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Bøker av Brad Johnson

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  • - Mastering Emotions and Replacing Hitting with Kindness
    av Brad Johnson

    Embark on an enchanting adventure with Teddy the Yeti and his friends, Dave the Dragon and Ursula the Unicorn, as they journey through the Labyrinth of Wonders to learn about mastering their emotions and replacing hitting with kindness.In "Teddy the Yeti and the Labyrinth of Wonders," young readers are introduced to a captivating story filled with fun, excitement, and valuable life lessons. This beautifully illustrated book follows Teddy and his friends as they navigate the thrilling challenges within the labyrinth, guided by a wise wizard who teaches them essential techniques for managing their emotions.From overcoming frustration with deep breathing to learning the power of perseverance and positive self-talk, children will delight in the experiences of these lovable characters as they discover the importance of treating each other with kindness and respect. Along the way, Teddy and his friends face a moment when hitting seems like the only solution to their problems. However, they quickly learn the consequences of such actions and the benefits of replacing hitting with kindness and understanding.This heartwarming and imaginative picture book, suitable for children aged 3-9, will inspire kids to explore their feelings and learn how to express them in healthy, constructive ways. Parents, caregivers, and teachers will appreciate the age-appropriate messages and techniques presented throughout the story, providing tools for fostering emotional intelligence and nurturing compassionate, empathetic behavior.As Teddy, Dave, and Ursula journey through the Labyrinth of Wonders, they develop the skills necessary to overcome challenges and build strong, supportive friendships. With its delightful illustrations and engaging story, this book is sure to become a cherished addition to your child's library, serving as a valuable resource for learning about emotions and the power of kindness.Join Teddy the Yeti and his friends in their quest to master their emotions and replace hitting with kindness. Get your copy of "Teddy the Yeti and the Labyrinth of Wonders" now and share this enchanting adventure with your little ones!

  • av Brad Johnson

    Découvrez le monde magique de l'honnêteté avec Teddy le Yéti et ses amis.Enseignez à vos enfants l'importance de l'honnêteté et de la confiance grâce à cette histoire d'aventure enchanteur.Dans une magnifique forêt mystique, Teddy le Yéti est impatient d'explorer et de se faire de nouveaux amis. Avec ses compagnons, Dave le Dragon et Ursula la Licorne, ils se lancent dans un voyage passionnant pour découvrir la grotte magique de Cristal.Mais Teddy raconte un mensonge sur le fait d'être un expert en lecture de carte, espérant impressionner ses amis. Bientôt, ils se retrouvent perdus et confrontés à des dangers dans la sombre forêt. Teddy se rendra-t-il compte des conséquences de son mensonge et trouvera-t-il le courage de dire la vérité ?Dans ce livre pour enfants chaleureux et magnifiquement illustré, vos petits apprendront: La valeur de l'honnêteté et de la confiance en amitiéComment dire la vérité peut aider à surmonter les situations difficilesL'importance de travailler ensemble en équipe Les récompenses magiques d'être honnête et fidèle à soi-mêmeLa joie de découvrir de nouvelles merveilles et de les partager avec des amis"Teddy le Yéti et le pouvoir de la vérité" est un conte enchanteur rempli d'aventures, d'amitié et de leçons de vie importantes qui toucheront les enfants de 3 à 7 ans. Avec ses illustrations charmantes et son histoire captivante, ce livre deviendra une lecture préférée à l'heure du coucher pour vos petits, alors qu'ils se lancent dans un voyage de découverte et d'apprentissage avec Teddy et ses amis.Les parents et les enseignants apprécieront les messages pertinents et adaptés à l'âge sur l'honnêteté, la confiance et le travail d'équipe intégrés dans le récit. En explorant le monde magique de Teddy le Yéti, vos enfants seront inspirés pour embrasser le pouvoir de la vérité et développer un solide sens de l'intégrité.Rejoignez Teddy, Dave et Ursula dans leur aventure passionnante pour trouver le trésor de la grotte de Cristal et apprendre l'importance de l'honnêteté et de la confiance en cours de route.Découvrez le pouvoir de la vérité avec Teddy le Yéti - Obtenez votre copie maintenant et partagez cette aventure enchanteresse avec vos petits !

