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  • av &#1583, &#1575, &#1587, m.fl.

    ليس دمعاً.. وضمّ قلبي نشيجهْيا له الشوق حين أحسو مزيجهْ!يا له الطرف! ترجم الدمع لمعاًخدعة العين حين تبّتْ وشيجهْبـــدأ الآن مـا أسـمــــــيه مــوتــاًهادئاً رغم ما يثير ضجيجهْوالردى الآن لن يصير حياةإن غزلنا من الأماني نسيجهْفاقتلوني كما أحبّ.. اقتلوني

  • av Rachelle Randvee
    460 - 491,-

    "Movements in Mindscapes" invites readers into a profound journey through the undulating terrains of human consciousness. This collection of poetry transcends the ordinary, weaving together the vivid threads of thought, emotion, and perception to create a tapestry that captures the essence of our inner worlds. Each poem serves as a portal, offering glimpses into the myriad landscapes that lie hidden within the mind's eye. From the shadowy depths of doubt and despair to the luminous heights of joy and enlightenment, "Movements in Mindscapes" charts a course through the complex geography of the soul.Crafted with care and precision, the poems within these pages invite reflection, challenge preconceptions, and celebrate the intricate beauty of mental and emotional exploration. The poet's voice, both unique and universal, speaks to the shared human experience, encouraging readers to embark on their own inward odysseys. This collection is not just a reading experience; it's an invitation to a voyage, a call to wander the vast, uncharted territories of the heart and mind.Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Melani Helimets
    460 - 491,-

    "Trails of Thoughts" invites readers on a profound journey through the landscapes of the mind, where each poem serves as a pathway to the most secluded corners of human experience. This collection, rich with emotion and insight, navigates through the tangled woods of love, loss, joy, and despair, illuminating the beauty and brutality of life with each step.The poet's voice, both tender and bold, acts as a guide, encouraging us to explore the depths of our own reflections and to find solace in the shared human condition. With language that blooms like a wildflower meadow, the verses flow seamlessly from page to page, crafting a tapestry of thought that is as intricate as it is enchanting."Trails of Thoughts" is not just a book of poetry; it is a sanctuary for the soul, a place where readers can wander freely, discovering new insights and old truths. Whether you're seeking comfort, inspiration, or simply a moment of beauty, this collection promises to be a companion on your journey, offering light even in the darkest of forests.Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Jeannette Viirpuu
    445 - 552,-

    "Through Thick and Thin" is a captivating collection of poetry that traverses the landscapes of resilience, love, loss, and the indomitable human spirit. Within its pages, readers are invited to embark on a profound journey through the ebbs and flows of life, guided by the tender, yet powerful, voice of the poet. Each poem serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path through the darkest nights and the brightest days, reminding us of the beauty and strength that lies within the trials and triumphs of life.This anthology not only explores the complexities of human emotions but also celebrates the simple moments that connect us all. From the depths of heartache to the peaks of joy, "Through Thick and Thin" offers a reflection on the dualities of our existence, encouraging readers to embrace every facet of their being. With its rich imagery, intricate emotions, and universal themes, this collection is a testament to the resilience of the human heart and the unbreakable bonds that tie us to one another. Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Mirell Mesipuu
    445 - 552,-

    "Beside You in Verse" is a captivating journey through the landscapes of emotion and memory, rendered with exquisite precision and profound sensitivity. This collection of poems is a testament to the power of words to connect, heal, and illuminate the complexities of the human condition. Through its pages, readers are invited to explore the myriad ways in which love, loss, and longing intertwine, painting vivid portraits of moments both fleeting and eternal.Crafted with a keen eye for the beauty that lies in details often overlooked, "Beside You in Verse" offers a sanctuary for the soul, a place where the quiet whispers of the heart are given voice and the unspoken is gracefully acknowledged. Each poem serves as a beacon, guiding us through the shadows of our experiences towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the bonds that tether us to one another and to the world around us. Copyright (c) 2024 Swan Charm Publishing

