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  • - Guia de Inversion Inmobiliaria - Como buscar, financiar, rehabilitar y revender casas para tener grandes beneficios. Obtiene tu libertad financiera ahora
    av Brandon Hammond

    ¿No te suena emocionante poder tener el potencial de ganar más que el salario medio anual de los EE. UU, con solo una transacción? ¿Y no sería maravilloso si pudieras hacerlo utilizando cantidades insignificantes de tus ahorros personales?El concepto de House Flipping es simple; compra una propiedad solo para revenderla y obten un beneficio rápido.La razón principal por la que las personas entran en el concepto del House Flipping es con la esperanza de ganar dinero rápidamente. De hecho, si se hace correctamente, una inversión inmobiliaria puede proporcionar ganancias muy grandes en un período de tiempo muy corto, y en muchos casos en cuestión de meses.No es necesario ser un inversor legítimo de bienes raíces, pero puedes verte y actuar como tal con los consejos y pautas que se encuentran en este libro.Ganar dinero a través de un negocio de Reventa de Propiedades no debería depender únicamente de la apreciación del mercado. Este libro contiene toda la información necesaria cuando se trata de revender casas y un enfoque sorprendente sobre cómo dar tus primeros pasos en tu viaje a través del análisis del mercado y lograr la capacidad de reconocer buenas negociaciones.El autor, un experimentado y exitoso inversionista que ha estado usando estas técnicas invirtiendo en más de 100 casas en los últimos años con múltiples inversiones al mismo tiempo, ha llenado este libro con todas las tácticas, consejos y trucos que ha aprendido en su gran trayectoria con el objetivo de hacer que los principiantes comiencen evitando los errores más comunes que generalmente se cometen. Algunos de los temas que discutiremos en esta guía para ayudarte a comenzar a invertir en bienes raíces incluyen:Los fondos se pueden obtener a través de bancos, dinero duro, dinero privado y más.Reconociendo las negociaciones que hacen posible ganar mucho dinero invirtiendo en la Reventa de Propiedades.Haga estimaciones precisas del precio, incluidas las de reparaciones, que vendrán con tu negociacion.Deducir en qué se debe invertir y qué se debe descartar.Formular estrategias de negociación efectivas.Buscando contratistas; buenos y trabajadoresVende tus casas en modo rápido a los mejores precios.Crece y expande más tu negocio y domina la capacidad de vender mas casas a la vez.Este libro te equipará con las herramientas y las pautas esenciales que necesitas para triunfar en esta industria, sin importar qué tipo de bienes raíces decidas obtener.Afortunadamente, hay una clave para el éxito de la inversión en bienes raíces y eso es el Conocimiento. Este libro, a diferencia de otros que puedes haber encontrado, te proporciona el conocimiento de lo que necesitas saber acerca de la inversión en bienes raíces antes de comenzar, que es lo que lo hace efectivo y poderoso.Así que deja de buscar mas, tu búsqueda de éxito en inversiones inmobiliarias ha terminado.¡DESPLAZA Y HAZ CLIC EN EL BOTÓN COMPRAR AHORA! 

  • - Guia comprobada para comprar, rehabilitar y administrar propiedades de alquiler. Alcanza tu libertad financiera ahora - Rental Property
    av Brandon Hammond

