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  • av Robert Ferguson

    Diverse Britain! What an opportunity to learn about other people´s values, fears, difficulties, ambitions, and fulfilments! Just look around your street. "Everyone On My Street" is a series of poems that tells the stories of all of these different people.

  • av Domenic-Lukas Keip

    Traumata, Angst und Zurückhaltung - dies ist der Alltag des 19-jährigen Diel. Er ist einsam, auch seine Eltern kümmern sich nicht um ihn, sie sind vielbeschäftigt. Wohin soll diese Spirale von Ausgrenzung und Alleinsein führen ...?


    Das Leben zeichnet uns und so sind Höhen und Tiefen wohl immer unsere Wegbegleiter. Ein kleiner Reim kann da schon helfen, um den Tiefen zu entkommen und wieder Freude am Leben zu finden.

  • - Gedichte
    av Roman Tieck

    Die Stille hat viele Gesichter. In unserer hektischen, lauten Welt ist kaum noch Platz für sie. Da kann einer der seltenen Augenblicke der Stille eine Wohltat sein, ein Ruhepunkt, um sich selbst zu finden, ein Moment der Meditation, um sich zu sammeln und frische Kraft zu schöpfen. Doch kann er sich auch beängstigend anfühlen, weil das eigene Ich plötzlich auf sich selbst zurückgeworfen ist. Manche scheuen deshalb die Stille und verscheuchen sie durch ständige Berieselung mit Musik oder medialer Unterhaltung. Es gibt die vertraute Stille zwischen Menschen, die sich wortlos verstehen, und die feindselige zwischen Partnern, die sich nichts mehr zu sagen haben. Und es gibt die Stille des Weltalls und des Todes. All diesen Facetten der Lautlosigkeit spüren die leisen, behutsamen Gedichte auf diesen Seiten nach.

  • - Gedichte zum Schmunzeln
    av Angie Pfeiffer

    Leicht verrückt, ganz schön verschmitzt und überraschend sind die Pointen dieser Schmunzelgedichte. Ein Buch, das uns eine Auszeit vom Alltag bietet.

  • - Gedichte und Kurztexte
    av Henrike Görlich

    Dieses Werk umfasst gesammelte Texte und Gedichte, welche sich mit dem Sinn des Lebens, dem Tod, Verlust, Trauer und Sehnsucht, sowie der Liebe auseinandersetzen. Die Gedichte sind in Reimform verfasst, während die Texte unterschiedliche Schreibstile aufweisen. Manche sind eine Niederschrift dahinziehender Gedankenfetzen, einige atmosphärische Stimmungsbilder und wieder andere gleichen kurzen Erzählungen. Sie alle fangen die Gefühle eines bestimmten Momentes ein, um diese dem Leser in Worten begreiflich zu machen. Sie bieten kleine Einblicke in die Seelenwelt der Autorin, wie Fenster in eine fremde Welt, Ausschnitte aus einem anderen Leben, in denen sich jeder auf die ein oder andere Weise wiederfinden kann. In diesem Buch geht es nicht darum, eine chronologische Geschichte zu erzählen, sondern eine Verbindung herzustellen zwischen dem Gemeinten, dem Geschriebenen, dem Gelesenen und dem Verstandenen. Jeder Leser kann und wird anderes sehen und verstehen, je nach seiner eigenen Lebenssituation. Die Worte sollen berühren und etwas in der Person, die sie liest, zum Klingen bringen. Es geht um die Erkenntnis, dass alles verbunden ist und dass alle Gefühle, seien sie schön oder schrecklich, dazu gehören, universell sind und von jedem Menschen getragen werden. Wir sind nicht allein mit dieser großen Herausforderung, die sich Leben nennt.

