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Bøker av B. B. Jankoski

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  • av B. B. Jankoski

    Do you want to be in charge of YOUR financial future? Here's the secret playbook to money management, investment, debt navigation, and more... all tailored for teens! Imagine a Saturday morning... Your phone buzzes, lighting up with excited texts from friends. They're planning the ultimate weekend adventure - movies at the coolest cinema in town, arcade games, mouth-watering burgers, and endless laughter. But then you glance at your wallet. A lonely $5 bill stares back... not even enough for a ticket at the discount theater. Frustration turns into panic as you scroll through complicated part-time job applications online. Words like 'savings,' 'investments,' and 'budgeting' taunt you like a secret code you just can't crack. While your friends are sharing jokes and making plans, you are left with that gnawing worry that you'll always be playing catch-up. Does that hit close to home? You're not alone... A staggering 54% of teens find themselves feeling overwhelmed and unprepared to handle the financial roller coaster waiting in the world of adulting. But wait - your superhero has arrived! It's not a bird, it's not a plane; it's a step-by-step manual to conquering the money game, living the dream, and never missing out on fun with friends again. Whether it's snagging that perfect job, making your money dance to your tune, or even becoming the next teen investment whiz - this guide is your backstage pass to the world of financial freedom. Here's just a select sample of what you'll discover within: ¿ A step-by-step guide to earning your first dollars, even if you've never worked a day in your life¿ 15 debunked myths to open your eyes to a whole new money game (#7 will make you rethink everything you've heard about happiness and wealth)¿ How to save for the things you REALLY want, without sacrificing fun¿ 10 creative budgeting games to transform your financial future - no boring lectures required!¿ A foolproof guide to staying out of debt - discover how to navigate loans, credit cards, and more like an adult¿ How to plan for college without burying yourself in debt (and still have enough to go on that dream road trip after graduation)¿ Emergency Prep 101 - be ready for anything with financial emergency plans that won't give you a headache¿ 12 proven and effective ways to diversify your investments - No more fear of putting all your eggs in one basket¿ 8 engaging exercises and gamified strategies to spice up your road to financial freedom And much more! Think this is too complex for you? Think again! This book breaks down everything into teen-friendly language, relatable examples, and actionable strategies... even if you're starting from scratch. No boring graphs, no lectures that make your eyes glaze over, no big words that belong in a boardroom. Just real-life wisdom, straight talk, and friendly advice that feels like it's coming from your coolest older sibling.Ready to transform your financial game and be the master of your own money? Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now.

  • av B. B. Jankoski

    El futuro es menos temible cuando sabes a lo que te enfrentas. Moldea el futuro de la inteligencia artificial participando activamente en esta tecnología, incluso si nunca te has considerado un experto en ella.Cuando se habla sobre el tema de la inteligencia artificial, se reciben opiniones de los dos extremos del espectro.Por un lado, encontrarás firmes partidarios de la IA, aquellos emocionados por los atajos que ofrece ChatGPT, o ansiosos por aprovechar las capacidades revolucionarias de la inteligencia artificial en áreas como la salud, las finanzas o la robótica.Por el otro lado están los escépticos, aquellos que o bien ignoran el rápido avance de la inteligencia artificial o creen que nunca alcanzará el nivel de sofisticación necesario para reemplazar sus trabajos.Sin embargo, la inteligencia artificial ha llegado para quedarse y si quieres evitar ser arrollado por su progreso, entonces más te vale ser uno de sus impulsores.Esto no significa que tengas que ser un desarrollador de IA o incluso trabajar en tecnología.Simplemente implica estar consciente de consideraciones éticas específicas, los beneficios y desventajas principales del uso de la inteligencia artificial, y los sectores cuyos trabajos tienen más probabilidades de ser reemplazados por ella.Además, significa utilizar la inteligencia artificial en tu beneficio aprovechando las herramientas de IA más poderosas disponibles, tanto en tu profesión como en tu vida personal.Y esa es exactamente la razón por la que se escribió este libro. Considéralo una guía completa para todo lo que necesitas para involucrarte más en la inteligencia artificial.En lugar de ser un observador pasivo de su auge, puedes formar parte de un movimiento que decide hacia dónde va esta tecnología y qué papel deseas jugar.

  • av B. B. Jankoski

    If you want to get ahead, you're going to need AI... and that means understanding what to do with it. Read on...Want to know the secret other businesses are using to take the lead in the market and hit a never-ending stream of ambitious targets?Of course, you do... but the surprising thing is, it's no secret... It's the thing you've probably been avoiding like the plague.They're using artificial intelligence - and they're doing it so well that they're dodging all the pitfalls you've been worried about.You can too - and when you do, you'll see that there's nothing to worry about at all.Think of any company that's become a household name, and you can bet your bottom dollar that they're using AI.Netflix, Google, Amazon, you name it... They all understand the potential of artificial intelligence, and they know how to use it to its best effect.For most skeptical business owners, there's a misconception that AI is an unpredictable new addition to technology, but the surprising truth is that it's been around since the 50s... and it's being used in every field.AI is a tool... and that means that to make it work, you need to understand how to use it.No matter the size of your company or your background knowledge of the technical side of your operations, the ticket to success is AI - a technology that's now accessible to everyone... a technology that's now accessible to you.Inside this complete guide to using AI to skyrocket the success of your business, you'll find all the foundational knowledge you need to make a huge difference to your company. You'll discover:The role of AI in business - and why understanding it mattersFrom "narrow AI" to "general AI"... every type of artificial intelligence demystified and made simpleA complete guide to the most popular technologies used in business (so you can make the right call for your company)The best tools to use for content creation and management - and how to incorporate them effectivelyA close look at the ethical landscape... allowing you to make responsible decisions every step of the wayEasy steps for adopting AI and integrating it into your operations seamlesslyThe success stories you definitely want to learn from (there's no reason you can't be like Tesla too!)How to apply AI to every area of your business - from data analytics to customer management (and everything in between)The challenges and risks you need to be aware of to avoid making costly errorsClear insight into the future of AI in business - and why you need to get ahead of the game now!And much more.If you thought AI was a passing phase with too many minefields to navigate to be worth the investment, think again!Integrating AI into your business is key to your success... and if you don't start incorporating it now, you're going to be left behind.No matter what your experience or understanding is right now, you can harness the power of AI in your business... All you need is a strong foundation to build from - and you're about to get everything you need to know to create it.If you want to keep up with the competition and take your business to the next level, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now!

