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  • av Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein
    1 521 - 1 643,-

    This monograph adopts an operational and functional analytic approach to the following problem: given a short exact sequence (group extension) 1 N G H 1 of finite groups, describe the irreducible representations of G by means of the structure of the group extension. This problem has attracted many mathematicians, including I. Schur, A.H. Clifford, and G. Mackey and, more recently, M. Isaacs, B. Huppert, Y.G. Berkovich & E.M. Zhmud, and J.M.G. Fell & R.S. Doran.The main topics are, on the one hand, Clifford Theory and the Little Group Method (of Mackey and Wigner) for induced representations, and, on the other hand, Kirillov's Orbit Method (for step-2 nilpotent groups of odd order) which establishes a natural and powerful correspondence between Lie rings and nilpotent groups. As an application, a detailed description is given of the representation theory of the alternating groups, of metacyclic, quaternionic, dihedral groups, and of the (finite) Heisenberg group. The Little Group Method may be applied if and only if a suitable unitary 2-cocycle (the Mackey obstruction) is trivial. To overcome this obstacle, (unitary) projective representations are introduced and corresponding Mackey and Clifford theories are developed. The commutant of an induced representation and the relative Hecke algebra is also examined. Finally, there is a comprehensive exposition of the theory of projective representations for finite Abelian groups which is applied to obtain a complete description of the irreducible representations of finite metabelian groups of odd order.

  • av Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
    569 - 882,-

    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Calculus of Variations and its use in modelling mechanics and physics problems. Presenting a geometric approach to the subject, it progressively guides the reader through this very active branch of mathematics, accompanying key statements with a huge variety of exercises, some of them solved. Stressing the need to overcome limitations of the initial point of view, and emphasising the interconnectivity of various branches of mathematics (algebra, analysis and geometry), the book includes some advanced material to challenge the most motivated students. Systematic, short historical notes provide details on the subject's odyssey, and how new tools have been developed over the last two centuries. This English translation updates a set of notes for a course first given at the Ecole polytechnique in 1987. It will be accessible to graduate students and advanced undergraduates.

  • av Graziano Gentili
    1 172 - 1 290,-

    This book surveys the foundations of the theory of slice regular functions over the quaternions, introduced in 2006, and gives an overview of its generalizations and applications.As in the case of other interesting quaternionic function theories, the original motivations were the richness of the theory of holomorphic functions of one complex variable and the fact that quaternions form the only associative real division algebra with a finite dimension n>2. (Slice) regular functions quickly showed particularly appealing features and developed into a full-fledged theory, while finding applications to outstanding problems from other areas of mathematics. For instance, this class of functions includes polynomials and power series. The nature of the zero sets of regular functions is particularly interesting and strictly linked to an articulate algebraic structure, which allows several types of series expansion and the study of singularities. Integral representation formulas enrich the theory and are fundamental to the construction of a noncommutative functional calculus. Regular functions have a particularly nice differential topology and are useful tools for the construction and classification of quaternionic orthogonal complex structures, where they compensate for the scarcity of conformal maps in dimension four.This second, expanded edition additionally covers a new branch of the theory: the study of regular functions whose domains are not axially symmetric. The volume is intended for graduate students and researchers in complex or hypercomplex analysis and geometry, function theory, and functional analysis in general.

