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  • av John DeWitt

  • av Robert J. Schinke

    Embrace your innate talents and abilities to become the best version of yourself. Gifted: 8 Steps to Succeeding in Sport, Work, and Life offers eight valuable lessons to guide you onto the life path you deserve.

  • av Tiffany Francis-Baker

    An inspirational and informative illustrated guide to help you embrace each season and find peace, mindfulness and joy throughout the year.

  • av Charlotte Cléa

    TRANSFORMEZ N'IMPORTE QUELLE PIÈCE EN VOTRE STUDIO DE PILATES PERSONNEL ! SCULPTEZ VOS FESSIERS, VOS ABDOMINAUX ET VOTRE DOS 15 MINUTES PAR JOUR GRÂCE À UN DÉFI PERSONNALISÉ DE 30 JOURS !Vous cherchez des exercices de Wall Pilates faciles à suivre avec des images étape par étape pour atteindre vos objectifs de remise en forme en seulement 15 minutes par jour ? Vous vous inquiétez de la détérioration de votre santé due à un mode de vie sédentaire ?C'est une quête commune que de trouver le bon mélange de force physique, d'agilité et de force mentale. Les programmes d'exercices traditionnels se concentrent souvent sur un ou deux aspects, mais abordent rarement le bien-être global de manière exhaustive.La solution consiste à exploiter la puissance de la méthode Wall Pilates. Cette technique innovante transforme un simple mur en un extraordinaire outil de remise en forme. En vous engageant dans cette pratique, vous repousserez non seulement vos limites physiques, mais vous cultiverez également une profonde harmonie intérieure."Wall Pilates Workouts for Women" est votre coach, vous guidant à travers des exercices pour débutantes, des défis personnalisés et des changements d'état d'esprit pour exploiter tout le potentiel du Wall Pilates, spécialement conçu pour celles qui ont un emploi du temps serré. À l'intérieur, vous trouverez Des exercices de Wall Pilates pour débutants avec des visuels détaillés, ciblant le haut du corps (bras, épaules, poitrine), le tronc (abdominaux, bas du dos, hanches, taille) et le bas du corps (fessiers, jambes, mollets). Un programme de 30 jours, adaptable à différents âges, axé sur l'amélioration de la souplesse, de la force et de l'équilibre. Des techniques pour sculpter et renforcer les fessiers, les abdominaux et le dos. Des stratégies pour intégrer le Wall Pilates dans votre routine quotidienne. La combinaison unique du bien-être mental et de l'exercice physique offerte par le Wall Pilates. 2 BONUS EXCLUSIFS À L'INTÉRIEURBONUS 1 : Un SUIVI DE LA CONDITIONNEMENT interactif qui vous accompagnera dans l'atteinte de vos objectifs.BONUS 2 : 10 RECETTES DE SMOOTHIES PRE ET POST-WORKOUT conçues pour vous fournir une énergie soutenue, un mélange de protéines et de glucides, et pour être facilement digérables.Ce guide est votre ticket pour un bien-être à votre mesure, avec des routines Wall Pilates sur mesure, conçues pour vous. Adoptez une force et une agilité véritables.

  • av Abhijit

    Are you searching for greater peace, clarity, and connection in your life? The Mindful Change offers a powerful guide to cultivating awareness and embracing the present moment. This transformative journey takes you beyond the noise of daily life, helping you discover the profound joy and well-being that lie within.Through accessible practices and insightful wisdom, this book equips you with the tools to:Deepen your awareness: Learn to observe your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment, allowing you to understand yourself on a deeper level.Embrace the present moment: Discover the beauty and richness of the present, free from the distractions of the past and future.Transform your relationships: Foster deeper connections with others through mindful communication and compassionate understanding.Navigate challenges with ease: Develop resilience and inner peace by facing life's difficulties with mindful awareness.The Mindful Change is your invitation to embark on a life-changing adventure. Discover the transformative power of mindfulness and step into the present moment with open arms.

  • av Johnny G

    Have you ever dreamed of becoming a Masseur? Do you want to be the master of touch that makes anyone melt under your hands? "Men and women will always crave relaxation, pleasure, and the art of touch; Forever!"In, How To Be A Masseur in 6-9 Days you will learn to use simple yet unforgettable techniques ANYONE can use to master the art of massage and become a sensation in the world of relaxation.How To Be A Masseur in 6-9 Days will teach you:Why traditional massage schools are not enough for true successThe best practices for building a loyal clientele as a masseurHow to establish a reputation and gain recognition in as few as six daysSecrets no renowned masseur would ever reveal.Guys, seize this opportunity before your competition. Get this book, it's the ideal bedside companion to unlock your massage potential and help you become the sensation everyone raves about.

