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Bøker i Men-at-Arms-serien

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  • av Jack Cassin-Scott

    Though for centuries fighting was considered primarily a man's job, the world wars of the 20th century demanded women's involvement in the war effort. By World War II women were playing a major auxiliary role in all branches of the armed forces. From the daring female fighter pilots of besieged Russia to the heroic American nurses on the front line, this book looks at the vital jobs that women undertook at a time of national crisis. Numerous fascinating photos and eight full colour plates detail the uniforms and equipment of the British, American German and Russian women who participated in this global conflict.

  • av Robin May

    For sheer guts, the Redcoats' behaviour at Bunker Hill, Saratoga and other bloody encounters has rarely been surpassed. The Americans won, but only just, and then thanks to foreign intervention and a small number of dedicated and valiant patriots who were continually let down by their own people. Robin May's splendid work looks at the British Army that fought in the American Revolution from 1775 to1783. It details the soldiers who faced the difficulties of campaigning in America along with the gross inefficiency and corruption at home which, along with their generals' often blundering conduct, were as deadly enemies as the Americans.

  • av John Scurr

    In June 1948 Communist insurgent forces commenced a guerrilla war to end British rule in Malaya. During the ensuing 12 years of conflict there were 8750 reported ''contacts'' between units of the Security Forces and the Communist enemy. Eventually Malaya was made independent, and the British and their Commonwealth allies emerged victorious. Written and illustrated by infantry veterans of the campaign, this book examines the Malayan Emergency, detailing the forces involved and the harsh jungle conditions in which they fought. The text is complete with firsthand accounts from the contributors themselves and numerous illustrations depicting the forces'' uniforms.

  • av Albert Seaton

    The army of the German Empire was born out of the once great Prussian army that Napoleon Bonaparte had humbled at the Battle of Jena-Auerstädt in 1806, during the Napoleonic Wars. The eventual defeat of Napoleon initiated a slow process of military reform that gained momentum during the pan-German and expansionist policies of King William I of Prussia and his chancellor Bismarck. This book charts the consolidation of Prussian power and details the structure of the new imperial army that was created after the triumph of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. Uniforms and equipment are also examined in full detail.

  • av Philip S. Jowett

    The Russo-Japanese War was the first major conflict of the 20th century, as vast armies clashed in Manchuria incurring enormous casualties. This text shows how both armies began the war in bright uniforms, which quickly proved fatal, and the events that led to both being in khaki before the war's end.

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    av Gordon Williamson

    In the early 1920s, a tiny group was formed within the SA to serve as Hitler's personal bodyguard. Originally labelled the 'Stosstruppe Adolf Hitler,' they later became known as the SS - Schutz Staffeln. From these humble beginnings, the SS rose to the strength of 38 divisions of over 800,000 men by 1945.

  • av Adrian English

  • av Ray Westlake

    This details the organization and equipment of volunteer units who fought alongside their regular comrades in almost every major British engagement of the war and without whom victory could have proved impossible. This volume is part of the "Men-at-Arms" series.

  • av John Laffin

    The modern wars of the Middle East began in 1947, when the Syrians, Egyptians, Jordanians and Lebanese were unofficially at war with the Jewish settlers of Palestine. On May 15th, the day afer Israel was declared a sovreign state, the Arab invasion began. Between then and 1973 five wars occurred: those of 1948; the Sinai War; the Six-Day War; the 1968ΓÇô1970 War of Attrition and the 1973 October War. This book examines the organization, training and equipment of the key Arab armies during these conflicts and the variey of uniforms are illustrated by a number of contemporary photographs and full colour artwork.

  • av Stuart (Author) Reid

    This volume deals with the arms, equipment and organisation of the little-known Scots armies involved in the English Civil Wars, including the armies of the Marquis of Montrose and the Scots armies that fought against Oliver Cromwell.

  • av Rene (Author) Chartrand

    This volume details the uniforms, organization and equipment of all those Canadian and British units that defended British North America during the tense years in the run up to war with the United States.

  • av Mark Axworthy

    This work is an examination of the organization and equipment of Germany's most powerful ally on the Eastern front and the nation which, from 1944 onwards, provided the fourth largest allied army.

  • av Philip Katcher

    Typically the United States is said to have declared war on Great Britain in 1812 because of the Royal Navy's impressment of American seamen and the British desire to create an Indian buffer state. An Englishman William Cobbett, described the real cause of the conflict: 'There seemed to be wanting just such a war as this to complete the separation of England from America; and to make the latter feel that she had no safety against the former but in the arms of her free citizens.' Regardless of the reasons, however, on 4 June 1812, U.S.President James Madison, asked Congress to declare war.

  • av Peter Abbott

  • av John Scurr

    The Spanish Civil War had been a conflict between the nationalists and conservatives on one side, and what they saw as the opposing anarchic atheistic Marxism which was eroding the traditional Catholic values of Spain. The nationalists eventually won with the aid of Germany against the Soviet backed Marxists, and four years later, the Spaniards seized the opportunity to settle a score with those who had attempted to disintegrate their country. John Scurr's book provides an absorbing account of the organisation, campaigns and uniforms of Germany's Spanish volunteers who fought from 1941-45.

