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  • - Book 5 - Attacks on Castling
    av Antonio Gude

    THEMATIC CHESS TRAININGBOOK 5 - ATTACKS ON CASTLINGThe exercises in this book illustrate typical castling attacks, in their final phase, usually with a combinatorial result. Small castling attacks were studied in Chapter 8 of Chess School and then in the extensive Chapter 7 of Chess School 2.Of course, the topic of castling is also extensively developed in the three books of the Encyclopedia of Tactics, soon to be published by Editora Solis (Technique of mate combination, School of tactics and The attack in chess), duly organized by topic, with numerous diagrams and exercises.Students should bear in mind that, when solving the exercises, they are not asked to decipher each and every move in the game (which are sometimes included right to the end, for documentary purposes), but only those that, say, lead to a decisive advantage for one side (+ -, - +) or forced draws (=), where appropriate. There are exceptions (and in this sense, the guidance of an instructor, or the reader's own common sense, is important), because if the first move or two produce this opinion, it is worth waiting for the solver to provide additional concrete lines that enrich the solution. Chess is not a mathematical science and allows for different interpretations.Only one formula is known for progressing in chess: play as many games as possible, together with theoretical study and analysis of the games themselves. The ideal complement to this formula is, as many great masters recommend, for the player to develop and perfect their tactical and strategic skills by solving numerous exercises, specially selected for their usefulness. Like the ones we offer here

  • - Book 4 - Tactical Endings
    av Antonio Gude

    THEMATIC CHESS TRAININGBOOK 4 - TACTICAL ENDINGSWe call those endgames tactical in which the struggle, usually technical, of this last phase of the game is influenced by threatened kings, or by combinatorial sequences to promote a pawn, exploit a certain advantage, or discover a surprising saving maneuver. In other words, endgames in which tactical play predominates, because they involve sacrifices or uncharacteristic combinatorial elements, when there are few pieces left in the game. The School of Chess manuals (1 and 2) don't study tactical endgames as such, but when studying combinatorial figures (chapters 5 and 7 of SC, chapter 2 of SC 2) they include several examples that can be catalogued as such. In any case, this is not a technical topic that is studied systematically in textbooks, but this book is more than justified by its considerable practical value: the positions will give the chess student a greater perspective and insight when facing endgames with similar ideas (which here are very varied and, in many cases, very original).Only one formula is known for progressing in chess: play as many games as possible, together with theoretical study and analysis of the games themselves. The ideal complement to this formula is, as many great masters recommend, for the player to develop and perfect their tactical and strategic skills by solving numerous exercises, specially selected for their usefulness. Like the ones we offer here.

  • av Antonio Gude

    THEMATIC CHESS TRAININGBOOK 11 - THE PROBLEMATIC PIECEThe theme of the problem piece, only dealt with in the manuals, is of fundamental importance because of its strategic and tactical repercussions on the game. "One misplaced piece and the whole position is bad," said Tarrasch in one of his definitive and radical statements. Without going to that extreme, in today's chess, where players are used to detecting the slightest favorable or unfavorable nuances, the existence of a problem piece can compromise or limit a player's entire position and the exploitation of this fact by the opponent can be the path to victory. Chapter 5 of Chess School 2 contains a detailed study of the different cases of a problem piece. In this booklet we will group the exercises into four chapters, with very interesting cases of pieces whose situation on the board is negative.Only one formula is known for progressing in chess: play as many games as possible, together with theoretical study and analysis of the games themselves. The ideal complement to this formula is, as many great masters recommend, for the player to develop and perfect their tactical and strategic skills by solving numerous exercises, specially selected for their usefulness. Like the ones we offer here.

  • av Antonio Gude
    178 - 179,-

    THEMATIC CHESS TRAININGBOOK 8 - POSITIONAL SACRIFICESUnlike tactical sacrifices, so-called positional sacrifices are an investment of material that usually doesn't bring immediate benefits but translates into certain positional advantages whose fruits the player will reap in the medium or long term, and which are based more on positional factors than on a combinatorial sequence.These factors can be enabling a square as a strong point, displacing the opponent's pawn structure or creating some kind of weakness in the enemy position.The student should bear in mind that, when solving the exercises, they are not asked to decipher all the moves in the game or position (which are sometimes included until the end, for documentation purposes), but only those that, say, lead to an advantage for one side or to equality when it comes to saving an inferior position. There are exceptions (and here the guidance of an instructor or the student's own common sense is important), because if the first move or two produce such a judgment, the solver can be expected to come up with additional concrete lines that enrich the solution. Chess is not a mathematical science and allows for a variety of interpretations.Only one formula is known for progressing in chess: play as many games as possible, together with theoretical study and analysis of the games themselves. The ideal complement to this formula is, as many great masters recommend, for the player to develop and perfect their tactical and strategic skills by solving numerous exercises, specially selected for their usefulness. Like the ones we offer here