    ¿Estás buscando generar ingresos aprovechando tu tiempo, dinero y habilidades? Te gustaria llegar a obtener tu libertad financiera , renunciar a tu trabajo de 9 a 5 y pasar más tiempo haciendo lo que amas? ¿O ganar algo de dinero extra mientras sigues trabajando en tu trabajo habitual?Bueno, si esas son tus aspiraciones, La Inversión en Propiedades de Alquiler es definitivamente la mejor oportunidad para ti, déjame explicarte por qué...Los Negocios de Inversión en Propiedades de Alquiler ofrecen un flujo de efectivo continuo y de notables beneficios fiscales para el crecimiento del capital. De hecho, los inversores no solo compran propiedades para su potencial apreciación, exclusivamente.Las Propiedades de Alquiler también ofrecen otras ventajas fiscales, como la creación de capital sin tener que pagar impuestos y los gastos, incluyendo la devaluación, que protegen una gran parte de tus ingresos de los impuestos. Además, es un mercado estable y previsible dado que este sube y baja, osea fluctúa, pero la demanda no terminará en el futuro proximo!. El incidente del colapso del mercado en 2007, de hecho, no afectó a los propietarios, especialmente con inversiones a largo plazo.Puede que nunca admita que trabajar con propiedades de alquiler es fácil, pero es bastante simple y directo. Es cierto que implica más que solo comprar una propiedad, pero los enfoques para el éxito no son demasiado difíciles de descifrar. No obstante, si comienzas a comprar propiedades de alquiler en el camino equivocado, inevitablemente crearás un agujero financiero en tus inversiones. Por definición, la clave del éxito es comprar una propiedad con las estrategias adecuadas. Entonces, ¿cuáles son estas estrategias?Este impresionante libro te guiará a través de las mejores estrategias que los compradores han estado usando en los últimos años para aumentar su capital.Aquí aprenderás cómo:Encuentra increíbles ofertas para hacer tu primera inversión.Las mejores formas de obtener préstamos de los bancos y aprovechar su dinero.Pasos a seguir en la gestión de tus inversiones.Encontrar buenos inquilinos.Definir un buen contrato.Cuando vender.Y mucho, mucho más.Sé que probablemente estás pensando; “He escuchado todo esto antes, acerca de los gurús de bienes raíces, que invierten en propiedades que no pueden pagar y luego esperan para disfrutar de las ganancias un par de años. Este libro, sin embargo, te enseñará cómo crear ingresos pasivos y obtener una libertad financiera en un corto período de tiempo a través de inversiones, posibles para la gente común, en un número muy limitado de propiedades.Así que deja de seguir buscando, tu búsqueda de éxito en inversiones inmobiliarias ha terminado.¡DESPLAZA Y HAZ CLIC EN EL BOTÓN COMPRAR AHORA para revelar los activos ocultos que te llevarán hacia el éxito y convertirán tus deseos en realidad! 

  • av Jim Pellerin

    Here Are A Few Of The Topics We Cover ...The best real estate investment strategy that everyone can use ( ... it's one of the best income-generating strategies and should be considered as part of your short-term income strategy.)Why lease option investing is the real nothing down deal ( ... it's definitely not like the other ways you learned about. Those are not really nothing down. I'll show you the real ones.)What is Lease Option Investing or Rent to Own investing ( … and how it is structured. We show you how to set up the 3 different structures.)What are the different types of Lease Options (... there are at last 3 and you'll really like the 3rd one. Some require funds … some don't.)Find out how you make money with Lease Options ( ... there are short term and long term income sources. Learn how to maximize each one.)We show you why Lease Option investing is a WIn-Win-WIn investment ( ... there are 3 parties that benefit from Lease Options. We show you how Lease Options provides wins for all 3 parties.)Find out how Lease Option investing fits into your bigger strategy? ( ... It should be part of a bigger strategy that includes short term income goals and long-term equity goals.)We describe why motivation should be the #1 thing you look for ( ... and it's not just motivated tenants you will be looking for. There a few motivated parties you will want to look for.)Discover how to finance your lease option investment ( ... only one of the 3 strategies requires you to use money. The other 2 require you to use joint ventures. We show you how.)Find out who your #1 motivated seller is ( ... I think you will be surprised. I know I was and I came by it by mistake. And we show you how to find those people.)Find out the 4 ways to acquire a property for use as a lease option investment ( ... again it's all about motivation. We show you where to find them).Learn how to find motivated sellers. ( ... you will be surprised who some of these motivated sellers are.)Find out how to find tenant buyers ( ... it's all about networking with your real estate professionals. We show you how to build up your network and how to pitch people to work for you.)Discover what is the right advertising that works ( ... it has changed a lot over the years. We show you what makes sense for what type of lead you are looking for. It's different when looking for sellers or buyers or investors.)Find out why your mortgage broker can be your best friend ( ... we will show you how a mortgage broker can really help speed up your results and help you grow faster.)Learn how to use Social Media to promote your service ( ... we show you if Facebook or Instagram makes sense and what's the best way to implement and leverage these platforms.)We will show you why working with a realtor has lots of advantages ( ... we will show you how to use them for more than just buying or selling your properties.)We will show you how to structure a lease option agreement ( ... a lease option agreement can be between you and a seller; or you and a buyer.)We will show you how to charge more than market rents ( ... why lease options can charge higher than market rents and still get willing tenants.)We will show you how to get your tenant buyer financed ( ... the biggest challenge with lease options is to get the tenant financed at the end of the deal so they can actually purchase the property.)We will show you the different contracts to use ( ... this will be different depending on the type of lease option you are using and the way in which you decided to structure the deal.)We will show you why you need a lease agreement ( ... part of doing a lease option is setting up a lease agreement. We will show you why this can actually help you.)