  • av Brad Johnson

    Entdecken Sie die magische Welt der Ehrlichkeit mit Teddy dem Yeti und seinen Freunden.Bringen Sie Ihren Kindern die Bedeutung von Ehrlichkeit und Vertrauen mit dieser bezaubernden Abenteuergeschichte bei.In einem wunderschönen, mystischen Wald ist Teddy der Yeti begierig darauf, zu erkunden und neue Freunde zu finden. Zusammen mit seinen Begleitern, Dave dem Drachen und Ursula dem Einhorn, begeben sie sich auf eine aufregende Reise, um die magische Kristallhöhle zu entdecken.Doch Teddy erzählt eine Lüge darüber, ein Experte im Kartenlesen zu sein, in der Hoffnung, seine Freunde zu beeindrucken. Bald finden sie sich verloren und in Gefahr im dunklen Wald. Wird Teddy die Folgen seiner Lüge erkennen und den Mut finden, die Wahrheit zu sagen?In diesem herzerwärmenden und wunderschön illustrierten Kinderbuch werden Ihre Kleinen lernen: Der Wert von Ehrlichkeit und Vertrauen in der FreundschaftWie das Sagen der Wahrheit helfen kann, schwierige Situationen zu bewältigenDie Bedeutung des gemeinsamen Arbeitens im TeamDie magischen Belohnungen, ehrlich und sich selbst treu zu seinDie Freude, neue Wunder zu entdecken und sie mit Freunden zu teilen"Teddy der Yeti und die Kraft der Wahrheit" ist eine bezaubernde Geschichte voller Abenteuer, Freundschaft und wichtigen Lebenslektionen, die bei Kindern im Alter von 3 bis 7 Jahren Anklang finden wird. Mit seinen bezaubernden Illustrationen und einer fesselnden Geschichte wird dieses Buch zu einer beliebten Gute-Nacht-Lektüre für Ihre Kleinen, wenn sie sich mit Teddy und seinen Freunden auf eine Entdeckungs- und Lernreise begeben.Eltern und Lehrer werden die nachvollziehbaren und altersgerechten Botschaften über Ehrlichkeit, Vertrauen und Teamarbeit, die in die Erzählung eingewoben sind, zu schätzen wissen. Während Ihre Kinder die magische Welt von Teddy dem Yeti erkunden, werden sie inspiriert sein, die Kraft der Wahrheit zu umarmen und ein starkes Gespür für Integrität zu entwickeln.Begleiten Sie Teddy, Dave und Ursula auf ihrem aufregenden Abenteuer, den Schatz der Kristallhöhle zu finden, und lernen Sie unterwegs die Bedeutung von Ehrlichkeit und Vertrauen kennen.Entdecken Sie die Kraft der Wahrheit mit Teddy dem Yeti - Holen Sie sich jetzt Ihre Kopie und teilen Sie dieses bezaubernde Abenteuer mit Ihren Kleinen!

  • av Brad Johnson

    Descubre el mundo mágico de la honestidad con Teddy el Yeti y sus amigosEnseña a tus hijos la importancia de la honestidad y la confianza con esta encantadora historia de aventurasEn un hermoso y místico bosque, Teddy el Yeti está ansioso por explorar y hacer nuevos amigos. Junto con sus compañeros, Dave el Dragón y Úrsula el Unicornio, se embarcan en un emocionante viaje para descubrir la mágica Cueva de Cristal.Pero Teddy miente acerca de ser un experto lector de mapas, con la esperanza de impresionar a sus amigos. Pronto, se encuentran perdidos y enfrentando peligros en el oscuro bosque. ¿Se dará cuenta Teddy de las consecuencias de su mentira y encontrará el valor para decir la verdad?En este entrañable y bellamente ilustrado libro infantil, tus pequeños aprenderán: El valor de la honestidad y la confianza en la amistadCómo decir la verdad puede ayudar a superar situaciones difícilesLa importancia de trabajar juntos en equipoLas recompensas mágicas de ser honesto y fiel a uno mismoLa alegría de descubrir nuevas maravillas y compartirlas con amigos"Teddy el Yeti y el poder de la verdad" es un cuento encantador lleno de aventuras, amistad y lecciones importantes de vida que resonarán con niños de 3 a 7 años. Con sus encantadoras ilustraciones y una historia cautivadora, este libro se convertirá en una lectura favorita a la hora de dormir para tus pequeños, mientras se embarcan en un viaje de descubrimiento y aprendizaje con Teddy y sus amigos.Los padres y maestros apreciarán los mensajes relacionados y apropiados para la edad sobre la honestidad, la confianza y el trabajo en equipo que se entretejen en la narrativa. A medida que tus hijos exploren el mundo mágico de Teddy el Yeti, se sentirán inspirados para abrazar el poder de la verdad y desarrollar un fuerte sentido de integridad.Acompaña a Teddy, Dave y Úrsula en su emocionante aventura para encontrar el tesoro de la Cueva de Cristal y aprender la importancia de la honestidad y la confianza en el camino.¡Desbloquea el poder de la verdad con Teddy el Yeti! Consigue tu copia ahora y comparte esta encantadora aventura con tus pequeños.

