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    నాగభైరవ ఆదినారాయణ బుధుండుఅభ్యుదయైకభావాభిరతుడుకర్షకోత్కర్షగీతార్షేయవాగ్వర్షవర్షితలేఖినీవైభవుండుఅదిభిక్షుబుభుక్షహరణదీక్షాదక్షసుక్షమాకీర్తనాస్త్రోకయశుడువరకృషీవల మహత్త్వ ప్రాభవ స్తోత్రకవనశిల్పానల్పకల్పకుండు'మట్టిబండి' పేరు పెట్టెనేగాని, సువర్ణరథము నెక్క వఱలె రైతు రైతుబాంధవుండు రాజగోపాలనాయకున కంకితముగ నలరె సుకృతి.డా॥ మేడసాని మోహన్, సహస్రావధాని

  • - Ink Expressions of the Ineffable Heart
    av Sati Siroda

    "Earnest Poetica" is a captivating anthology of poetry that explores the profound and often indescribable human emotions that words struggle to capture but the pen can express. This collection of 50 poems takes readers through the rich tapestry of human sentiment, from the euphoric peaks of joy to the harrowing depths of sorrow.For anyone who has ever felt deeply, this book is a resonant companion, echoing the unspoken truths of the human heart.


    ఊరంటే ఒక వల్లమాలిన ప్రేమ. ఊరంటే ఒక వొడవని ముచ్చట. ఊరంటే ఒక కలవరింత. ఊరంటే ఒక వలపోత. ఊరంటే ఒక జ్ఞాపకాల చెలిమి. ఊరంటే ఒక సలుపుతున్న గాయం. ఊరంటే ఒక ఊరడింపు. ఊరంటే ఒక సోపతిగాని అనురాగం. ఊరంటే ఒక తల్లి ఆత్మీయస్పర్శ. ఊరంటే ఒక కలల కలబోత. ఊరంటే తనువంత పులకరింత. ఊరంటే ఒక అనిర్వచనీయమైన పలకరింత. ఊరంటే ఉరకలెత్తుతున్న ఉత్సాహం. ఊరంటే ఆకాశంలో ఉరుముతున్న ధ్వని. ఊరంటే ఒక ఊరేగింపు. ఊరంటే ఒక పాటగాడి ఆలాపన. ఊరంటే ఒక తంగెడు పువ్వు నవ్వు. ఊరంటే చెరువు మత్తడి దూకుడు. ఊరంటే జలసవ్వడి. ఊరంటే మాటల పాటల సంగీత కచేరి. ఊరంటే పాలధారల వంటి ముచ్చట్లు. ఊరంటే సకల కళల, జనుల సామూహిక సముదాయం. ఊరంటే బావి గిరకల చప్పుళ్ళు ఊరంటే జన చైతన్య దివ్వెలు. ఊరంటే ఒక సింగిడి. ఊరంటే రమ్యమైన ఉద్యానవనం. సమాహార దృశ్య కవితా సంపుటి 'మా ఊరొక కావ్యం'. --గోపగాని రవీందర్

  • - The Legacy
    av Annaliza V Aquino

    In the enchanting realm of poetry, where words weave tapestries of emotions and stories, we present to you HESYCHIARIUM, THE LEGACYAn Anthology of Poems. Within these pages, you will embark on a journey through the diverse landscapes of poetic expression, guided by the voices of talented poets who have poured their hearts and souls into their craft.HESYCHIARIUM THE LEGACY is a testament to the power of words and the beauty of artistic collaboration. It brings together a collective of gifted poets, each with their unique perspectives, styles, and voices. From the depths of their souls, they have crafted verses that resonate with the human experience, capturing moments of joy, sorrow, love, and longing.Within this anthology, you will discover the delicate dance of metaphors, the rhythm of emotions, and the vivid imagery that paints a thousand pictures. From the poignant verses that tug at your heartstrings to the uplifting poems that ignite your spirit, HESYCHIARIUM THE LEGACY offers a tapestry of emotions that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.Through the pages of this anthology, we invite you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of human emotions and explore the vast nature of poetry. Each poem is a glimpse into the depths of the poet's heart, a window into their unique perspective on life, love, and the world around them. As you delve into these verses, may you find solace, inspiration, and a renewed appreciation for the power of poetry.We extend our deepest gratitude to the poet writers who have contributed their heartfelt creations to this anthology. Their dedication to the craft and their willingness to share their innermost thoughts and feelings have made HESYCHIARIUM THE LEGACY a true celebration of poetic expression.We hope that HESYCHIARIUM THE LEGACY serves as a source of inspiration, a reminder of the beauty that can be found in words, and a testament to the boundless creativity that resides within each of us. May these poems touch your soul, spark your imagination, and leave an everlasting imprint on your literary journey.Welcome to HESYCHIARIUM: THE LEGACY An Anthology of Poems, where the power of words intertwines with the magic of poetic expression. - The Administrative team of Hesychiarium