  • av Sara Castelli

    TRASFORMATE QUALSIASI STANZA NEL VOSTRO STUDIO DI PILATES PERSONALE! SCOLPITE GLUTEI, ADDOMINALI E SCHIENA 15 MINUTI AL GIORNO CON UNA SFIDA PERSONALIZZATA DI 30 GIORNI!Siete alla ricerca di esercizi di Wall Pilates facili da seguire, con immagini passo dopo passo, per raggiungere i vostri obiettivi di fitness desiderati spendendo solo 15 minuti al giorno? Siete preoccupati per il deterioramento della salute dovuto a uno stile di vita sedentario?È una ricerca comune quella di trovare il giusto mix di forza fisica, agilità e forza mentale. I regimi di esercizio tradizionali si concentrano spesso su uno o due aspetti, ma raramente affrontano il benessere generale in modo completo.La risposta sta nello sfruttare il potere del Wall Pilates. Questa tecnica innovativa trasforma un semplice muro in uno straordinario strumento di fitness. Impegnatevi in questa pratica e non solo supererete i vostri limiti fisici, ma coltiverete anche una profonda armonia interiore."Wall Pilates Workouts for Women" è il vostro allenatore, che vi guida attraverso esercizi per principianti, sfide personalizzate e cambiamenti di mentalità per sfruttare il pieno potenziale del Wall Pilates, appositamente studiato per chi ha tempi stretti. All'interno troverete: Esercizi di Wall Pilates adatti ai principianti e corredati da immagini dettagliate, rivolti alla parte superiore del corpo (braccia, spalle, petto), al core (addominali, parte bassa della schiena, fianchi, vita) e alla parte inferiore del corpo (glutei, gambe, polpacci). Un programma di 30 giorni, adattabile a diverse età, incentrato sul miglioramento della flessibilità, della forza e dell'equilibrio. Tecniche per scolpire e rafforzare glutei, addominali e schiena. Strategie per integrare il Wall Pilates nella vostra routine quotidiana. La combinazione unica di benessere mentale ed esercizio fisico offerta dal Wall Pilates. 2 BONUS ESCLUSIVI ALL'INTERNOBONUS 1: Un FITNESS TRACKER interattivo che vi accompagnerà verso i vostri obiettivi.BONUS 2: 10 RICETTE DI SMOOTHIES PRE E POST-WORKOUT studiate per fornirvi un'energia sostenuta, un mix di proteine e carboidrati e per essere facilmente digeribili.Questa guida è il biglietto per il benessere alle vostre condizioni, con routine di Wall Pilates su misura per voi. Abbracciate la vera forza e agilità.

  • av Tim Hardtke

    Define Your Ego's Boundaries, Live Free¿Living in the Shadow of the Ego explores the belief that the human ego is the underlying cause of all suffering. Without a perfectly defined ego in place, one is free to exist in the present moment without experiencing the arising and subsiding egoic thoughts!Learn how to define boundaries and detach from the ego, to move into the present moment, and shift from the mind-dominated state of consciousness where mental suffering is replaced with peace! The author's purpose is to bring awareness to the ego experience and to help end the suffering of all beings!

  • av James Salazar

    This book contains useful information on the exercise of walking and how you can benefit from getting into a daily habit of long walks. You'll learn the most important elements needed to make your walking plan a success.You'll find practical advise on establishing the right mindset and motivation, choosing the best places for your daily walks and setting up a schedule you can stick to every day for a successful walking plan.Here's a preview of what's inside..The health benefits of walkingWhat you need to get startedNutrition and hydrationShort or long distance waking tipsPreparing and warming upTips on staying safe and injury freeStaying motivatedEssential equipmentLearning proven strategies from walking enthusiasts who've been where you are now, you'll form lifelong habits where activity brings enjoyment rather than drudgery.Go beyond fleeting fixes with walking routines you can comfortably fit into any schedule. Enjoy the outdoors while strengthening your body and relationships through this meditative solo practice. Reap rewards physically as inches fade and resilience grows - plus emotionally as you reduce loneliness and overthinking through quality solo reflection time.

