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  • - in vier Wochen zu mir selbst
    av Sebastian Friedlin

    Viele feiern ihren 40. Geburtstag ganz groß oder machen eine große Reise. Die gleiche Frage stellte ich mir 2019 im Alter von 37 Jahren ebenfalls. Meine Familie wollte mir die Entscheidung nicht abnehmen. Daher entschloss ich mich, eine bislang nie in die Tat umgesetzte Reise anzutreten. Nur mit viel mehr Lebenserfahrung und vielleicht nicht mehr ganz so viel Naivität wie in jungen Jahren. So fand ich in vier Wochen die grundlegenden Dinge wieder in einer Reise zu mir selbst.

  • - Let Us Take You Somewhere You've Never Been Before, and Introduce You to Our Friends

    Which would you rather have dreams, or memories? Not since the classic 1,000 Places to See Before You Die has there been such a call to adventure. Whether you're an armchair traveler, an occasional tourist, a seasoned globe-trotter, a daring adventurer, or an intrepid explorer, there's something for everyone in Looking for Legends. Part travelogue and part good old-fashioned action story, Looking for Legends provides witty commentary as Scott and Tarantino recreate the magic and excitement of adventure. These married travelers spanned the globe over a period of 25 years and discovered that travel is more than anticipating the journey, the mechanics of reaching the destination, or even the sights they encountered. It's about the people. Within these pages are the incredible individuals they befriended with along the way-the towering legends who lived life out loud. Complete with original, hand-drawn maps and more than 150 images, Looking for Legends delivers you to destinations from your wildest dreams. Walk through the desert sands with T.E. Lawrence. Dance the tango with Ricardo Guiraldes. Drink ouzo on Stavros Beach with Zorba the Greek. Discover a mountain higher than Everest with Edward Whymper. Unlock the secrets of the Rosetta Stone with Jean-François Champollion. Explore Greenland with Knud Rasmussen. Conquer the Seven Summits with Reinhold Messner. Flee a crumbling regime with Pablo Neruda. Survive Communism thanks to the power of poetry with Anna Akhmatova. Hunt a man-eating tiger with Jim Corbett. And many more.

  • av Susan Devine Napoli

    Who knows what you can find when traveling? Expectations. Warnings. Well wishes. Then off I went to my hometown to Dixon, Illinois. Naturally, I had things I wanted to do. I also got a few unexpected things too. Come with me to my hometown and read the adventure that I started writing on the way home.

  • - Trek to mountaintop monasteries and enjoy the stark and rugged beauty of the Landscape - Land of High Passes
    av Dean Davids

    Dive into the heart of Ladakh, the enigmatic land where earth meets sky, through the pages of "Elevated Escapes: Ladakh Unveiled." This book offers an intimate exploration of a region where the Himalayas and the Karakoram weave the ultimate tapestry of nature's majesty. From the transformative tranquility of mountaintop monasteries to the stark, breathtaking beauty of its rugged landscapes, discover a place where time stands still, and spiritual solace and adventure beckon.With recent infrastructural marvels like the Atal Tunnel transforming access to this once-remote region, explore how Ladakh juxtaposes its ancient cultural heritage with the new era of exploration. Delve into the vibrant life of Leh, the pulsating heart of Ladakh, and venture into the untouched splendor of the Zanskar Valley. Whether you're drawn by the call of adventure or the search for peace, this book is your gateway to experiencing the profound beauty and enduring spirit of Ladakh. GRAB YOUR COPY NOW!

