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Bøker av Carlo Zen

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  • av Carlo Zen

    After somehow managing to live through the most grueling battle of their entire careers, Tanya and the 203rd receive a letter from the General Staff. Its contents are, essentially, “Hop on these rockets and go smash up the Republican Army’s HQ. Oh, and be sure to come back from this technologically unprecedented flight alive once you’re done with your absurdly dangerous mission!”

  • av Carlo Zen

    The 203rd Battalion’s manned V-1 rocket assault, a mission that will determine the fate of the Empire, has thrown the François Republic’s headquarters into chaos—and Tanya, along with a company of her toughest elites, is right on its doorstep to finish the job. As the Commonwealth waffles over its next moves, lulled into complacency by the Empire’s retreat from the Rhine, General Zettour unveils the next phase of his devilishly brilliant strategy...

  • av Carlo Zen

    After surviving the hellish urban warfare in Arene, the members of the203rd Battalionare ordered to move on to their next assignment-in the rear!But the Republican Armyis waiting for them there and now has a bone to pickwith the hated Devil of the Rhine.The Republicans put up quite the fight inArene, and the threat they pose now isgreater than ever before..

  • av Carlo Zen

    After scoring decisivevictories in both Dacia and Nordland, Major Tanya Degurechaff now must lead hertroops into another battle with the great powers. The chance of total victory isfinally within grasp but is the Empire too drunk on their recent successes tomove when the time comes??

  • av Carlo Zen

    When the average Japanesesalaryman is suddenly thrown into in a world wracked with warfare and hardshipby a supernatural power, they might first think to hide or run away. But notTanya Degurechaff. A calculating and utilitarian man has been reborn as a childsoldier. This young girl will do anything to rise in rank and find a way to livea life of comfort, and woe to any king, country, or god who stands in herway.

  • av Carlo Zen

    A sociopathic atheist salaryman gets pushed onto a speeding train by the man he just fired, meets God, and then gets reincarnated as an 11 year old girl child soldier in alternate universe WWI Germany.

  • av Carlo Zen

    The Federation's Offensive-Rising Dawn. The Federation has been steadily preparing itself for the decisive battle. As the moment of truth rapidly approaches, the Empire which has long been on the offensive remains unaware of the threat. In these dire circumstances, only one person has noticed where everything is heading: Tanya. Zettour also refuses to simply watch and begins his grand plan to deceive the world. In the end, the one who will pull the trigger on this operation is a monster in the guise of a young girl...

  • av Carlo Zen

    "To give oneself over to the desire for victory, as all must do in war, is a sickness unto death.General Romel's heroic exploits resulted in the replenishment of the Imperial Southern Continent Expeditionary Army Corps. Yet the Empire, intoxicated by its wins in the south, has neglected the growing ambitions of the Reds in the east, and it cannot feel the hateful stares of the world. But even with the whole world against her, Major Tanya von Degurechaff will march into hell if she must."--

  • av Carlo Zen

    "It's all storm and stress for the Free Fraçnois Republic, as the Imperial Southern Continent Expeditionary Army Corps advances lightning-quick across the Republic's colonial holdouts. General Romel sends forth wave after wave of unconventional maneuvers, and it's not long before Tanya's 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion is part of the tide...!"--Amazon.

  • av Carlo Zen

    After escaping from Brest Naval Base, what remains of the Republican Army declares its intent to continue resisting the Empire from the southern continent. In response to this nasty case of snails in their lower regions, the General Staff issues a double dose of up-and-coming tactical genius Major General Romel and a certain legendary battalion to cure what ails the fatherland...¿

  • av Carlo Zen

    After the Empire suffers a Dunkirk-like defeat at the hands of the François Republic, it seems like Imperial HQ doesn't even care. Tanya heads back, determined to get to the bottom of the situation¿but what awaits her in the capital?

  • av Carlo Zen

    After surviving the Commonwealth's assault, the 203rd Battalion advances toward Parisii, the capital of the François Republic. Mocking the Republican Army's feeble attempts at resistance, Tanya assures herself that there's no way the Empire could get Dunkirk'ed like its equivalent from her previous life--but when her knowledge of history clues her in to something no one else can see, she may have to take matters into her own hands...

