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Bøker av Arvind Kumar

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  • av Arvind Kumar

    Dieses Buch ist nützlich für Hochschulabsolventen, Masterstudenten und Forscher, die auf dem Gebiet der Naturprodukte arbeiten und die pflanzlichen Insektizide erforschen, und auch hilfreich für das gemeine Volk, um die traditionelle Medizin als Pastenbekämpfung einzusetzen. Einige der wichtigsten Highlights dieses Buches sind - Isolierung von Naturprodukten, Charakterisierung, Bestimmung der larviziden und adultiziden Aktivität von Pflanzenextrakten gegen Drosophila und auch die Ermittlung ihrer Genotoxizität.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    Ce livre est utile pour les diplômés, les étudiants en master et les chercheurs travaillant dans le domaine des produits naturels et explorant les insecticides botaniques. Il est également utile pour les gens ordinaires qui utilisent la médecine traditionnelle comme moyen de contrôle des pâtes. Les points forts de ce livre sont les suivants : isolation des produits naturels, caractérisation, détermination de l'activité larvicide et adulticide des extraits de plantes contre la drosophile et découverte de leur génotoxicité.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    Questo libro è utile per i laureati, gli studenti di master e i ricercatori che lavorano nel campo dei prodotti naturali e per esplorare gli insetticidi botanici e anche per le persone comuni che vogliono usare la medicina tradizionale come controllo della pasta. Alcuni punti salienti di questo libro sono: l'isolamento dei prodotti naturali, la caratterizzazione, la determinazione dell'attività larvicida e adulticida degli estratti vegetali contro la drosofila e la scoperta della loro genotossicità.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    Este livro é útil para licenciados, estudantes de mestrado e investigadores que trabalham na área dos produtos naturais e exploram os insecticidas botânicos e também é útil para as pessoas comuns utilizarem a medicina tradicional como controlo de pragas. Alguns dos principais destaques deste livro são: isolamento de produtos naturais, caraterização, determinação da atividade larvicida e adulticida do extrato de plantas contra a drosófila e também descobrir a sua genotoxicidade.

