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Bøker av Brian H. Cole

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  • av Brian H. Cole

    Before you purchase this novel, please view the YouTube preview.... https: // This novel is intended to be a fun read for a wide audience. --------------- The Wild West lives on. Book Preview After the Big Bang occurred, and after standard elements precipitated out due to the high pressure and temperature of star-building and explosions of supernovas, an unusual element was created under rare conditions. This Element is so rare that it's only found on a few planets within our entire universe, and one of those planets is planet Earth. forward billions of years into the future..... Asteroids, billions of years old, come crashing down on the Black Hills of South Dakota and into the eastern prairie. A free Band of Lakota Indians witnesses the most spectacular light show on earth. The light show lasted for hours while the Indian people took cover for their lives. forward 100+ years...... Soil erosion over the past 100+ years has uncovered many dark-rock outcrops on ranch land as well as on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The locals accepted these dark-rocks as ordinary landscapes, but one young Lakota Indian man became more curious, and the results he found were literally from out of this world. News of the Super Element brought fortune hunters from all over the country, and they descended on the Black Hills just like the gold rush days of the late 1870s. A modern Wild West begins, but it also has the modern dangers of adversary countries and inquisitive billionaires looking for a profit in the next significant invention. Who owns this Super Element, and who will protect it from being stolen? In a "David vs. Goliath" situation, this small community of ranchers and American Indians from the Reservation stand up to enormous opponents. With help from others in and around the Black Hills, they fight for what is theirs and for the national defense of their country. The book titled "Surviving Asteroid Storm Super Element 126" began billions of years ago when the elements of the universe were created. This new Super Element traveled in a cluster of asteroids for billions of years until some crashed onto planet earth. The story revolves around a strange dark-rock found in a poor rural area in South Dakota. The people of this community are strong, resourceful, and independent. They have survived harsh environmental conditions for all of their lives. Still, even they seek help when an astonishing material, found only in one area of our planet, attracts influential individuals and desperate countries. Help comes from a variety of odd sources, including bikers from the Sturgis Rally and an army of old pickup trucks.

  • av Brian H. Cole

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This novel is specifically written for general fiction readers from Young Adults to Adults. The novel does not contain sexual content or very bad language, although minor cuss words are occasionally spoken to emphasize emotion. This novel is intended to be a fun read. --------------- WARNING TO READER: This first chapter describes some bizarreness with the current understanding of quantum particles. This science may not be interesting to many and/or most readers. If the science is not of interest, then the author suggests skipping this first chapter, and to understand that Space, Time, and Mass have unknown and odd characteristics, and that modern science does not know what is beyond the coldest possible temperature, when even quantum particles stop vibrating and have no movement at all. Could this be an interface between our physical life and the Afterlife? Book Preview It was a very sad time for Bret Zimberman. His parents were in their final years of life, and as with most people, Bret wondered what happens after death. The experiences of a person don't just stop, with nothing beyond. After all, why are we here anyway? Bret reached out to religion and read about Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. They are all wonderful religions with many similarities, but there was no hard link between religion and the life after, at least not for Bret. Religion can help, but you need to believe without hard proof. So, this wasn't enough for him. Next, Bret turned to science, and studied many books on quantum physics in search of a link between our physical world (3 spatial dimensions plus the time dimension), and the next level that awaits us all. This research did turn up some weird stuff. For instance, we can affect quantum particles by simply realizing them, even at a distance. This changes the particle from a wave-function into a particle. You may have heard of the wave-particle duality A few subjects of modern physics took Bret's interest more than others. They were Quantum Entanglement, Cooper-Pairs, and Super-Fluids, and the last two required super cold, near Zero Kelvin. The strangeness of this physics had Bret wondering.... Could there be a link between the quantum strangeness and the afterlife? It seemed to Bret that there was a link between our physical world and some kind of existence beyond. Zero Kelvin is where no heat exists, even at the quantum level. What is beyond zero Kelvin? What happens just above Zero Kelvin? Does Quantum Field Theory and the Higgs Field dissolve? He needed to experiment to see what could happen at these super cold temperatures. Bret bought a cryogenic-like machine and super-cooled a small chamber. Then Bret created a camera that could withstand cold temperatures and he placed it near this chamber. The camera, connected to his computer and monitor, showed what happened within the chamber of this super-cold environment. He turned on the system and was witness to events never before seen by humans. Was he actually seeing back into the Higgs Field, and seeing images of the Afterlife?

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