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  • - Papal States, Minor States & Volunteers
    av Gabriele Esposito

    In the 1840s, Italy was a patchwork of states. The North was ruled by the Austrian Empire, the South by the Spanish-descended monarchy of the Two Sicilies. Over the next two decades, after wars led by Savoy/Piedmont and volunteers such as Garibaldi, an independent Kingdom of Italy emerged. These conflicts saw foreign interventions and shifting alliances among minor states, and attracted a variety of local and foreign volunteers. This second volume in a two part series covers the armies of the Papal States; the duchies of Tuscany, Parma, and Modena; the republics of Rome and San Marco (Venice) and the transitional Kingdom of Sicily; and the various volunteer movements. These varied armies and militias wore a wide variety of highly colourful uniforms which are brought to life in stunning, specially commissioned, full colour artwork from Giuseppe Rava.

  • - "Banana Wars," Border Wars & Revolutions
    av Philip (Author) Jowett

    From the Mexican Revolution to the Zarumilla War, in the first 40 years of the 20th century the nations of Central and South America were frequently disturbed by border clashes, civil wars, and revolution. Many of these conflicts became known as "Banana Wars." Some involved only lightly armed guerrillas, but others saw armies operating artillery and armored vehicles supported by aircraft and river navies. The conflicts in Honduras and Nicaragua saw the intervention of US Marines, and later wars involved armor and aircraft acquired from Europe.Using detailed color plates and a wealth of contemporary photographs, this book shows the uniforms, equipment, and strategies of the armies involved in these conflicts little known in the West. Covering wars crossing the length and breadth of the continent, this is the fascinating account of the wars that helped shape modern Latin America.

  • av Rene (Author) Chartrand

    France's colonial wars in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia were very largely fought by an organization completely separate from both the home-defence Metropolitan Army and the Armée d'Afrique in Algeria. The Naval Troops (Troupes de la Marine) were volunteers, and earned a reputation for greater toughness and hardiness than the conscripted Metropolitan Army. Spread throughout the French Empire, Naval Troops in this period were characterized by very large infantry and artillery regiments based in France, mixed race regiments (Régiments Mixtes), and entire native regiments raised in West Africa, Madagascar and Indochina. The latter, the so-called 'Tirailleurs' were organized and led by officers and cadres from the Naval Troops, and wore very varied and colourful uniforms based on formalized versions of traditional local costumes.French Naval & Colonial Troops 1872-1914 uses rich and detailed full colour plates as well as thorough analysis to detail the story of these tough colonial units which bore the brunt of French colonial campaigns in Africa and Vietnam.

  • av Philip (Author) Jowett

    Offers an analysis of the Chinese Armies that fought a series of increasingly fractious wars over nearly a century. Beginning with a run through of the Chinese forces that fought the British and French during the two Opium Wars, this history goes on to trace the forces who were drawn into internal wars and rebellions in the 1850s and 60s.

  • - Infantry
    av Bouko de Groot

    The 80 Years' War (also known as the Dutch War of Independence) was the foundation of Dutch nationhood, and during the course of the conflict one of its main leaders - Maurice of Orange-Nassau - created an army and a tactical system that became a model throughout Europe. This study, the first of a two-part series, focuses on the Dutch infantry. It examines how Maurice of Orange-Nassau attracted volunteers and students from across Europe, introduced innovative new training methods such as common drill movements, and standardised the organisation and payment system of the army to make it more than a match for the occupying Spanish. His successes inspired officers and generals across the continent to copy his methods, including many English officers who went on to fight in the English Civil Wars. Featuring full-colour artwork and rare period illustrations, this book examines how the Dutch infantry was transformed into a fighting force able to defeat the might of Imperial Spain.

  • av Phoebus Athanassiou

    In October 1940 an Italian army some 200,000 strong invaded Greece across its largely undefended border with Albania. Although supported by Great Britain, at first by sea and in the air and later by landing British and ANZAC troops from North Africa, Greece bore the main brunt of the six-month war. Outclassed in materiel and outnumbered, LtGen Papagos's Greek army was so successful against the Italians in north-west Greece that, by 22 November 1940, it was advancing into Italian-held Albania. This would eventually force Hitler to send in German reinforcements to support his beleaguered Italian allies, delaying his invasion of the Soviet Union. Complete with contemporary photographs and full-colour uniform plates, this fascinating study explores the history, organization, and appearance of the armies of this oft forgotten conflict.

  • av Gabriele Esposito

    The First Carlist War broke out after the death of King Ferdinand VII, the king restored at the end of the Peninsular War thanks to Wellington's victory. The crown was claimed by both his daughter Isabella, backed by the Liberal party and his brother Don Carlos, at the head of northern ultra-conservatives centered in the Basque provinces and Navarre. The Liberals or "Cristinos" were supported by a 10,000-strong British Legion of volunteers led by a former aide to Wellington as well as the British Royal Navy, a Portuguese division, and the French Foreign Legion. With both armies still using Napoleonic weapons and tactics, early victories were won by the Basque general Zumalacarregui. After his death in 1835 a seesaw series of campaigns followed, fought by conventional armies of horse, foot, and guns, supported by many irregulars and guerrillas.This fascinating little known multi-national campaign provides a fascinating postscript to the Peninsular War of 1808-14, and its uniforms present a colorful and varied spectacle.