  • av Olivia Oja
    445 - 491,-

    "Steps Towards the Horizon" is a mesmerizing collection of poetry that invites readers on a profound journey across the landscapes of the heart and soul. Through its pages, the poet navigates the intricate pathways of longing, love, loss, and liberation, crafting a narrative that resonates with the eternal quest for meaning and connection.Each poem serves as a step, a movement towards the elusive horizon where dreams and reality converge. With delicate precision and raw emotion, the verses explore the depths of the human condition, offering glimpses into the moments that define us, break us, and ultimately, transform us.This collection is an ode to the seekers, the dreamers, and the wanderers who dare to venture beyond the familiar, driven by the relentless pursuit of the light that dances just beyond the grasp. "Steps Towards the Horizon" is not just a book of poetry; it is a compass for the soul, guiding readers through the shadows towards the luminous beyond. Copyright (c) 2024 Swan Charm Publishing

  • av Luise Luik
    445 - 491,-

    In "Poetic Expressions of Friendship," embark on a journey through the tender landscape of companionship and camaraderie. This collection of heartfelt verses celebrates the beauty and depth of friendships that enrich our lives. Through the eloquence of poetry, immerse yourself in the warmth of shared memories, the strength of mutual understanding, and the joy of unconditional support. Whether capturing moments of laughter, offering solace in times of need, or simply rejoicing in the presence of cherished friends, these poems illuminate the profound bonds that connect us. "Poetic Expressions of Friendship" is a timeless tribute to the enduring power and grace of genuine connection. Copyright (c) 2024 Swan Charm Publishing

  • av Anord Sichinsambwe

    Anord Sichinsambwe's first collection of poems is a power punch interrogation of self-navigating colonialism, racism, liberation, salvation, religious significance - truths and myths - happiness, love and living dead alive. Dive in and be prepared to be awakened. - Malachi Smith

  • av Neto Meeks

    "I'M A HERO" is a testament to Neto's unwavering courage. A homage to the notion that all real poets should be feared. "Tread" cautiously through these "Soldier-Poems" and beware of explosive literary revelations." Tommy Ricketts - President, The Poetry Society of Jamaica"Neto's many and varied poems have given voice to the issues that matter to much of humanity. He is living authentically on his own terms, surrounded by a beautiful world of art and music." Deborah Avril Lockhart, LHD - Managing Director, The Language Shop

  • av Mikko Nevantakanen

    "Sinua kuritettiin. Niin tahtoi Jumala mutta millainen Jumala. Miten pienet jalat ja kädet." Mikko Nevantakanen on Vaasalainen runoilija. Kaspar Hauser kertoo jokaisen lapsesta.

  • - Runoja
    av Paavo Räisänen

    Joko ihmisviisaus on voittanut Jumalan viisauden ja ihmisen oma voima kaatanut Jumalan voiman. Sana on kuitenkin annettu, iäinen. Hengellistä runoutta.

  • - Runoja ja kertomuksia
    av Paavo Räisänen

    Tieto oli jo ennen meitä, Sana jo iäisyydessä, Hän sanoi olevansa heikoissa väkevä. Hengellistä runoutta.

  • - Runoja
    av Laila Lampinen-Hietikko

    Runokokoelma RAAKA MEDIUM KYPSÄ on kollaasi elämästä, kuolemasta ja rakkaudesta niiden välissä. Väkevissä runoissa avautuu maailma, jota kirjoittaja zoomaa aistivoimaisten ja tarkkojen havaintojensa kautta. Teos on läpileikkaus kirjoittajan keskeisestä tuotannosta, jossa toisaalta runojen tarinallinen aistillisuus, toisaalta tiivis aforistisuus nivoutuvat vaivatta lähes elämäkerralliseksi muotokuvaksi. Syvälliset pohdinnat, yllättävät oivallukset ja lakoninen huumori ryydittävät lukijalle väylän samaistumiseen ja yhteiseen kokemiseen ihmiselon sattumanvaraisissa tuokioissa. Laila Lampinen-Hietikko on kokkolalainen sanataideohjaaja, kriitikko ja kolumnisti. RAAKA MEDIUM KYPSÄ on hänen esikoisteoksensa.