  • av Jim Pellerin

    People are lost when it comes to investing and planning for their retirement. The stock market is underperforming and has always been volatile. And besides who has the time to learn enough to invest in the right companies? Real estate investing has long been an investment alternative for many people over the years. But most people don't know how to get started in real estate. And most people think real estate is risky and takes a lot of time and so people shy away from it. But what if there was a way to make money with real estate without having to invest any of your own time "Passive Real Estate Investing" is the solution. You can invest in real estate almost like you would invest in the stock market. Invest NOW covers everything you need to know to decide if passive real estate investing is the right investment alternative for you. Real estate investing doesn't have to be hard, as long as you are informed. Jim Pellerin has been investing in real estate for over 25 years. He has been involved in over $30M of real estate transactions and has done over 100 deals. His experience covers many different real estate strategies including buy rent and hold. fix and flip. rent to own. development projects and mortgage lending. Jim is also the author of Real Estate Investing - The Secret to Financial Independence with Real Estate and Real Estate Investing - The Secret to Financial Independence with Real Estate.

  • av Jim Pellerin

    The mechanics of Real Estate Investing is simple: Buy a house and do something with it. Fix it and rent it, or just sell it. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Yet only a small percentage of us have enough courage to go out and take advantage of the opportunities that are available to us. Real Estate Investing can be more promising than stocks, bonds, and various other securities because of the higher rates of return. In this book, I show you how to get started by describing the different types of skills you need, by showing you how to take control of your personal and financial situation, and by helping you decide what type of real estate investing you want to get involved in. I also show you how to find properties, how to analyze them, and how to make an offer that makes sense. And finally, I describe what you need to do to manage your investment and ultimately how to sell your investment for the most profit. I have been involved in real estate investing for over 20 years. I have yet to find a book that focuses on the investor and the overall process. Sure, there are lots of books on fix and flips, buy, rent and hold, rent to own, etc. However, I haven't found any good books on how to really get started in the real estate investing process from a practical viewpoint. The technical aspects of real estate investing are really quite easy. But if it's so easy, then why isn't everyone doing it? This book is for people who are serious about getting started in real estate investing and who want to join the 5% of those who actually take action and invest. This book provides a strategic approach with the tried and tested methods and principles that have helped others make millions in real estate.

  • av Jim Pellerin

    Most people who want to get started with Real Estate Investing, have no idea how to get started. Or worse, they have some idea how to get started but it is the wrong strategy for them. This book provides an overview of how to get started in Real Estate Investing. This book is NOT a practical approach to real estate investing and the reader is NOT expected to be able to start investing in real estate after completing this book. In this book, you will learn enough information to be able to decide what type of real estate investing they should pursue.