  • av Nahid Ensafpour

    In dieser Anthologie begegnen sich 32 Autorinnen und Autoren aus 14 Ländern, die trotz unterschiedlicher Kulturen und Herkünfte durch ihre gemeinsame Sprache, die Lyrik, verbunden sind. Alle Gedichte sind von Deutsch oder Englisch auf Persisch übersetzt worden. Diese interkulturelle Kommunikation hat das Ziel, Grenzen zu überwinden und ein menschenwürdiges Leben einzufordern. // In this anthology, thirty-two authors from fourteen countries have met and joined together despite their different cultures and origins through their common lingua franca, poetry. All poems are translated either from English or German into Persian. This intercultural communication aims to overcome boundaries and to demand a dignified life. // Mit Gedichten von: Mária Bátorová (Slovakia), Soledad Benages (Spain), Giovanna Benedetti (Panama/ Spain), Dieter Brumm (Germany), Antonio Capilla Loma (Spain), Metin Cengiz (Turkey), Nahid Ensafpour (Iran/ Germany), Silvia Cuevas-Morales (Chile/ Spain), Maria do Sameiro Barroso (Portugal), Hasan Erkek (Turkey), Gertrud Hauck (Austria), Heidi Heine (Germany), Petra Jansen (Germany), Bahar Kazemi (Germany/ Iran), Jutta Lehmann (Germany), Helene Levar (Austria), Marta Markoska (Macedonia), Erwin Matl (Austria), Sylvia Meise (Germany), Maria Lucilia Meleiro (Portugal), Isabel Miguel (Spain), Ana Montojo (Spain), Julio Pavanetti, (Uruguay/ Spain), Ljubica Perkman (Bosnia/ Germany), Boris Pfeiffer (Germany), Kheder Salfij (Syria), Agron Shele (Albania/ Belgium), Andy Siege (Germany/ Iran), Nasrin Siege (Iran/ Germany), Antje Stehn, (Germany/ Italy), Annabel Villar (Uruguay/ Spain), Peter Voelker (Germany).

  • - Dancing Eros
    av Z J Galos

    Dancing Eros: The poet has written his reflections on the subject of Eros. Eroticism has been a great awakening to him through a rather exciting and dramatic relationship of a body, mind, and soul-moving experience that not only changed his approach to poetry and writing entirely but also his life in an upside-down mode of living on this cloud called 'Dancing Eros'. Wasn't it only for l'art pour l'art, but also a deep dive into the depths of his sensual being he wasn't aware of before? Being on the Cloud of Eros had been a unique experience with words of wings flying forth from the bottom of his being. Long live the winged child dancing on Clouds.

  • - 2023/365
    av Mrtn Dueller

    365 Tage mit Notiertem aus 25 Jahren. Es sind Notizen und Skizzen aus diversen, dafür vorgesehenen Notizbüchern, auf Rechnungen, auf karierten und linierten Blättern. Ein kleiner Teil könnten Songtexte sein, zumindest scheinen sie dafür gedacht. Und es sind Ausschnitte aus Theatertexten der letzten 15 Jahre. Die Sammlung ist auch - und das schmerzt und hilft gleichzeitg - ein Zeugnis, was alles nicht geschrieben, was nie gebraucht oder vollendet wurde.

