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  • av Pushpa Kumawat

    Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition characterized by an overactive thyroid gland, resulting in an excess production of thyroid hormones. It is important to have a clear understanding of this condition as it affects various aspects of a person's health and well-being. This book will help you cope with this disease.

  • av Sadhna Kumawat

    Muscular Dystrophy is a comprehensive guide for individuals living with muscular dystrophy, their families, and caregivers. Packed with practical advice, it offers a roadmap for overcoming challenges, embracing opportunities, and living a fulfilling life with muscular dystrophy. From understanding the condition and coping with its emotional impact to advocating for yourself in the medical system and building a support network, this book covers every aspect of living with muscular dystrophy. It delves into lifestyle modifications, adaptive technologies, managing pain and discomfort, and maintaining a positive mindset. Get ready to embark on a transformative path of empowerment, resilience, and hope as you navigate the complexities of muscular dystrophy.

  • - Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin D
    av La Fonceur

    If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to understanding Vitamin D, then "The Science of Vitamin D" book is a must-read for you! This book covers the critical role of vitamin D in maintaining good health and discusses the latest scientific findings that can help you make informed decisions about your vitamin intake. It provides detailed information on fortified foods and whether or not you should consume them. Additionally, the book addresses common vitamin-related concerns, such as how to identify if you are deficient in vitamin D and when to get tested.Discover the health benefits of combining vitamin D with other vitamins and minerals to maximize health benefits, as well as the potential consequences of taking vitamin D with certain foods or medications. This guide covers the advantages and drawbacks of fortified foods and vitamin supplements.Also, learn about natural sources that are high in vitamin D. By consuming these foods and making lifestyle changes, you can avoid Vitamin D deficiency and maintain good overall health, reducing the likelihood of infections and chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cognitive decline.Explore some nutritious and easy-to-cook vegetarian recipes in The Science of Vitamin D book that can be included in your diet to maximize the health benefits of vitamin D.



  • - Ein Elternführer durch das erste magische Jahr: Inkl. über 100 Praxistipps für den Alltag
    av Lenya Nidaule

    Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle Eltern, die sich über die Vorbereitung und Entwicklung Ihres Kindes informieren sowie praktische Tipps für die Erziehung erhalten möchten. "Von Herz zu Herz: Ein Elternführer durch das erste magische Jahr", ist ein umfassender Ratgeber für frischgebackene Eltern, der wertvolle Informationen und Ratschläge für das erste Lebensjahr eines Kindes bietet. Von Kolikphase, Schlafproblemen über Stillen, Ernährung, gesundheitliche Sorgen bis hin zu Meilensteinen der Entwicklung, dieses Buch deckt eine breite Palette an Themen ab. Es unterstützt Eltern mit praktischen Tipps zur Förderung der motorischen und sprachlichen Entwicklung ihres Kindes und bietet Lösungsansätze für die Herausforderungen. Jedes Kapitel ist speziell darauf ausgerichtet, Eltern durch die verschiedenen Phasen der Kindheit zu führen, mit einem Fokus auf Liebe, Geduld und das Verständnis für die einzigartigen Bedürfnisse jedes Kindes.

  • - Entdecke die Schätze der Selbstheilung Teil 2: Auf dem Weg zu einem gesunden Leben im Einklang mit der Natur
    av Inas Mariam Al Naqib

    Inas Mariam Al Naqib öffnet die Tür zu einem Leben im Einklang mit der Natur und lädt ein, die verborgenen Schätze der Selbstheilung zu entdecken. In einer von Hektik und Stress geprägten Welt sehnen sich viele Menschen nach einem Weg zurück zu natürlicher Gesundheit und innerem Gleichgewicht. Diese Trilogie ist mehr als eine Sammlung von Büchern - sie ist ein Wegweiser zu einem erfüllten und gesunden Leben. Geprägt von persönlichen Herausforderungen und tiefgreifenden Verlusten hat Inas Mariam Al Naqib einen Weg gefunden, der sie zu den Wurzeln der Heilung zurückführt. Ihre Bücher sind ein Aufruf zur Selbstheilung und ein Wegweiser für alle, die nach alternativen Wegen zur Gesundheit suchen. Inspiriert von alter Weisheit und modernen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen nimmt Inas Sie mit auf eine Reise der Selbstfindung. Sie werden verlorene Heilkräfte wiederentdecken, Ihre eigene grüne Hausapotheke zusammenstellen und von den unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Natur profitieren. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt voller heilender Kräfte und lassen Sie sich von Inas Mariam Al Naqibs fesselnder Erzählweise und ihrem fundierten Wissen begeistern. Diese Trilogie ist der Schlüssel zu einem gesunden und erfüllten Leben - eine Schatztruhe voller natürlicher Heilmittel, die nur darauf wartet, von Ihnen geöffnet zu werden.