  • av Carlo Zen

    Time is not on the Empire’s side. It has become painfully clear that simply winning battles will not be enough to turn the tide of this war. Having no interest in sharing the fate of her country, Tanya immediately decides to do the only thing that makes sense—look for a new job! Of course, she’ll have to proceed with extreme caution, because her current employer isn’t some random company but the Imperial Army. As it happens, she isn’t the only one ready to do something drastic when push comes to shove...

  • av Carlo Zen

    No one but “enemy combatants” in need of extermination remain in Arene, and the members of the 203rd are finally forced to carry out their merciless orders. As the Devil’s Protocol comes to fruition, resulting in mountains of corpses and a battlefield that indeed resembles Hell itself, what path will Lieutenant Grantz, tormented by his conscience, choose to take...?

  • av Carlo Zen

    When the Republican Army, led by Lieutenant Colonel Vianto, attacks the imperial supply base of Arene, the Empire’s top brass orders the 203rd to carry out an operation that Tanya herself proposed back in war college—the “Devil’s Protocol.” But what exactly are the fearsome contents of this ominously named plan...?

  • av Carlo Zen

    When Zettour tries his best to caution against the reckless plan to strike at theFederation's vital resource fields, he soon finds himself "promoted" to a fielddeployment on the eastern front. Meanwhile, as the ill-advised Operation Andromedapresses on, commanding officer Tanya must fight another bitter battle despitedwindling supplies, poor communication, and exposed flanks. With retreat expresslyforbidden and time running out, the only way to survive is to win...

  • av Carlo Zen

    After a successful exercise with the Norther Sea Fleet, Tanya leads her battalion to the nostalgic, blood-soaked skies of the Rhine front lines for another mission...Only this time, the mission includes babysitting new recruits?!

  • av Carlo Zen

    Exhausted and drained, the 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion prepares to head home¿ until an encounter with a suspicious vessel from the Albion Commonwealth piques the little major¿s interest. Could this finally be Tanyäs one-way ticket to the rear?!

  • av Carlo Zen

    Only a step away from their demise, the Regadonia Entente Alliance desperately push for a government-in-exile. Meanwhile, the notorious ¿Rusted Silver¿ Tanya von Degurechaff faces off against Colonel Anson Sue in another fatal battle that threatens to change the course of the entire war...and her chances of promotion!

  • av Carlo Zen

    A sociopathic atheist salaryman gets pushed onto a speeding train by the man he just fired, meets God, and then gets reincarnated as an 11 year old girl child soldier in alternate universe WWI Germany.

  • av Carlo Zen

    A sociopathic, atheist salaryman gets pushed onto a speeding train by the man he just fired, meets God, and then gets reincarnated as an 11-year-old girl child soldier in an alternate universe in World War I Germany.

  • av Carlo Zen

    Finally, the Osfjord clash between Major Tanya von Degurechaff and Colonel Anson Sue of the Regadonia Entente Alliance reaches its climax! Who will emerge victorious in this fierce showdown between two world powers?! With the fate of the entire aerial mage battalion and the Imperial fleet resting on her tiny shoulders, failure is not an option for this vertically-challenged major¿certainly not when her reputation¿s on the line!!

  • av Carlo Zen

    Tanya struggles to endear herself to her new colleagues. Meanwhile, an order for a military mobilisation sends Degurechaff into a frozen, wintry environment. Seventh in the popular series.

  • av Carlo Zen

    The militaristic and action-packed manga series goes on, continuing to achieve popularity and critical acclaim.

  • av Carlo Zen

    In accordance with GeneralLergen''s friendly words of advice (from Tanya''s point of view), the Empirecloses in for an attack on Dacia. For a nation with no military aircapabilities, an attack from Tanya would mean more than just a devastatingoutcome...

  • av Carlo Zen

    Tanya is sent on a covert mission to initiate a border conflict with the Federation.

  • av Carlo Zen

    "First published in Japan in 2017 by Kadokawa Corporation, Tokyo"--Colophon.

  • av Carlo Zen

    "Girl--this, this is war."After being reborn and becoming a magicwielding soldier in the Imperial Army, Tanya Degurechaff bemoans her fate ofbeing placed at the very edge of the front lines instead of a comfy place in therear. Swearing revenge on Being X, she plunges head-first into battle, draggingher subordinate along with her!

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