  • av Dalibor Novotny

    The universe is emitting energy. All entities, ranging from towering mountains to the abyssal depths of the oceans, as well as minuscule blades of grass, tree leaves, and individual cells within our bodies, emit energy. Each cell in our body emits energy in distinct manners, with variations in the type of energy emitted based on their location and function.This book offers a comprehensive approach to identifying and correcting imbalances in your chakras. It includes practical exercises and techniques that provide clear instructions on how to detect these imbalances and restore balance. The techniques covered in the book include chakra clearing, chakra realignment, chakra integration, past life regression, and chakra activation.Enhance your chakra exploration using potent methodologies! Engage in visualisation and meditation practices enhanced by the comprehensive methods of aromatherapy, yoga, and crystal healing. Do not only read - actively integrate these practices into your everyday routine for profound outcomes. Discover the enduring knowledge of chakras in modern circumstances. Discover the strategies for cultivating significant connections, achieving equilibrium in a fast-paced society, and integrating chakra techniques into your career. The "Complete Guide to Chakras" is not merely a literary work but rather a comprehensive guide that facilitates the assimilation of age-old wisdom into your contemporary existence.

  • av Julian Walter

    Are you acquainted with the solar plexus chakra? If you are experiencing emotional distress or a sense of energy blockage in your chakra points, this book will provide guidance and support to facilitate your healing journey. Upon thoroughly studying the comprehensive explanations provided in this book, you will experience a rejuvenating effect and gain knowledge about the diverse advantages that repairing the solar plexus chakra may have on both your mental and physical well-being.Elevate your comprehension to unprecedented levels through sophisticated chakra exercises. Explore modified states of awareness, undergo Kundalini activation, and utilise the profound influence of sound and mantras. The range of possibilities is limitless, and the capacity for personal development is unparalleled. The "Complete Guide to Chakras" is not merely a book but rather a means for you to access extensive knowledge about chakras and practical procedures. Take control of your personal growth as you strive for comprehensive wellness. Chakras for Witches is an introductory tutorial to the seven-chakra system and its function in regulating the vital life-force energy that circulates within the human body. Lisa Chamberlain, a highly successful author, collaborates with Elder Priestess and Reiki Master Leandra Witchwood to present a distinctive method of healing that incorporates chakra work, mindfulness, magical tea ceremonies, and other practices.

  • av Zlatko Schlosser

    This compilation integrates the timeless knowledge from the most significant therapeutic practices to offer a thorough guide to achieving spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Irrespective of one's degree of expertise, "The Chakra Healing Bible" is a crucial reference for individuals seeking to develop a profound comprehension of their energy centres and access the hidden knowledge of holistic well-being.This guide presents proven methods and practices to help you engage in chakra meditation and develop proficiency in harmonising them collectively. It will also provide you with comprehensive information regarding the many types of chakras and their effects.However, it is not necessary to possess magical abilities in order to derive advantages from this book. Regardless of your spiritual journey, Chakras for Witches guides recognise indications of equilibrium and imbalance in each chakra. It also offers techniques to eliminate energetic obstacles and reinstate harmony, both inside individual chakras and throughout the entire body. Additionally, you will get knowledge on how energy healing, particularly via the practice of Reiki, has the potential to generate tangible and beneficial transformations in your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.Hence, a crucial factor in maintaining equilibrium and unobstructed flow of the chakras lies in wholeheartedly embracing and cherishing our being, encompassing the recognition and engagement with those facets of our identity that may elicit discomfort. The practice of shadow work is essential, as genuine self-acceptance cannot be attained without addressing and incorporating the shadow aspects of oneself.

  • av Joseph Gress

    The good news is that this book can show you how! Bulking up and maintaining a toned physique cannot be easily accomplished without the right plan and discipline. Most of all, a definitive guide can go a long way in walking you through the steps you need to take to achieve your bodybuilding goals.You may already have a firm idea of the exercise regimen you need to follow, but do you know what food you need to eat and what meals you need to prepare to get closer to your ideal body? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...The Fundamentals of Building Muscle Mass - FastDetermining Your Body-TypeNutritional Requirements and RecommendationsWorkout Plans for Gaining Muscle MassReaching Absolute Muscle FailureSupplementing Resistance Training with Cardio ExercisesMuch, much more!The good news is that you can get that boost you need through supplementation, and this book can show you how!Many men have become wary of taking supplements. It's no wonder that people have become cautious because there are indeed some supplements that over-promise but under deliver. When the market is saturated with countless supplements, it is difficult to make an informed decision... until now! This book has everything you need to know about the proper supplements to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