  • - Entdecke die Schätze der Selbstheilung Teil 3: Auf dem Weg zu einem gesunden Leben im Einklang mit der Natur
    av Inas Mariam Al Naqib

    Inas Mariam Al Naqib öffnet die Tür zu einem Leben im Einklang mit der Natur und lädt ein, die verborgenen Schätze der Selbstheilung zu entdecken. In einer von Hektik und Stress geprägten Welt sehnen sich viele Menschen nach einem Weg zurück zu natürlicher Gesundheit und innerem Gleichgewicht. Diese Trilogie ist mehr als eine Sammlung von Büchern - sie ist ein Wegweiser zu einem erfüllten und gesunden Leben. Geprägt von persönlichen Herausforderungen und tiefgreifenden Verlusten hat Inas Mariam Al Naqib einen Weg gefunden, der sie zu den Wurzeln der Heilung zurückführt. Ihre Bücher sind ein Aufruf zur Selbstheilung und ein Wegweiser für alle, die nach alternativen Wegen zur Gesundheit suchen. Inspiriert von alter Weisheit und modernen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen nimmt Inas Sie mit auf eine Reise der Selbstfindung. Sie werden verlorene Heilkräfte wiederentdecken, Ihre eigene grüne Hausapotheke zusammenstellen und von den unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Natur profitieren. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt voller heilender Kräfte und lassen Sie sich von Inas Mariam Al Naqibs fesselnder Erzählweise und ihrem fundierten Wissen begeistern. Diese Trilogie ist der Schlüssel zu einem gesunden und erfüllten Leben - eine Schatztruhe voller natürlicher Heilmittel, die nur darauf wartet, von Ihnen geöffnet zu werden.

  • - Entdecke die Schätze der Selbstheilung Teil 1: Auf dem Weg zu einem gesunden Leben im Einklang mit der Natur
    av Inas Mariam Al Naqib

    Inas Mariam Al Naqib öffnet die Tür zu einem Leben im Einklang mit der Natur und lädt ein, die verborgenen Schätze der Selbstheilung zu entdecken. In einer von Hektik und Stress geprägten Welt sehnen sich viele Menschen nach einem Weg zurück zu natürlicher Gesundheit und innerem Gleichgewicht. Diese Trilogie ist mehr als eine Sammlung von Büchern - sie ist ein Wegweiser zu einem erfüllten und gesunden Leben. Geprägt von persönlichen Herausforderungen und tiefgreifenden Verlusten hat Inas Mariam Al Naqib einen Weg gefunden, der sie zu den Wurzeln der Heilung zurückführt. Ihre Bücher sind ein Aufruf zur Selbstheilung und ein Wegweiser für alle, die nach alternativen Wegen zur Gesundheit suchen. Inspiriert von alter Weisheit und modernen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen nimmt Inas Sie mit auf eine Reise der Selbstfindung. Sie werden verlorene Heilkräfte wiederentdecken, Ihre eigene grüne Hausapotheke zusammenstellen und von den unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Natur profitieren. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt voller heilender Kräfte und lassen Sie sich von Inas Mariam Al Naqibs fesselnder Erzählweise und ihrem fundierten Wissen begeistern. Diese Trilogie ist der Schlüssel zu einem gesunden und erfüllten Leben - eine Schatztruhe voller natürlicher Heilmittel, die nur darauf wartet, von Ihnen geöffnet zu werden.