  • av Rami Laine

    Vesi ja metsä ovat aina olleet paitsi suomalaisten, myös skandinaavisten maiden ihmisten pyhättö, mielen rauhan tyyssija - toinen maailma. Kunnioitettu. Pelätty. Myös elinehto. Suojeltu. Kirja vie meidät tähän paikkaan, jossa voimme kaikki tuntea yhtä heimolaisuutta, kulkea veden virrassa, kun sormiemme välistä lipuvat kaarnan ryhmyt ja sateen jälkeen humus tuoksuu ja leviää - kutoo metsän peittoa ympärillemme. Runoja luonnosta, metsästä, vedeksi tulemisesta, olemisen kokemuksia metsän omilla aisteilla.

  • av Subbulakshmi Yadava

    Within the pages of this book, you will find a treasury of poems that I have crafted with care and passion. Each verse is a reflection of my journey through the realms of imagination, truth, fantasy, and inspiration. Some poems dance with the vivid hues of imagination, painting landscapes of wonder and whimsy. Others draw from the wellsprings of truth, weaving narratives that echo the experiences of life's twists and turns. There are verses that soar into the realms of fantasy, where dreams take flight and possibilities are boundless. And amidst it all, you will discover poems that resonate with the power to uplift, to ignite, and to stir the soul. Together, they form a tapestry of emotions, thoughts, and musings that I humbly offer to you, dear reader, with the hope that they may find a place in your heart and accompany you on your own journey through life's rich tapestry.

  • av Yashara Shams

    This book holds experiences of love, friendships, and heartbreaks. It captures the essence of relationships, how complex they can be, and how simple they can be. This book helps in finding comfort in all the emotions, you, my dear reader might feel. Lavender is associated with relief, succor, and easement. This book has been composed pertaining to those emotions and the ability to see through the darkness of experiences in life. Walking through this book you'll be able to see the world is not divided but united by the plethora of sentiments, sentiments of ardor, excitement, even sentiments that make us feel low. Whatever you are going through, you're not alone.

  • av Jash Joshi

    નામશેષ "છે સાવ નજીકનો નાતો મારો ખુદા સાથે, એક-બે આંસુ થકી બંદગી થઈ જાય છે." પ્રેમમાં મુખ્યત્વે બે ભાવો હોય છે મિલન અને વિરહ. આ બંને ભાવો ને પુસ્તકમાં આવરી લેવાના પૂરતા પ્રયત્નો થયેલા છે. મિલનની ઝંખના અને વિરહની વેદનાને ભાવનાત્મક રીતે શબ્દોમાં પિરસેલી છે. દરેક વાચકને પોતપોતાની પ્રેમ કહાણી તથા પ્રેમિકાનો ચહેરો આંખ સામે ઝળહળશે એની ખાતરી છે. લાગણીઓના આ ઊચકનીચકમાં કવિ એક અનોખો રસાસ્વાદ કરાવે છે.

  • av Sangita Dattani

    Zeranto' means the spices that remain after the snack is consumed. The book is named Zeranto as a comparison to the leftover part that is useless but tasty since it's full of spices. Similarly the stories written about common people in this collection are Zeranto. It may seem not so important at first but might be super relevant if you think about it. 'ઝેરંટો' એટલે વધેલી વસ્તુનો નકામો ભાગ છે કામનો તો નથી છતાં મસાલાથી ભરપૂર હોય છે ઠીક એ જ રીતે આ વાર્તાસંગ્રહમાં લખેલી વાર્તાઓ સામાન્ય લોકોની છે પણ કંઈને કંઈ વિશિષ્ટતા દર્શાવે છે.


    A new bride yearning to belong. A suppressed wife looking for wings.A woman who has to choose between her home and a career. A motherwith a question for the sphinx. A ninety-year-old who decides to livelife on her terms...they are all part of this poetry collection. From thesimple grievances of housewives to wholesome stories about marriage, each poem is presented with humour and compassion. Which one isyour favourite?