  • av Artur Smarzyk

    Nasza dziesięciodniowa wyprawa po wloskich miastach rozgrywala się w atmosferze spontaniczności. W roli glównej występowala sześcioosobowa grupa, obejmująca trzy pokolenia, wraz z naszym wiernym psem Yorkiem, Fafikiem. Razem postanowiliśmy zaplanowac nasze dni tak, aby każdy z nas mógl znaleźc coś, co go zainteresuje. Choc preferowaliśmy aktywności na świeżym powietrzu nad zwiedzaniem muzeów i kościolów, nie przeszkodzilo to w realizacji glównych celów naszej podróży: Florencji, Pizy, Rzymu i Wenecji. Staraliśmy się polączyc urok architektury tych historycznych miast z otaczającym je pięknem natury. Dlatego też w nasz program wplataliśmy spacery wzdluż rzeki Arno i wizyty na plaży, a w samych miastach poszukiwaliśmy zacisznych miejsc, gdzie moglibyśmy odpocząc. Pomimo tego, że nasz harmonogram byl dośc napięty, udalo nam się zwiedzic wiele atrakcji, co pozwolilo nam również zmierzyc nasze wcześniejsze wyobrażenia z rzeczywistością. Okazalo się, że ta zwykle przewyższala nasze oczekiwania. Kluczową rolę odegrala skuteczna organizacja i elastycznośc, które umożliwily nam dostosowanie się do różnych sytuacji. Ta podróż nie tylko zainspirowala nas do eksploracji innych zakątków regionu, ale także sklonila mnie do napisania książki pod tytulem "Cztery miasta w dziesięc dni. Florencja, Piza, Rzym i Wenecja". W mojej publikacji starannie opisalem historię, krajobraz i kulturę tego wyjątkowego regionu. Dodatkowo, zawarlem w niej subiektywne refleksje, które wykraczają poza standardowe informacje zawarte w przewodnikach. Mam nadzieję, że ta książka nie tylko będzie uzupelnieniem dla podróżujących, ale również umożliwi im spojrzenie na te piękne miasta z nowej, nieco odmienniejszej perspektywy.

  • - Mein Camino Inglés
    av Mattis M Wehlau

    Mattis träumte schon lange vom Jakobsweg. Der Plan geriet fast in Vergessenheit, denn die Möglichkeit zu einer längeren Auszeit ergab sich leider nie. Durch einen Zufall erfährt er vom Camino Inglés, dem Englischen Weg. Die gut 120 km lange Strecke von der Hafenstadt Ferrol bis nach Santiago de Compostela, ist in nur einer Woche gut zu schaffen. Nach durchwachter Nacht bucht er am nächsten Morgen die Flugtickets. Was sieben Tage Pilgern mit ihm machen würden, hätte der sonst so rationale Mattis niemals erwartet. Zunächst freut er sich einfach auf eine Woche Freiheit. Familie, Beruf und alle Verpflichtungen hinter sich lassen und endlich mal wieder für sich sein. Was aber als einsame Wanderung beginnt, wird sehr schnell zu einem wunderbaren Gemeinschaftserlebnis. Er wird Teil einer Gruppe aus sehr verschiedenen Menschen, darunter die charismatische Sängerin Valentina, die den Weg zur Selbstoptimierung nutzt, ein älterer Herr namens Tonio auf der Suche nach seinem verlorenen Glauben oder der Österreicher Johann, der seine spontan abgesagt Hochzeit verarbeiten muss. Bereits nach kurzer Zeit entsteht eine überraschend enge Verbindung zwischen den Weggefährten. In dem Mattis tiefe Einblicke in das Leben der anderen erhält, erfährt er auch sehr viel über sich selbst. Eine unerwartete Erfahrung die für Mattis nicht ohne Folgen bleibt. Auf humorvolle und selbstreflektierte Weise nimmt Mattis die Leser mit auf die Reise nach Santiago und macht Lust, eine eigene Pilgergeschichte zu schreiben.

  • - Liebe am Lago di Garda, Band 2
    av Claire Stern

    Antonia ist auf Wolke sieben: Mit einer Traumhochzeit in der Toskana soll ein neuer Lebensabschnitt beginnen. Doch ihre Hoffnungen werden auf das Bitterste enttäuscht, als ihr Verlobter sie am Polterabend betrügt. Erschüttert lässt Antonia die Trauung platzen und findet sich mit ihrer Freundin Ella im malerischen Lazise am Gardasee wieder. Dort lernen sie den charmanten Kulturjournalisten Matteo kennen, der ihre Hilfe für eines seiner PR-Projekte braucht. Antonia ist gerade dabei, mit ihrem Liebesfiasko abzuschließen, als unerwartet der Hochzeitsfotograf Noah auftaucht und Antonias Gefühle erneut durcheinanderwirbelt. Sie ist seine Traumfrau, doch für Antonia ist es der falsche Moment - die Vergangenheit lässt ihr keine Ruhe. Während das "Garda in Love"-Festival die Stadt in romantische Stimmung versetzt, steht Antonia vor der Entscheidung ihres Lebens. Diese Geschichte voller prickelnder Spannung und inspirierender Frauenpower ist der lang ersehnte zweite Band der zauberhaften Reihe "Liebe am Lago di Garda". Er begleitet Antonia auf ihrer Suche nach dem Glück durch die idyllische Toskana bis an die verträumten Ufer des Gardasees - so schön, als würde man selbst nach Italien reisen!

