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Bøker av Azemina Dokaza Klobodanovic

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  • av Azemina Dokaza Klobodanovic

    The poems arranged between the covers of this book are poems which have received many awards and recognitions, ... from the heart and soul, and they talk about love and jealousy, longing and fear, joy and sadness, secrets and fears, what the author throws out of herself, and what each of us more or less keeps into himself. There comes a time when you simply want to enjoy discovering what you feel, what is buried deep in your heart... The author totally honestly, extremely bravely, opens her soul and paints in verse what she feels, what hurts her, what she dreams about... just like a painter does on a canvas. She doesn't think about whether someone will like it or whether what is written is valid. It's fine for her because through these poems the author tries to find her lost self-confidence, to find herself, which she needed a long time ago. Poets try to weave into their poems the best silken threads that their imagination can offer. Instead of allowing those silken threads to get tangled and make a mess in their heads, they spend a huge amount of precious time turning their hidden emotions into messages that they send through indelible words, through verses, and this author is one of them!

  • av Azemina Dokaza Klobodanovic

    Ovo je prva knjiga poezije autorice Azemine Dokaza Klobodanovic. Do sada je pisala i objavljivala prozu. Knjiga nosi naslov ''Na Zalasku'', s razlogom, jer je autorica ove pjesme napisala u svojim poznim godinama, sa svojih gotovo sedamdeset godina starosti. Kroz njene pjesme proteze se puno toga sto autorica izbaci iz sebe, ali sto i svako od nas, manje ili vise čuva u sebi. Ona je eto, u ovim godinama na zalasku, smogla snage i hrabrosti da ogoli svoju dusu i dijeli to sa drugima. Pjesme su istovremeno lične i univerzalne, svaka ispričana iz duse. Ovom zbirkom u kojoj se preplicu sreca i tuga, čeznja, zahvalnost, ljubavi ove i one, strah i jos puno toga, jednom riječju zivot, Azemina salje i poruku svima onima koji su u poznim godinama - Zagrlite starost, ne čekajte kraj zivota, on ce svakako doci! Zivite radeci ono sto vas čini sretnim i zadovoljnim, rasteretite dusu svoju i usput ostavite iza sebe neki trag!Pjesme su istovremeno lične i univerzalne, svaka ispričana iz duse. Ova zbirka je napravljena samo za one koji uzivaju u pjesmama natopljenih emocijama koje se mogu čitati u svako doba dana i noci. Znajte i ovo. Pjesnici se trude da u svoje pjesme utkaju najbolje niti svile koje njihova masta moze ponuditi. Umjesto da puste da te niti svile ostanu zapetljane i prave nered u njihovim umovima, oni trose ogromnu količinu dragocjenog vremena pretvarajuci svoje skrivene emocije u poruke koje salju putem neizbrisivih riječi, putem stihova, a ova autorica je jedna od pjesnika! IN ENGLISH This is the first book of poetry by Azemina Dokaza Klobodanovic. So far, she has written and published prose. The book is entitled "ET SUNSET", for a reason, because the author of these poems wrote in her late years, at the age of almost seventy. There is a lot going on through her poems that the author throws out of herself, but that each of us, more or less, keeps in ourselves. Here, in these years at sunset of life, she found the strength and courage to expose her soul and share it with others. The poems are both personal and universal, each told from the heart. With this collection in which happiness and sadness, longing, gratitude, love of this and that, fear and much more, in one-word life, Azemina sends a message to all those who are in their late years - Embrace old age, don't wait for the end of life, it will definitely come! Live by doing what makes you happy and content, relieve your soul and leave some trace behind along the way!The poems are both personal and universal, each told from the heart. This anthology is made just for you, for those who enjoy poems soaked in emotions that can be read at any time of the day or night. Know this too. Poets strive to weave into their poems the best threads of silk that their imagination can offer. Instead of letting those silk threads get tangled and making a mess in their minds, they spend a huge amount of precious time turning their hidden emotions into messages they send through indelible words, through verses, and this author is one of the poets!

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