  • - Itinéraire d'un changement intérieur
    av Jean-Cédric Violet

    Dirigeant d'entreprise, Jean-Cédric Violet a vécu l'épuisement professionnel jusqu'à la chute. Pas à pas, il s'est reconstruit et a découvert une nouvelle manière d'exister. À travers ce récit authentique, il témoigne de sa descente aux enfers et de sa renaissance. L'approche émotionnelle et l'analyse pragmatique s'entremêlent. S'appuyant sur son expérience personnelle, il met l'accent sur l'équilibre de vie. Ceux qui sont concernés de près ou de loin par le burn-out y trouveront des clés pour rebondir. "Une excellente piqûre de rappel pour soigner son hygiène de vie et d'esprit". Nadia Claudel, coach et formatrice

  • - Apprendre à manger avec plaisir et en pleine conscience pour se libérer des kilos émotionnels
    av Gabriella Tamas

    Nos habitudes alimentaires et le rapport que nous entretenons avec la nourriture ont à voir avec notre enfance mais aussi avec tout ce que nous avons entendu, devenu adulte, sur comment bien manger pour rester en forme et en bonne santé.Or, bien souvent, ces habitudes ne comblent ni nos envies, ni nos vrais besoins, encore moins notre balance, et peuvent affecter notre confiance en nous. Gérer ses émotions en mangeant, se priver de ce que l'on aime, être accro au sucre ou endurer des intolérances alimentaires... Les maux de la bouffe nous gâchent la vie. Comment se débarrasser du poids de l'alimentation tout en respectant notre organisme et notre droit au plaisir ?Quel que soit votre histoire avec la nourriture, ce livre vous propose de vous réconcilier avec elle. Grâce à des questionnaires et des exercices, vous identifierez votre profil de mangeur et construirez votre propre alimentation, celle qui vous correspond et qui est bonne pour vous: saine, libéree des kilos émotionnels, choisie avec plaisir et manger en pleine conscience.

  • - Toutes les techniques pour profiter des bienfaits thérapeutique de la lumière.
    av Jean-Pierre Couwenbergh

    Découvrez les bienfaits thérapeutiques de la lumière à travers l'histoire, les fondements et les techniques de la luminothérapie.

  • - Les 6 couleurs de mon stress.
    av Franck Jullien

    Pourquoi stressez-vous ? Quels sont les facteurs ou les personnes qui déclenchent votre stress ? Si nous sommes tous vulnérables au stress, selon la couleur de notre personnalité nous vivrons diversement ses manifestations et serons plus sensibles à certains contextes qu'à d'autres.Imaginez que vous devez intégrer un nouveau poste. Parmi les situations suivantes, cochez celle qui vous paraît la plus stressante:1. Vous ne vous sentez pas apprécié.2. Les règles, les procédures et la routine vous excèdent.3. Vous ne trouvez pas de moment de calme et de tranquillité pour respirer.4. Vous ne vous jugez pas assez compétent.5. Jour après jour, vous êtes face à une même situation pour laquelle vos solutions ne donnent pas de résultats.6. Vous êtes inquiet à l'idée de ne pas être légitime.Pour comprendre pourquoi vous stressez, quels sont les types de personnalité qui suscitent du stress chez vous et comment faire baisser son niveau, reportez-vous aux pages correspondant aux situations choisies:1. p 97, 2. p 109, 3. p 67, 4. p 35, 5. p 83, 6. p 51.

  • - Les identifier et les comprendre pour mieux s'en protéger.
    av Frédérique Maupu-Flament

    Il vous reproche d'avoir regardé votre voisin de façon un peu trop appuyée, d'avoir des choses à cacher; il vous soupçonne d'entretenir une vie secrète dans laquelle vous sortez avec son meilleur ami... Comment vivre avec un jaloux sans renoncer à son épanouissement personnel ? Plutôt que d'affronter des scènes perpétuelles où vous serez sommé de vous justifier, lisez ce guide: il vous fournit l'indispensable kit de survie.Etes-vous prêts ?Avez-vous affaire à un jaloux ou un envieux ? Quel jaloux partage votre vie ? Pour le savoir, testez-vous p.3.Cerner l'ennemi...Comment en est-il arrivé là ? Pour comprendre votre ennemi de l'intérieur, rendez-vous p.23.L'indispensable kit de survie !Consulter nos diagnostics, attitudes à éviter et antidotes p.85.