  • - The Great Indian Tour- Part 10
    av Aji Mathew Koloothra

    Welcome to the vibrant land of five rivers, as we present the tenth captivating chapter in our series, "The Great Indian Tour" - introducing "Rangla Punjab" Get ready to embark on a colorful journey through the diverse landscapes and cultural wonders of this northern Indian state, where history, religion, and agriculture blend in a mosaic of unparalleled beauty. This book covers, 360 tourist locations spread over 23 districts in the state, general information regarding history, art culture heritage and connectivity of the state, 8 dance forms that are practiced in various part of Punjab, 57 festivals and fairs celebrated and 84 regional food items that any tourist should try while visiting the state. Situated in the fertile plains of the Indus Valley, Punjab is a land of bountiful harvests, where the golden fields of wheat and mustard sway in the breeze. As you flip through the pages of this book, be prepared to witness the glory of historical treasures, from the majestic Golden Temple of Amritsar, the holiest shrine of Sikhism, to the imposing Qila Mubarak of Patiala, the erstwhile seat of the royal family. "Rangla Punjab", "The Great Indian Tour: Part 10" invites you to delve into a realm where history, religion, and nature harmonize. Open the pages of this book, let your imagination soar through the diverse landscapes of this colorful land, and embark on an unforgettable expedition into the soul of Punjab-where every chapter reveals a new facet of its vibrant allure. Let the colorful adventure begin! Incredible India is welcoming you

  • - Discovering Romance, Confronting Challenges, and Finding Joy in the Heart of Paris
    av Raph Bills

    Sarah was so excited as the jet descended at Charles de Gaulle Airport that she was losing control. She had been dreaming and preparing for months, and now she was finally going to see Paris, the City of Lights. Through the window of the flight, she was welcomed by the famous city's skyline, including the shadows of notable buildings such as Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Eiffel Tower. She was so excited about the adventure that awaited her that it sent a shiver down her spine. As soon as Sarah stepped off the airport, she was engulfed in the unique atmosphere of Paris, which combines elegance, romance, and classic appeal. The perfume of freshly made baguettes and strong coffee filled the air, luring her in and enticing her senses to the delicious food that lay ahead of her. Heart thumping with anticipation, Sarah made her way through the busy airport, ready to start discovering this magical city. Once she was outside the airport, Sarah found a cab and drove to her lodging. Sarah gazed about in amazement at the exquisite Haussmannian architecture that graced every corner of Paris as the cab threaded its way through the city. Beautiful balconies with flowers tumbling down them overlooked cobblestone lanes with busy businesses and charming cafés. The beauty and appeal of the city captivated Sarah, giving off an aura of timeless grandeur. Sarah reached her destination, got out of the cab, and looked up at the quaint apartment complex that will serve as her permanent residence. It was the dream house she had always imagined, with its wrought iron balconies and façade covered in ivy. She was excited to start her Parisian journey in earnest as she climbed the stairs and opened the door of her new residence. Sarah entered the flat to find a bright, sunny atmosphere filled with light coming in through the windows. Vibrant artwork and unusual furniture, each with a unique backstory and personality, decorated the room. Sarah marveled at her new environment as she looked about, enjoying the freedom and possibilities that filled the air.

  • av Louise Smith

    Delve into some of Montana's most haunted locations and find out who haunts these places. From battles and murder to accidents and natural deaths, there are many reasons why ghosts and poltergeists remain on the earthly plain.

  • - Travels in Italy, Spain, Cyprus and Prague
    av Glyn Williams

    In his third volume of Travel Diaries, musician and teacher Glyn Williams travels through some of Europe's most iconic destinations. Join an Englishman abroad as he journeys through Italy, Spain, Cyprus and Czechia immersing himself in the local culture and following the journeys of his musical heroes. This warm and affectionate collection of stories is a celebration of the joys of travel.