  • av Brad Johnson

    What if I told you that you don't need to be six feet with a six pack to get a great woman?What if I told you that you don't have to change your core personality to strike up great conversations and take ladies on dates?What if I told you that most of the traits women are looking for in a man are closer to your grasp than you may think?Would you believe me?Your Dating Life Solved is not like any other men's dating advice book; it's your new secret weapon in the world of attracting great dates on command. Written for men who are ready to leave behind the frustrations and confusion of modern dating, this guide offers a refreshingly honest and practical approach to finding real relationships with quality women.¿¿¿¿ Understand the Language of Dating Profiles: Learn to read between the lines of a woman's dating profile. This book teaches you how to spot the signs of compatibility, helping you identify who could be a great match for you.¿¿¿¿ Master Your Online Presence: Discover the six essential photos that will elevate your dating profile from average to extraordinary. These aren't just fluffy ideas; they're based on my own successes and each one is a game-changer in how potential matches see you.¿¿¿¿ Decode What Women Want: Get inside knowledge on what women truly seek in a partner. This book bridges the long-standing gap, helping you understand the 'why' behind women's choices and preferences in the dating world.¿¿¿¿ Navigate Red and Green Flags: Recognize the subtle signals in a woman's behavior. Your Dating Life Solved helps you identify the green flags that signal a healthy, promising match and the red flags that alert you to swipe left.¿¿¿¿ 100 First Date Ideas: Say goodbye to the pathetic "dinner and a movie" routine. This book offers 100 creative, engaging first date ideas that are sure to impress and help foster a genuine connection.¿¿¿¿ Holistic Self-Improvement: This isn't just about dating. It's about your growth and success as a man. Learn practical strategies to improve every aspect of your life, ensuring you are balanced, confident, and genuinely happy - which makes you all the more attractive.¿¿¿¿ Be Authentically You: Discover why authenticity is your greatest asset in attracting the right woman. This book provides simple, effective ways to be yourself - the best strategy to attract someone who loves you for who you truly are.Your Dating Life Solved is packed with real-life strategies, personal anecdotes, and insights from my own experiences - saving you years of headaches and costly errors. It's the guide you've been waiting for - a no-nonsense, non-sleazy, and genuinely useful handbook to mastering the art of modern dating.¿¿¿¿ Your journey to finding lasting love starts here. Get your copy of Your Dating Life Solved now and take the first step towards a fulfilling and authentic romantic life. ¿¿¿¿

  • av Brad (Concordia University Johnson
    320 - 1 888,-

  • av Brad (Concordia University Johnson
    274 - 1 752,-

  • - 100 Uplifting and Affirming Letters from Your Fellow Educators
    av Brad Johnson & Hal Bowman
    296 - 2 114,-

  • - Crime, Conspiracy and Cover-Up: A New Investigation
    av Tim Tate & Brad Johnson

    Longlisted for the People's Book Prize 2018.At 12.16am on Wednesday, June 5, 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot and mortally wounded in the kitchen service pantry of the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles. A little over 24 hours later, he was pronounced dead. A 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, was captured in the pantry with a smoking gun in his hand. Eyewitnesses had seen him step out in front of Kennedy and begin shooting with a small calibre revolver. In April 1969, Sirhan was convicted of Robert Kennedy's murder and the wounding of five others. He was sentenced to death, later commuted to life imprisonment. He has been in prison - often in solitary confinement - ever since. The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy is the result of more than 25 years' painstaking forensic work that challenges some of the assumptions and conclusions around the murder. The authors have scrutinised more than 100,000 official documents, located previously unknown recordings, and conducted original new interviews with key figures in the case.They show that Sirhan could not have fired the fatal bullets, reveal detailed evidence of a murderous conspiracy involving organised crime, and disclose CIA documents detailing successful experiments to create a hypno-programmed political assassin. The book also unmasks the likely identity of one of the most enduring mysteries in the case - the infamous 'Girl in the Polka Dot Dress'.

  • av Brad Johnson

  • av Brad Johnson

    Nothing is off-limits in this ultimately American text. Smuggling Elephants through Airport Security attempts to position large academic ideas in shared public spaces, often discovering the absurdity and humour in making such connections.

  • - Effective Practices of Leaders in the Search for New Wisdom
    av Brad Johnson & Marty Zimmerman
    364 - 669,-

    This book describes leadership best practice and thinking.

  • - Incorporating Physical Activity into the K-8 Classroom
    av Brad Johnson & Melody Jones
    447 - 2 170,-

  • - 15 Keys to Maximizing Your Leadership Potential
    av Brad Johnson & Julie Sessions
    372 - 1 366,-

  • - 20 Ways to Help Students Excel in School and Life
    av Brad Johnson & Julie Sessions
    372 - 1 768,-

  • - Connecting the Art and Science of Teaching
    av Brad Johnson & Tammy Maxson McElroy
    556 - 1 255,-

  • - How to Use your GoPro Fusion, Hero 4/5/6/7 Stock, White, & Black
    av Brad Johnson

    Learn to use your GoPro device like a Pro! This guide is for anyone who is looking to capture amazing videos on their GoPro device. Compatible with GoPro Fushion, Hero 4,5,6, & 7. This book covers everything you need to know: - Taking awesome photos and videos- Time lapse photos- Rotating photos- Sharing your videos & photos- Underwater photography- Filming composition- Battery usage- Resolution & field of view- Gimbal usage- Video editing techniques- AND MORE! Disclaimer:This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees in regards to the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only. Please consult a professional before taking action on any of the contents found within.

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