  • av Teresa W. Haynes
    1 888,-

    This monograph is designed to be an in-depth introduction to domination in graphs. It focuses on three core concepts: domination, total domination, and independent domination. It contains major results on these foundational domination numbers, including a wide variety of in-depth proofs of selected results providing the reader with a toolbox of proof techniques used in domination theory. Additionally, the book is intended as an invaluable reference resource for a variety of readerships, namely, established researchers in the field of domination who want an updated, comprehensive coverage of domination theory; next, researchers in graph theory who wish to become acquainted with newer topics in domination, along with major developments in the field and some of the proof techniques used; and, graduate students with interests in graph theory, who might find the theory and many real-world applications of domination of interest for masters and doctoral thesis topics. The focusedcoverage also provides a good basis for seminars in domination theory or domination algorithms and complexity.The authors set out to provide the community with an updated and comprehensive treatment on the major topics in domination in graphs. And by Jove, they¿ve done it! In recent years, the authors have curated and published two contributed volumes: Topics in Domination in Graphs, © 2020 and Structures of Domination in Graphs, © 2021. This book rounds out the coverage entirely. The reader is assumed to be acquainted with the basic concepts of graph theory and has had some exposure to graph theory at an introductory level. As graph theory terminology sometimes varies, a glossary of terms and notation is provided at the end of the book.

  • av Louis Shapiro
    1 399,-

    The ever-growing applications and richness of approaches to the Riordan group is captured in this comprehensive monograph, authored by those who are among the founders and foremost world experts in this field. The concept of a Riordan array has played a unifying role in enumerative combinatorics over the last three decades. The Riordan arrays and Riordan group is a new growth point in mathematics that is both being influenced by, and continuing its contributions to, other fields such as Lie groups, elliptic curves, orthogonal polynomials, spline functions, networks, sequences and series, Beal conjecture, Riemann hypothesis, to name several. In recent years the Riordan group has made links to quantum field theory and has become a useful tool for computer science and computational chemistry. We can look forward to discovering further applications to unexpected areas of research. Providing a baseline and springboard to further developments and study, this book may also serve asa text for anyone interested in discrete mathematics, including combinatorics, number theory, matrix theory, graph theory, and algebra.

  • av Matteo Gallone
    1 521,-

    This book introduces and discusses the self-adjoint extension problem for symmetric operators on Hilbert space. It presents the classical von Neumann and Krein¿Vishik¿Birman extension schemes both in their modern form and from a historical perspective, and provides a detailed analysis of a range of applications beyond the standard pedagogical examples (the latter are indexed in a final appendix for the reader¿s convenience).Self-adjointness of operators on Hilbert space representing quantum observables, in particular quantum Hamiltonians, is required to ensure real-valued energy levels, unitary evolution and, more generally, a self-consistent theory. Physical heuristics often produce candidate Hamiltonians that are only symmetric: their extension to suitably larger domains of self-adjointness, when possible, amounts to declaring additional physical states the operator must act on in order to have a consistent physics, and distinct self-adjoint extensions describe different physics.Realising observables self-adjointly is the first fundamental problem of quantum-mechanical modelling.The discussed applications concern models of topical relevance in modern mathematical physics currently receiving new or renewed interest, in particular from the point of view of classifying self-adjoint realisations of certain Hamiltonians and studying their spectral and scattering properties. The analysis also addresses intermediate technical questions such as characterising the corresponding operator closures and adjoints. Applications include hydrogenoid Hamiltonians, Dirac¿Coulomb Hamiltonians, models of geometric quantum confinement and transmission on degenerate Riemannian manifolds of Grushin type, and models of few-body quantum particles with zero-range interaction.Graduate students and non-expert readers will benefit from a preliminary mathematical chapter collecting all the necessary pre-requisites on symmetric and self-adjoint operators on Hilbert space (including the spectral theorem), and from a further appendix presenting the emergence from physical principles of the requirement of self-adjointness for observables in quantum mechanics.

