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Sixteen hundred years after her death (d. 415 CE), the legacy of Hypatia of Alexandria's life, teaching, and especially her violent demise, continue to influence modern culture. Through a series of focused articles, this volume takes a fresh look at the most well-known ancient female philosopher under three aspects: first, through the evidence provided by her most famous pupil, Synesius of Cyrene; next, by placing her in her late antique cultural context, and, finally, through analysis of her reception both ancient and modern. Though the sources are meager, Hypatia's influence on her students and wider culture guaranteed that she remained an important figure throughout the centuries, albeit one ranging from chaste Neoplatonist to conniving witch. Along with its eleven new essays, this volume also includes a new translation of all the principal ancient sources touching on Hypatia.
Die Klage über die eigene körperliche Vergänglichkeit und seelische Unbeständigkeit ist ein wiederkehrendes Grundmotiv im Libellus Carminum des Eugenius (+ 657), Erzbischof der wisigotischen Königsstadt Toledo. Erstmals kommentiert und kontextualisiert Annemarie Pilarski die 102 Gedichte umfassende Gedichtanthologie ausführlich und rückt damit ein wenig beachtetes Werk spätantiker beziehungsweise frühmittelalterlicher Kunst und Kultur in den Fokus. Sie nähert sich seiner Dichtung dabei insbesondere aus einer spiritualitätsgeschichtlichen Perspektive und formuliert vor dem Hintergrund emotionsgeschichtlicher und performativitätstheoretischer Ansätze die These, dass Dichtung in Eugenius' Poesie zu einer spirituellen Praxis, aber auch zum allgemeinen Mittel der Lebensbewältigung werden konnte. Dies zeigt die Studie anhand der inneren Struktur einzelner Gedichte wie des gesamten Gedichtbuches auf und leistet so einen Beitrag zur Erforschung des Konnexes von Religion, Spiritualität und kultureller Aktivität in der ausgehenden Spätantike.
Manolis Papoutsakis explores the conception of "vicarious kingship," a theme in Syriac political theology in Late Antiquity. Although the idea that the ruler on earth serves as the vicegerent of God in heaven is not an invention of Syriac writers, it appears that, within the Christian tradition, Syriac poets and homilists between the fourth and sixth centuries - the period covered in this monograph - are the first to introduce "vicarious kingship" into a carefully thought-out and consistent eschatological pattern. These learned intellectuals elaborate on the imperial office by commenting on, and alluding to, biblical narratives and by manipulating traditional idiom. Their thinking can be reconstructed and their compositions fully appreciated only after their exposition of the Bible has been carefully studied and their lexicon precisely understood. Early Syriac writings may thus provide answers to long-standing problems in fields that go well beyond that of Syriac studies.
Der vorliegende Band legt den Fokus auf kosmologische und kosmogonische Vorstellungen im Corpus Hermeticum und in weiteren, der antiken Hermetik zugerechneten Schriften. Die Beiträge untersuchen den synkretistischen Entstehungsprozess der Schriften und deren Gegenstand und Wirkung im Kontext der antiken Religions- und Philosophiegeschichte. Der Band bündelt dazu in interdisziplinärer Perspektive Beiträge verschiedener Forschungsrichtungen und Wissenschaftsdisziplinen wie u.a. Altphilologie, Theologie, Philosophiegeschichte, Religionswissenschaft, Ägyptologie sowie Gnosisforschung und betritt auf diese Weise wissenschaftliches Neuland. Niclas Förster und Uwe-Karsten Plisch publizieren in erweiterter Form Vorträge einer im Februar 2018 an der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen veranstalteten Tagung über "Kosmogonie und Kosmologie in hermetischen Schriften".
The articles in this volume discuss polemically charged re-evaluations of the religious traditions and scriptures of the Western world, employed throughout the centuries in various religious contexts. These studies consider new religious outlooks not as glosses on inherited traditions, but as acts of power exercised in the struggle for identity: contestation, appropriation, interpretation and polemics against the religious "other", involving, sometimes covertly, critiques of inherited tradition. The volume outlines a typology of the variety of attested strategies, highlighting cases of borderline extremes involving subversions of mainstream forms of belief as well as elucidating more moderate avenues of interaction. Most of the studies were presented at a 2016 conference in Jerusalem honouring Guy G. Stroumsa, a renowned scholar of early Christianity and Late Antiquity, recipient of many scholarly awards, including the Leopold Lucas Prize 2018. Contributors:Nicole Belayche, Moshe Blidstein, Philippe Borgeaud, Hubert Cancik, Hildegard Cancik-Lindemaier, Gilles Dorival, Giovanni Filoramo, Aryeh Kofsky, Sergey Minov, Maren R. Niehoff, Lorenzo Perrone, Serge Ruzer, John Scheid, Zur Shalev, Mark Silk, Adam Silverstein, Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Yuri Stoyanov, Guy Stroumsa, Michel Tardieu, Sharon Weisser
The consensus view asserts Augustine developed his later doctrines ca. 396 CE while writing Ad Simplicianum as a result of studying scripture. His early De libero arbitrio argued for traditional free choice refuting Manichaean determinism, but his anti-Pelagian writings rejected any human ability to believe without God giving faith. Kenneth M. Wilson's study is the first work applying the comprehensive methodology of reading systematically and chronologically through Augustine's entire extant corpus (works, sermons, and letters 386-430 CE), and examining his doctrinal development. The author explores Augustine's later theology within the prior philosophical-religious context of free choice versus deterministic arguments. This analysis demonstrates Augustine persisted in traditional views until 412 CE and his theological transition was primarily due to his prior Stoic, Neoplatonic, and Manichaean influences.