  • - Devenir adulte
    av Patrick Ange Raoult

    Qu'est devenu l'adolescent que nous étions ? Et que penserait-il de l'adulte que nous sommes devenus ? Avons-nous tourné la page, ou nous poursuit-il malgré nous, dans nos difficultés à nouer des liens amoureux, à devenir parents, à concrétiser nos rêves ?Devenir adulte implique d'avoir su traverser, à l'adolescence, des étapes déterminantes: la gestion de la séparation, la construction du lien à l'autre, de l'estime de soi, l'aménagement de ses idéaux, etc. Ce livre interroge chacune d'elles et montre que nos souffrances d'adulte sont souvent liées à des traversées délicates ou inachevées.Peut-on revenir sur son adolescence ? C'est non seulement possible, mais surtout nécessaire si l'on veut se construire un présent plus serein, plus léger et marqué par la confiance en soi, en ce qu'on a été et ce qu'on sera. Faire le deuil de parents idéaux, assumer ses choix, trouver la juste distance dans les relations que nous nouons... Telles sont quelques-unes des pistes proposées dans ce livre.

  • - Your Guided Path to Weight Loss, God's Way - The Last Weight Loss Book You'll Ever Need
    av Cathy Morenzie

    This is not a weight loss book... It's a paradigm-shattering revelation that will liberate you from the diet mindset. Forget everything you've ever been taught about weight loss. In fact, that's the very thing that's been keeping you overweight and overwhelmed!Finally, after 35 years, Cathy Morenzie is sharing her counter-culture breakthrough principles which have helped countless people release excess weight through Bible-based principles that anyone can follow starting today.Cathy Morenzie's 14 principles are poised to revolutionize the way you perceive and navigate your health journey, providing a biblical blueprint to lasting change and well-being. Say goodbye to the old and welcome a new era in the pursuit of a healthier, purpose-driven life.Written with the help of 11 leading health & wellness coaches, they share how these 14 principles have helped them and their clients achieve lasting success, even when everything else failed.

  • av Will Bozeman

    Longevity isn't just about adding years to your life; it's about adding life to your years. Harness the power of longevity to rewrite your story of health and vitality. With each step towards a younger, more vibrant self, you're rewriting the rules of aging. Discover the secret to unlocking a lifetime of wellness in Longevity Is The New Wellness. In Longevity Is The New Wellness, Will Bozeman unveils a captivating journey towards redefining health and vitality. Bozeman delves into the intricate web of health science, unraveling the mysteries behind extending our lifespans and enriching our well-being through tailored actions, engaging activities, and innovative products. From surmounting common healthcare hurdles to igniting our intrinsic yearning for sustained youthfulness, this book offers fresh perspectives and cutting-edge insights. Prepare to embark on a transformative quest, where the pursuit of wellness transcends conventional boundaries, leading to a life of boundless energy and vibrant longevity.

  • - Life Virtues Men Don't Talk About
    av Markham F Rollins

    Do you want to transform into the best man you can be? Your time is now. Step out of the shadows of complacency and snatch a life of continued self-improvement with 'The Evolving Man: Life Virtues Men Don't Talk About.' This powerful guide is your key to self-reflection and a more fulfilling life. Dive into active self-evolution, overcoming a variety of challenges like communication issues and cultivating empathy.Gain insights into gratitude, deepen relationships, and build a supportive community. This book is your tool for positive change, offering hope, inspiration, and practical guidance.Engage with the 12 life virtues, accompanied by personal stories and reflective questions. Embrace the challenges and embark on a path to a more meaningful legacy. 'The Evolving Man' is not just a book; it's a catalyst for lifelong transformation.It is the dawn of a new era, your best self is awaiting. Grab your future now! Do not hesitate. Get 'The Evolving Man' today and become the man you were always meant to be.

  • - Claves para Perder Peso, Energizar tu Vida, Desintoxicar tu Cuerpo y Revitalizar tu Salud
    av Christina Ardiani