  • - India After 2014 Special
    av Arvind Kumar

    The book "The Evolution of Criticism in Modern India" aims to explore the changing meaning of criticism in contemporary India. The chapters cover different aspects of criticism, including its definition, history, role in society, and its impact on distinct areas such as politics, media, art, and culture. The book also addresses various emerging trends in the field of criticism and its possible future direction.Criticism plays a vital role in shaping public discourse, and it significantly contributes to the development and growth of society. In India, from ancient times to the present, the nature of criticism has undergone significant transformations. The book provides an insight into this evolution, tracing the roots of criticism from ancient India, the Mughal era, the British colonial period, and contemporary India.Furthermore, the book gives readers a nuanced understanding of the current situation of criticism in India and its impact on Indian society. The book also examines critical issues such as the interplay of tradition and modernity, the rise of cultural nationalism, the impact of criticism on marginalized communities, and the challenge of maintaining objectivity in the media.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is one of the holiest texts of Hindus. The knowledge and science inherent in it are timeless. The importance of this classic text can be known from the fact that despite being only a part of the epic Mahabharata, it has been given the status of an Upanishad. This holy book is a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge. How to live a blissful life? How to get out of any kind of dilemma in life? The full explanation can be found in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita through Jnanayoga and Nishkaam Karmayoga. By reading it, understanding it, and applying it in our lives, life can be made more meaningful. Originally written in Sanskrit, this holy book has seven hundred verses. Nowadays, people have difficulty understanding the Sanskrit language, so through this book, Arvind Kumar has tried to present it in simple Hindi in the form of chaupai.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    The Research carried out with the Pharmcognostical investigation which included Organoleptic, microscopical and physico-chemical evaluation i.e. ash values, extractive values, moisture content, swelling index, foaming index and foreign organic matter content.Further coming to the phytochemical studies, successive soxhlet extraction revealing the yield of the plant drug in different solvents. The root part of Bauhinia variegata was extracted using ethanol media and obtained extract was subjected to pharmacological study by experimental animal models.Bauhinia variegata (root part) plant extract concluded anticonvulsant activity using MES induced convulsant models in rats.Thus the investigations, in reference confirmed that the root part of Bauhinia variegata had potential anticonvulsant activity.However, further research on detailed pharmacological screening, isolation of active phytoconstituents responsible for its various therapeutic activity and clinical study for evaluation of safety and efficacy of the drug need to be assessed in future.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    I prodotti ayurvedici sono risultati efficaci in molte malattie rare, ma la standardizzazione li penalizza. Il protocollo di standardizzazione efficace rimane un collo di bottiglia per gli scienziati che si occupano di scoperta di farmaci. Nella sequenza delle formulazioni ayurvediche, il churna polifunzionale è stato provato per lo sviluppo del metodo churna. Il Consiglio Centrale per la Ricerca nel campo dell'Ayurveda ha guidato la standardizzazione generale, che viene presa come riferimento per il protocollo di standardizzazione. La standardizzazione delle formulazioni erboristiche è necessaria per accedere alla qualità dei farmaci in base alla concentrazione dei principi attivi e agli standard fisici e chimici. Nel presente lavoro viene riportata la standardizzazione del churna di formulazioni polierboristiche utilizzate come ansiolitico. Inoltre, il campione utilizzato in commercio è stato confrontato con la formulazione preparata e gli stessi risultati sono stati ottenuti dopo la standardizzazione. Il parametro è stato selezionato e annotato a sufficienza per valutare lo studio del churna e dello standard di riferimento per il controllo e la garanzia della qualità.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    Die Ayurveda-Produkte haben sich bei vielen seltenen Krankheiten als wirksam erwiesen, aber die Standardisierung ist ein Nachteil für diese Produkte. Das wirksame Standardisierungsprotokoll bleibt ein Engpass für Wissenschaftler in der Arzneimittelforschung. In der Folge der Ayurveda-Formulierung wurde die polyherbal Churna für die Entwicklung der Churna-Methode ausprobiert. Der Zentralrat für Forschung auf dem Gebiet des Ayurveda hat Richtlinien für die allgemeine Standardisierung aufgestellt, die als Referenz für das Standardisierungsprotokoll dienen. Die Standardisierung von Kräuterrezepturen ist notwendig, um die Qualität von Arzneimitteln zu bestimmen, die der Konzentration von Wirkstoffen, physikalischen und chemischen Standards entsprechen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird über die Standardisierung von Churna aus pflanzlichen Formulierungen berichtet, die als Anxiolytikum verwendet werden. Auch die vermarktete Probe, die kommerziell verwendet wurde, wurde mit der vorbereiteten Formulierung abgeglichen und die gleichen Ergebnisse wurden nach der Standardisierung erhalten. Der Parameter wurde ausgewählt und notiert genug für die Bewertung der Studie von Churna und Referenzstandard für die Qualitätskontrolle und Sicherung Zweck.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    Os produtos da Ayurveda foram considerados eficazes em muitas doenças raras, mas a normalização é um factor de demérito para estes produtos. O protocolo de normalização eficaz continua a ser um obstáculo para os cientistas da descoberta de medicamentos. Na sequência da formulação Ayurveda, o Churna poliherbal foi experimentado para o desenvolvimento do método churna. O Conselho Central de Investigação no domínio da Ayurveda orientou a normalização geral, que é tomada como referência para o protocolo de normalização. A normalização de fórmulas à base de plantas é necessária para ter acesso à qualidade dos fármacos, que pertence à concentração de princípios activos, padrões físicos e químicos. No presente trabalho, é relatada a padronização do churna de formulações poli-herbáceas usadas para ansiolíticos. Além disso, a amostra comercializada que foi usada comercialmente foi comparada com a formulação preparada e os mesmos resultados foram obtidos após a padronização. O parâmetro foi seleccionado e anotado o suficiente para avaliar o estudo da churna e do padrão de referência para efeitos de controlo e garantia da qualidade.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    Les produits ayurvédiques se sont révélés efficaces dans de nombreuses maladies rares, mais la normalisation les démérite. Le protocole de normalisation efficace reste un goulot d'étranglement pour les chercheurs de médicaments. Dans la séquence de la formulation ayurvédique, le churna polyherbal a été testé pour le développement de la méthode du churna. Le Conseil central pour la recherche dans le domaine de l'Ayurveda a guidé la normalisation générale, qui est prise comme référence pour le protocole de normalisation. La normalisation de la formulation des plantes est nécessaire pour accéder à la qualité des médicaments en fonction de la concentration des principes actifs et des normes physiques et chimiques. Dans le présent travail, la normalisation du churna des formulations à base de plantes poly utilisées pour l'anxiolytique est rapportée. En outre, l'échantillon commercialisé qui a été utilisé commercialement a été comparé à la formulation préparée et les mêmes résultats ont été obtenus après la normalisation. Le paramètre a été sélectionné et noté suffisamment pour évaluer l'étude de la churna et de la norme de référence pour le contrôle de la qualité et l'objectif d'assurance.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    The Ayurveda products have been found effective in many rare diseases, but the standardization gives demerit to these products. The effective standardization protocol remains a bottleneck for drug discovery scientists. In the sequence of the Ayurveda formulation, the polyherbal Churna has been tried for the development of the churna method. The Central Council for Researching in the Ayurveda field has guided for the general standardization, which is taken as a reference for the standardization protocol. Herbal formulation standardization are necessary for accessing the quality of drugs belongs to the concentration of active principles, physical and chemical standards. In the present work standardization of churna of poly herbal formulations used for anxiolytic is reported. Also, the marketed sample that was used commercially was matched with the prepared formulation and the same results were obtained after standardization. The parameter was selected and noted enough for evaluating the study of churna and reference standard for the quality control and assuring purpose.