  • av Heinrich Raab

    Aus dem Schatten seiner frühen depressiven Schlagrichtung tretend, präsentiert Heinrich Raab mit "Apollinische Anakreontika" ein ganz neues Betrachtungsfeld seiner vielfältigen literarischen Produktivität. Im Bunde mit Drachen und Nymphen, Riesen und germanischen Gottheiten lotet er die freudigen Grenzen des Daseins aus. Berauscht vom Wein oder dem Glanz in Mädchenaugen, stellt das lyrische Ich seine Betrachtungen über Alltäglichkeiten an. Ein Muß für jeden, der das romantische Volkslied liebt. Ein Meilenstein deutscher Dichtung.

  • av Renier-Fréduman Mundil

    Nach Meinung vieler stellt der Frühling die beliebteste Jahreszeit dar. Von der kalendarischen bzw. astrono-mischen Länge erreicht er derzeit mit knapp 93 Tagen jedoch nur Platz zwei hinter dem Sommer mit knapp 94 Tage. Neben astronomischen und meteorologischen Jahreszeiten gibt es den phänologischen Kalender, der sich an den Ereignissen in der Natur orientiert. Und hier ist der Frühling mit 107 Tagen einsamer Spitzenreiter. Er besitzt hier so viele Tage, dass er kurzerhand in Vorfrühling, Erstfrühling und Vollfrühling eingeteilt wurde. Dieses Buch hat sich an den astronomischen Kalender gehalten. Deshalb 93 Gedichte, für jeden astronomischen Frühlingstag eines. Darin wird viel die Natur im Frühling, wie wir sie von früher kennen, besungen. Jedes Gedicht vielseitig illustriert und zwischen den Gedichten ein Aphorismus zum kurzen Verschnaufen. Auf in den Frühling, zumindest auf dem Papier!

  • - Das letzte Haus auf der linken Seite
    av Thomas Mann

    Der Auszeitweg Nr. 18 ist ein Sammelband verschiedenster Gedichte und Geschichten von mir, Thomas Mann. Wobei sich der Sammelband als ein Ort für eine kurze Auszeit versteht. Von Drabbels über Elfchen bis Haikus hinzu Kurzgeschichten kommt es auf 118 Seiten zu 111 Werken. Es soll ein Haus mit 5 große Räume - Persönliches, Liebe, Pläsier (Lust), Fantastisches und Philosophisches - darstellen, die für eine Pause zur Verfügung stehen. Ich lade Dich ein, besuche das Haus und beginne Deine individuelle Auszeit(en) in einem Raum Deiner Wahl. Leg ab, schnapp Dir ein Heißgetränk und tauch ab.

  • - Die Möglichkeiten von Seelenlyrik und Poesie
    av Tina Hüsch

    Dieser Gedichtband nimmt Dich mit in die zauberhafte Welt der Buchstaben und Worte. In ihr leben Träume, Fantasie und Freude und warten nur darauf, von Dir entdeckt zu werden. Diese Sammlung von Gedichten ist eine Reise durch die unendlichen Weiten der Vorstellungskraft und öffnet die Tür zur Kreativität. Komm mit und erlebe, wie Buchstaben zu Zauberern und Worte zu magischen Verbündeten werden.

  • - Berührende Momente im Leben! Touching moments in life!
    av Damodar Paralkar

    Gedichte über berührende Momente im Leben. VERGISS DIES NICHT! Wie oft vergisst man zu sagen: "wann habe ich Dir, das letzte Mal gesagt, Ich liebe Dich?" Damit ich nicht vergesse, habe ich mir selbst einen Brief geschrieben:: Vergiss dies nicht! "Eines Tages tratst Du in mein Leben, mir ist etwas Wunderbares passiert. Ich liebe Dich." Poems about touching moments in life. Remember this! How often do you forget to say "When was the last time I told you I love you?" So that I don't forget, I wrote myself a letter: Remember this! "One day you came into my life, Something wonderful happened to me. I love you."