    ¡Incluye BONUS especial! Junto con este libro, obtendrás una valiosa guía en PDF de 30 días para aplicar todo lo que has descubierto, y eso no es todo: te esperan muchos más bonus para maximizar tu viaje hacia el bienestar. ��������✨Revoluciona Tu Salud: El Poder del Ayuno Intermitente y la Limpieza Hepática. Descubre el Secreto para una Vida Más Larga y Saludable✨ Un Viaje Revolucionario hacia el Bienestar y la Vitalidad ✨¿Por Qué El Ayuno Intermitente y la Limpieza Hepática? En un mundo donde la salud se convierte en nuestra principal prioridad, el Ayuno Intermitente y la Limpieza Hepática emergen como las claves para desbloquear una vida más saludable y vigorosa. Estas prácticas milenarias, ahora respaldadas por la ciencia moderna, no solo te ayudan a alcanzar tu peso ideal, sino que también revitalizan tu cuerpo desde dentro, potenciando la función hepática para un bienestar óptimo.Da el Primer Paso Hacia el Cambio ����Si te sientes estancado en un ciclo de dietas ineficaces y soluciones temporales, este libro es tu pasaporte hacia un cambio verdadero y duradero. Con consejos prácticos y estrategias accesibles, te equipamos para que des el salto hacia una salud renovada, energía inagotable y una nueva perspectiva de vida.Lo Que Aprenderás en Este LibroFundamentos del Ayuno Intermitente: Entiende la ciencia y la práctica detrás de este poderoso método. ����Estrategias para una Limpieza Hepática Óptima: Aprende cómo nutrir y rejuvenecer tu hígado. ����Planes Personalizados para tu Salud: Encuentra el enfoque perfecto que se ajuste a tu estilo de vida y necesidades. ����Manejo Seguro y Efectivo: Evita riesgos y adopta las prácticas más seguras para tu bienestar. ����️Historias Reales, Transformaciones Inspiradoras: Testimonios motivadores que te impulsarán a dar el paso. ����Últimas Tendencias en Nutrición y Bienestar: Mantente al día con lo último en salud y nutrición. ����Soluciones a Problemas Comunes: Respuestas claras a tus dudas y desafíos habituales. ����Potenciando tu Energía y Vitalidad: Consejos para revitalizar tu día a día. ⚡¡Tu Momento es Ahora!No esperes más para comenzar tu viaje hacia una vida más plena y saludable. Este libro es más que una simple guía; es tu aliado en el camino hacia el bienestar. ¡Empieza a transformar tu vida con cada página que lees!

  • - (with six contributors)
    av Jacci Bulman

    A book to help you transform your life, by showing you how it is possible to be full of dynamic hope, to heal your authentic self, and to be a survivor in your own unique way, no matter what rapids you need to ride through. How to be the love that you are, inside.

  • - 12 Steps To Building a Healthy Low Histamine Lifestyle, featuring the best low histamine supplements and low histamine diet
    av Tony Wrighton

    Previously published as Histamine Intolerance Explained by Ketoko Guides. Lacking energy? Suffering from unexplained symptoms? Lost your sparkle? And yet your doctor finds nothing 'wrong'? Maybe you have histamine intolerance. This straightforward guide breaks down the science, exposes myths, and clarifies this misunderstood condition. Discover how to start feeling better and reclaim your health. What to expect; ✅ Check out symptoms✅ Take the histamine intolerance quiz✅ Start now on the best low-histamine diet✅ Explore histamine-lowering foods✅ Get 'best-in-class' supplements✅ Lower your 'histamine bucket'✅ Learn about DAO (super important)✅ Most importantly, start to heal✅ Mindset & Lifestyle: Enhance recovery✅ Survival Kit: The ultimate low-histamine guide This often-overlooked issue affects up to 15% of the population. Living with histamine intolerance can be frustrating and debilitating, with conflicting advice on the best way to deal with it. These bestselling books on this challenging topic offer the most comprehensive insights into this condition. Histamine Intolerance Explained breaks down the issue into these comprehensive steps.Quiz: Do You Really Have Histamine Intolerance?Histamine Intolerance 101 (Exploring the Science)Discover your 'Root Cause'Dive into the Low-Histamine DietCultivate a Mindset for HealingEmbrace a Low-Histamine LifestyleExplore Advanced StrategiesEssential Ingredients for the Low-Histamine DietFood Polls: Entirely Unscientific (But Quite Useful)Histamine-Friendly Products and Services.Histamine Intolerance Symptom TrackerBeyond the Program: What Lies Ahead?This book offers a comprehensive approach to understanding and managing histamine intolerance. Supported by the very latest research, you'll find an effective program and mindset shift towards healing. It's time to live a healthy, low-histamine life. Tony Wrighton is a journalist and author, and he's histamine intolerant (though that's not how he introduces himself at parties.) His health and mindset-related books have now been published in 13 languages. He's also a broadcaster, regularly appearing on TV in the UK and globally, and runs the popular @histamineintolerancesite instagram account. More to explore Check out the other title in the Histamine Intolerance Series - The Histamine Intolerance Cookbook, with EVERY INGREDIENT LABELED for Histamine Intolerance.

