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  • - The 8 Steps of Yoga for Young Children
    av Mj Mahajyoti Glassman

    Come Alive with Kids Yoga investigates the world of yoga through the eyes of young children. The ancient branches of yoga are introduced in fun and creative ways to help children explore their developing bodies, minds, and hearts. Included are 25 yoga dramas and yoga pictures to aid the exploration of yoga postures. Numerous child-friendly meditations, deep relaxations, and gentle yoga breathing examples are also provided. Along with fun tips on yoga singing and chanting. All techniques presented are universal and respectful of different belief systems. A wonderful guide for both home and class settings. Children and parents can enjoy the sweetness of yoga play together. Teachers and students can explore yoga in the classroom. The benefits children derive from yoga are amazing. It supports healthier bodies, calmer self-assured minds, and more creative, happier, and kinder outlooks on humanity and the world. Come Alive with Yoga offers one of the most comprehensive yoga tools and yoga experiences for children.

  • - Estrategias Comprobadas para Acelerar el Metabolismo, Desintoxicación Profunda y Mejora del Bienestar General
    av Christina Ardiani

    Revoluciona Tu Salud: El Poder de la Limpieza Hepática. Descubre el Secreto para una Vida Más Larga y SaludableUn Viaje Revolucionario hacia el Bienestar y la Vitalidad¿Por Qué La Limpieza Hepática? En un mundo donde la salud se convierte en nuestra principal prioridad, el Ayuno Intermitente y la Limpieza Hepática emergen como las claves para desbloquear una vida más saludable y vigorosa. Estas prácticas milenarias, ahora respaldadas por la ciencia moderna, no solo te ayudan a alcanzar tu peso ideal, sino que también revitalizan tu cuerpo desde dentro, potenciando la función hepática para un bienestar óptimo.Da el Primer Paso Hacia el CambioSi te sientes estancado en un ciclo de dietas ineficaces y soluciones temporales, este libro es tu pasaporte hacia un cambio verdadero y duradero. Con consejos prácticos y estrategias accesibles, te equipamos para que des el salto hacia una salud renovada, energía inagotable y una nueva perspectiva de vida.Lo Que Aprenderás en Este LibroFundamentos de la Limpieza HepaticaEstrategias para una Limpieza Hepática Óptima: Aprende cómo nutrir y rejuvenecer tu hígado.Planes Personalizados para tu Salud: Encuentra el enfoque perfecto que se ajuste a tu estilo de vida y necesidades.Manejo Seguro y Efectivo: Evita riesgos y adopta las prácticas más seguras para tu bienestar.Soluciones a Problemas Comunes: Respuestas claras a tus dudas y desafíos habituales.Potenciando tu Energía y Vitalidad: Consejos para revitalizar tu día a día.¡Tu Momento es Ahora!No esperes más para comenzar tu viaje hacia una vida más plena y saludable. Este libro es más que una simple guía; es tu aliado en el camino hacia el bienestar. ¡Empieza a transformar tu vida con cada página que lees!

  • - Emprende un Cambio en 30 Días: Guía Práctica para Iniciar tu Camino Hacia el Bienestar y la Pérdida de Peso Efectiva con el Ayuno Intermitente Eficiente
    av Christina Ardiani