  • av Alexey R. Alimov & Igor¿ G. Tsar¿kov
    1 643,-

  • av Noe Angelo Caruso & Alessandro Michelangeli
    1 276,-

  • av Yasushi Komori
    1 399,-

    The contents of this book was created by the authors as a simultaneous generalization of Witten zeta-functions, Mordell¿Tornheim multiple zeta-functions, and Euler¿Zagier multiple zeta-functions. Zeta-functions of root systems are defined by certain multiple series, given in terms of root systems. Therefore, they intrinsically have the action of associated Weyl groups. The exposition begins with a brief introduction to the theory of Lie algebras and root systems and then provides the definition of zeta-functions of root systems, explicit examples associated with various simple Lie algebras, meromorphic continuation and recursive analytic structure described by Dynkin diagrams, special values at integer points, functional relations, and the background given by the action of Weyl groups. In particular, an explicit form of Witten¿s volume formula is provided. It is shown that various relations among special values of Euler¿Zagier multiple zeta-functions¿which usually are called multiple zeta values (MZVs) and are quite important in connection with Zagier¿s conjecture¿are just special cases of various functional relations among zeta-functions of root systems. The authors further provide other applications to the theory of MZVs and also introduce generalizations with Dirichlet characters, and with certain congruence conditions. The book concludes with a brief description of other relevant topics.

  • av Ivan Penkov & Crystal Hoyt
    1 399,-

  • av Marco Manetti
    1 740,-

    This book furnishes a comprehensive treatment of differential graded Lie algebras, L-infinity algebras, and their use in deformation theory. We believe it is the first textbook devoted to this subject, although the first chapters are also covered in other sources with a different perspective.Deformation theory is an important subject in algebra and algebraic geometry, with an origin that dates back to Kodaira, Spencer, Kuranishi, Gerstenhaber, and Grothendieck. In the last 30 years, a new approach, based on ideas from rational homotopy theory, has made it possible not only to solve long-standing open problems, but also to clarify the general theory and to relate apparently different features. This approach works over a field of characteristic 0, and the central role is played by the notions of differential graded Lie algebra,  L-infinity algebra, and Maurer-Cartan equations.The book is written keeping in mind graduate students with a basic knowledge of homological algebra and complex algebraic geometry as utilized, for instance, in the book by K. Kodaira, Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures. Although the main applications in this book concern deformation theory of complex manifolds, vector bundles, and holomorphic maps, the underlying algebraic theory also applies to a wider class of deformation problems, and it is a prerequisite for anyone interested in derived deformation theory. Researchers in algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, deformation theory,  and noncommutative geometry are the major targets for the book. 

  • av Alexander Kharazishvili
    1 290,-

    This monograph gives the reader an up-to-date account of the fine properties of real-valued functions and measures. The unifying theme of the book is the notion of nonmeasurability, from which one gets a full understanding of the structure of the subsets of the real line and the maps between them. The material covered in this book will be of interest to a wide audience of mathematicians, particularly to those working in the realm of real analysis, general topology, and probability theory. Set theorists interested in the foundations of real analysis will find a detailed discussion about the relationship between certain properties of the real numbers and the ZFC axioms, Martin's axiom, and the continuum hypothesis.

  • av Winfried Bruns
    1 521,-

    This book offers an up-to-date, comprehensive account of determinantal rings and varieties, presenting a multitude of methods used in their study, with tools from combinatorics, algebra, representation theory and geometry.After a concise introduction to Grobner and Sagbi bases, determinantal ideals are studied via the standard monomial theory and the straightening law. This opens the door for representation theoretic methods, such as the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence, which provide a description of the Grobner bases of determinantal ideals, yielding homological and enumerative theorems on determinantal rings. Sagbi bases then lead to the introduction of toric methods. In positive characteristic, the Frobenius functor is used to study properties of singularities, such as F-regularity and F-rationality. Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, an important complexity measure in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, is introduced in the general setting of a Noetherian base ring and then applied to powers and products of ideals. The remainder of the book focuses on algebraic geometry, where general vanishing results for the cohomology of line bundles on flag varieties are presented and used to obtain asymptotic values of the regularity of symbolic powers of determinantal ideals. In characteristic zero, the Borel-Weil-Bott theorem provides sharper results for GL-invariant ideals. The book concludes with a computation of cohomology with support in determinantal ideals and a survey of their free resolutions.Determinants, Grobner Bases and Cohomology provides a unique reference for the theory of determinantal ideals and varieties, as well as an introduction to the beautiful mathematics developed in their study. Accessible to graduate students with basic grounding in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, it can be used alongside general texts to illustrate the theory with a particularly interesting and important class of varieties.

