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Bøker av Barbara McMahon

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  • av Barbara McMahon

    Shocking enough when Asher Callahan finds out he's the father of twins. It's even more life-changing to learn he's expected to take care of them. He knows nothing about two-year-olds! But as luck would have it, one of his employees, Charlotte Thompson, worked her way through college as a nanny. Desperate, he insists on her help with his daughters. The last thing Charlotte wants is to work with children again. She's had enough-first in foster care, then while in college. She loves her job and hopes to rise in the ranks, but not by babysitting the boss's twins. Still, how can she say no? Especially when he dangles business rewards like shares in the company. Can a pair of lively and delightful twins work magic on the adults in their lives? Can they all find love and become a family? If you enjoy single dad stories, you'll adore Love Times Three! Delve into your copy today!

  • av Barbara McMahon

    When Holly returns to the B-Bar-B ranch after her father's stroke, she learns some hard truths. Her father has been funding her carefree jet-set lifestyle for years with the ranch's profits, leaving the B-Bar-B on the brink of bankruptcy. Now she's desperate to make amends by rescuing the failing ranch and making sure her father has a home to return to when he leaves rehab. Cody, who helps his brothers run the nearby Rocking F, agrees reluctantly when his grandfather volunteers him to give Holly a hand. When he gets to the B-Bar-B, he's shocked at the condition of the place. Even worse, Holly doesn't know a steer from a milk cow and doesn't have a clue how to put things right. As Cody works closely with Holly, his opinion of her changes. Holly shows she understands her failings and is committed to making the B-Bar-B profitable again for her father. As they work together, the once reluctant cowboy realizes he wants a different kind of partnership with Holly. But can the one-time world traveler ever be happy with small town living in Wildcat Creek? If you enjoy fish-out-of-water stories, you'll love Holly's journey of discovery of what's important in life-and love. Holly's Reluctant Cowboy is a sweet western romance.

  • av Barbara McMahon

    In a Lake Tahoe casino, my heart still full after attending my daughter's wedding, I saw him. Nick and I clicked instantly, tumbled into love quickly, and our marriage changed both our lives. Nick, from confirmed bachelor to happily married man. Me-having someone to share my life with now that I'm free to spread my wings. And with Nick's job taking him all over the world, we can travel wherever we want on any schedule we choose. With an empty nest for the first time in eighteen years, I'm looking forward to a whole new life with someone I love dearly. Until I discover I'm pregnant. What will this do to our plans? How will my husband, who never wanted children, react? What will this do to our marriage? If you enjoy stories of happily married couples working through unexpected turns in their relationship, then you'll love Her Not So Empty Next. Join Ashley and Nick in this sweet romance about a love at first sight, connections and an unplanned baby. Start reading your copy today.

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Kristi got a bum deal in Wildcat Creek when the local gossips saddled her with lies about her character. She steers clear of the rumor mongers, only heading into town when the Royal Flush Ranch runs short on supplies. But one thing Kristi can't get in town are ranch workers. She's placed ads at the local feed store, but it seems the wagging tongues discourage anyone from applying. Without an experienced hand or two, she'll never turn the failing ranch around. Pretty much the moment Brodie gets to Wildcat Creek, he has to step in when a couple local yahoos are mistreating a sweet looking young woman. He's in town find a job for a ranch hand and when he pulls the card for work at the Royal Flush, he's surprised the very woman he'd stepped in for earlier is the one who's hiring. When Brodie learns the truth of Kristi's past, he works as hard as he can to turn things around for her. When disaster lands on her doorstep, he's the only thing between her and devastation. Will his actions drive them apart? Or will the miracle of their love strengthen and heal the bond between them? If you like cowboy romances, you'll love Kristi's Cowboy Hero.

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Army nurse Jenny Schofield's super power has four legs, a wet tongue and all the love she needs when PTSD hits. Luckily, with the help of her service dog, Val, she's gradually regaining some normalcy in her old home town. Routine is her friend-giant storms are not. When a major winter storm hits on Valentine's Day Eve, the rock solid rescue dog she trusts with her life goes on a rescue mission of another kind-and brings back Tucker Mason, a cowboy with a past nearly as traumatic as Jenny's. With too much snow for local road crews to handle, Tucker's stuck at Jenny's place for two days. What do a twice-burned cowboy and a nurse with nightmares too horrific to share have in common? Not a thing, except a dog who seems to know that sometimes friendship can evolve into love. A storm brought them together, but a fearless dog seems intent on teaching them that sometimes friendship can evolve into love.