  • - Darshan of Datta along the Narmada
    av Srinivas Shastri

    The author started his travels soon after turning fifty, with his first visit to the Great River Narmada at Gwarighat, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh in August 2015 and a visit to the Samādhi of Sri Swami Samarth, generally regarded as the fourth incarnation of Datta at Akkalkot, Maharashtra, a week later This book conflates his experiences with Datta and the wonderful Datta temples that dot the Narmada

  • - "Embark on a captivating journey to uncover the hidden wonders of one of Europe's most enchanting cities"
    av Helen E Williams

    In this meticulously researched book, author Hellen E. Williams unveils Amsterdam's lesser-known stories, shedding light on its fascinating past and present. Delving beyond the typical tourist attractions, the book offers a glimpse into the city's soul, uncovering the stories of its diverse neighborhoods, iconic landmarks, and dynamic communities.

  • - My Ethiopian Adventure.
    av Paul Newson

    Mesmerised by the kaleidoscope of over 40 tribes performing their heart-thumping song and dance at Arba Minch's 1000 Stars Festival, nestled in the Ethiopian Highlands, I knew I had to return. The next year, drawn by the warmth of a local school, I started with simple supplies, ultimately, after many more visits, spearheading a new classroom block. This journey forged deep bonds with the locals and their vibrant culture, a memory forever etched in my heart.But my adventure extended beyond Arba Minch. Across diverse landscapes, I encountered the Konso, Hamar, and Dorze tribes, each with their own captivating customs and traditions. The electrifying energy of the Hamar bull-jumping ceremony stayed with me, as did the countless smiles that welcomed me along the way.However, my exploration delved deeper. The enigmatic rock-hewn churches of Lalibela whispered ancient secrets, the Semien Mountains unfolded their breathtaking grandeur, and the Gelada monkeys offered a glimpse into nature's wonders. Even the elusive source of the Blue Nile yielded its hidden secret, adding another layer to my unforgettable Ethiopian experience.This wasn't just a physical journey; it was a transformative one. It was about the rhythm of drums, the warmth of smiles, and the power of human connection that transcends language and culture. It was a tapestry woven with dust, drums, and desks, forever etched in my memory.

  • - A True Story
    av Elizabeth Rose

    This is a true account of twice nearly losing my son in Egypt. The first time was a few months and the second time was nearly two years. It details the battle I went through in fighting for my son, with English solicitors, trying to represent myself and working with a barrister in Egypt. It also offers some advice for others who may have a child abroad. Travel with me on my extraordinary journey where I move to Egypt. The first time I only lost my son for a few months then my ex husband returned to the UK. While waiting I fought through the high courts in Egypt to have my son handed back to me on arrival to England. The second time my ex husband promised it would be different when living there, things would be better... a better flat, a sports membership, a car and a business and if I didn't like It he promised I could take both children home. How naïve I was! The second time I lived without my son for 22 months, fighting all the time to get him back. I hope this can be a real eye opener regarding losing a child abroad and I hope it offers some advice and assistance if you are experiencing it yourself.

  • - Collect stamps or signatures from famous African national parks
    av Krypton Brighton Star

    Get stamps from Africa's famous national parks. If they dont give stamps(which i highly doubt) you can collect signatures too! Parks1. Serengeti National Park - Tanzania2. Maasai Mara National Reserve - Kenya3. Kruger National Park - South Africa4. Etosha National Park - Namibia5. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park - Uganda6. Okavango Delta - Botswana7. Hwange National Park - Zimbabwe8. Amboseli National Park - Kenya9. Chobe National Park - Botswana10. Ngorongoro Conservation Area - Tanzania11. Selous Game Reserve - Tanzania12. Queen Elizabeth National Park - Uganda13. Masai Mara National Reserve - Kenya14. South Luangwa National Park - Zambia15. Tsavo National Park - Kenya16. Volcanoes National Park - Rwanda17. Virunga National Park - Democratic Republic of the Congo18. Mana Pools National Park - Zimbabwe19. Kidepo Valley National Park - Uganda20. Aberdare National Park - Kenya21. Mount Kenya National Park - Kenya22. Samburu National Reserve - Kenya23. Ruaha National Park - Tanzania24. Lower Zambezi National Park - Zambia25. Lake Manyara National Park - Tanzania26. Tarangire National Park - Tanzania27. Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem (Transboundary) - Tanzania & Kenya28. Gorongosa National Park - Mozambique29. Simien Mountains National Park - Ethiopia30. Akagera National Park - Rwanda31. Virunga National Park - Rwanda32. Pendjari National Park - Benin33. W National Park - Niger