  • av Rusty Berkus

    How can people live in a world of uncertainty? Imagine a world where kindness is the consciousness that prevails throughout the land and is looked upon as one of the healthiest ways to relate to one another. A Kingdom of Kindness; Creating the Benevolent Life You Deserve, by Rusty Berkus, inspires the reader to flourish in such a world. Rusty provides the thinking and tools necessary for each of us to be kinder to ourselves and to thrive in our own personal kingdom of kindness. She shows the way for this to become a movement toward a much-needed spiritual rehabilitation of the planet. This can be a saving grace in a world of uncertainty, where people long for more tenderness in all of their interactions.

  • - Advanced Protocols for Tuning Fork Practitioners
    av Charles Lightwalker

    This sound healing with tuning forks advanced manual is an instructional manual providing clear understanding of the hands on methods for using tuning forks in healing sessions.This manual is a continuation of the training manual used in training certified tuning fork practitioners, and healers. This book builds upon the knowledge shared in the first manual with additional knowledge and protocols for using tuning forks on the meridians, the teeth and more.It is recommended that the reader have a working knowledge and understanding of how to properly hold and use tuning fork before attempting any of these protocols explained in this manual.Continued study and use of these methods described in this book will lead one to an in-depth mastership of healing with the sound tools of medically and scientifically calibrated tuning forks.Research continues on the many ways sound- via tuning forks can affect the healing of the body-mind and spirit in profound ways. Check out the tuning fork research alliance at and discover the ongoing research being done by professional tuning fork practitioners.It is my hope that you will use this knowledge to create balance, harmony and wellness in all the clients you assist on their healing journey.Charles Lightwalker 2023

  • - Hundreds of Ways to Live to Be 100--The Bestselling Guide, Revised and Expanded
    av Mao Shing Ni

    From bestselling author and world-renowned longevity expert Dr. Mao Shing Ni, this must-have guide offers hundreds of simple practices for aging well so you can live a long, healthy, joyful life. In this new and expanded edition of his beloved bestseller, Dr. Mao Shing Ni reveals all the secrets to aging well in today's world--without diets, drugs, or procedures. Marrying the latest in contemporary science with powerful wisdom from traditional Chinese medicine, he presents hundreds of practices for longevity, including more than fifty new tips tailored to modern life, including: Mindfulness practices proven to relieve stress and burnout Natural remedies designed to boost immunity and prevent infection Simple exercises to improve agility, flexibility, and strength Foods that support brain and heart health Practical ways to mitigate the health effects of climate change Techniques to keep memory sharp and prevent cognitive decline Overflowing with fascinating information and invaluable insights, this trove of advice and practical wisdom allows you to live the life you love with the people you love for a long, long time. WELL-BEING FOR MODERN LIFE: Packed with advice on modern health, including how to manage environmental issues, digital wellness, and more, plus tips on breathwork and mindfulness, this book is perfect for health-conscious readers looking for simple, accessible ways to incorporate wellness practices and natural anti-aging techniques into everyday life. CELEBRATED AUTHOR: Dr. Mao Shing Ni is a highly respected aging expert and 38th-generation Chinese Medicine doctor. He runs a renowned wellness center in Los Angeles and has traveled the world giving lectures on health and aging. In this book, he distills the latest in contemporary science with ancient wisdom from traditional Chinese medicine, making it easy for readers to understand and apply life-changing wellness techniques. HEALTH BOOK TO GIFT AND DISPLAY: With a fresh new look and an uplifting interior design, this beautiful book makes a thoughtful gift for wellness enthusiasts and retirees, for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and birthdays, and for anyone recovering from an illness or striving for optimal health at any age. Perfect for: Meditators and mindfulness practitioners People interested in Chinese Medicine Anyone interested in aging naturally Retirees and people looking for retirement gifts Gifting to parents and grandparents Fans of the first edition of Secrets of Longevity Readers of bestselling self-help and longevity books such as Outlive and Young Forever

  • - Experience Blissful Balance With the Power of Chakra Healing (Unlock the Power of Chakra Awakening and Get More Deep Sleep Through Meditation)
    av Paul Crawford

