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Bøker av Ann Gimpel

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  • - Paranormal Romance Collection
    av Ann Gimpel

    Hello Darkness:Earth magics collide, forcing Moira Shaughnessy to take a chance on a man who hurt her so badly she never forgave him.A ranger for the U.S. Park Service, Moira is in serious trouble. Fleeing from her cheating husband, who's a Native American shaman, she stumbles into the arms of a man she never thought she'd see again. He hurt her once by choosing his magic over her. Would she be a fool to take a chance on him now?Alpine Attraction:Tina made a pact with the devil seven years ago. It's time to pay the piper-or die.Independent to the nth degree, Tina meets everything in her life head-on-except love.Caught between misgivings and need, Tina signs on as team doctor for one of Craig's climbing trips to the Andes. Though he was the love of her life, she pushed him away years before to keep him safe. Even if he doesn't love her anymore, there's still no one she'd rather have by her side in the mountains. And if she's going to die, she wants to make things right between them.A Run For Her Money:Sara's day begins like any other. A routine extraction in tandem with a local Search and Rescue team. Routine crashes to a halt when she ends up trapped in a hut, high in the Sierras. Four days later, running out of food for herself and her dog, she makes a bold dash for safety.Jared's walking the Muir Trail when all hell breaks loose. After hunkering beneath a boulder pile for days, he dares a difficult cross-country route, hoping it'll put him into position to approach a backcountry ranger station. He locates the station, but it's locked tight. He's packing up to leave when a helicopter lands, with Sara at the helm. There's no time to trade war stories. It takes a leap of faith, but they throw in their lot together. Can they face the impossible and come out the other side unscathed?

  • - A Second Chance Romance
    av Ann Gimpel

    An idealistic woman.A naïve man.A life-shattering mistake.Juliana is relentless, driven, focused. An archaeologist, she's clawed her way to the top of the heap. It's a lonely heap, but the only man she ever loved proved men aren't worthy of her time.Discarded by the woman of his dreams midway through college, Brice never offered his heart again. A world-recognized expert on lung diseases, he has his work. Usually it's enough.It's almost Christmas, and Juliana is called home from a dig to see her dying twin one last time. She and Brice are thrown together after a fifteen-year hiatus. She tells herself nothing's changed, but her heart sings a different song. If she listens to it, there's only one true love.

  • - Historical Paranormal Romance
    av Ann Gimpel

    Dark, dangerous, magical men who live to annihilate evil.Not all witches join the Coven. Fiercely independent, Isla heads up her own small band in the San Francisco area. She's never needed help before, but dark sorcerers drive her and her group into hiding, trapping them.Sam's worked for the Coven as one of their enforcers forever. He's been there so long, the Coven is the only mistress he knows. It's a lonely life on the road thwarting wickedness and Black Magick with his guns, his magic, and his horse, but it's been enough to satisfy him. Until now.A group of witches is in deep trouble. They're not part of the Coven, but Sam is sworn to protect all witches and he rides to their assistance with several of his brothers. Nothing prepares him for the outspoken spitfire who ends up riding double with him. She's forthright, opinionated, and downright hostile, but he's drawn to her self-sufficiency-and her undeniable beauty. Soon, Isla is all he can think about.Dark forces are on the move. Protecting the woman he's falling in love with is at the very top of Sam's list. If they manage to survive, he'll tame her. Claim her. Make her his.

  • - Historical Paranormal Romance
    av Ann Gimpel

    Dark, Dangerous, Magical Men Who Live to Annihilate Evil.Joshua committed his life to fighting Black Magick. Not sure who he hates worse, dark sorcerers or the clerics who tortured and mutilated his family, he lives on the road with his horse and his magic, working as a Coven enforcer. Breana Giraud is the only woman he's ever loved, and until very recently she was married to someone else.Breana's husband, Don, sold his soul to the devil, embracing dark practices. Along the way, he corrupted their daughter. While Breana could've turned him in to Coven justice without a second thought, she couldn't bring herself to implicate her child. Still reeling from her daughter's death at the hands of evil, and grateful her husband met the vicious end he deserved, she feels broken, damaged. The last thing on her mind is falling in love.Joshua tries to hold back, give Breana room to mourn her losses, but if he has his way, she'll become his wife. With Don dead, and the path to his heart's true love finally clear, he'll do anything he can to make her his. Even if it means fighting his way past the dark mages' leader, who wants her for his own.