  • - Gedichte und Geschichten einer kleinen Seele
    av Laura C Müller

    Müssen Gedichte sich immer reimen? Und müssen sie Immer fröhlich sein? Die Autorin Laura C. Müller sagt Nein! Auch düstere Texte haben ein Recht darauf gelesen zu werden. In ihren Debüt als Selfpublisher gibt sie genau diesen Texten einen Raum und zeigt den Lesern eine verletzliche und manchmal schaurige Seite von sich selbst.

  • - Gedichte
    av Vivien Schmitt

    In ihren Gedichten lässt uns die Autorin teilhaben an einer Vielfalt poetischer Stimmungen und Bilder. Mal leise und zart, mal kraftvoll und hymnisch besingt sie die Schönheit der Natur, die Tiefen der menschlichen Seele und die großen Themen der Liebe, Hoffnung und Vergänglichkeit. Dabei zeichnet sich seine Lyrik durch eine musikalische Sprache voller Metaphern und eine klare, prägnante Formensprache aus. Mit feiner Beobachtungsgabe und Empathie gelingt es ihr, Augenblicke atmosphärisch einzufangen und dem Leser Denkanstöße zu geben. Insgesamt eine facettenreiche Gedichtsammlung, die durch ihren Ideenreichtum und ihre sprachliche Brillanz besticht. Eine Bereicherung für alle Lyrikfreunde.

  • av Edgard Gousse

    Pour t'avoir rencontrée dans le matin des sablesmoi le poète je ne fermerai jamais la portesept fois pour toi je mettrai ma main au feusept fois j'enfoncerai ma langue muettedans le creux de ta gorge verticalesept fois je déposerai cette langue pâteusesur le feu pétillant de tes petites lèvreset sept fois tu résisterasmais la dernière tu succomberas

  • av Harald Dastis

    Quatre contes sillonnent ce livre. Imagination, rêve et ésotérisme fertilisent son sol pour donner finalement naissance au bout du champ à un joli bouquet de poésie.

  • av Sylviane Rabetsarazaka

    Récit onirique d'une intuition à l'intérieur et hors de soi. Mes coups de tonnerre est un recueil de poèmes en deux parties où les démons et la chair communiquent, à travers le doute, leurs pensées les plus pures dont le masque est un vertige. Du néant à l'angoisse, Sylviane jette le trouble au sein d'une illusion: un coup de tonnerre dans un ciel serein.

  • av Alice Clisson

    Ce recueil a été écrit, à la mer, devant la télé, sous la couette et dans les toilettes. Sur le bout de coin de table de la cuisine, dans le hall d'entrée, assise sur un banc et dans le train.

  • av Émile Bernet

    Je trouverai la paix est un recueil de poèmes illustré qui abordent différents sujets, principalement celui de l'amour et de la tristesse. Il parle également de la recherche de soi, de la recherche des autres, de la recherche du bonheur où qu'il soit. Ce livre est un chemin, un long parcours vers un semblant de guérison. Il a pour but de vous parler le temps d'un instant, peut-être de vous faire sourire voire même de vous faire pleurer. Certaines pages du recueil fonctionnent par paires, c'est-à-dire qu'un dessin ou un texte pourra se terminer sur l'autre page. Un QR code avant le début du premier chapitre vous permettra de découvrir un style musical qui me tient à coeur et qui vous accompagnera le long de la lecture si vous le souhaitez.

  • av Marie-Louise Montignot

    Propulsant ses pétales parfaits, ce nénuphar au jardin botanique transperce les yeux et va se perdre sur la toile de fond, la mémoire où flottent Les Nymphéas. Malgré tous ses efforts et l'émotion qu'il suscite, quelque chose me fait fondre chez Monet qui ne se trouve pas dans la réalité photographique proposée par la fleur. Petits poèmes inspirés par le haïku et le senryû.

