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  • av James A Wallace

    Al darle énfasis a la preparación espiritual y vocal, El ministerio de los lectores ayudará a los lectores con experiencia al igual que a los principiantes en el ministerio de proclamar la palabra de Dios. El Padre Wallace ofrece varios modos de cómo entender la obra del lector (trabajo, servicio, vocación) y reflexiona sobre el misterio de Dios quien habla con--y a través--de nosotros en la Palabra. Incluye ideas sobre cómo continuar desarrollando nuestras habilidades, al igual que una guía para poder atender a las necesidades del texto, de los oyentes, y el espacio litúrgico. Emphasizing both spiritual and speaking preparation, this book will help experienced and beginning lectors in the ministry of proclaiming the word of God. Wallace offers insight to various understandings of the lector's work (job, ministry, vocation), and reflects on the mystery of God who speaks to-and through-us in the Word. Includes ideas for ongoing technique development, as well as a guide to meeting the needs of the text, listeners, and liturgical setting. Divided into three parts, this work begins with Part One, The Lector--What's in a Name? Sections in Part Two, God's Word Spoken to Us are: "The Word of the Lord," The Word of God and the Bible, The Word of God and the Liturgy, The Word of God and the Lectionary, and The Word of God and the Lector. Sections in Part Three, God's Word Spoken Through Us are Spiritual Preparation, Speaking Preparation (includes The Requirements of the Text, The Requirements of the Listeners, The Requirements of the Setting), From Skill to Art: Three Suggestions. Concludes with a Final Word. James A. Wallace, CSsR, PhD, is professor of homiletics at Washington Theological Union and co-editor of New Theology Review. His previous works include Preaching Through the Saints, Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart, and The Ministry of Lectors, published by Liturgical Press. Este título disponible solamente en Español./This book is written in Spanish only.

  • av Michael Kwatera

    El ministerio de la Comunió ofrece consejos prácticos y teología vital para ministros de la Eucaristía. Este libro, actualizado con las más recientes normas y leyes litúrgicas, es una guía excelente para tanto las personas que sirven a la gente de Dios como para las que los ayudan a prepararse para el ministerio El Padre y Doctor Michael Kwatera, OSB, un monje de St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, ha sido unmaestro de liturgia a nivel universitario y de postgrado y un practicante de liturgia en parroquias y comunidades religiosas. Es autor de numerosos arta­culos y varios libros de Oraciones. Ademas de enseanar, dirige taleres acerca de los ministerios litargicos. Actualmente sirve Como director de oblatos para Saint John's Abbey. Este título disponible solamente en Español./This book is written in Spanish onlyThe Ministry of Communion offers practical advice and vital theology for Eucharistic ministers. Updated with the latest liturgical laws and norms, and with an expanded section on leading Communion services, this book is an excellent guide for both those who serve God's people, and those who help them prepare for the ministry.Fr. Michael Kwatera, OSB, PhD, is director of Oblates for Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota. He is a teacher and practitioner of Christian liturgy and the author of several Liturgical Press books, including Come to the Feast: Liturgical Ministry of, by, and for Everybody and The Collegeville Prayer of the Faithful Annual published by Liturgical Press. "

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