  • - Historical Paranormal Romance
    av Ann Gimpel

    Magic didn't just find Luke Caulfield. It chased him down, bludgeoned him, and has been dogging him ever since. Some lessons are harder than others, but Luke embraces danger, upping the ante to give it one better. An enforcer for the Coven, a large, established group of witches, his latest assignment is playing bodyguard to the daughter of Coven leaders.Abigail Ruskin is chaperoning a spoiled twelve-year-old from New York to her parents' home in Utah Territory when Luke gets on their stagecoach in Colorado. A powerful witch herself, Abigail senses Luke's magic, but has no idea what he's doing on her stagecoach. Stuck between the petulant child and Luke's raw sexual energy, Abigail can't wait for the trip to end.Unpleasant truths surface about the child. While Abigail's struggling with those, wraiths, wolves, and dark mages launch an attack. Luke's so attracted to Abigail, she's almost all he can think about, but he's leery too. The child is just plain evil. Is Abigail in league with her? It might explain the odd attack that took out their driver and one of their horses. In over his head, he summons enforcer backup.Will they help him save the woman he's falling in love with, or demand her immediate execution?

  • - Shifter Menage Romance
    av Ann Gimpel

    The winds of change are blowing hard as shifters gather deep in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for a war powwow. Tempers run high as they argue their next move. An unexpected attack from more Hunters than they've ever seen forces their hand, and Blake, alpha for the coyote clan, fights alongside his brothers. He's grimly pleased when every single one of their enemies is finally dead, the bodies chucked into glacial crevasses.Sophie Laughing Wolf tracked her hated brother into the mountains. Gifted with foreseeing, she wants to make certain he ends up just as dead as he was in her vision. When the large group of men he's with are set upon by shifters, mythical dual-natured beings who can take animal forms, she hides, calling on earth power to shield her.It doesn't work. Two shifters, back in their men's bodies, haul her from her hiding place once the battle ends and drag her before their chief. He spares her life-for now-but she senses the animosity the others have for her. They see her as a threat, a witness to multiple murders.When the mate bond strikes, she fights its pull. So does Blake. He can't believe the gods would be so cruel as to bind him and his lieutenants to a woman with blood ties to Hunters-their ancient enemy. She runs from her fate. So does he, but the bond burns bright, transcending everything.

  • - Shifter Menage Romance
    av Ann Gimpel

    Calgary, Alberta 1936After witnessing what might've been a murder, Megan is frantic to escape the Garden of Eden cult, so she catches the night train north out of town. Her lifetime commitment to the cult may well be her death sentence, but she's not sticking around to let them frame her.Wolf shifters, Les and Karl, eke out a primitive existence on the flanks of the Canadian Rockies. Between Hunters who want to kill them and a wildfire raging out of control, they're glad when Jed, their clan leader, shows up. And even more delighted when they see who's in his car.Jed's mate, Alice, spied Megan by the side of the road looking lost and desperate and offered her a ride. Before Jed's car even stops rolling, Les and Karl know she's their mate. So skittish she's barely willing to exit the car, Megan busies herself helping Jed and his pack mates unload supplies. Can Les and Karl convince her to join her life to theirs? If she does, will the risks she faced as a cult member pale in comparison to being mated to shifters?

  • - Shifter Menage Romance
    av Ann Gimpel

    One virgin + three wolf shifters = e-reader ecstasy.It's 1936. Thirty-year-old Alice has given up on finding a husband. Between civil engineering and mountain climbing, her interests are so masculine, she scares men away. A poor route choice strands her-lost, hungry, and scared-next to Lon Chaney's cabin deep in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.Jed senses a woman stumbling down the steep, inhospitable mountain behind his borrowed cabin. Her scent tantalizes and excites him. Mates are scarce these days, and if his nose is right, she's his fated one. His and his two pack mates, that is, who are mercifully gone at the moment. Jed crafts a careful strategy, knowing the mate bond might not be enough to convince her to stay once she finds out it will link her to all three of them-forever.Alice adds Jed to her list of problems when he melts out of the shadowed darkness. At first she declines his offer of help, but he keeps talking until she ends up inside the cozy log cabin in front of a roaring fire. His skilled hands and a shot of whiskey heat her blood to molten, and her carefully tended world explodes into desperate hunger to make love with the man rubbing her weary feet.As caught up in lust as Alice, Jed takes a chance. A big one. Will mating with her before disclosing everything turn out to be a huge mistake?

  • - Highland Fantasy Romance
    av Ann Gimpel
    245 - 291,-

  • - Highland Fantasy Romance
    av Ann Gimpel
    180 - 242,-

  • - Highland Fantasy Romance
    av Ann Gimpel & Angela (University of Kent University of Exeter) Kelly
    182 - 263,-