  • - The Great Indian Tour Part 3
    av Aji Mathew Koloothra

    Welcome to "Tamil Nadu Treasures" the third installment of our captivating book series, "The Great Indian Tour." In this series, we embark on a journey across the diverse and magnificent landscapes of India, uncovering hidden treasures and unveiling the rich cultural tapestry of each region/state through different books in the series. This book covers, 758 tourist locations spread over 38 districts in the state, general information regarding the history, art culture heritage, and connectivity of the state, 15 dance forms that are practiced in various parts of Tamilnadu, 117 festivals and fairs celebrated, and 50+ regional food items that any tourist should try while visiting the state. 38As you flip through the pages of "Tamil Nadu Treasures" you'll find yourself transported to a realm where architectural marvels stand as living testaments to the state's glorious past. In this book we'll immerse ourselves in the grand celebrations that punctuate life in this state. Pongal, the harvest festival, is not just an event; it's a display of colors, flavors, and emotions. In the pages of this book, you'll encounter the classical dance form Bharatanatyam, explore the intricacies of Tanjore paintings, where vibrant hues and intricate details blend to create visual poetry. And as we journey through the artisanal lanes, we'll discover the craftsmanship behind traditional silk sarees, a symbol of Tamil Nadu's artistic finesse. In "Tamil Nadu Treasures" we invite you to join us on a journey that transcends geographical boundaries and delves deep into the soul of a state. open its pages and embark on an odyssey through Tamil Nadu - a land where history comes alive, where culture thrives, and where treasures await to be discovered. "The Great Indian Tour: Part 3" is your gateway to Tamil Nadu. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey, as we unravel the mysteries of this enchanting state. Open the pages of this book let your imagination fly, and let the adventure begin! Incredible India is welcoming you

  • - a place where soul finds its peace
    av Kavya Mishra Kv

    This book is based on travel experience of a real heaven on Earth.

  • - Quit Your Life Temporarily
    av Colleen Newvine

    Have you ever gone on vacation and fantasized about tearing up your return ticket?Have you dreamed of quitting your job?Have you wondered what your life would be like on that path not chosen?What if you could run away to chase your dreams - without hitting the eject button on your regular life?You can do it. Even if you're pretty sure you can't.If you're longing for freedom and adventure, it's time for a mini sabbatical.Get all the benefits of travel and time away, simplified to help you to make your respite a reality. This book is the compass that will guide you, step by step, through the planning process and straight into new possibilities.Colleen Newvine draws on more than a decade of packing up with her husband, and sometimes their two cats, to live in places ranging from New Orleans and San Francisco to a cottage near the Atlantic Ocean on Long Island and three Costa Rican beach towns, then happily returning to her life in Brooklyn, New York. She's broken down the process into a no-nonsense guide to yes-you-can short-term escapes.Colleen is not only sharing her decade of invaluable wisdom. She's rounded up a diverse mix of fellow sabbatical travelers who share their own experiences and insights. You'll hear from people who: Worked remotely, traveled between jobs or took a formal sabbatical program.Stayed in one place or explored multiple locales.Visited domestic or international destinations.Traveled with their kids of various ages.Couch surfed, pet sat or won an artist residency to afford the experience.Worried you can't afford it? Or that your boss would never go for it? Thinking you can't do this because you have kids? Break free of all the reasons you think you can't take a sabbatical, and discover how just a month or two in a new place has changed people's lives forever.You'll get practical how-tos to help create a budget and get your boss and family on board, in addition to expert advice on how to give yourself permission to prioritize something besides productivity and responsibility.Whether you crave adventure, relaxation or creative pursuits, this book will inspire you to stop daydreaming and start doing. You don't have to quit your life. You can take an intermission. Quit your life temporarily. Early praise for "Your Mini Sabbatical" "Colleen is a you-need-a-break temptress of the best kind. She holds out for you a metaphorical plane ticket in these pages and gets you to grab that puppy and go! She's clever, fun, practical and gooses your butt a little so you actually DO it. A fantastic read!" Katie Goodman, comedian, actor, director, comedy writer, speaker, author, filmmaker "It has been a dream of mine to have mini sabbaticals -- it is a primary motivator in my life to travel and explore, and a reason for my being freelance. This book helps me unlock a big part of my life. I jumped straight into the finances chapter because I was not sure how I could afford a mini sabbatical. It showed me ways that it might be possible, and now I am excited to make a plan for a sabbatical!" Andrew Meissen, journalist

  • av Stephen Sapphire

    Capture the essence of Stephen Sapphire's delightful book about air travel with this fun easy humorous read about Stephen Sapphires's 35 plus years of air travel! Succumbing to the boredom of over 1600 business flights, Stephen started saying "Hello" to the people seated next to him on many flights with mixed outcomes, this light hearted book recounts the most memorable experiences Stephen had while making the best of long days of travel. This light hearted book recounts some of the more memorable experiences Stephen had while making the best of long days of travel. A kind word, a listening ear and a dash of humor can make for a much more pleasant flight! I hope you find these stories entertaining, they sure brought back memories for me writing them for you to enjoy.

