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Bøker i Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas-serien

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  • av Annick Louis

  • - Lectura de "reunion"
    av Soledad Perez-Abadin Barro

  • - Ensayo de Literatura Comparada
    av C Alexander Longhurst

  • - Perspectivas Transdisciplinares En Contextos de Diversidad

  • - Diversidad En La Unidad
    av Pilar Molina Taracena

  • - Reflexiones Sobre La Representacion de la Comedia Aurea
    av Isaac Benabu

    Textos «ilegibles», entre comillas; porque en gran parte los textos dramáticos se compusieron para ser representados, no para ser leídos. Por supuesto que en primer lugar hay que leer el texto de una obra para enterarse de qué se trata. Sin embargo para su representación sobre las tablas hay que recurrir a una lectura especializada, la lectura teatral. Esta aproximación requiere que el texto se lea a la inversa, por decirlo así, desde el final, punto donde toda la acción se resuelve, hacia el principio punto donde nada se sabe. Así al preparar un montaje o estudiar la dramaturgia de una obra se hace posible construir tanto el desarrollo de la trama como la caracterización de los personajes. Este libro aplica esta aproximación teórica a una interpretación de varias comedias del Siglo de Oro español como ejemplificación de la metodología empleada.

  • - Nuevas Vertientes de la Poesia Ibero/Americana Contemporanea

    El corpus teórico y crítico sobre la poesía en lengua española se ha centrado, principalmente, en consolidar la obra de sus autores más canonizados (Darío, Neruda, Borges, etcétera), dejando a un lado propuestas poéticas de gran relevancia que, de ser tomadas en cuenta, podrían sin duda enriquecer e incluso transformar su propia tradición lírica. En virtud de lo anterior, este volumen tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las aportaciones al ámbito de la poesía realizadas por una promoción de autores (por ejemplo, Eduardo Kac, Andrés Ortiz-Osés y Ulises Carrión) cuya obra no ha sido críticamente valorada lo suficiente pese a su significativa relevancia, ello a fin de que empiecen a reconfigurar el canon poético ya existente y, por tanto, a señalar nuevas rutas para su análisis e interpretación.Si se logra, pues, despertar en el lector o estudioso el interés por explorar éstas y otras formas innovadoras y desconocidas de la poesía hispánica, entonces este libro habrá cumplido su misión.

  • - Jungian Individuation in the Fairy Tales of Carmen Martin Gaite
    av Anne-Marie Storrs

  • - Nuevos Metodos, Nuevas Fronteras, Nuevos Generos

  • - Borges and Western Philosophy
    av Shlomy Mualem

  • - Race, Gender, Sex and Modernity in Latin America and the Maghreb
    av Julian Vigo

    Examining literary production from eleventh century until present, this title argues that the body in North Africa and Latin America serves as a physical and symbolic terrain upon which textual, national, racial and linguistic identities are vectored and through which postcolonial and hegemonic antagonisms of power and identity are resolved.

  • - History and Collective Memory in Latin American Narrative

    (Re)Collecting the Past

  • - Historians and the History of Spain, 1500-2000
    av Gonzalo Pasamar

    Apologia and Criticism

  • - Irish and Galician Contemporary Women Poets

  • - New Perspectives on Carmen Martin Gaite

    Beyond the Back Room

  • - Latin America and the Location of Knowledge
    av Claudio Canaparo

  • - Cervantes's Presence in Spanish Contemporary Literature

  • - Explorations in Food and Wine in Argentinean and European Culture
    av Matias Bruera

    This book explores European and Argentinean writers' complex relationships with food and wine. It includes examinations of Roland Barthes, Walter Benjamin, Honore de Balzac, Charles Baudelaire, Italo Svevo, Marcel Schwob, James Joyce, Robert Louis Stevenson, Domingo F. Sarmiento, Lucio V. Mansilla, Roberto J. Payro and Ezequiel Martinez Estrada.

  • - A Study of the Theory and Practice of Translation from English into Spanish
    av Maria T. Sanchez


    This collection of essays looks at the most recent work of Juan Goytisolo from a variety of perspectives and critical stances. The contributors, all specialists in the work of the Spanish author, employ theories of intertextuality, postmodernist irony, queer ethics and even the esoteric science of Huru¿sm to uncover the complexities of Goytisolös creative practice, in particular his radical blurring of the generic boundaries between fiction, autobiography and literary criticism. Such challenging of genre conventions is seen as both integral to the author¿s own questioning of his identity as an expression of his radical dissidence and essential to the response his work evokes in the reader. Life and writing, autobiography and ¿ction, constitute the interconnecting poles of Goytisolös artistic universe. The essays included in this volume explore the varying patterns of con¿uence of these twin strands in the writer¿s later work as a whole, but particularly in novels such as Las semanas del jardín (1997) and Carajicomedia (2000). The essays are set in context by a contribution from Juan Goytisolo himself in which he sums up his philosophy of life and writing as a pursuit of ¿non-prötable knowledge¿.