  • av Jim Pellerin

    Most people who want to get started with Real Estate Investing, have no idea how to get sarted. Or worse, they have some idea how to get started but it is the wrong strategy for them. This book provides an overview of how to get started in Wholesale Real Estate Investing. This book is NOT a practical approach to Wholesale Real Estate Investing and the reader is NOT expected to be able to start wholesaling after completing this book. In this book, you will learn enough information to be able to decide is wholesale real estate investing is right for you.

  • av Jim Pellerin

    There are a lot of real estate investing strategies available for you to choose from. It's good to know what's available. To help, we compiled this list of 98 of the best real estate investing strategies you should pay attention to and consider. Of course, you don't want to try and use all of them. You can, however, combine some of them. For example, "Buy, Rent and Hoid" could be combined with "Seller Financing" or "Subject-To". Also, some of these strategies are sub-strategies of other strategies.

  • av Jim Pellerin

    Most people who want to get started with Real Estate Investing, have no idea how to get started. Or worse, they have some idea how to get started but it is the wrong strategy for them. This book provides an overview of how to get started in Rental Real Estate Investing. This book is NOT a practical approach to Rental Real Estate Investing and the reader is NOT expected to be able to start investing in rentals after completing this book. In this book, you will learn enough information to be able to decide if rental real estate investing is right for you.

  • av Jim Pellerin

    Most people who want to get started with Real Estate Investing, have no idea how to get sarted. Or worse, they have some idea how to get started but it is the wrong strategy for them. This book provides an overview of how to get started in Fix and Flip Real Estate Investing. This book is NOT a practical approach to Fix nd Flip Real Estate Investing and the reader is NOT expected to be able to start investing in fix and flips after completing this book. In this book, you will learn enough information to be able to decide if fix and flip real estate investing is right for you.

  • av Jim Pellerin

    Most people who want to get started with Real Estate Investing, have no idea how to get sarted. Or worse, they have some idea how to get started but it is the wrong strategy for them. This book provides an overview of how to get financing for your Real Estate Investments. This book is NOT a practical approach to Real Estate Investing financing and the reader is NOT expected to be able to get real estate financing after completing this book. In this book, you will learn enough information to be able to get started financing your real estate investment.

  • av Jim Pellerin

    Most people who want to get started with Real Estate Investing, have no idea how to get sarted. Or worse, they have some idea how to get started but it is the wrong strategy for them. This book provides an overview of how to get started using Real Estate Investing as part of a retirement strategy. This book is NOT a practical approach to real estate investing and the reader is NOT expected to be able to start investing in real estate after completing this book. In this book, you will learn enough information to be able to decide what type of real estate investing they should pursue. In this book, we will cover the following topics:

  • av Jim Pellerin

    The world of real estate investing is dynamic and multifaceted, offering various strategies to those seeking financial freedom. Among these, the BRRRR method has emerged as a powerful and systematic approach, reshaping the landscape of real estate investment. In this book, we embark on a journey to explore the essence of the BRRRR method, providing a brief overview of its components-Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat-and delving into why BRRRR stands out as a potent strategy for those aiming to build wealth through real estate. At its core, the BRRRR method encapsulates a step-by-step real estate investment strategy. Each phase plays a distinct role in the overall process, creating a cyclical and repeatable framework for investors. Main Topics covered are:Chapter 1: Setting the Stage for Financial FreedomChapter 2: Goals - Building Your Blueprint for SuccessChapter 3: Buy - The First Step in BRRRR InvestingChapter 4: Renovate - Transforming Houses into HomesChapter 5: Rent - Generating Passive IncomeChapter 6: Refinance - Unlocking Equity through RefinancingChapter 7: Repeat - Multiplying Success with Multiple PropertiesChapter 8: Risks - Navigating Challenges in Real Estate InvestingChapter 9: Scaling - Taking Your Real Estate Empire to New HeightsConclusions: Celebrating Success and Looking Forward

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