    Revitaliza Tu Vida: Descubre el Ayuno Intermitente. El Secreto para una Vida más Saludable y Prolongada.Este libro es Tú Camino Innovador Hacia el Bienestar y la Energía¿Por Qué Elegir el Ayuno Intermitente? En un mundo donde la salud es la máxima prioridad, estas estrategias se destacan como soluciones fundamentales para una vida vigorosa y saludable. Combinando técnicas milenarias con la última ciencia, estas prácticas no solo optimizan tu peso, sino que revitalizan todo tu ser, mejorando la salud hepática y elevando tu bienestar general.Da el Paso Inicial Hacia la TransformaciónSi te sientes atrapado en hábitos dietéticos que no funcionan y buscas una solución duradera, este libro es tu guía hacia una auténtica transformación. Equipado con consejos realistas y métodos efectivos, te prepara para dar un gran salto hacia una salud mejorada, energía inagotable y una nueva perspectiva de vida.Lo que Descubrirás en Este Libro: Esencia del Ayuno Intermitente: Explora en profundidad la ciencia y la aplicación de este método transformador.Planes Personalizados para Tu Bienestar: Encuentra una estrategia adaptada a tu estilo de vida y necesidades personales.Seguridad y Eficacia en la Práctica: Aprende a evitar riesgos y seguir los métodos más seguros para tu salud.Novedades en Nutrición y Salud: Permanece informado sobre las tendencias más recientes en salud y nutrición.Respuestas a Inquietudes Comunes: Soluciones claras para tus dudas y desafíos más comunes.Eleva tu Energía y Vitalidad: Consejos para fortalecer tu día a día con energía y dinamismo.¡Tu Tiempo es Ahora!No esperes más para emprender tu viaje hacia un estilo de vida más rico y saludable. Este libro es tu aliado ideal en el camino hacia el bienestar. Haz clic y consigue tu copia hoy. ¡Comienza a transformar tu vida con cada capítulo que lees!

  • - For Yoga, Pilates and Other Movement Teachers
    av Joanne Avison

    Myofascial Magic in Action is the first of five books explaining how fascia relates fundamentally to human movement and changes all that we thought we knew. Joanne Avison's explanations are straightforward and accessible while exploring keys to balance, poise, ease of motion, longevity and resilience - while harnessing the natural magic of this incredible tissue network within EVERY human body. In this book, you will discover the magic of myofascia (particularly) and fascia (universally) design individual shape and motion. You will uncover the "5 Rs of myofascial magic" - Rebound - how we use the ground as a free resource - Recoil - how the human blueprint relies on it for well-being- Release - everyone has access to (metabolically) free elastic energy- Restore - how every age and stage of fitness and ability can be optimised- Refine - optimise whatever is best for the individual, however they areLearning about the intricate and fascinating web of connective tissue, known as the fascia, will transform your practice and the way you perceive the human body. This is a fantastic resource for yoga teachers, therapists, and movement professionals as well as manual therapists looking for small micro-movements to give their clients for homework.

  • av Charles Lightwalker

    Sound healing with tuning forks can be combined with other complimentary care healing modalities, such as chiropratic, crystal and Gemstone healing, massage therapy, Reiki healing, Shamanic healing, and yoga to enhance overall balance and healing for the client.Here is six facts to consider about Sound Healing.*Instruments: Various instruments like tuning forks, crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, and even the human voice can be used in sound healing.*Frequency Matters: Different sound frequencies interact differently with the body's energy (auric) fields.*Binaural Beats: Binaural beats are a type of sound wave therapy that uses different frequencies tones in each ear, which are then processed by the brain into a single beat. This healing method said to induce states of relaxation, focus, or creativity depending on the frequency used.*Brainwave Entrainment: Brainwave entrainment involves synchronizing brain wave frequencies to specific rhythms. This has been used to alter mental states, improve focus, or promote relaxation.*Chakra Alignment: There are twelve Chakras-Energy Centers, each resonating with a specific frequency. Tuning ForkPractitioner use specific scientifically calibrated tuning forks to balance these energy centers promoting physical, emotional, mental wellbeing.*Stess Reduction: Sound healing can promote deep states of relaxation and stress reduction.

  • av Sensei Paul David

    Welcome to the world of mental health journaling - a sacred space for self-reflection, growth, and healing. Within these pages, you hold the power to uplift your spirit, invigorate your mind, and nourish your goals. Anxiety, stress, and emotional turbulence may have clouded your mind, making it difficult to find clarity and peace within. But fear not! Together, we will navigate the labyrinth of emotions, and experiences, helping to simplify the path to mental well-being. This journal is not merely a bunch of blank pages awaiting your words. It is your compassionate companion, offering solace and understanding during your unique journey. Here, you are free to unburden yourself, celebrate small and large victories, and confront the challenges that may still linger.