  • - A Collection of Poems

    METANOIA GIRLSConvincing the last hope of the last stageConsisting the same view in diversityThe great white wall that is becoming beigeBuild the diversity into unityAn odds three growth fertile like dandelionAttract attention like beautiful parkSaving achievement into a millionAnd running in the silence of the darkGet marginalization as an antProve the elephant that small ants could killUncountable vitality like the sandHolding hands t'gether to pass thousand mileCute innocent eyes sweetly blinking like pieFierce strong people shout "One blaze never die"

  • av Kavi Chaitanya Upadhyay

    पुस्तक पूरी तरह से आद्यात्मिक यात्रा के बारे मैं है।चैतन्य उपाध्याय ने अपने जीवन के अनुभव में परमात्मा के प्रति जो एहसास जिया वो कविता के माध्यम से किताब में प्रस्तुत किया है।कुल 21 कविताऐं है। हृदय से लिखी है हृदय तक पोचे यही आशा है।

  • av Padma Angmo

    From something as simple as the wingbeat of a butterfly to the fascinating world of quantumphysics, this poetry and prose book is embroidered with colourful threads of experiences thatdecorate the empty fabric of existence. The most important inspiration for this book is thedark thread of grief-ecological grief.This poetry and prose book follows on the parallel, the Odyssey of Love-‒‒the most powerfulbut volatile energy, dreamed into existence by the state of Nothingness. The Fall of Love fromthe void causes a cosmic explosion (Big Bang) wherein Love disintegrates into infinitepieces. The broken pieces of Love take the form of infinite universes and realities. In one ofthe realities, the fragments of Love form our Universe. And in a cosmic dawn, Love burstinto being in all life forms on Earth. The parallel odysseys unravel as Love evolves in theform of humanity and seeks to reclaim its power. Thus, humanity is Love personified, andeach one of us is the manifestation of Love.In this book, Padma Angmo sensitizes readers to the devastating effects of habitat andbiodiversity loss on both local and global ecosystems. As an indigenous writer from Ladakh, she amplifies marginalized voices by addressing the impact of environmental degradation on her community. She prioritizes mental health and healing as a crucial foundation for resilience and collective global climate action.Ruler of the Sky invites the readers on a healing journey to reclaim our power. This collectionof poetry and prose is divided into six parts- Before the Big Bang The Big Bang Equilibrium The Big Crunch The Big Enigma The Big Freeze

  • - The Saga of Ramayana
    av Dipa Mitra

    "Divine Dawning: The Saga of Ramayana" presents the timeless tale of Lord Rama. This poetic journey delves deep into the essence of virtue, epitomized by Rama, a figure revered across ages for his adherence to ethical and moral principles. Throughout the epic, we witness Rama navigating a life filled with trials, yet standing unwaveringly tall against the tempests of adversity. He embodies the ideal son, a devoted husband, a just ruler, and a compassionate brother, showcasing an exemplary character in every aspect of life.The book portrays Rama not just as a legendary hero but as a beacon of ethics, whose actions and decisions provide a guiding light through life's complexities. His conduct in the face of war and conflict highlights his honor and divine nature, even towards his enemies."Divine Dawning: The Saga of Ramayana" transcends mere storytelling to become a vessel of profound life lessons, offering wisdom that resonates beyond religious and temporal boundaries. It encourages the modern reader to explore, internalize, and emulate the virtues exemplified by Rama. This book is not just a recount of an epic; it is a journey through the virtuous saga of a timeless hero, whose ideals continue to inspire and guide humanity through the ages.

  • av Mannat Atwal

    Dark poetry is a genre of literary expression that combines elements of beauty and darkness to explore the different shadows of the soul- melancholy, despair, sorrow, and the profound complexities of human emotions. This genre frequently delves into the shadows of the human psyche, addressing topics such as existentialism, the human condition, mortality, and the enigmatic nature of life. As readers immerse themselves in the pages of "Coherence," they will find themselves on a journey of self-discovery, confronting the hidden shadows and fears that lurk within. This collection, Coherence, is beyond mere words; it's an emotional experience that resonates deeply with anyone who has grappled with the intricate layers of their own psyche. It invites readers to embrace the darkness within, finding solace and understanding, in the depths of human feelings.

