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  • av George M. Bergman
    1 028,-

    Starting with a survey, in non-category-theoretic terms, of many familiar and not-so-familiar constructions in algebra (plus two from topology for perspective), the reader is guided to an understanding and appreciation of the general concepts and tools unifying these constructions.

  • - Logic, Sets and Numbers
    av R. E. Edwards

    §1 Faced by the questions mentioned in the Preface I was prompted to write this book on the assumption that a typical reader will have certain characteristics. He will presumably be familiar with conventional accounts of certain portions of mathematics and with many so-called mathematical statements, some of which (the theorems) he will know (either because he has himself studied and digested a proof or because he accepts the authority of others) to be true, and others of which he will know (by the same token) to be false. He will nevertheless be conscious of and perturbed by a lack of clarity in his own mind concerning the concepts of proof and truth in mathematics, though he will almost certainly feel that in mathematics these concepts have special meanings broadly similar in outward features to, yet different from, those in everyday life; and also that they are based on criteria different from the experimental ones used in science. He will be aware of statements which are as yet not known to be either true or false (unsolved problems). Quite possibly he will be surprised and dismayed by the possibility that there are statements which are "definite" (in the sense of involving no free variables) and which nevertheless can never (strictly on the basis of an agreed collection of axioms and an agreed concept of proof) be either proved or disproved (refuted).

  • av Gabor Toth

    This textbook treats two important and related matters in convex geometry: the quantification of symmetry of a convex set-measures of symmetry-and the degree to which convex sets that nearly minimize such measures of symmetry are themselves nearly symmetric-the phenomenon of stability.

  • av Nicolas Bergeron

    Thistext is an introduction to the spectral theory of the Laplacian oncompact or finite area hyperbolic surfaces. For some of thesesurfaces, called ΓÇ£arithmetic hyperbolic surfacesΓÇ¥, theeigenfunctions are of arithmetic nature, and one may use analytictools as well as powerful methods in number theory to study them.Afteran introduction to the hyperbolic geometry of surfaces, with aspecial emphasis on those of arithmetic type, and then anintroduction to spectral analytic methods on the Laplace operator onthese surfaces, the author develops the analogy between geometry(closed geodesics) and arithmetic (prime numbers) in proving theSelberg trace formula. Along with important number theoreticapplications, the author exhibits applications of these tools to thespectral statistics of the Laplacian and the quantum uniqueergodicity property. The latter refers to the arithmetic quantumunique ergodicity theorem, recently proved by Elon Lindenstrauss.Thefruit of several graduate level courses at Orsay and Jussieu, The Spectrum of Hyperbolic Surfaces allows the reader to review an array of classical results andthen to be led towards very active areas in modern mathematics.

  • - From Concepts to Applications
    av Jean-Paul Penot
    1 101,-

  • Spar 14%
    - An Application-Oriented Introduction
    av Hans Wilhelm Alt

  • av Vydas Cekanavicius

    This book presents a wide range of well-known and less common methods used for estimating the accuracy of probabilistic approximations, including the Esseen type inversion formulas, the Stein method as well as the methods of convolutions and triangle function.

  • Spar 10%
    av Roger Godement

    This textbook covers the general theory of Lie groups. By first considering the case of linear groups (following von Neumann''s method) before proceeding to the general case, the reader is naturally introduced to Lie theory.Written by a master of the subject and influential member of the Bourbaki group, the French edition of this textbook has been used by several generations of students. This translation preserves the distinctive style and lively exposition of the original. Requiring only basics of topology and algebra, this book offers an engaging introduction to Lie groups for graduate students and a valuable resource for researchers.

  • - An Introductory Course
    av Sergei Ovchinnikov

    Proofs of theorems such as the Uniform Boundedness Theorem, the Open Mapping Theorem, and the Closed Graph Theorem are worked through step-by-step, providing an accessible avenue to understanding these important results.

  • av Vladimir Kadets

    Written by an expert on the topic and experienced lecturer, this textbook provides an elegant, self-contained introduction to functional analysis, including several advanced topics and applications to harmonic analysis.Starting from basic topics before proceeding to more advanced material, the book covers measure and integration theory, classical Banach and Hilbert space theory, spectral theory for bounded operators, fixed point theory, Schauder bases, the Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem for operators, as well as topics in duality and convexity theory.Aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this book is suitable for both introductory and more advanced courses in functional analysis. Including over 1500 exercises of varying difficulty and various motivational and historical remarks, the book can be used for self-study and alongside lecture courses.

  • av Jia-An Yan

    This book gives a systematic introduction to the basic theory of financial mathematics, with an emphasis on applications of martingale methods in pricing and hedging of contingent claims, interest rate term structure models, and expected utility maximization problems.

  • av W. Frank Moore

    This textbook on combinatorial commutative algebra focuses on properties of monomial ideals in polynomial rings and their connections with other areas of mathematics such as combinatorics, electrical engineering, topology, geometry, and homological algebra.

  • av Paul Vrbik & Jan Vrbik

    This introduction covers Markov Chains, Birth and Death processes, Brownian motion and Autoregressive models, using the Maple computer-algebra system to simplify both the underlying mathematics and the conceptual understanding of random processes.

  • av Igor Chueshov

    This book is devoted to background material and recently developed mathematical methods in the study of infinite-dimensional dissipative systems.