  • av Martine Ménard

    Vous avez fait une rencontre... mais comment être sûr.e de votre choix ? Votre instinct vous crie « méfiance », mais votre coeur vous dit : vas-y ! Comment faire face à ce dilemme ? A/ L'amour a frappé à votre porte... ou en tout cas vous l'espérez ! Mais les échecs du passé vous ont laissé un goût amer, vous ne voulez plus souffrir et vous voulez la confirmation que cette fois c'est la bonne personne ! B/ L'univers a placé 2 personnes sur votre chemin... Sauf si vous êtes bigame, vous devez choisir ! Mais comment savoir que vous prenez la bonne décision ?Le contenu de ce manuel peut vous y aider ! Son principe de base est de se connecter aux forces de l'univers qui attendent seulement votre sollicitation pour vous aider !Comment s'y prendre ? 1/ en invoquant au préalable votre ange gardien (un tableau récapitulatif permettant de « faire sa connaissance »), puis ses frères experts dans le domaine souhaité. 2/ vous prierez aussi certains archanges et esprits de la nature invoqués pour faire le bon choix... sans oublier (s'ils font partie de votre culte) d'en appeler à certains saints de l'église. 3/ d'autre part, grâce à la magie de la force mentale, (visualisation, autosuggestion, télépathie...) de même qu'un mode d'influence à distance, vous serez en faire à nouveau confiance et commencer une nouvelle vie. Il s'agit de lire des phrases particulières. Ces préceptes puissants fortifient les prières et agissent en véhiculant des énergies positives et créatives. Mais faut-il encore connaître les bonnes formules. 4/ Certains exercices de remise en question vous sont proposés. Ces réflexions vous aideront à comprendre la raison pour laquelle vous avez connu des échecs.Sous la forme simple, les prières sont effectuées en neuvaine mensuelle. 5/ mais pour ceux qui souhaitent ajouter un peu de « magie lunaire » à leur demande, un paragraphe spécial « prier en fonction de la lune » vous est proposé. Il suffit de vous munir d'un calendrier de l'année en cours (et/ou à venir) avec les lunes indiquées, et de vous référer au « calendrier exemple » qui est ajouté.Rien de compliqué ! Tout vous est expliqué. Et ce n'est pas tout !6/ en fin de volume, vous trouverez un pentagramme à découper et à remplir...Donc avec cette méthode, si vous appliquez les principes de base de ce guide, vous aurez la certitude d'avoir enfin rencontrer la bonne personne...- Rituels simples mais efficaces quand ils sont exécutés avec foi et ferveur.

  • av Steven Petrow

    "From award-winning Washington Post columnist Steven Petrow, a guide to finding joy even during life's most difficult times We all know what it's like to experience the disappointments and sorrows of life. Unexpected circumstances like layoffs, divorce, illness, and death can leave us hurting and isolated. Add to that the unending anxiety we feel at the state of the world-political strife and global upheavals-and we end up with a recipe for . . . joy? Yes, says journalist Steven Petrow, who has lived through all of those things, and arrived at a surprising conclusion: Joy is always present-in our everyday routines, in ties to those we care about, even in our grief. It may be easier to see and feel it during the good times, but we can learn to find joy even in the darkest days. All we need is a road map-and now we have one. In The Joy You Make, Petrow explores the many expressions of joy and shows readers how to find, cultivate, and share it. He takes us on a journey from the darkness of the Arctic to a frenetic cancer ward in Manhattan, a trip that includes his parents' deaths, the breakup of his marriage, and his sister's cancer diagnosis. Combining his personal experiences with research and expert interviews, Petrow asks (and answers) the question: 'What if there was a way to find the joy in everything?' Come join him on his search, and make it yours"--

  • av CAConrad

    Twenty-three new (Soma)tic exercises and rituals for creating an "extreme present" and their resulting poems.