  • av Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein & Michele D'Adderio
    1 032,-

  • av Sang-hyun Kim & Thomas Koberda
    1 399,-

  • av Iwona Chlebicka, Piotr Gwiazda, Aneta Wróblewska-Kami¿ska & m.fl.
    1 399,-

  • av Jean Ludwig, Hidenori Fujiwara & Ali Baklouti
    1 643,-

  • av Shin-ichi Ohta
    1 521,-

  • av Bruce Hunt
    1 954,-

  • av Kazuaki Taira
    1 804,-

    This book is an easy-to-read reference providing a link between functional analysis and diffusion processes. More precisely, the book takes readers to a mathematical crossroads of functional analysis (macroscopic approach), partial differential equations (mesoscopic approach), and probability (microscopic approach) via the mathematics needed for the hard parts of diffusion processes. This work brings these three fields of analysis together and provides a profound stochastic insight (microscopic approach) into the study of elliptic boundary value problems.The author does a massive study of diffusion processes from a broad perspective and explains mathematical matters in a more easily readable way than one usually would find. The book is amply illustrated; 14 tables and 141 figures are provided with appropriate captions in such a fashion that readers can easily understand powerful techniques of functional analysis for the study of diffusion processes in probability.The scope of the author's work has been and continues to be powerful methods of functional analysis for future research of elliptic boundary value problems and Markov processes via semigroups. A broad spectrum of readers can appreciate easily and effectively the stochastic intuition that this book conveys.  Furthermore, the book will serve as a sound basis both for researchers and for graduate students in pure and applied mathematics who are interested in a modern version of the classical potential theory and Markov processes.For advanced undergraduates working in functional analysis, partial differential equations, and probability, it provides an effective opening to these three interrelated fields of analysis. Beginning graduate students and mathematicians in the field looking for a coherent overview will find the book to be a helpful beginning. This work will be a major influence in a very broad field of study for a long time.

  • av Francesca Acquistapace
    1 399,-

    We describe a class of semianalytic sets defined by countably many global real analytic functions that is stable under topological properties and under proper holomorphic maps between Stein spaces, that is, verifies a direct image theorem.

  • av Frederic Mangolte
    1 434 - 1 466,-

  • av Alexey R. Alimov
    1 804,-

    This monograph provides a comprehensive introduction to the classical geometric approximation theory, emphasizing important themes related to the theory including uniqueness, stability, and existence of elements of best approximation.

  • av Valerii Berestovskii & Yurii Nikonorov
    1 595 - 1 613,-

  • av Yong-Geun Oh, Hiroshi Ohta, Kenji Fukaya & m.fl.
    1 547,-

    Answering popular demand, the authors now present the current book, in which they provide a detailed, self-contained explanation of the theory of Kuranishi structures. Part I discusses the theory on a single space equipped with Kuranishi structure, called a K-space, and its relevant basic package.

  • av Filippo Bracci, Manuel D. Contreras & Santiago Diaz-Madrigal
    1 613,-

    The book faces the interplay among dynamical properties of semigroups, analytical properties of infinitesimal generators and geometrical properties of Koenigs functions.

  • av Moshe Jarden & Dan Haran
    1 429,-

    Its main result, a theorem proved by the authors and Florian Pop in 2012, describes the absolute Galois group of distinguished semi-local algebraic (and other) extensions of the rational numbers as free products of the free profinite group on countably many generators and local Galois groups.

  • av Sang-hyun Kim & Thomas Koberda
    1 735,-

  • av Ivan Penkov
    1 418,-

    Originating from graduate topics courses given by the first author, this book functions as a unique text-monograph hybrid that bridges a traditional graduate course to research level representation theory.

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