  • - Self and Other in historical and literary texts of Golden Age Spain (c. 1548-1673)
    av Yolanda Rodriguez

    Historical and literary works from the Spanish Golden Age offer a wealth of information about the Spanish view of the conflict in the Netherlands during the Dutch Revolt and the ensuing Eighty Years¿ War (1568-1648). The war in the cold north was to become a fixed component in the lives of the Spaniards of the Golden Age for many years. This book reconstructs the images that the Spanish had of the Netherlands and its inhabitants. These images are inextricably intertwined with the picture that the Spanish constructed of themselves as participants in the conflict. This book follows the developments of these images from the construction of an image of the enemy that reached a climax between 1621 and 1648 and then gradually faded away. Which images and representations circulated the most, and where did they come from? Which rhetoric was used to present them to the public, and in which genres and contexts were they disseminated and preserved? On the basis of a varied collection of sources, war chronicles and plays, as well as pamphlets, poems, historical works and prose writings, the author illustrates the appearance of the Netherlands through Spanish eyes during the course of the Eighty Years¿ War.

  • - Theory/History/Identity

    This book is an edited volume of eleven specially-commissioned essays by a range of established and emerging UK-based Hispanists, which assess recent developments in the disciplines falling under the umbrella of ¿Iberian Studies¿. These essays, which cover a wide range of time periods and geographical areas, but are united by the common question of what it means to ¿Read Iberiä, offer an invigorating critique of many of the critical assumptions shaping the study of Iberian languages and literatures. This volume offers a timely intervention into the debate about the current repositioning of language/literature disciplines within the UK university. Its intellectual starting point is the need for a committed and incisive re-evaluation of the role of literature and the way we teach and research it. The contributors address this issue from a diverse range of linguistic, cultural and theoretical backgrounds, drawing on both familiar and not-so-familiar texts and authors to question common reference points and critical assumptions. The volume offers not only a new and invigorating space for reimagining Iberian Studies from within, but also ¿ through its commitment to interdisciplinary debate ¿ an opportunity to raise the profile of Iberian Studies outside the community of academic Hispanists.

  • - Cervantes's "La Numancia" within the 'Lost Generation' of Spanish Drama (1570-90)
    av Aaron Kahn

    This book offers a new reading of Miguel de Cervantes¿s play La destrucción de Numancia (c.1583), analysing the work in relation to theories of empire in sixteenth-century Spain, in the context of plays written immediately before the rise in popularity of Lope de Vega and the comedia nueva, and the playwright¿s innovative use of dramatic techniques in this transitional period of Spanish drama. Dramatic writers have always used the stage as a medium through which they could comment on current events involving politics, religion, philosophy, and society; Cervantes was no exception. His discourse concerning imperial expansion in La Numancia has resulted in many conflicting interpretations of the play¿s meaning. This book explores the dramäs thematic and generic ambiguities, as well as Cervantes¿s representation and interpretation of the historical record in the creation of his characters and his portrayal of the fall of Numancia in 133 BC to the Roman army of Scipio Aemilianus. Finally, this study addresses the significance of seemingly intentionally unclear discourse in reference to La Numancia and the turbulent political and religious environment of late sixteenth-century Spain.

  • - The Promotion of America in Early Modern England
    av Francisco J. Borge

    In the 1580s, almost a century after Christopher Columbus first set foot in the New World, England could not make any substantial claim to the rich territories there. Less than a century later, England had not only founded an overseas empire but had also managed to challenge her most powerful rivals in the international arena. But before any material success accompanied English New World enterprises, a major campaign of promotion was launched with the clear objective of persuading Englishmen that intervention in the Americas was not only desirable for the national economy but even paramount for their survival as a new and powerful Protestant nation-state. In this book the author explores the metaphors that dominate England¿s discourse on the New World in her attempt to conceptualize it and make it ready for immediate consumption. The creators of England¿s proto-colonial discourse were forced to make use of their rivals¿ prior experience at the same time they tried to present England as radically different, thus conferring legitimacy to English claims over territories that were already occupied. One of the most outstanding consequences of this ideological contest is the emergence of an English national self not only in opposition to the American natives they try to colonise, but also, and more importantly, in contrast to other nations that had been traditionally considered culturally similar.

  • - A Study of Contemporary Cuban and Cuban American Crime Fiction
    av Helen Oakley

    From Revolution to Migration

  • av Thea Pitman

  • - Myths and Realities

    Includes a selection of the papers given during the international conference Patagonia: Myths and Realities, which was organised through the Centre of Latin American Cultural Studies at the University of Manchester.

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