  • - Advanced Edition
    av Olivier Bordelles

    This textbook covers a wide array of topics in analytic and multiplicative number theory, suitable for graduate level courses.Extensively revised and extended, this Advanced Edition takes a deeper dive into the subject, with the elementary topics of the previous edition making way for a fuller treatment of more advanced topics.

  • Spar 17%
    av Thomas Alazard

    Part I Tools and Problems.- 1 Elements of functional analysis and distributions.- 2 Statements of the problems of Chapter 1.- 3 Functional spaces.- 4 Statements of the problems of Chapter 3.- 5 Microlocal analysis.- 6 Statements of the problems of Chapter 5.- 7 The classical equations.- 8 Statements of the problems of Chapter 7.- Part II Solutions of the Problems. A Classical results. Index.

  • av Peter Morris

    This advanced textbook covers the central topics in game theory and provides a strong basis from which readers can go on to more advanced topics. New definitions and topics are motivated as thoroughly as possible. Coverage includes the idea of iterated Prisoner's Dilemma (super games) and challenging game-playing computer programs.

  • av Vladimir A. Zorich

    This softcover edition of a very popular work presents a thorough first course in analysis, leading from real numbers to such advanced topics as differential forms on manifolds, Fourier, Laplace, and Legendre transforms, elliptic functions and distributions.

  • - A Comprehensive Course
    av Achim Klenke

    1 Basic Measure Theory.- 2 Independence.- 3 Generating Functions.- 4 The Integral.- 5 Moments and Laws of Large Numbers.- 6 Convergence Theorems.- 7 Lp-Spaces and the Radon-Nikodym Theorem.- 8 Conditional Expectations.- 9 Martingales.- 10 Optional Sampling Theorems.- 11 Martingale Convergence Theorems and Their Applications.- 12 Backwards Martingales and Exchangeability.- 13 Convergence of Measures.- 14 Probability Measures on Product Spaces.- 15 Characteristic Functions and the Central Limit Theorem.- 16 Infinitely Divisible Distributions.- 17 Markov Chains.- 18 Convergence of Markov Chains.- 19 Markov Chains and Electrical Networks.- 20 Ergodic Theory.- 21 Brownian Motion.- 22 Law of the Iterated Logarithm.- 23 Large Deviations.- 24 The Poisson Point Process.- 25 The It├┤ Integral.- 26 Stochastic Differential Equations.- References.- Notation Index.- Name Index.- Subject Index.

  • - Vol. I: Sturm-Liouville Equations
    av Christer Bennewitz

    This graduate textbook offers an introduction to the spectral theory of ordinary differential equations, focusing on Sturm-Liouville equations.Sturm-Liouville theory has applications in partial differential equations and mathematical physics.

  • av Stephen J. Gustafson

  • av Antoine Chambert-Loir

    The topics introduced include arithmetic of rings, modules, especially principal ideal rings and the classification of modules over such rings, Galois theory, as well as an introduction to more advanced topics such as homological algebra, tensor products, and algebraic concepts involved in algebraic geometry.

  • av Sergei Ovchinnikov

  • av Vladimir A. Zorich
    869 - 926,-

    This softcover edition of a very popular work presents a thorough first course in analysis, leading from real numbers to such advanced topics as differential forms on manifolds, Fourier, Laplace, and Legendre transforms, elliptic functions and distributions.

  • - Mahler Measure, Integer Matrices and Roots of Unity
    av James McKee

    Mahler measure, a height function for polynomials, is the central theme of this book. Many Mahler measure results are proved for restricted sets of polynomials, such as for totally real polynomials, and reciprocal polynomials of integer symmetric as well as symmetrizable matrices.

  • av Norbert A'Campo

    This book provides an introduction to the main geometric structures that are carried by compact surfaces, with an emphasis on the classical theory of Riemann surfaces.

  • Spar 17%
    av Joel L. Schiff

  • av Birger Iversen
    1 305,-

  • av Robert G. Underwood

    This text is intended for a one-semester course in cryptography at the advanced undergraduate/Master's degree level.  It is suitable for students from various STEM backgrounds, including engineering, mathematics, and computer science, and may also be attractive for researchers and professionals who want to learn the basics of cryptography. Advanced knowledge of computer science or mathematics (other than elementary programming skills) is not assumed. The book includes more material than can be covered in a single semester. The Preface provides a suggested outline for a single semester course, though instructors are encouraged to select their own topics to reflect their specific requirements and interests. Each chapter contains a set of carefully written exercises which prompts review of the material in the chapter and expands on the concepts.  Throughout the book, problems are stated mathematically, then algorithms are devised to solve the problems. Students are tasked to write computer programs (in C++ or GAP) to implement the algorithms.   The use of programming skills to solve practical problems adds extra value to the use of this text.This book combines mathematical theory with practical applications to computer information systems. The fundamental concepts of classical and modern cryptography are discussed in relation to probability theory, complexity theory, modern algebra, and number theory.  An overarching theme is cyber security:  security of the cryptosystems and the key generation and distribution protocols, and methods of cryptanalysis (i.e., code breaking). It contains chapters on probability theory, information theory and entropy, complexity theory, and the algebraic and number theoretic foundations of cryptography.  The book then reviews symmetric key cryptosystems, and discusses one-way trap door functions and public key cryptosystems including RSA and  ElGamal.  It contains a chapter on digital signature schemes, including material on message authentication and forgeries, and chapters on key generation and distribution. It contains a chapter on elliptic curve cryptography, including new material on the relationship between singular curves, algebraic groups and Hopf algebras.  

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