  • av Lafcadio Hearn

    ¿Glimpses Of Unfamiliar Japan: First series" is an ancient Travelogue, Nonfiction story book written by Lafcadio Hearn. Offers a first rate useful resource for studying Japan's cultural historical past and historic context. Lafcadio Hearn's private reminiscences of Japan in the past due 1800s. Offers expertise about Japanese subculture, customs, and traditions. Investigates lesser-known aspects of Japanese culture and daily lifestyles. Includes observations approximately architecture, religion, and people beliefs. Includes symbolic descriptions of landscapes, cities, and rural places. Offers a unique attitude on Japan as visible via the eyes of a Western foreigner. Reflects Hearn's profound interest in and appreciation for Japanese culture. Includes anecdotes and reports with locals that lend depth to the story. Offers an awesome resource for studying Japan's cultural background and historic context.

  • av Edward Lloyd

    A gentleman traveller's account of tour of Dublin via North Wales. Complains about the food, the slothfulness of the locals, the women's legs, the drunkards' racket, the fopperies of popery, and the blush-inducing displays of public indecency.

  • av Earle S Hotta

    A friend once asked the author how many countries I had visited and what was on my bucket list, and his reply was that it wasn't filled with things or places, but with people like "The Walnut Man" or "The Albeeno Aborigine" and the Ladyboy in "Bangkok Confidential" that he had met along the way and the stories that they shared about themselves. If anything, a little bit of luck, patience, and an ear for listening have made all the difference in seeing the world through a different set of lenses.The richness of travel is in each footstep taken like walking el Camino de Santiago in Spain, where each day is a new adventure along an 800-kilometer trail filled with stories of personal challenge, hardships overcome, immense satisfaction, and a bookmark in the lives of people from all corners of the world.Each story, each memoir is merely a point in time in someone's life and the reward was having it handed to you as a gift.

  • av Lafcadio Hearn

    ¿Glimpses Of Unfamiliar Japan: Second Series" is an ancient Travelogue, Nonfiction story book written by Lafcadio Hearn. Offers a first rate useful resource for studying Japan's cultural historical past and historic context. Lafcadio Hearn's private reminiscences of Japan in the past due 1800s. Offers expertise about Japanese subculture, customs, and traditions. Investigates lesser-known aspects of Japanese culture and daily lifestyles. Includes observations approximately architecture, religion, and people beliefs. Includes symbolic descriptions of landscapes, cities, and rural places. Offers a unique attitude on Japan as visible via the eyes of a Western foreigner. Reflects Hearn's profound interest in and appreciation for Japanese culture. Includes anecdotes and reports with locals that lend depth to the story. Offers an awesome resource for studying Japan's cultural background and historic context.

  • av Florence Du Cane

    "The Flowers and Gardens of Japan" with the aid of Florence Du Cane is a captivating exploration of Japan's rich botanical heritage and its profound have an effect on on Japanese subculture. Through vivid descriptions and lovely illustrations, Du Cane takes readers on a adventure through the captivating global of Japanese gardens, showcasing the super beauty of its flora. The book delves into the importance of flowers in Japanese artwork, literature, and regular existence, providing insights into the deep religious connection between the Japanese people and nature. Du Cane highlights iconic Japanese vegetation which includes cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums, and irises, revealing the symbolic meanings attributed to every bloom. In addition to exploring traditional lawn designs, the book additionally examines the position of gardens in Japanese society, from tranquil temple gardens to meticulously manicured imperial gardens. Du Cane's meticulous attention to element and heartfelt appreciation for Japanese horticulture make "The Flowers and Gardens of Japan" a useful resource for anybody interested in the intersection of nature, tradition, and aesthetics in Japan.