  • Spar 15%
    av Arvind Kumar
    1 698,-

    This two-volume set discusses recent approaches and technological innovations for sustainable agriculture in smallholder farming systems impacted by climate change. The systems covered include crop-based agricultural production, as well as aquaculture and livestock production as related systems using similar techniques to combat food security issues brought about by climate change and resource overuse. The chapters detail innovations involving crop diversification, soil resilience management, geoinformatics and land suitability monitoring for smart farming, information technology in livestock production, and nutrient resource management in fishery aquaculture. Researchers, practitioners and industries will be able to use this information to implement socially and economically sustainable practices to achieve food security in impoverished areas vulnerable to climate change, while also learning about the rapid evolution in information technology that is applicable for and available to small holder farmers.   Volume 1 focuses on current innovations in agricultural and livestock practices in response to climate change. It covers the technological challenges, approaches and mitigation strategies encountered by both scholars and practitioners working in livestock and agricultural production systems impacted by climate change.

  • av Arvind Kumar

    Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is one of the holiest texts of Hindus. The knowledge and science inherent in it are timeless. The importance of this classic text can be known from the fact that despite being only a part of the epic Mahabharata, it has been given the status of an Upanishad. This holy book is a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge. How to live a blissful life? How to get out of any kind of dilemma in life? The full explanation can be found in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita through Jnanayoga and Nishkaam Karmayoga. By reading it, understanding it, and applying it in our lives, life can be made more meaningful. Originally written in Sanskrit, this holy book has seven hundred verses. Nowadays, people have difficulty understanding the Sanskrit language, so through this book, Arvind Kumar has tried to present it in simple Hindi in the form of poetry.

  • av Arvind Kumar

  • av Arvind Kumar

  • av Arvind Kumar

  • av Arvind Kumar

  • av Arvind Kumar, S D Singh & S B Tiwari

  • av Arvind Kumar, S D Singh & S B Tiwari

  • av Arvind Kumar, S D Singh & S B Tiwari

  • av Arvind Kumar

  • av Arvind Kumar

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