  • av Sian Flanagan
    265 - 394,-

    A journey of transfiguration told through poetry, prose, and illustrations. Here, ink tells the fragility of evolution from disorders, oppression, wisdom, love, and femininity. These pages offer a window into personal experiences and observations, expressed as a woman in the world. This collection of unpasteurized words leans into the power of choosing love over fear and embraces the adventure of weaving a kingdom of grace from the healing art of self-love. Awakening to the vibrant light within can gracefully transcend the mind and heart from the inside out.About the AuthorSian Flanagan is a former semi-professional athlete and the founder of The Business of You Coaching. As a life, body, and business transformational coach, Sian spreads the richness of The Vibrant Living Way - a seven-step process in cultivating alignment with flow for self-actualizing authentic confidence and fulfillment. As an advocate for embodying the highest expression of self, Sian is a multidimensional entrepreneur allowing artistry to move beyond borders. She is a poet, coach, director, and founder of RantAJam Media. As an author, international award-winning short-film director, and transformational performance coach, Sian empowers entrepreneurs to embody the essence of self-love and grace to cultivate a vibrant and limitless life.

  • av Basil Du Toit

    Du Toit draws on his childhood years in Botswana (the Bechuanaland Protectorate, as it was in those days) to examine questions of language identity and entitlement. He recalls confiding the secret of a magic trick to an itinerant Tswana man who in exchange taught him how to say a few words of the / Xam language; this proximity of language to the magical fashioning of reality still haunts him and has led to poems questioning our sense of belonging to social structures, sexual groupings and even to humanity itself.Paradoxically, a diverse ethnic background (with Dutch, French, German and Scottish forebears) works against Du Toit's sense of being welcomed into any single national group. Two directions of trans-national entitlement remain open - movement into an inner landscape of spiritual and artistic values, and an allegiance to the planet as an ecologically neutral, valued and threatened space of dwelling. Both of these manifestations of "home" feature prominently in Du Toit's work. A visionary linguistics binds these worlds together - foregrounding of the inner life as a source of values and home encourages a Kantian vision of a natural world created by the necessary structures of human consciousness, language being the force and locus of this creation. Du Toit's longed-for release from paid employment in 2011 allowed him to spend his mornings in Edinburgh University's Main Library; there, over the next ten years, basing himself on the Third Floor of the library (where the University's literature collections are housed), he composed a large body of poems, mainly free-verse sonnets, from which the poems of "Studies in Khoisan Verbs" are drawn.

  • - ---A Remembered Prose
    av James a Hunter

    'Soft And Gentle 11 ---A Remembered Prose' is a rare, hybrid blend of prose poetry, mini-story, and elegant, enchanting words expressed with heartfelt, captivating imagery and symbolism. It vividly presents representations of emotions that everyone typically experiences at some time in their life. The writings carry mesmerizing and passionate descriptions which transport the reader right alongside the author, seeing and feeling the sentiment of his writing.Most spend their younger years establishing careers and starting a family. Often, the passions that are most precious to us in our youth lose their place in adulthood due to time restrictions and obligations. As time goes on and life gets even busier, it is easy to lose track of the most important things. We should always remember to save time for family, dreams, and nature, all of which can significantly contribute to happiness.Author James A. Hunter fills his prose with selective, heavy-hitting impressions which beautifully depict that which many of us experience on any given day. 'Soft And Gentle 11' will deeply touch those relating to the happiness of love or the sadness of losing love or loved ones; it will move those acknowledging the beauty of nature and help them realize that we need to love and preserve it; it will motivate those aspiring to enhance their life through their own positive efforts; and it will inspire those refusing to let life's setbacks get in the way of pursuing and achieving their dreams.This versatile, heartfelt collection of 200 pieces of concise prose poetry will relax and mellow the heart as it explores life, love, beauty, nature, happiness, hardships, dreams, and nostalgic memories. This work is a timeless treasure of observations which uniquely capture the soft and gentle aspects of life.

  • - Poetic Memoir - Part Three
    av Janet Cameron Hoult

    During their twenty-five years of marriage, Charley and Janet traveled all over the world - accompanying student rocket engineers to competitions, viewing solar eclipses, taking hot air balloon rides and cruises and always enjoying each other's company in Asia, Europe, South America, Canada and the U.S. After Charley officially "retired" from his aerospace endeavors, he became involved in CSULA and CSULB as a judge in competitions and then as an adjunct professor at CSULB. He taught the rocket engineering students how to design, build and test rockets for competitions like IREC - International Rocket Engineering Competition. Janet became the "grandmother" of all the students making sure they had water, snacks and sunscreen! In later years, our telescopes were donated to schools and given to students.