  • av Hervey

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av George Staunton

    Le "Voyage dans l'intérieur de la Chine et en Tartarie" de George Staunton est un récit de voyage qui offre un aperçu détaillé des expériences de l'auteur lors de son exploration de la Chine et de la Tartarie. Staunton, un diplomate et orientaliste britannique, relate ses observations sur la géographie, la culture, les coutumes et les institutions de ces régions au cours de son périple.L'¿uvre couvre divers aspects, notamment les rencontres avec les habitants locaux, les descriptions des paysages, les discussions sur l'histoire et la politique de la Chine et de la Tartarie, ainsi que les défis et les découvertes rencontrés par l'auteur au fil de son voyage.Staunton a également partagé des réflexions sur les relations entre la Chine et d'autres nations, ainsi que sur l'impact des changements sociaux et politiques dans ces régions."Voyage dans l'intérieur de la Chine et en Tartarie" offre une perspective riche et documentée sur ces terres asiatiques, servant à la fois de document de voyage et de source d'information sur la Chine et la Tartarie à l'époque de Staunton.

  • av Esterbauer Verlag

    Sie waren schon öfter in den Alpen, können sich aber nicht entscheiden, für welchen Fernwanderweg oder in welchem der acht Alpenländer Sie als nächstes die Wanderstiefel schnüren wollen? Soll es eine kernige Bergwanderung sein, eine kräftezehrende "Expedition" oder doch lieber ein moderater Spaziergang ohne allzu viel Auf und Ab?Mit "Fernwanderwege Alpen" wird Ihnen die Entscheidung erleichtert. Wählen Sie aus unter 50 attraktiven Wegen zwischen Wienerwald und Mont Blanc, Chiemsee und Mittelmeer, vergleichen Sie - und entscheiden Sie dann, ob Sie auf einem der vielen, herrlichen Höhenwege wandern oder lieber in idyllischen Tälern dem rauschenden Wasser folgen wollen, ob Sie Pässe und Gipfel erklimmen möchten, nicht zuletzt auch, ob es auf Ihrer Tour eher alpenländisch zünftig oder mit mediterranen Anklängen zugehen soll.Zu jedem Weg erfahren Sie alles Wichtige zur Länge, den Steigungen und den konditionellen Anforderungen, ferner, wie schwierig und technisch anspruchsvoll der Weg ist, vor allem aber, was es unterwegs alles zu sehen und zu erleben gibt.Anschauliche Streckenkarten im Maßstab 1:250.000, ein aussagekräftiges Höhen- und Streckenprofil sowie eine umfassende Darstellung der wichtigsten Eckdaten - in diesem Buch finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zum Thema Fernwanderwege im Alpenraum.

  • av Gavin Francis

    In a world increasingly preoccupied by borders, bridges celebrate the possibility of connection, allowing the flow of goods, people and ideas. Bridges are among our grandest physical structures with the power of transforming lives and economies, but we also stand (or fall) upon the simple arch of bones in our feet. Text is a bridge between writer and reader, and conversation builds bridges of understanding between minds. Dr Gavin Francis has spent his life fascinated by the power of bridges to improve human connection. In The Bridge Between Worlds he examines bridges both actual and metaphorical, on a journey through more than twenty countries, across four decades of travel. From Rome's Ponte Sant'Angelo to Brooklyn, Victoria Falls to London, Singapore to Siberia, this thought-provoking book reflects on connections between nations and between individuals. Francis demonstrates what the building of bridges has meant to our civilisation, how crossings can enrich our lives, and the price we pay when we tear them down.

  • av Jonny Garrett

    What's the oldest and most consumed alcoholic beverage on earth? Beer, of course. And it might just be our more important invention.Since its invention 13,000 years ago, our love of beer has shaped everything from religious ceremonies to advertising, and architecture to bioengineering. The people who built the pyramids were paid in ale, the first fridge was built for beer not food, bacteria was discovered while investigating sour beer, Germany's beer halls hosted Hitler's rise to power, and brewer's yeast may yet be the answer to climate change.In The Meaning of Beer, award-winning beer writer Jonny Garrett tells the stories of these incredible human moments and inventions, taking readers to some of the best-known beer destinations in the world - Munich and Oktoberfest, Carlsberg Brewery's historic laboratory, St Louis and the home of Budweiser - as well as those lesser-known, from a 5,000 year old brewery in the Egyptian desert to Arctic Svalbard, home to the world's most northerly pub.Ultimately, this is not a book about how we made beer, but how beer made us.

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