  • av Falcon Focus

    ¿¿¿¿ Vous avez du mal à trouver le cadeau parfait pour votre amateur de football ? Vous êtes curieux de connaître les histoires inédites et les faits remarquables de Messi ? Envie d'une plongée dans la carrière légendaire de Messi ?Plongez dans le monde fascinant de Lionel Messi avec cette collection complète de jeux-questionnaires, d'histoires et de questions triviales conçus pour les fans comme vous. De ses premières années à Rosario, en Argentine, à ses exploits légendaires avec Barcelone et au-delà, ce livre vous emmène dans un voyage passionnant à travers la vie et l'époque du Petit Magicien . - Découvrez des histoires captivantes sur l'enfance de Messi et son ascension vers la célébrité du football.- Explorez les hauts et les bas de son illustre carrière, de ses nombreux records et prix à ses moments les plus emblématiques sur le terrain.- Testez vos connaissances avec une variété de questions triviales stimulantes qui sépareront les vrais aficionados de Messi des autres.- Découvrez le style de jeu de Messi, son programme d'entraînement et son impact sur le beau jeu.Que vous soyez un fan depuis longtemps ou que vous commencez tout juste à apprécier le génie de Lionel Messi, ce livre offre quelque chose pour tout le monde. C'est le compagnon idéal pour votre table basse, un sujet de conversation lors de rencontres ou un cadeau charmant pour tout amateur de football. ¿N'attendez pas ! Défilez vers le haut et lancez-vous dans votre voyage pour devenir un connaisseur de Messi dès aujourd'hui !

  • av Zen Michael

    Aprenda 25 formas simples de reduzir o stress e descubra como se pode tornar uma pessoa mais calma.Este livro reúne 25 artigos sobre como pode aprender a ser uma pessoa mais calma, escritos por Zen Michael.Com ele pode descobrir formas práticas de estar mais presente todos os dias, maneiras simples de, com mindfulness, meditação e observação, reduzir e gerir o stress na sua vida quotidiana. Experimente práticas simples e criativas de atenção plena que o ajudarão a acalmar-se e a ultrapassar a ansiedade, e a lidar com as emoções mais desconfortáveis.Originalmente escritos por Zen Michael nas suas crónicas em, estes artigos foram reorganizados neste livro num formato mais prático para apresentar estas 25 formas de reduzir o stress e de como se pode acalmar.Explore estes recursos como um ponto de partida para uma vida melhor, como pontos de apoio para reduzir e gerir a ansiedade e o stress, como ferramentas para criar mais calma e alegria na sua vida. "Lembra-te que podes sempre encontrar paz e alegria - estão dentro de ti." Zen Michael

  • av Joey David

    The BORA Defensive System is a unique defensive approach that is characterized by constant and never-ending disruption of your opponent's ability to run an offense. BORA stands for a barrage of organized chaos and relentless attacks. Although there are many books that teach pressure defense, this is pressure defense on steroids! This defensive approach puts the offense under relentless stress and makes them play against their will. BORA will improve your team's intensity and communication, allow for more players to contribute and receive quality playing time, and will help neutralize the star player and a team that is better skilled. BORA is exciting for players, coaches, and fans. Many of the defensive skills and drills in this book have never been seen before. Utilizing these actions and concepts will undoubtedly make your team better defensively and help you win more games.

  • av Simone Callahan

    Simone Callahan’s wellness journey was instrumental to her healing process when her marriage ended. Now, she’s determined to guide and support others in their search for inner peace during difficult times.

  • av Janet Farrar

    By fully explaining how magic works, this volume makes numerous Wiccan practices approachable, including circle casting, raising energy, elemental work and drawing down the moon.

  • av Martha Shrimpton

    This is the official workbook for Spring Harvest 2024, encouraging readers to look at the One who's immovable hope we can rely on and urging them reflect the glory of God to the world around them.

  • av Cathy Madavan

    The official theme book for Spring Harvest 2024, explores Paul's letter to the Ephesians.

  • av Sandra Knecht

  • av Manuel Bolton

    In this book you will learn a lot of important information you need to know before beginning to use essential oils for weight loss.Naturopathy has proven itself to be as effective, but not as damaging, as any other modern treatment. It is a type of alternative medicine that does not use modern drugs and chemicals. Practitioners of naturopathic medicine believe that the body has the power to heal itself without the intervention of chemicals. The body already has the necessary instruments to become healthy; it just needs to know how to use them.Here is a preview of what you'll learn...The philosophy behind naturopathyThe benefits of naturopathyNaturopathic treatmentsYogaAcupunctureColor therapyReikiThis journey wasn't without its challenges, but the results were nothing short of miraculous. I embraced self-care and integrated it into my daily routine. Disease prevention became not just a goal but a way of life, and integrative medicine bridged the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science.My life had transformed. No longer a victim of my circumstances, i had become the captain of my wellness ship. I had unlocked the secrets of healing from within, and i was determined to share this knowledge with the world.