  • - Gedichte aus der Selbsterkenntnis
    av Matthias Der Frohpoet

    Manchmal dürfen wir Menschen Altes gehen lassen und uns an den Rand der Gesellschaft stellen. Wir dürfen ausgetretene Wege verlassen, wenn uns unser Herz einen neuen Weg weist. Das kann sich schwierig anfühlen und große Veränderung bedeuten. Wenn sich dann eine ganze Gesellschaft einmal so verbessert, dass sie sich nicht mehr ans Ego klammert, sondern wirklich nachhaltig wird und jeden Menschen respektvoll und wertschätzend annimmt, dann kann das für ein gesamtes Kollektiv neu und ungewohnt sein. Möglicherweise helfen auf der Erde sogar Höhere Kräfte mit, dass in unserem Kollektiv Weiterentwicklung geschieht und unsere Gesellschaft sich schrittweise nach Göttlichen Prinzipien ausrichtet. Hiervon, im Großen wie im Kleinen, handeln diese Gedichte: weg vom Ego des Verstandes und dafür hin zur Verbindung und Verschmelzung mit dem Höheren Selbst, hin zu wahrer Gemeinschaft und zu einer lebensbejahenden Menschheit.

  • - Roman

    Der Roman "Der gläserne Koffer" beschreibt auf amüsante Weise, wie es gelingen kann, dem Spiegelkabinett innerer Verstrickungen zu entkommen.

  • - suivi de QUELQUES ÉCLATS DE VERS - dessin réalisé par Inès, autiste
    av Aouicha Oudjedi Damerdji

    Aouicha Oudjedi Damerdji, née à Tlemcen (Algérie), passionnée de langue et de littérature, a voué plus de 50 ans de sa vie à l'enseignement de la langue, de la littérature et de la culture française.Auteure d'une thèse de doctorat en didactique du français langue étrangère, et de nombreux articles, elle est enseignante-chercheure à l'université de Tlemcen où elle assure des cours qui abordent différents aspects de l'enseignement/apprentissage du français en Algérie.Sa grande passion est la littérature et la poésie, elle a à son actif de nombreux poèmes qui ont ponctué les moments les plus marquants de sa vie: sa jeunesse, la décennie noire du terrorisme, les injustices sociales et l'autisme car depuis la naissance de sa petite fille Inès, autiste, elle s'est fortement impliquée dans la prise en charge des enfants atteints de trouble du spectre autistique notamment en devenant membre actif de l'Association Autisme Tlemcen.Ses textes émouvants expriment ses peines et surtout ses espoirs car son principal trait de caractère est... son optimisme à toute épreuve !Le cri du canari se veut le porte-parole des enfants autistes et de leurs proches qu'elle côtoie au quotidien. Tes mouvements incontrôlés, tes murmures sans trame, Ta mémoire embrumée par des songes à vau-l'eauSans souci, sans le moindre état d'âmeInlassable balancier, immuable pendule...Tranquille, tu avances, tu recules...Et moi...à la recherche du point aveugleJe brasse les méandres de mes rêves suspendusM'accrochant aux repères des cryptages révolus...

  • - Pranverë 2024
    av Ornela Musabelliu

    Numri i Pranverën 2024 i Revistës Letrare. Një përmbledhje cilësore në prozë, poezi e përkthime nga penat më të mira të shqipes, sjell: Agron Tufa, Gabriele D'Annunzio (përkth. Ilirian Dahri), Arti Lushi, Amarda Ekmekçiu, Olimbi Velaj në Intervistë, Fuad Rifka, Roland Gjoza, Shazim Mehmeti, Giuliano da Empoli (përkth. Arbër Ahmetaj), Mario Melendez (përkth. Rielna Paja), Hamit Aliaj në Dosjer nga Mehmet Elezi, Xhevair Lleshi, Azgan Berbati, Hysen Kobellari, Rei Hodo, Dino Buzzati (përkth. Kristi Nasto) dhe Basri Çapriqi në Kujtesë.Ky numër i Revistës përmban një koleksion të pasur krijimesh, me një gamë të gjerë poezish, prozash dhe copëzash narrative që trajtojnë një sërë temash, emocionesh dhe teknikash rrëfimi. Nga eksplorimi i butë i temave personale dhe shoqërore te përrallat imagjinare që transportojnë lexuesit në ambiente të ndryshme, koleksioni prezanton një tapet të përvojës njerëzore përmes një gjuhe të bukur. Shkrimet tregojnë një angazhim të thellë me nuancat e jetës, marrëdhëniet e botës, duke u ofruar lexuesve momente reflektimi, lidhjeje dhe arratisjeje. Këto cilësi e bëjnë këtë numër të Revistës një burim të vlefshëm për këdo që kërkon të zhytet në shkrimet krijuese bashkëkohore.