  • - Piedmont and the Two Sicilies
    av Gabriele Esposito

    In the 1840s, post-Napoleonic Italy was ''a geographical expression''--not a country, but a patchwork of states. The north (Savoy/Piedmont, and Venice ) was ruled by Austria-Hungary, and most of the minor central states were more or less clients of Austria. From Naples, a Spanish-descended Bourbon monarchy ruled the south--''the Two Sicilies.'' The European ''Year of Revolutions'', 1848, saw popular uprisings against the regimes all over the peninsula. These were eventually crushed (First War of Independence, 1848ΓÇô49); but they left King Victor Emmanuel of Savoy/Piedmont--and his able minister Cavour--determined to liberate and unify the country, while royal authority in the Two Sicilies was left deeply unpopular. Savoy/Piedmont endeavored to strengthen the relationship with France and Britain, by sending troops to fight alongside them in the Crimean War, 1854-56 and, as a result, it was actively supported by a French army in the Second War of Independence (1859), when the battles of Magenta and Solferino freed most of the north from Austrian rule. In the south, Garibaldi''s ''Redshirts'' led a successful rising against the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1860). Eventually the south voted to join the north in a unified kingdom (February 1861); nevertheless, northern troops had to enforce this by a ruthless occupation during the 1860s--a little-known campaign.

  • av Dr Stephen M. Cullen

    After the Fall of France in 1940, a new puppet state was set up in the south. Officially known as the French State, it is better known as Vichy France. This collaborationist Vichy regime''s armed forces were more active and usually more numerous than German troops in the task of hunting down and crushing the maquis--the French Resistance guerrilla forces .This book covers the organization and operations of Vichy French Security Forces, including: the new Vichy Police Nationale, particularly their Groupes Mobiles de Reserve, the Service d''Ordre Légionnaire, and the Milice Francaise, a ruthless anti-Resistance militia armed partly with British weapons captured from SOE airdrops. Fully illustrated throughout with contemporary photographs and commissioned artwork, it tells the story of Occupied France from the perspective of those who sought to keep it in German hands.

  • - 31 BC-AD 195
    av Raffaele (Author) D’Amato

    Between the reigns of Augustus and Septimius Severus, the Eastern provinces of the Roman Empire frequently saw brutal fighting, most notably during the conquest of Dacia by Trajan, the suppression of the Great Revolt in Judea and intermittent clashes with Rome''s great rival Parthia. In these wars, Roman soldiers had to fight in a range of different climates and terrains, from the deserts of the Middle East to the islands of the eastern Mediterranean.Using full-color artwork, this book examines the variation of equipment and uniforms both between different military units, and in armies stationed in different regions of the Empire. Using evidence drawn from recent archaeological finds, it paints a vivid portrait of Roman army units in the Eastern provinces in the first two centuries of the Imperial period.

  • - The Nigerian-Biafran War 1967-70
    av Philip (Author) Jowett

    With decades of research to draw from Philip Jowett explores this extraordinary David-and-Goliath conflict, where the rag-tag Igbo tribal army of secessionist Biafra faced off against the Nigerian Federal forces. It was an African war that captured the attention of the western media, with individual commanders such as Biafran leader Colonel Ojukwu and Federal Colonel Adekunle becoming familiar figures across the globe. The Nigerian forces easily outnumbered their opponents and benefitted from British and Soviet equipment, yet against all the odds the Biafrans held out for two and a half years, inflicting many setbacks on the Federal forces before their eventual surrender in 1970.Specially commissioned artwork and historical photos, including some from respected Italian war photographer Romano Ganoni, reflect the diverse array of uniforms and equipment on both sides, with images ranging from Sandhurst-educated officers in immaculate uniform to ragged militiamen armed with World War II kit.

  • - Croatian Troops under Axis Command 1941-45
    av Vladimir Brnardic

    As Europe descended into war, the newly formed state of Croatia found itself an ally in Nazi Germany. Tens of thousands of Croatians volunteered for the German Wehrmacht, with Croatian-badged units created within the Army, Navy, Luftwaffe, Waffen-SS, and Police force. When Hitler turned his attention to Stalin's Soviet Union, many of these men found themselves thrown into the fray, with Croatian soldiers serving at Stalingrad, fighting Tito's Partisans in the Balkans, and battling against the advancing Red Army in Hungary.Aided by detailed illustrations, author Vladimir Brnardic explores the uniforms and equipment of World War II Croatian Legionaries.