  • av B. B. Jankoski

    The future is less fearsome when you know what you're facing. Shape AI's future by actively participating in this technology¿even if you've never considered yourself a techie.Bring up the subject of AI and you're liable to receive opinions from opposite sides of the spectrum.On one side, you'll find the firm supporters of AI¿those who are excited about the shortcuts afforded by ChatGPT, or keen to harness AI's game-changing abilities in spheres such as healthcare, finance, or robotics.On the other side are the naysayers¿those who either turn a blind eye to the rapid advancement of AI or those who feel that AI will never reach the level of sophistication required to take over their jobs.Yet AI is here to stay and if you want to avoid being stampeded by its progress, then you might as well be one of its drivers.This doesn't mean you have to be an AI developer or even work in tech.It simply involves being aware of specific ethical considerations, the core benefits and disadvantages of using AI, and the sectors whose jobs are most likely to be replaced by AI.It additionally means using AI to your benefit by harnessing the most powerful AI tools available¿both in your profession and in your personal life.And that is exactly why this book was written. Consider it a comprehensive guide for all you need to become more involved in AI.Instead of being a passive observer to its onslaught, you can form part of a movement that decides where this technology goes and what role you wish to play.Here's a snippet of what you'll find inside:The fascinating history of how AI is modeled on human neural networks ¿ are we on our way to artificial superintelligence?7 main applications of AI ¿ plus all its benefits and drawbacks, and how it has already changed everyday lifeWhat part can you play in the development of AI ¿ actions you can take to ensure its responsible use and development8 top AI trends ¿ how to choose the best tool for your task, whether you are interested in improving your productivity, project management skills, content creation, and more.What does the future of AI hold? ¿ How our jobs, beliefs, and social norms will all be affected by the AI phenomenonThe biggest ethical challenges posed by AI, according to industry leaders ¿ including job insecurity, unfair outcomes, privacy concerns, and biasHow you can advocate for ethical AI practices, and put a stop to the violation of your privacyAnd so much more.It's logical to hope that technological advances will always be for the best.And without a doubt, artificial intelligence has the potential to create a fairer, more equitable, and kinder society.But it also has its disadvantages¿and knowing what these challenges are (and how to negotiate them) is vital if you wish to make the most of AI, without letting it sweep you up.

  • av B. B. Jankoski

    The future is less fearsome when you know what you're facing. Shape AI's future by actively participating in this technology-even if you've never considered yourself a techie.Bring up the subject of AI and you're liable to receive opinions from opposite sides of the spectrum.On one side, you'll find the firm supporters of AI-those who are excited about the shortcuts afforded by ChatGPT, or keen to harness AI's game-changing abilities in spheres such as healthcare, finance, or robotics.On the other side are the naysayers-those who either turn a blind eye to the rapid advancement of AI or those who feel that AI will never reach the level of sophistication required to take over their jobs.Yet AI is here to stay and if you want to avoid being stampeded by its progress, then you might as well be one of its drivers.This doesn't mean you have to be an AI developer or even work in tech.It simply involves being aware of specific ethical considerations, the core benefits and disadvantages of using AI, and the sectors whose jobs are most likely to be replaced by AI.It additionally means using AI to your benefit by harnessing the most powerful AI tools available-both in your profession and in your personal life.And that is exactly why this book was written. Consider it a comprehensive guide for all you need to become more involved in AI.Instead of being a passive observer to its onslaught, you can form part of a movement that decides where this technology goes and what role you wish to play.Here's a snippet of what you'll find inside:The fascinating history of how AI is modeled on human neural networks - are we on our way to artificial superintelligence?7 main applications of AI - plus all its benefits and drawbacks, and how it has already changed everyday lifeWhat part can you play in the development of AI - actions you can take to ensure its responsible use and development8 top AI trends - how to choose the best tool for your task, whether you are interested in improving your productivity, project management skills, content creation, and more.What does the future of AI hold? - How our jobs, beliefs, and social norms will all be affected by the AI phenomenonThe biggest ethical challenges posed by AI, according to industry leaders - including job insecurity, unfair outcomes, privacy concerns, and biasHow you can advocate for ethical AI practices, and put a stop to the violation of your privacyAnd so much more.It's logical to hope that technological advances will always be for the best.And without a doubt, artificial intelligence has the potential to create a fairer, more equitable, and kinder society.But it also has its disadvantages-and knowing what these challenges are (and how to negotiate them) is vital if you wish to make the most of AI, without letting it sweep you up.

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