The present volume contains the proceedings of an international colloquium held in February 2015 at the Arts Faculty of the KU Leuven that brought together specialists in (late) ancient philosophy and early Christian studies. Contributors were asked to reflect on the reception of two foundational texts dealing with the origin of the world - the third book of Plato's Timaeus and the Genesis account of the creation. The organizers had a double aim: They wished to offer a forum for furthering the dialogue between colleagues working in these respective fields and to do this by studying in a comparative perspective both a crucial topic shared by these traditions and the literary genres through which this topic was developed and transmitted. Contributors:Paul M. Blowers, Mauro Bonazzi, David C. DeMarco, Volker Henning Drecoll, David L. Dusenbury, Lorenzo Ferroni, Benjamin Gleede, Sarah Klitenic Wear, Clement Kuehn, Gerard P. Luttikhuizen, Claudio Moreschini, Samuel Pomeroy, Gerd Van Riel, Gregory E. Sterling, Dimitrios Zaganas
The essays in this volume situate the Nag Hammadi Codices and their texts in the context of late antique Egypt, treating such topics as Coptic readers and readings, the difficulty of dating early Greek and Coptic manuscripts, scribal practices, the importance of heavenly ascent, asceticism, and instruction in Egyptian monastic culture. They also explore the relationship of the texts to the Origenist controversy and Manichaeism, the continuity of mythical traditions in later Coptic literature, and issues relating to the codices' production and burial. The volume thus showcases the new trend in scholarship to treat the Nag Hammadi Codices not as sources for Gnosticism, but instead for Christianity and monasticism in late antique Egypt. Contributors:Christian Askeland, Christian Bull, Dylan Burns, Julio Cesar Dias Chaves, David Coblentz, Jon Dechow, Stephen Emmel, René Falkenberg, James E. Goehring, Lance Jenott, Lillian Larsen, Hugo Lundhaug, Louis Painchaud, Philip Sellew, Blossom Stefaniw, Ulla Tervahauta, Paula Tutty, Michael A. Williams
Daniele Pevarello analyzes the Sentences of Sextus, a second century collection of Greek aphorisms compiled by Sextus, an otherwise unknown Christian author. The specific character of Sextus' collection lies in the fact that the Sentences are a Christian rewriting of Hellenistic sayings, some of which are still preserved in pagan gnomologies and in Porphyry. Pevarello investigates the problem of continuity and discontinuity between the ascetic tendencies of the Christian compiler and aphorisms promoting self-control in his pagan sources. In particular, he shows how some aspects of the Stoic, Cynic, Platonic and Pythagorean moral traditions, such as sexual restraint, voluntary poverty, the practice of silence and of a secluded life were creatively combined with Sextus' ascetic agenda against the background of the biblical tradition. Drawing on this adoption of Hellenistic moral traditions, Pevarello shows how great a part the moral tradition of Greek paideia played in the shaping and development of self-restraint among early Christian ascetics.
William D. Furley and Jan Maarten Bremer provide the reader with as full a picture as possible of ancient Greek religious hymns which were sung either at religious services or in literary contexts imitating such services. The emphasis is laid on the edition of the Greek texts, both those which excavations of such sites as Delphi, Epidauros and Athens have produced from the 4th century BC on, and those which have been transmitted through the manuscript tradition or on papyri. The authors aim to provide full editorial assistance to the interpretation of the originals which are presented with textual variant readings, metrical analyses, general comment on the context - both historical and literary - of the texts, and then detailed line-by-line commentary. The material is divided into two volumes.The first offers, after a general introduction, all hymns in verse translation, each followed by a general discussion situating the text in the context of Greek worship. This volume as a whole is perfectly accessible to the Greekless reader; Greek citations are translated throughout. The second gives the Greek texts, apparatus criticus, metrical analysis and line-by-line commentary on language and content. Both volumes contain a bibliography and an index. Taken together, they present a 'reconstruction' of the composite genre of Greek lyric hymns, which many have lamented is hopelessly lost. The twofold approach of combining epigraphic and literary texts permits a fuller appreciation of the range of surviving texts than has hitherto been possible.
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