  • av Barbara McMahon

    When Josh meets Eliza, he's riding a grudge. She's the nefarious bank executive foreclosing on his sick neighbor's property and he's there to set the matter straight. Cold-hearted bankers can't just take away a man's livelihood because he missed a payment or two. Eliza is stunned when Josh confronts her. She tries to explain the situation from her end, but he's having none of it. Finally she placates him-she'll review everything and see if the bank can extend the loan period. Not good enough. Josh wants her to meet with the rancher and see the ranch. Yet it's not only the man's ranch he takes her to, but his own. Over the next few weeks the discussion doesn't only center on the foreclosure, but on how to make things work-maybe even between them. Until the fateful day Josh slams back into her office accusing her of foreclosing after promising to extend the loan. Eliza did no such thing, but convincing Josh of that is almost impossible. If he can't believe her, then all the closeness she thought they had growing between them was nothing but will o'the wisp. How can it ever be made right?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Shelly loves the city, not the wilds of Wyoming. So when she inherits the family ranch, selling it as fast as she can and returning back home is a no-brainer.But when Shelly and her teenage brother get to Wyoming, they discover the ranch is a falling down wreck with only one cowboy left working it. Finding a buyer will take time, which means she and her brother will have to stay a while. Adam promised Shelly's great-uncle that he'd keep the ranch going after the old man's death. Maybe even stay after a bit to help the heirs. But when he meets the new owners-twenty-something Shelly and her young brother-he's ready to bolt immediately. Women and children, even a teen like Shelly's brother, trigger too many bad memories. But Shelly is far from able to handle the ranch alone, she asks Adam to stay just a while longer. The link between them grows by the day, but the pain builds inside Adam too. Soon it becomes impossible to bear and he has to walk away. Can their fragile connection bring Adam back to her? Is there any chance of them joining together as a family? If you love small town cowboy romances, you'll love Shelly and the Cowboy.

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Laura: I never believed in love at first sight until I met Taliq. The days that followed were magical. Each day I fell more and more in love with him. And it all proved to be a lie! If I never see him again, it'll be too soon.Taliq: There was no way I could have messed up more. Everything I did to protect my cousin only caused heartbreak. I was wrong. Can I ever make it right? Or am I bound to lose the only woman I've fallen in love with?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Chloe: I can't believe my eyes. Sheikh Karif bin Shakirah live and in person on the lawn of the White House. Ten years vanish and for a moment I'm that college girl in love with the mysterious student who makes my heart race. I wish I could give him a piece of my mind. But there's no way I can get any closer than behind the tape keeping journalists at a distance. As I turn away, I wonder if he ever thought about me after he vanished.Karif: I can't believe my eyes. I'd given up hope of ever seeing Chloe again and there she was only a few dozen yards away. Protocol insists I complete this news conference with the president when I want to dash across the lawn and talk to her. I know she had to hate me for leaving like I did. Would my explanation open her heart to forgiveness?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Bridget: Imagine me invited to a fairy-tale house party right on the Mediterranean for three whole weeks! I am in total awe. The mansion is luxurious beyond belief. The parties are amazing. But I'm enjoying the quiet times with the lonely little boy. His father is amazing, but so far out of my reach I don't even try. I'll leave that to the sophisticated socialites fawning all over him. I will cherish, however, the kisses we shared.Rashid: I'm jaded, I admit. And intrigued with the quiet little mouse of a woman who spends more time in my garden with my son than with the rest of the guests indulging in every lavish extravagance imaginable. Is she genuine? Or another gold-digger trying a new way to land a ring on her finger?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Sara: I know I act without thinking. Usually I can get away with it. But not this time. I'm in a foreign jail, accused of spying, and no one knows where I am. Discovery could mean an international incident. I am in such hot water!Kharun: I'm between the rock and hard place-to release a suspected spy and give the opposition more ammunition to overthrow the government, or let her remain in jail and risk an international incident. I so don't need this.A hastily concocted plan might buy them enough time to finalize a deal worth millions and avoid international repercussions. Can they fool the world into thinking they're in love?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    ReunionThe last thing Kelsey Adams wanted was to deal with her ex-husband Jared Martin. But when an elderly relative leaves them each fifty percent of his cattle ranch, they have to agree on how to settle the inheritance.Her sideKelsey wants to move her bakery business to operate from the long-time family ranch, using it as the perfect setting for her brand: Grandma Mary's. And forget the heartache caused when their marriage ended.His sideJared wants to continue in the ranching business, even though his acting career will keep him from Texas for months out of the year. It will give him a chance to see Kelsey and maybe one day change her mind.The impossibleCan these two find a way to make it work for both of them?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Temporary assignmentCache McKendrick can't believe the petite, blonde large-animal veterinarian is qualified to care for his ranch stock-she's too young, too inexperienced, too pretty. But when she proves her worth, he's intrigued. In more than one way.Long term feelingsBut this cowboy's been burned once already. So some pretty, vivacious, fun-loving, temporary vet isn't going to budge his stand against relationships. And Holly's made it clear-in six months she's moving on. Her goals haven't changed in a decade, nothing will stand in the way of achieving them now.Second chancesCan two people with definite beliefs discover second chances can make all the difference?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Practical Molly Spencer might dream of being swept away by a romantic cowboy but with her career goals firmly in place, she can't be enticed by the mysterious man who appears and disappears at his whim.Tell Harden's goal in life is to enjoy every moment to the fullest. And that includes showing a die-hard career woman she can let go a little to have fun without her career coming to an end.Giving into his sweet talking, Molly risks enjoying the fun Tell offers. Real life will return soon enough. And she'll have this sweet memory down the road-unless it turns into heartache if she lets herself fall in love.This clean and wholesome cowboy romance will fill your heart with the magic of romance. Get your copy today.