  • av Antonio Gude

    THEMATIC CHESS TRAININGBOOK 1 - OPENING PROBLEMSChess openings always sow an element of intrigue and suspense. What will our opponent play? How can we take advantage of our position? What surprises and unpredictable moves await us at the end of each variant?In Chess School (1 and 2) attention is paid to openings, within the limited space available in generic manuals. In Chess School 2 there are two chapters: the first (The game in the opening) and the ninth (The repertoire of openings), the latter giving us a glimpse of the theoretical panorama, with some new ideas and, above all, the design of a repertoire, according to each player's individual style. Once the player has opted for a tailor-made repertoire, their task will consist of studying the openings they have decided to adopt, delving into them, and taking note of the novelties that are produced at each step. This certainly requires clarification. A theoretical novelty is that new move that high competition (or, as we said before, masterly practice) endorses and ratifies. A novelty is just a new move, an experiment whose merits and flaws have yet to be confirmed by competitive practice.Only one formula is known for progressing in chess: play as many games as possible, along with theoretical study and analysis of the games themselves. The ideal complement to this formula is, as many great masters recommend, for the player to develop and perfect their tactical and strategic skills by solving numerous exercises, specially selected for their usefulness. Like the ones we offer here.

  • - Problemas de Abertura
    av Antonio Gude

    Caderno Prático 1: Problemas de AberturaAs aberturas de xadrez sempre semeiam um elemento de intriga e de suspense. O que jogará nosso adversário? Como poderemos tirar proveito de nosso posicionamento? Quais surpresas e lances imprevisíveis nos esperam, ao final de cada variante?Em Escola de Xadrez (1 e 2) se presta atenção às aberturas, dentro do reduzido espaço disponível em manuais genéricos. Em Escola 2 há dois capítulos: o primeiro (O jogo na abertura) e o nono (O repertório de aberturas), detendo-nos neste último em um relance ao panorama teórico, com algumas ideias novas e, sobretudo, no desenho de um repertório, de acordo com o estilo individual de cada um. Uma vez que o jogador opta por um repertório à medida, sua tarefa consistirá em estudar as aberturas que tenha decidido adotar, aprofundar-se nelas e anotar as novidades que vãosendo produzidas a cada passo. Isto, certamente, requer um esclarecimento. Uma novidade teórica é aquele lance novo que a alta competição (ou, como antes se disse, a prática magistral) avaliza e ratifica. Uma novidade é apenas um lance novo, uma experiência cujos méritos e defeitos ainda deverão ser confirmados pela prática competitiva.Para se progredir no xadrez só se conhece uma fórmula: jogar o maior número possível de torneios, em conjunto com o estudo teórico e a análise das próprias partidas. O complemento ideal dessa fórmula é, como recomendam muitos grandes mestres, que o jogador desenvolva e aperfeiçoe sua capacidade tática e estratégica, mediante a resolução de numerosos exercícios. Como os que aqui lhe oferecemos, especialmente selecionados pela sua utilidade.

  • av Antonio Gude

  • av Antonio Gude

    Livro de ensino e treinamento no jogo de xadrez, para todas as idades. Escola de Xadrez, um sucesso editorial em vários idiomas é, na descrição do próprio autor, um manual completo de iniciação, que expõe de forma clara e direta os fundamentos técnicos do xadrez, a partir de um método inovador. Esse método tem o apoio didático de numerosas partidas e exemplos práticos do jogo, ricamente ilustrados por mais de 650 diagramas cuidadosamente selecionados. O livro também apresenta perguntas e exercícios para a fixação de cada ponto do aprendizado. Como Apêndice da obra, são apresentadas as mais recentes Leis do Jogo de Xadrez da Fide, estabelecidas no ano de 2018, em vigor atualmente.

  • av Antonio Gude

  • av Antonio Gude

  • av Antonio Gude

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