  • av Heather Dolson

    Unleash the rejuvenating power of Chair Yoga and embrace a vibrant, more youthful you...even if you've never tried yoga before!Is pain and stiffness holding you back from being active?Are you looking for a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do right from the comfort of your chair?Do you want to lose weight, improve mobility, and enjoy bursts of energy?In "The Joy of Chair Yoga for Beginners and Seniors", nurse and yoga instructor, Heather, guides you to improve your strength, mobility, and vitality...and yes, have a little fun along the way! This book is designed with beginners and seniors in mind. After all, yoga isn't meant to be intimidating. It's a journey to better health and happiness. And chair yoga is the perfect place to start.Here's a sneak peek at what you'll find inside this dynamic book:Clear, detailed instructions for each exercise, ensuring you get the most out of each movement.Engaging pictures to help you understand and perfect each pose.Proven techniques to address specific physical issues like joint pain, mobility, and flexibility.Helpful tips on diet and nutrition, boosting your health far beyond the chair yoga sessions.Comfortable routines that you can perform anywhere - at home, in the office, or even outdoors.Stories, anecdotes, and inspiring transformations from seniors just like you who've embraced chair yoga.Learn the mindful practices that boost mental health and tranquility....and so much more!Now, you might be thinking, "I've never tried yoga before. Will I be able to do these exercises?" Or perhaps you've had a bad experience with other forms of exercise and worry about potential injury. Fear not! Don't be afraid! This book provides a safe, low-impact form of exercise that is adaptable to your individual needs and limitations. Each exercise is designed for maximum benefits with minimum risk of injury, meaning you can enjoy the benefits of yoga with peace of mind. So, whether you're a beginner, a senior, or someone with limited mobility, this book provides a delightful gateway to a healthier, more active lifestyle. Your journey to better health and happiness doesn't have to be difficult or painful. If you're ready to embrace the joy of chair yoga, conquer age, defy limitations, and start living your best, most vibrant life - you need this book.

  • av Corey Kidd

    The chakra system is a complex framework of energy centers located throughout the body.Inside The Power of Chakras, discover:Where the concept of chakras come from.The functions of chakras and their impact on your body's wheel of energy.Everything you need to know about the seven-chakra system.Common myths and misconceptions that surround the concept of chakras.Healing techniques you can use to rebalance your chakras.Don't spend another minute living with a chakra imbalance.If you like my books, feel free to follow me on my social media, share and like, tell your friends about the books, and write an honest review; one or two lines don't matter. All support is precious. Thanks!"

  • av Aubrey Degnan

    Let us, you and I, have a conversation now about where you are on the path of spiritual awakening. Soften... open... breathe. Take this moment to join me on this exquisite journey.In a bold and yet vulnerable manner, Luminous reveals my personal spiritual journey as a student expressing the inner experiences that accompany specific meditation practices. This book contains 65 transformational tools, the results and feelings that come when they are diligently applied, and the significance of these step-by-step results on the greater path to your own Enlightenment.As part of my own training, I share the minefield of working with well-known teachers and how to apply their wisdoms and avoid their pitfalls.This book will guide you into greater understanding of the human nature of suffering, the conditions of childhood, and how these are traps of ego. As ego slips away through applying these tools, we naturally feel happiness, deep caring, and peace.Luminous is a paradigm shift from the usual Western approach to psychotherapy into viewing the reality of our human condition from the perspective of the Psychology of Enlightenment.

  • av Maha Devi

    Ein Buch, das Ruhe und Frieden in Ihr Leben bringt. Entfliehen Sie dem Trubel des Alltags mit Maha Devis Fantasiereisen! "Zauberhafte Traumreisen" öffnet ein Tor zur inneren Ruhe, das Menschen in jeder Lebensphase, ob jung oder alt, sogar während der Schwangerschaft betreten können. Inmitten des Trubels unserer modernen Welt bietet dieses Buch einen Ort der Ruhe, der für jeden zugänglich ist. Es ist eine inspirierende Reise, bei der Entspannung, Achtsamkeit und Erneuerung im Zentrum stehen.Auf den Seiten dieses Buches finden Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an Fantasiereisen, Meditationen, Entspannungsübungen und Atemtechniken. Sie sollen helfen, Alltagsstress abzubauen und das innere Gleichgewicht zu fördern. "Zauberhafte Traumreisen" bietet jedem die Möglichkeit, die heilsame Kraft der Entspannung und Achtsamkeit zu erleben.

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