  • av Jamell Crouthers

    The series continues with Part 3 of the World We Live In as the 19 characters are experiencing and going through new things in their lives. Some are still struggling to get their lives right and others are making a turn for the best after certain events they have gone through. Christina gets her day in court with her perpetrators, will Kevin finally get off the streets after months of being homeless? What is Steve's life now after all of the events he's dealt with and gone through? How does Nathan handle all of the turmoil that's come his way after his announcement? This is another book full of emotion, feelings and a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs with each character. As they continue to chronicle their lives, you'll start to learn more about these characters and their struggle to heal in their lives. This is a must read if you've been reading the series so far!

  • av Jamell Crouthers

    The World We Live In Part 4 is about all of these characters growing and learning that life is a journey. With each character going through a range of emotions and feelings, they reach out to the most important people in their lives. This book takes a different direction in the way these characters express themselves. Some have taken on paths to bettering relationships with family members or friends that matter to them most. When you're going through things in your life, who are the closest people in your life that you confide in? An emotional rollercoaster that will make you appreciate life way more after reading this book.

  • av Jamell Crouthers

    Robert is going through a growth transition in his life from reflecting on his old neighborhood he lived in to losing his friends and going through therapy to deal with all that goes on in his mind. While dealing with those things, he learns about how hard it is to love when he hasn't received it his whole life, all while trying to find himself through all of the madness in his life. His younger brother Michael comes home from prison and it's a new adjustment to having him around again and trying to get Michael acclimated to life in the real world again. While Robert finally figures out what his passion is and what he wants to do with his life, Michael is chronicling his life behind prison walls and adjusting to the real world again.

  • - A Phoenix's Tale: A Phoenix's Tale
    av Ash A Zander

    Within the pages of 'Songs of Resilience, ' embark on a poignant journey that traverses the landscape of the human soul. Explore the delicate threads of love, the persistent struggle that shapes our existence, and the abundance of emotions that echo through time. From the innocence of childhood to the complexities of the present, these verses unveil tales of love's warmth, the bitter taste of resentment, the shadows of jealousy, and the poignant echoes of abandonment. Each poem is a heartbeat, a melody that resonates with the shared experiences of the human condition. This collection is an intimate conversation with life's intricate tapestry, inviting you to find solace, understanding, and perhaps a reflection of your own resilient spirit.A true Renaissance person, Ash Amoroci Zander embrace a diverse range of interests and pursuits, always seeking new ways to learn and grow. My passion for advocacy, especially for the vulnerable, is driven by a deep-seated belief in the power of trust and empathy. My determination and grit have carried me through trying times, allowing me to emerge with a newfound strength and resilience. My love for cooking, gardening, and writing reflects my boundless energy and creative spirit, and serves as a testament to my indomitable spirit.

  • - Struggle of a Manic-Depressive
    av Jennifer Toth
    162 - 225,-

    Dark to Light explores one woman's journey through the darkness, madness, loneliness, and despair of manic-depression. The book opens with poetry and prose that express the darker side of the illness. It is in her darkness, however, that she learns she is not alone and that by sticking together with others caught in the same bondage as she, there is both Hope and Light to be found. Through her suffering, she learns the importance of her God-given life and so begins the rise out of her pit. Rising out of the Dark she walks boldly into the Light with a new perspective on life and herself. She learns to focus on beauty as a weapon against the darkness. She finally comes to a place where she can find peace and gratitude to God. It is an amazing journey from the embrace of darkness into the warmth of the light.

  • av Gary Frederic

    The Journey With Nature Continues celebrates the wonders of the natural world and our intimate connection with it. With a sense of awe and appreciation, poet Gary Frederic explores various themes around the wonders of nature, spirituality, travel experiences, and human connections.Through vivid imagery and heartfelt verse, this immersive collection serves as an impassioned call to open our spirits to the splendor that surrounds us. From the ethereal beauty of snow to the majesty of oceans, the intricacies of wildlife, and the splendor of natural landscapes like mountains and islands.The Journey With Nature Continues celebrates the beauty of our interconnectedness with nature, encouraging us to embrace its teachings and find solace in its embrace.

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