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Be careful what you seeSavannah Adams is the primary witness to a brutal murder. When her own life's threatened, she's placed into protective custody of the U.S. Marshal Service until the trial. When a second attempt is made, she's whisked away from her native Miami Beach and hidden at a ranch in Wyoming-complete with a cowboy marshal. Instead of warm water and sugar-sand beaches, she's faced with horses, cattle, freezing mountain streams and non-stop cowboys.It's just a jobMike Black's doing his best to remember business and not pleasure when faced with the blonde beauty from Florida. He wants to keep her safe and that includes safe from the cowboys on the ranch. Opposites attract and while she's falling for the cowboy protecting her, he's doing his best to keep his distance. She's an assignment and all that kissing could be construed as dangerous to the job-and his equilibrium.End of the trailIs their mutual attraction a temporary aberration due to forced close quarters? How can a Miami beach bunny and a gun toting cowboy marshal ever hope to build a future together?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Travel dreamsBecca Montgomery's been waiting six years for the chance to travel. As soon as her younger brother returns from college to take over the running of the family cattle ranch, she's off on a month-long adventure. Instead-she's shocked to learn he's not returning at all. Stunned with the news, she doesn't know which way to turn. She's been counting on him.Temporary helpJosh Randall's a cowboy with a fixed idea in mind-earn enough money to buy his own spread. A short-term summer job should give him the final amount needed for a down payment on a ranch he has his eye on. But most ranches are hiring for the long term and he's only available for the summer.Be careful what you wish for.You may just get it and find out it's not nearly enough.

  • av Barbara McMahon

    With the death of her policeman husband in the line of duty, Dakota vows to never give her heart to a man with a dangerous job. If she falls in love again it will be with an insurance agent or salesman. Firefighter Ryker intends to never marry. His childhood trauma put him off relationships forever. But when Dakota and Ryker meet, they find it impossible to stay away from each other. Can they somehow overcome their past and let love in?

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Tanner: I hold the loan on her business. In exchange for not foreclosing, she helps me find the perfect society wife. Someone who will marry for status and wealth and children. Love not required. Sunny: This is the stupidest thing I ever heard of, marrying to get in with the right family. So what that he came from poverty-he's now one of the richest men in San Francisco. He doesn't need help finding a wife. Sean: It's my fault my cousin Sunny's helping Tanner-I talked her into it. Big mistake. Now Tanner's more uptight than I've ever seen him. What's up with these two? If you love lighthearted romances, you'll love Finding A Wife for Tanner.

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Kori: How do I face the entire company celebrating the new account after being dumped by my coworker? Pretend to have a new man in my life? When I run that idea by the bartender who's giving me Dutch courage, he has just the new man for me. And what a hottie! I'm skeptical, but the stranger assures me he can play the role. Especially when his ex shows up and-instant new couple, him and me. We can pretend for one night. Then I never need to see him again. Beau: Anyone can play the part of devoted lover for one night. But when newspapers pick up on the new woman in my life, it gets really complicated. Now we need to pretend for a while longer. Is it a bit arrogant of me to think Kori would comply without something in return? Which makes it more complicated. And what happens if I want to change the arrangement? If you love pretend engagement stories, you'll be delighted with Billionaire's Betrothal. Delve into your copy today!

  • av Barbara McMahon

  • av Barbara McMahon

  • av Barbara McMahon

    Audra Wells moved out on her own after months of being ignored by her workaholic husband. She'd hoped he'd come after her but when he didn't she wondered if he even knew she'd gone. Now she was taking advantage of a quiet setting to make future plans for herself and the baby that was on the way. Mitchell Wells arrived at his brother's rental with laptop in hand. His doctor ordered complete rest for at least three weeks after the accident. He agreed to spend it at the mountain retreat-what he couldn't do was leave work behind. To his surprise the cottage is already occupied by his wife-his very pregnant wife! That changes everything. Can a workaholic man realize life is more than work in time to build a future and a family? You'll love seeing how this reunion story unfolds.

  • av Barbara McMahon & Barbara Low

    Faldo's Fate is a book about a boy whose daydreaming keeps getting him into trouble. He is persuaded to take a treatment from a mysterious herbalist, which is aimed at helping him focus. This begins a amazing adventure in the power of dreams, that teaches Faldo about consequences, loyalty, and self restraint.

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