    These three guided meditations were professional designed to awaken your highest self, open your chakras, and feel balanced.In each of these meditation scripts, a certified reiki healer walks you through how to awaken your chakras and ignite your spirit.Check out the audio version available on audible with these scripts being read aloud with peaceful background sounds. You will learn how to: Meditate to quiet the mind and relax the bodyUse meditation to serve your overall health and happinessDevelop techniques to attract abundanceUse mantras to support your well-being and attain goalsReflect on the hidden meanings of life and to be inspired by themDevelop a mindfulness practiceBe present in the momentIf you're interested in growing as a person and inviting change into your life, this meditation will provide just what you need to do that. If you're only trying to strengthen what works and get rid of what doesn't - or even if you're completely happy where you are in life - this meditation will also have something to teach you. Regardless of where you are in life or what you want to get out of it, this meditation will help you awaken the ancient energy of the universe that lies at the base of your spine. Regardless of your struggles in the world, this meditation will help you find wholeness, grow your talents, and shed what doesn't serve you.

  • - Empowering Seniors with Exercises to Improve Health, Flexibility, and Mobility to Prevent Falls and Injuries
    av Fit Forever

    Discover the secrets to thriving in your golden years with Chair Yoga, Balancing and Wall PilatesThis is your ultimate guide to senior health, fitness, and well-being. Whether you're a senior seeking to feel a decade younger, a devoted caregiver committed to enhancing your beloved senior's quality of life, or someone eager to unlock the secrets to successful aging, this book offers invaluable insights and practical guidance tailored specifically to elevate your journey towards a healthier, more joyful senior life.'Wall Pilates for Seniors' reveals the power of purposeful daily movement to enhance your flexibility, mobility, posture, and balance, promoting natural healing. 'Chair Yoga for Seniors' introduces you to low-impact, gentle exercise for balance, flexibility, and stress relief, while 'Balance Exercises for Seniors' offers easy routines to prevent falls and injuries.Inside Chair Yoga, Balancing and Wall Pilates You Will Learn About: The physical and mental benefits of regular exerciseWhy consistency matters and how to build healthy habitsThe reasons seniors start to fall and how exercise helpsThe science of balance and why you have to know all about itHow to get started with chair yoga so you can pose the safe wayThe art of balanced breathing: how to do it and why it matters to your healthHow you can introduce meditation into your everyday life todayWhat wall pilates is and how it worksSmart exercising tips no one else will shareCommon mistakes beginners make and how to avoid themWhen to stretch and when to rest for optimal recoveryReady to elevate your senior years yet? Take the first step towards a healthier, more joyful life.

  • - Simple Exercises to Perform at Home That Improve Flexibility, Mobility, Posture, and Balance While Promoting Healthy Movement
    av Fit Forever

    Do you want to be a senior who feels 10 years younger again on every level?Are you someone who wishes you could feel better in body and mind with a simple daily change?Aging is something we all go through, but there are some who appear to make it easy while the rest of us struggle. The truth is that sometimes it's genetics and a lot of the time it's having the right habits and rituals in place.Something as simple as adding some purposeful daily movement into your life can make you feel so much younger. It's about taking the time to invest in yourself so that your body can heal in a natural way. You can think of the right movements as instructions to your body and mind that will allow you to feel re-energized at exactly the right moment. Precisely what you want to hear when you're looking to change the way you approach your golden years.Why am I so sure? Because I've already walked the path you are on and I'm here to help you come through the tunnel and come out the other side smiling."Wall Pilates for Seniors" is for anyone who wants to be able to add targeted, purposeful movement into your day in a way that will always make you smile. Here's everything you can enjoy from the moment you treat yourself to this life-changing resource.Inside Wall Pilates for Seniors, you're going to learn about: What wall pilates is and how it worksSymptoms that show you it's time to moveKey pieces of equipment you can find at homeSmart exercising tips no one else will shareCommon mistakes beginners make and how to avoid themWhen to stretch and when to rest for optimal recoveryMore advanced routines so you can build your skillsClear and simple explanations that will guide youAnd a whole lot more!Trust me, if I can add this to my daily routine and feel the benefits despite a life of inactivity, I know you can see some incredible results across every level of your life.You can do this!