  • - Highland Fantasy Romance
    av Ann Gimpel
    193 - 221,-

  • - Dystopian Urban Fantasy
    av Ann Gimpel
    252 - 304,-

  • - Dystopian Urban Fantasy
    av Ann Gimpel
    252 - 304,-

  • - Dystopian Urban Fantasy
    av Ann Gimpel
    252 - 318,-

  • - Dystopian Urban Fantasy
    av Ann Gimpel

    A runaway spell is the most dangerous weapon of all.Karin's watched magic ebb and flow over her long life. A healer by nature, as well as a wolf Shifter, she fixes what she can and buries her personal needs deep. In a race against time, she and a small group of Shifters and humans are sailing toward a gateway in the Arctic. If they can't close it, Earth will be doomed.Daide's a scientist, first and foremost. Once a world-renowned expert on treating cetaceans, his skills are rusty. Ten years as a Vampire altered a whole lot, and he's still analyzing his brand-new Shifter magic. Karin caught his eye before they left Ushuaia, but she seems to be in love with a dolphin Shifter. Immersed in jealousy, Daide considers walking away, but he can't give up. The only woman he's ever loved is worth fighting for. Consequences be damned.Vampires, Witches, high-handed gods, Kelpies, and a host of others all want either the ship or the Shifters' magic. Even the simplest tasks grow thorny edges, and misunderstandings threaten to destroy everything.

  • - Dystopian Urban Fantasy
    av Ann Gimpel

    A runaway spell is the most dangerous weapon of all.Recco misses his cozy lab and well-organized veterinary clinic, but ten years as a Vampire stripped him of any illusions. Life is done handing him everything he wants. He could rail against fate-which never bought him much-or suck it up and keep going. Defeating the Cataclysm broke Vampirism's hold on him, though. Even better, it threw Zoe square in his path and kicked open the door for him to bond with a wolf.When Zoe left Ireland for a visiting professorship in Wyoming, she assumed she'd be home in a year. She didn't factor in being trapped by the Cataclysm and scratching and clawing for everything from food to air clean enough to breathe. She's a very different woman now. And not one she likes all that well-or even recognizes some days. A rotten sailor, she never imagined she'd end up on a ship.In a world with few choices, evil runs rampant and none of the old rules apply. Darkness stalks the ship. Harsh and ruthless, it blocks them at every turn.

  • - Dystopian Urban Fantasy
    av Ann Gimpel

    A runaway spell is the most dangerous weapon of allThe sea is the only life Juan's ever known-not counting the decade he spent as a Vampire. Those years gave him a healthy aversion for anything supernatural, but he's a shifter now. It's way better than being one of the undead, but he still doesn't trust magic. Paired up with Aura to teach him, he falls and falls hard, but she spurns his advances.A history professor before the cataclysm, Aura deals in prophecies for her shifter pack. Juan is one hell of an attractive package, but he left a string of broken hearts during his years as chief navigator on cruise ships. She'd be an idiot to sign on for a fling. She has enough problems without adding a broken heart to them.What began as an exploratory mission to see if anything is left of the world turns sour fast. A Vampire attack, a possessed priest, and a gateway to Hell mean fallout from the spell gone bad that pinned them in South America is far from gone. Retreat is tempting, but nowhere is safe. Surrounded by hardship, they sail on. Evil is leaching in from somewhere, and they have to find the breach.

  • - Dystopian Urban Fantasy
    av Ann Gimpel

    A runaway spell is the most dangerous weapon of all.Vampires aren't supposed to feel anything beyond hunger and bloodlust, but Viktor still feels a whole lot. He hates what he's become, but there's no escape. Not from the dying city smothering him, or from his maker, an arrogant tyrant who demands absolute loyalty.Ketha's a shifter and a seer, for all the good it does her. Not enough magic is left to power much of anything. In a rare victory, an image forms in her glass, and she understands how magic broke the world-and how to fix it. The only antidote is an alliance with vampires, but she can't convince anyone to cooperate.Desperate and trapped, she turns what's left of her magic on the Vampire assigned to lock her away. He's different, not quite as callous or aloof as his kin. It's a gamble, but she's out of options. Maybe magic can't bail them out, but love might be able to salvage what's left..

  • av Ann Gimpel & Angela Kelly
    208 - 291,-

  • av Ann Gimpel & Angela Kelly
    182 - 278,-

  • av Ann Gimpel & Angela Kelly
    193 - 278,-

  • - Urban Fantasy Romance
    av Ann Gimpel

    Last of the demon assassin witches, Roz, Jenna, and Colleen have escaped disaster so far, but their luck is running low. Demons strike at Colleen's wedding, and Roz launches desperate measures. As she shapeshifts to stay one step ahead of evil, at least it takes her mind off her other problems. Personal ones. She burned through a couple of marriages and hooked up with a string of loser men before, after, and in between. Though she wants to be happy for Colleen, the jealousy bug bit deep and hasn't let go.Ronin set his sights on Roz the day he met her, but she's so prickly getting close to her requires scheming. He casts an enchantment to lure her at Colleen's wedding, but she rebuffs him. Demons swarm out of the ether before he can come up with another strategy. Killing them trumps everything.Roz is used to calling the shots. So is Ronin. Sparks fly. Tempers run hot, right along with an attraction too heady to ignore.

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