  • av Patrick Edène

    Ce livre propose un voyage contemplatif, parfois de manière mystique ou spirituelle, au sein de splendeurs de la nature qui composent notre merveilleux monde ! La deuxiième partie de l'ouvrage, est la présentation de poèmes amusants ou humoristiques.

  • av Tracey Slaughter

    For the 2024 edition of the Poetry Aotearoa Yearbook, editor Tracey Slaughter has once again hit the zeitgeist in her selection of 101 new poems from an exhaustive submission process. Another packed issue, #58 showcases the raw and the vital -- including from this year's featured poet, Carin Smeaton -- and a blistering introduction from Slaughter herself. In addition there are excellent reviews of a crop of recent poetry books. With work by both established and emerging New Zealand poets, the Yearbook is essential reading for all poetry fans.

  • av Nicholas Carpenter
    146 - 177,-

    This book is a collection of poems written in everyday language which can be easily understood and what is learned can be applied. Described within are events most people can relate to, though very seldom speak openly about and carry the weight of it on their shoulders, believing its just their "e;lot in life"e; and continue to struggle.

  • - Colección de poemas
    av Arduino Rossi

    PRESENTACIÓN DEL AUTOR A mediados de los años noventa fue particularmente sereno, un poco cansado, pero con un poco de "paz y esperanza: por eso mis poemas de esa época están menos atormentados".Siempre están llenos de imágenes y llenos de ansiedad, temerosos, pero más felices, con un poco de esperanza.Mi investigación nunca tuvo un respiro y continué incluso hacia un nuevo objetivo, con mi codicia por la verdad.ROSSI ARDUINORossi Arduino nació el 9 de junio de 1956, en Italia, en Bergamo y tiene un escritor y un comentarista en un periódico web, así como un colaborador de la revista.Hoy es un blogger gratuito: su Blog, News News, tiene una difusión notable, con más de 8 millones de páginas vistas, datos de Google counter.

  • av Ann Spier

    BUILD YOUR OWN LOTUS Decisions being made right now will determine if the earth will be habitable for humans in the near future. Corporate greed has scarred our beloved Eden for centuries, but one can make the choice to live in joy, to rejoice in the beauty that survives. Thich Nhat Hahn said "No mud, no lotus". We can wallow in the mud and muck of our worrisome world, or we create lotus blossoms with a life of hope and creativity.

  • av Jamell Crouthers

    A continuation of the series, the characters in the book have gone through life changing experiences, some if has changed for the better, some for the worst. How are these characters dealing with and coping after these life changing events? How has Christina recovered from being raped at a party? How is Michael dealing with the summer months being homeless? So many things have happened since the first book, its only fitting that you read the continuation of this series.

  • av Jamell Crouthers

    This book focuses on 19 fictional characters that chronicle life experiences that they've dealt with through prose writing. Each person discusses an experience that has changed and impacted them in ways they never thought of (alcohol addiction, homelessness, women's issues, domestic violence and many others). These fictional characters only have names, race or ethnicity is not discussed because the goal is to feel, understand and relate to their experiences as human beings. Too many times in today's society we base things off of social stigmas, race, ethnicity, social class when we are all human beings with daily struggles that no one will ever know.

  • av Terry Biggar
    194 - 273,-

    Embark on a captivating maritime journey with Sofia and Ashton in this enchanting tale of love, adventure, and discovery. As they set sail on a majestic cruise ship, the couple encounters a world of opulence and surprises. From sumptuous buffet breakfasts overlooking the open seas to thrilling sports activities and playland tours, the ship becomes a playground for endless possibilities.The narrative unfolds with a delightful dinner invitation from Ashton's old friend, Robin, the Cruise Director. Amidst laughter and reminiscences, Robin introduces the couple to the ship's top-notch crew and extends an unexpected invitation to a lavish suite, promising an unparalleled view of both the sea and the boardwalk. The story takes an exciting turn as Sofia and Ashton explore the ship's grand Promenade, indulge in shopping sprees, and share moments of joy. With an early morning tour of Grand Cayman on the horizon, the couple navigates the twists and turns of a cruise filled with surprises, laughter, and newfound luxuries. Join them as they traverse the deep blue seas, forging memories that will last a lifetime.