  • av Nicholas Sekunda

    Part of the "Men-At-Arms" series, this book looks at the army of Alexander the Great, illustrating the weapons, equipment and uniforms of the Macedonian military forces.

  • av Carlos Caballero Jurado

  • av Philip Katcher

    At the time of the Second World War, the United States Army took an unusual approach, for the period, towards the design of its uniforms. Rather than attempt to find an all-purpose outfit, such as the British battledress, it attempted to design special-purpose dress for every possible duty, from combat in cold climates to dress parades in hot ones. Here Philip Katcher provides an extensive examination of the many different types of uniform and equipment which saw service during the conflict.

  • av Terence Wise

    This text by Terence Wise explores some of the fascinating peoples who comprised the ancient armies of the Middle East: the Sumerians, who were the first to introduce the use of bronze into warfare, and were centuries ahead of the Egyptians in the use of the wheel ΓÇô The Akkadians, whose citizen army was composed almost entirely of light troops ΓÇô The Babylonians, whose people were granted land in return for army service ΓÇô the horned warriors of the Elamites ΓÇô the Egyptians, with thier heavy spearmen and archers ΓÇô the tribal and warlike Libyans ΓÇô Nubians and Ethiopians ΓÇô Hyksos ΓÇô the armies of the Hittite Empire ΓÇô the Sea People and others.

  • av Ian Sumner

    This second volume details the uniforms and equipment of the Free French forces which fought alongside the Allies to defeat Germany and liberate Western Europe.

  • av Gordon L. Rottman

    The 10th was the only US mountain division to be raised in World War II, and still has a high profile, being involved in operations from Iraq to Somalia and from Haiti to Afghanistan. Featuring artwork and rare photographs, this title tells the story of the US Army's only mountain division in action during the closing months of World War II.

  • av Ignacio J.N. Lopez

    A mixed infantry formation made up of about 3,000 men armed with pikes, swords and handguns, the innovative and influential tercio or 'Spanish square' was the basic combat unit of the armies of Spain throughout much of the 16th and 17th centuries. Arguably the first permanent tactical formation seen in Europe since the Roman cohort, the tercio was the forerunner of modern formations such as the battalion and regiment. The variety of different weapons fielded in the tercio meant the Spanish infantry could resist opposing cavalry forces while overcoming every kind of enemy infantry deployed against them. Featuring full-colour artwork and photographs of rare items held at the Spanish Army Museum, this study covers the whole period during which the tercios were active, opening with the third Italian war between the forces of France and the Holy Roman Emperor and concluding with the final transformation of the Spanish tercios into regiments in 1704.

  • av Rene (Author) Chartrand

    The French Revolution was resisted by many of the aristocracy in an attempt to restore the King. The forces raised by these exiled officers fought alongside the British Army on battlefields from Holland to the West Indies and are covered in detail in this volume, including weapons and uniforms.

  • av Philip Katcher

  • av Michael Simkins

    The year of 122 was the first time a Roman Emperor had set foot in the Province of Britannia since the invasion in AD 43. No doubt he had read many reports concerning the damage caused by marauding tribesmen crossing from what is now Scotland into the Province. Hadrian, therefore, decided - in the words of his biographer - 'to build a wall to separate the Romans from the Barbarians'. This engaging work from author Michael Simkins explores in depth the organisation, equipment, weapons and armour of the Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine, one of the most exciting periods in Roman history.

  • av Gordon L. Rottman

    The field equipment of the German Army in World War II was closely related to that used throughout World War I and earlier, yet it was of relatively light weight, ruggedly constructed, well designed, functional, and generally of a high quality, though this deteriorated in the later war years. A high degree of design standardisation was maintained in most categories of equipment, though materials and their colours often varied widely. There were also many different specialisations for the various arms of service as well as theatres of combat, such as the Afrikakorps in the Western Desert. This title investigates all manner of German combat equipments throughout World War II, from belt buckles to magazine pouches.

  • av Dr David Nicolle

  • av Jason Hook

    Part of the "Men-At-Arms" series, this book looks at Apache methods of warfare during the 19th century, illustrating weapons and other equipment.

  • av Rafael Trevino Martinez

    The Republican Roman army suffered heavy losses as a result of the 'hit and run' tactics employed by the Hispanics in Ancient Spain. After preparatory chanting, the Celt-Iberians would attack en masse and in apparent disorder. At a pre-arranged signal the warriors would retreat as if defeated. This sequence might be repeated over several days, until finally the Romans lost their discipline and broke formation in pursuit. At this point the Hispanics would quickly mount a counter-attack that would decimate the legions. This volume explores the organisation, tactics, history, arms and armour of Rome's Spanish enemies.

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