  • - (Research and Criticism)

    'Iiham' is a technique whereby the poet creates two meanings from the whole poem or its part. That is, the use of such a meaningful word in poetry that has two meanings. One is close, the other is far, and the poet means far, it is called 'Iiham'. The poets who have mastered language and narration and have dedicated their lives to poetry are the most qualified to manage Iiham. This book presents a thorough examination of the same factors that contributed to Iiham's significant development in early Urdu poetry. It does so through a number of essays.

  • av Haji Sayeed Alam

    A collection of ghazals curated one by one over a lifetime. These ghazals showcase life's journey, experiences, sufferings, pains, hardships and the view of the world never before explored. These Ghazals tell stories of love, companionship, beauty, and belief

  • av Shree Charan Renu

    I am grateful to my Gurudev for his inspiration and blessings that made it possible for me to write this book. This book is a collection of my thoughts that I have put forth before you in the form of Hindi poetry. This book talks about the spiritual and material life of a person. At first, I wrote poems solely on bhakti but then I thought, that to understand spirituality we must have knowledge about the material world as well. So I divided this book into two parts 'Saar' and 'Sansar'. The bliss that we receive in our life just by adding bhakti, 'devotion' into it, without letting go of anything. It is all about balancing life which will lead to the ultimate bliss. I also thank my parents for their constant support. I am just like any other ordinary girl living my life to the fullest and also a blissful one by the grace of my Guru and God. Devotion changed my perspective on life and showed me my ultimate goal. If a single person feels that he has found his goal through my poems then my objective will be achieved.

  • av Vibha Sood

    In this book, the poetess shares her experiences of life through short poems. These Poems are Composed of simple and clear language which make it comprehensible for readers. Some Poems take the readers back to their cheerful childhood while some portray harsh realities of life. Each poem connects with the reader and gives an impactful message.

  • av Sharda Bhakhri

    "Intriguing Blues - Art and Poetry for the whimsical soul" by Sharda Bhakhri is a unique space where poems and paintings meet to delight the readers' senses. A visual treat - the poetry book offers the reader a variety of poems about life and its shenanigans along with colours and motifs to enhance the reading and visual experience. Poetry lovers will find that the poems are a charming blend of whimsical content paired with soulful writing. A coffee table book, the art in the book has been designed to look like bookmarks, which they are in reality. This is the first book by Sharda Bhakhri who delights in combining Art and Calligraphy with her writing. She is constantly fascinated by the soft vibrant gem like feel of water colours on the grainy texture of handmade paper. Her favourite subjects to paint are nature, cityscapes and bookmarks. She is an English teacher by profession. She loves writing poetry and creating art. Visit her blog -

  • - Poesía que pasa
    av Raquel Caballero Pacheco

    La mirada poética dilata la experiencia del mundo, colabora en el viaje al centro de las cosas, llena de vida cada acontecimiento y nos devuelve la inocencia del no saber. La ignorancia sagrada.En los tiempos que corren, la poesía nos salvará. No es necesario escribir poesía. Tampoco leerla. Mas... sí mirar con poesía, SER la poesía, para poder desvelar la trama y salir, así, del drama.Este viaje a través de la poesía es un baile entre lo humano y lo divino. Una transformación que ocurre de adentro afuera, posibilitando legitimar todas nuestras partes. Las que brillan y las que hieden.Este libro es el relato de una humana desprendiéndose de cada máscara que se descubre, de cada piel que se le queda pequeña, mientras va palpitando, cada vez con más nitidez, el latido de la mujer ilimitada que también es.Un libro lleno de sutiles claves para sanar asuntos tan prioritarios en el universo personal como nuestro vínculo con el gozo, el amor propio, el merecimiento, la culpa, los fantasmas del pasado o la ciclicidad femenina.Con un estilo directo y visual, a veces irreverente y mordaz, pero siempre sensible, la autora se atreve a hurgar en las entrañas del lector para que cada poema sea una experiencia viva y única

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