  • - Cavalry, Artillery & Engineers
    av Bouko de Groot

    Throughout the 16th Century, the Spanish had an aura of invincibility. They controlled a vast colonial empire that stretched across the Americas and the Pacific, and held considerable territories in Europe, centering on the so-called "Spanish Road." The Dutch War of Independence (also known as the 80 Years'' War) was a major challenge to their dominance. The Dutch army created by Maurice of Nassau used innovative new tactics and training to take the fight to Spain and in so doing created a model that would be followed by European armies for generations to come.The second in a two-part series on the Dutch armies of the 80 Years'' War, focuses on the cavalry, artillery, and engineers of the evolving armies created by Maurice of Nassau. Using specially commissioned artwork and photographs of historical artifacts, it shows how the Dutch cavalry arm, artillery, and conduct of siege warfare contributed to the long struggle against the might of the Spanish Empire.

  • av Nigel Thomas

    Given the merciless way in which the war on the Eastern Front of World War II was conducted, it is difficult to envisage anyone changing sides during the conflict. This book guides you through the appearance, formation and equipment of the myriad Russian and Soviet units that fought for the Germans.

  • - The Roman Empire's Last Marines
    av Raffaele (Author) D’Amato

    Drawing upon early literary sources, the evidence of period illuminated manuscripts, frescoes and other iconography, this book details the lasting legacy of the swansong of Byzantine naval power.

  • av Philip (Author) Jowett

    A guide to the armies that fought a devastating and decisive conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean between the two World Wars of the 20th century. Augmented with rare photographs and illustrations, this title explores the history, organization, and appearance of the armies, both guerilla and conventional, that fought in this bloody war.

  • - Republican Forces
    av Alejandro de Quesada

    Illustrates how diverse the Republican forces were, drawn from loyal elements of the Spanish army that rejected the appeal of rebel generals, a range of volunteer regional units and political militias, and supported by volunteers from many other countries, including Great Britain, France and Germany, in units known as the International Brigades.

  • - Nationalist Forces
    av Alejandro de Quesada

    The Spanish Civil War, 1936-39, was the curtain-raiser to World War II, and the major international event of the 1930s. Featuring specially commissioned full-color artwork, this book depicts the fighting men of the Nationalist forces that strove to take control of Spain alongside their German and Italian allies.

  • av Wayne Stack

    In 1939 more than 140,000 New Zealanders enlisted to fight overseas during World War II. Of these, 104,000 served in the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force. This title is the story of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force's contribution to Allied victory in World War II.

  • av Dr David Nicolle

    From humble beginnings, in the course of three centuries the Portuguese built the world''s first truly global empire, stretching from modern Brazil to sub-Saharan Africa and from India to the East Indies (Indonesia). Portugal had established its present-day borders by 1300 and the following century saw extensive warfare that confirmed Portugal''s independence and allowed it to aspire to maritime expansion, sponsored by monarchs such as Prince Henry the Navigator.Intent on finding a sea route to the source of the lucrative spice trade, the Portuguese discovered a route down Africa''s western coast, employing the innovative caravel, a vessel that could be sailed closer to the wind than any other in use at the time. In 1488 Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope and ten years later Vasco da Gama reached India. In 1500 Pedro Álvares Cabral discovered Brazil and the Portuguese began to exploit the fabulous natural wealth of the Americas.Victory over the Mamluks at the Battle of Diu (1509) handed the Portuguese control over the Indian Ocean and allowed them to capture a succession of key ports such as Ceylon, Goa and Malacca. Portuguese sailors continued to explore the coasts and islands of East Asia, and by 1580 a network of outposts linked Lisbon to a vast trading empire that stretched as far as Japan. The period closed with Portugal and its empire passing to Spanish control for 60 years from 1580.During this nearly 300-year period, the Portuguese fought alongside other Iberian forces against the Moors of Andalusia; with English help successfully repelled a Castilian invasion (1385); and fought the Moors in Morocco, Africans, the Ottoman Turks, and the Spanish in colonial competition. The colourful and exotic Portuguese forces that prevailed in these battles on land and sea are the subject of this book.

  • av Albert Seaton

  • av Robert Fleming

    The importance of the Australian contribution to the Allied war effort during World War I should never be underestimated. In particular, their epic endeavour at Gallipoli in 1915 was the nation's founding legend. This book deals with this topic.

  • - 1944-45
    av Nigel Thomas

    Presents a detailed analysis of the Soviet armed forces during the final days of the war, covering the soldiers that successfully turned the tide against the Nazi onslaught and pushed it back into Germany itself. This book also offers a detailed breakdown of all the armed forces that conducted the offensive campaigns on the Eastern Front.

  • av John Langellier

    This illustrated text describes the uniforms, weaponry, military practices and tactics of the US Dragoons. It looks at the history of the mounted soldiers, covering topics such as: the formation of the first cavalry units; the Mexican-American War; the gold rush to California; and the Indian Wars.

  • av Philip Katcher

    Part of the "Men-at-Arms" series, this book details the various flags used in the American Civil War.

  • av Rene (Author) Chartrand

    "Spanish Army in North America C.1700-1783".

  • av Wayne Stack

    "The New Zealand Expeditionary Force in World War I".

  • - South America's greatest modern conflict
    av Alejandro de Quesada

    "The Chaco War 1932-35: South America's Greatest War".

  • - The Classical and Late Empire
    av Raffaele (Author) D’Amato

    "Roman Centurions 31 BC-AD 500: The Classical and Late Empire".

  • av David Greentree

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