  • - Poetry
    av Jehann El-Bisi

    Poetry for healing, transformation, and reconciliation work. Jehann is an alchemist, a "mystic" artist, "who exposes the intersectionality of various forms of human oppression through this collection. It is a must read collection of poetry, especially for those individuals who are committed to social justice and the transformation of our institutions."


    Prepare to be swept off your feet as Michael Hall delivers a literary touchdown with "There's something about Mary." In this captivating poem like writing, Hall delves into the profound depths of his admiration for a dear friend, celebrating the enigmatic essence of Mary. Join Hall on this mesmerizing and soul-stirring exploration as he skillfully unravels the mystery surrounding "there's something about Mary." Through his poignant verses, Hall portrays Mary as an earthly angel, infusing this evocative work with a transcendent and deeply moving energy that resonates with the soul, leaving an indelible mark on the reader's heart and spirit.


    Prepare to be swept off your feet as Michael Hall delivers a literary touchdown with "There's something about Mary." In this captivating poem like writing, Hall delves into the profound depths of his admiration for a dear friend, celebrating the enigmatic essence of Mary. Join Hall on this mesmerizing and soul-stirring exploration as he skillfully unravels the mystery surrounding "there's something about Mary." Through his poignant verses, Hall portrays Mary as an earthly angel, infusing this evocative work with a transcendent and deeply moving energy that resonates with the soul, leaving an indelible mark on the reader's heart and spirit.

  • av Trinidad Rodriguez

    "Mi vida de poemas" es una historia de determinación, valor y una fe inquebrantable. Cada poema es un capítulo de una vida llena de luchas y la perseverancia de una madre soltera. Respira cada línea y comparte esas experiencias y ve ellas a través de las ventanas de sus ojos. Algunos poemas le permiten volar como una mariposa, la realización de la libertad de un primer vuelo, mientras que otros traen un dolor a tu corazón. Deja sentir el anhelo de una pareja amorosa y el cuidado y la dedicación a sus tres hijos. Su prosa nos lleva a donde no sabemos cómo ir nosotros mismos, mirando profundamente en nuestras almas con poemas que cantan a veces y a veces regañan a uno. Un viaje fascinante expresado desde el corazón de un escritor de talento. Búscate un rincón tranquilo y comparte una vida en prosa que rara vez tenemos el privilegio de visitar.

  • - Haibun
    av Martin Willitts

    The thirty-six woodblock prints that were the inspiration for this collection of writings were made by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849). The pieces show different views of Mount Fuji from various waystations where people would go to look at the beautiful mountain. The writings in this book are haibun, a literary form originating in Japan that combines prose-autobiography, diary entries, essay, or short story-and poetry-often haiku. Hokusai was in his seventies when he produced the Mount Fuji series; the author, Martin Willitts Jr., was seventy years old when he began studying the prints, attempting to merge himself with Hokusai.

  • - Book of Poetry
    av Shonita S Stevenson

    The journey, a book of poetry, is about inspiration, faith, lifting and assurance of new changes, new beginnings and hope that surpasses beyond human understanding. The book of poetry will one step further in realizing that God can make all things possible through life's journey on a road less travelled by many. It's laughter, tears, heart-felt and designates issues of the heart. You'll be drawm to the paths as you take part in the journey.

  • av Makaela Smith

    This collection begins in a time of drought - of isolation, longing, and desperation in a land without rain. As monsoon season approaches, we shift into a time of too much rain, to a point where all becomes toxic and destructive. On the other side of the monsoon, the superbloom is finally able to take place. Superbloom focuses on recovery, rebirth, and allowing new, healthy forms of love to thrive.Makaela Smith's inaugural work, Superbloom, is a mesmerizing expedition into the emotional deserts that reside within us. Within the barren stretches of pain and heartbreak, Smith's verses emerge as vibrant oases, unexpectedly breathing life into the arid landscapes of our souls.Far beyond a mere collection of poetry, Superbloom is a daring journey through the untamed wilderness of the heart, guided by the evocative prose of Makaela Smith. Her words don't just speak; they resonate, linger, and profoundly touch the depths of the heart, etching an indelible mark on the reader's emotional terrain.

