. La troisième partie: une application de ventouses pour le rajeunissement et le traitement des rides. Trois protocoles sont présentés en relation avec les propriétés mécaniques de la peau et de vieillissement du visage. Essayez trois protocoles de Face-lifting et rajeunissement!! La quatrième partie: le visage est une structure plaquée sur une sphère creuse. Essayez le concept INTEGRATIVE FACIAL CUPPING!

  • av Carlos Paulo

    FACIAL CUPPING BOOK Facial cupping protocols, natural beauty book with cups, 6" x 9 ", white paper / interior color / facial cupping for beginners / Easy four different programs for beauticians, family, Spa or for all. This book is practical and accessible, explanatory diagrams with natural beauty products set. It is a simple and effective technique with cheap natural beauty products for girls (or boys). Each step is detailed, with simple words for effective beauty tips. Cupping therapy and cups for face are safe therapy. Simple memo with lymphatic drainage or rejuvenationprotocols. Do like the Hollywood stars (like the Kardashian family), practice facial cupping therapy with this cupping therapy book. You need to: cupping kit facial / cupping kit silicone / cupping set silicone small / facial cupping oil or wrinkles cream / gua sha or roller jade. DIFFERENT PARTS This natural beauty book is divided into four parts. LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE The first part, insists on lymphatic drainage. Try the Venus-Star protocol! The second part, is a deepening of the knowledge of the first part on lymphatic drainage. These two parts are a kind of lymphatic drainage book. It wants to be autonomous and practical for anyone with little anatomical knowledge. REJUVENATION The third part, is an application of suction cups for the rejuvenation and facial treatments wrinkles. Try three protocols of rejuvenation!! The fourth part, explains three tips or methods that are included in the concept of integrative facial cupping. CUPPING JOURNAL Also, this book can be a beauty tips calendar! Generally, you need three sessions facial cupping a week. But you can do every day, with little pression with cupping set. This cupping book features: + Four protocols and combo for wrinkles treatments + Lymphatic drainage with simply memo + Cheek anatomical treatments + Focus on palpebral anatomical zone Perfect book with natural beauty gift set / natural beauty gift set / cupping gi

  • av Carlos Paulo

    Pour praticiens de la santé, esthéticiennes, SPA ou pour tous ... Livre pratique et accessible avec des schémas. Technique simple et efficace. Ce livre n''est pas basé sur la médecine chinoise. Basé sur la connaissance anatomique des muscles et des concepts de lifting. Procure de nombreux soulagement. La première partie insiste sur le drainage lymphatique. Partie autonome et pratique nécessitant peu de connaissances anatomiques. Essayez le Venus-Star Protocol!! La seconde partie : un approfondissement sur le drainage lymphatique. La troisième partie: une application de ventouses pour le rajeunissement et le traitement des rides. Trois protocoles sont présentés en relation avec les propriétés mécaniques de la peau et de vieillissement du visage. Essayez trois protocoles de Face-lifting et rajeunissement!! La quatrième partie: le visage est une structure plaquée sur une sphère creuse. Essayez le concept INTEGRATIVE FACIAL CUPPING!

  • av Carlos Paulo

    Para profissionais de saúde, esteticistas, SPA ou para todos. Livro prático e acessível com diagramas explicativos.Técnica simples e eficaz. Este livro não é baseado na medicina chinesa. Baseado no conhecimento anatômico de músculos e conceitos de facelift. A primeira parte insiste na drenagem linfática. Parte autônoma e prática. Experimente o protocolo Venus-Star! A segunda parte: um olhar mais profundo sobre a drenagem linfática. A terceira parte: uma aplicação de ventosas para o rejuvenescimento e tratamento de rugas. Três protocolos são apresentados em relação às propriedades mecânicas da pele. Experimente três protocolos de lifting e rejuvenescimento !! A quarta parte: a face é uma estrutura banhada em uma esfera oca. Experimente o conceito de integrative facial cupping !

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