  • - True Stories of the Transformative Power of the Ocean
    av Ali Gripper

    The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea. - Isak Dinesen Most people love the ocean - it's the icon of our summer vacations and a place of childhood memories - and there's no wonder why. Swimming in and being near the salt water has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, boost immunity and even slow the signs of ageing. But that's just the physical side. Saltwater Cure draws on compelling, life-affirming stories about the healing power of the ocean - whether it be a balm for mental health, a comfort for an autistic child, a way to overcome trauma or a path to building community and escaping loneliness. Journalist and author Ali Gripper shares the stories of people who have been transformed by the ocean - experiences from the likes of conservationist and underwater cinematographer Valerie Taylor, solo sailor Jessica Watson, One Wave founder Grant Trebilco, Indigenous scientist Chels Marshall who sings to dolphins, blind swimmer James Pittar and many others. All speak eloquently about the ocean's ability to not only provide solace and comfort, but to help them find strength in themselves and make the most of living connected to nature. The ocean, they all say, is one of our great treasures. It's the place that lifts them up, soothes them and where they feel most at home.

  • - Water Fasting to Heal Your Body and Lose Weight Effectively (Rapid Weight Loss, Revitalized Health and Body Cleansing Through Water Fasting)
    av Brian Madden

    Are you tired of jumping from one diet to another without getting good results? Are you looking for a way to increase your energy and regain the physical shape you had when you were younger?Millions of people have spent years trying to find the secret to sustainable weight loss, good health, and slow aging. What they've failed to realize is that the secret has been around for millennia. This secret is called Water Fasting. Water fasting has been practiced for thousands of years to strengthen the body and the spirit. Not only that, it's been the number one medicinal strategy to address health problems ranging from allergies to heart disease. You will discover the following by reading this book: Fasting - animal instinct and human heritageFasting benefits signs and symptomsWho should fastFasting vs. starvationHow to start fastHow to break fastAnd much more...Intermittent water fasting is something that everyone should try at some point in their life. It might not be for everyone but this book will help to ensure you know the right way to implement this lifestyle change and make the most from it.

  • - A Four-Part Guide That Uses the Power of the Gut-Brain Connection to Conquer Stress, Anxiety and Depression Naturally
    av Healthfit Publishing

    If you suffer from gut-related stress, anxiety and depression and would like to discover how the gut microbiome profoundly shapes your emotional and mental health, keep reading ...Do you find yourself constantly battling stress and anxiety and can't help but wonder if the answer lies hidden in your diet and digestive health?Are brain fog and a wandering focus clouding your days? Have you considered that the key to reclaiming your mental clarity could be rooted in nurturing your gut health with natural solutions?Are you tired of feeling mentally drained and emotionally unbalanced and curious about how optimizing your gut microbiome could turn things around for you?If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, know that you are not alone, and this book is a perfect fit for you!It provides practical insights and strategies that focus on the critical link between gut health and mental wellness, empowering you to make impactful changes.Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover: How to harness the power of your gut to improve your mental and emotional healthFind out how stress and anxiety impact your gut health and overall well-beingEmbark on a transformative journey with our 4-part guide, combining mindfulness, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to achieve better mental healthUnderstand the role of nutrition and a gut-healthy diet in maintaining mental wellnessReduce stress, anxiety, and depression with mindfulness meditation techniquesLearn the right physical activities to boost your mental health effectivelyFind out which mental activities benefit your gut health and, in turn, your mental healthDiscover how sleep affects your mental wellness and get tips for better sleepGet practical and effective strategies to improve and maintain your mental and emotional healthPlus a whole lot more!This guide simplifies the complex relationship between gut health and mental wellness into easy-to-understand concepts, ensuring you can grasp and apply these life-changing insights with ease.Transform your mental and emotional health with easy-to-follow, practical steps that seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, without the need for expensive supplements or hard-to-find medication.If you want to transform your mental well-being by harnessing the power of your gut health, then scroll up and get your copy now!"

  • - Essays on Reality and Mental Health
    av Lincoln Stoller

    Our primary sensations are external. Despite being critical to consciousness, we consider internal sensations incidental.We take our thoughts for granted, but we think narrowly, remember little, and are easily confused.Emotions, the often ignored counterpoint to thoughts and sensations, span the gamut from instinct to insight. When properly engaged, emotions enlighten us.Sensations, Thoughts, and Emotions is about how to enhance sensations for greater health, thoughts for deeper insight, and feelings to be more alive.

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