  • av Kat Heatherington

    This collection of poetry charts the arc of a marriage, from the formation of the relationship and building a dreamed-of life together, through cycles and years of emotional abuse, and then into and through divorce and its healing aftermath. It grapples unflinchingly with deception, loss, love, heartbreak, and ultimately finding a path to wholeness and healing.

  • - Book 4
    av Barry H Mansfield
    178 - 209,-

    I hope my thoughts will be a help in the further meant of enlightenment for the citizens of our potentially beautiful and peaceful future of our planet. I am excited to present this my fourth book of philosophical poetic thoughts. This volume is dedicated to ideas both ancient and on the cutting edge of science, spiritualism, and beneficial reasoning. How these things are related in this day and age to what I believe to be the most productive and enlightening concepts of our day. This is to say a greater understanding of the multiple aspects of the processes which I believe will bring about a deeper understanding and greater love for both ourselves and each other.

  • - A Mosaic Collection of Inspirational Poetry & Short Stories
    av Janet McNeil

    In these accumulative works, she presents excerpts of real-life experiences collectively within a quiescent voice of wisdom that renders spiritual discoveries. She unleashes hidden secrets sharply magnified using defined imagery to link the reader to her profound truths.She presents biblical doctrine as a guide; hopeful the reader will discover a heightened awareness of understanding the depths of each poem and short story. Her poetic rhymes provide a perspective in harmony with the spirit to intrigue the sensesThe book was written in this creative arrangement to share new discoveries. It is a gift to everyone, Christians and non-Christians for enlightenment and encouragement. The expressions have purpose from deep compassionate love inspired by God. She is optimistic her works will set into motion unambiguous receptiveness and renewed optimism, and reveal a unique perspective to illuminate the spirit from which it is given.Janet McNeil is an inspiring poet, writer, and author of "Shaped with Purpose", a mosaic collection of inspirational poetry and short stories.

  • av Michael Salcman

    Ekphrastic poems bump up against poems about baseball, about the sad fate of urban areas, about art, about ordinary mortality, and most personally about the horrific murders perpetrated during the Holocaust and other atrocities, as in "The Vanished World of Iryna Abramov," a villanelle set during the Russian invasion of Ukraine: "In Bucha, the flowers grow fat on the graves." This is a collection to be read and read again, and to cherish with each re-reading.

  • av Jassín Antuna

    Si quiere ser arte, sea un ladrillo.Permita usted ser llevado por inciertas manos: Las posibilidades de poetizar son infinitas o como dijo el poeta peruano Alberto Hidalgo: El poemar repuebla el tiempo/acrecienta el espacio de perspectivas y de alrecedores/y en tanto que se espacia poemando/se tiempa para siempre quien poema y quien poema hoy, es Jassin Antuna desde este su libro iniciático. De cielos raros, del cual puede percibirse que fue concebido con la plasticidad de un fotógrafo o de un pintor, se captan realidades que son llevadas a las palabras desde la evocación y la nostalgia: padre, madre, familia, gorriones, escenas de parque, patria, transitan por este mundo tangible o ilusorio. Hay una serie de tonos y de maneras de poemar: desde el verso libre y el verso clásico (sonetos), lo cual le da una versatilidad en su propuesta: Parece que en sí ya eras una forma/estás en todas las formas. Machado dijo que se hace camino al andar y el camino de la poesía es arduo y duro. Aun le espera mucho a este joven creador que empieza. Él asume el reto y reconoce el arte de otros y lo reconoce en si, dejándose llevar ya sea por ciertas e inciertas manos y culmina en uno de sus poemas diciendo: el verdadero arte es la permanencia. Buen mar y buen viento para la vela. JAVIER ALVARADO

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