  • - Dehnübungen, zur Schmerzlinderung und Gelenkgesundheit, um die Flexibilität von Senioren zu verbessern, Stürze zu verhindern und die Lebensqualität zu steigern.
    av Fit Forever

    Wünschen Sie sich, dass Sie mit einem einfachen Heimtraining die Art und Weise, wie Sie sich fühlen, verbessern könnten?Suchen Sie nach neuen Wegen, um aktiv zu werden, fit zu werden und gleichzeitig Spaß zu haben?Wenn Sie das Beste aus Ihren goldenen Jahren machen möchten, geht es darum, in Körper und Geist aktiv zu bleiben. Und wenn es um Ihren Körper geht, ist Yoga eine schonende, sichere und sanfte Möglichkeit, aktiv zu werden und gleichzeitig Spaß zu haben. Ideal, wenn Sie sich ein neues Leben und einen Energieschub gönnen möchten.Das Problem ist, einen Weg zu finden, es zu tun, aber...... KÖNNEN Sie Ihre Ziele erreichen, wenn Sie auf die Weisheit eines einzelnen kleinen Leitfadens hören?"STUHL-YOGA FÜR SENIOREN" ist für alle, die ihre Jugend wiederentdecken, Gleichgewicht und Beweglichkeit verbessern und auf wirklich harmonische Weise Stress abbauen wollen.In "STUHL-YOGA FÜR SENIOREN", werden Sie folgendes entdecken: ● So fangen Sie mit Stuhl-Yoga an, damit Sie auf sichere Weise die Posen durchführen können● Die mentalen und physikalischen Vorteile Ihrer neuen Routine verstehen● Die Kunst der ausgewogenen Atmung: Wie Sie sie ausführen und warum sie für Ihre Gesundheit wichtig ist● Wie Sie Meditation in Ihren heutigen Alltag einführen können● Grundhaltungen, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, aktiv zu werden und sofort loszulegen● Intermediäre Posen, die auf Ihrem Fundament aufbauen und Ihr Wohlbefinden steigern● Fortgeschrittene Posen, die Ihnen etwas zu streben geben, damit Sie weiter wachsen● Eine neue Informations-, Motivations- und Unterstützungsquelle● Und eine ganze Reihe anderer lebensverändernder Ressourcen!Kombinieren Sie all diese lebensverändernden Elemente und Sie werden sehen, dass Stuhl-Yoga die natürliche Wahl ist, wenn es darum geht, Ihrem Körper eine Pause zu gönnen. Perfekt, wenn Sie sich befreien möchten, um zu sein, wer Sie sein wollen.Gefällt Ihnen, wie das klingt und möchten Sie es selbst ausprobieren?Dann gehen Sie zurück zum Anfang dieser Seite!Sobald Sie dort angekommen sind, finden Sie eine Kopie des Buches, das nur auf Sie wartet, damit Sie ohne Verzögerung loslegen können.Jetzt, da Sie wissen, was zu tun ist, liegt es an Ihnen, es auf Ihre eigene Art und Weise geschehen zu lassen.Ich weiss, Sie können das.

  • - Empower Your Health Journey With Natural Remedies (Natural Herbal Remedies to Achieve Optimal Health and Surpass Anxiety)
    av Irvin Henry

    This comprehensive gut health book offers a deep dive into the intricacies of maintaining optimal gut health using healthy foods, natural remedies, nutritional strategies, and lifestyle changes.This book gives you the background information you need to understand how to address common gut ailments such as ibs, candida and food sensitivities. Drawing from years of scientific research and her personal journey, birch provides a thorough exploration of the gut's intricate ecosystem and its critical influence on your body and mind. Here is a preview of what you'll learn...Herbs and optimal healthHow to use the herbsHerbs for digestive and urinary systemHerbs for mental health and functionHerbs for reproductive systemMuch, much more!This guide doesn't stop at giving you theoretical knowledge. It empowers you with practical skills to create your own natural remedies. Discover how to cultivate and harvest your own healing herbs and plants, and learn to prepare infusions, essential oils, and natural antibiotics. Dive into the secrets of essential oils and their therapeutic properties. Learn about potent medicinal herbs used in oriental tradition, and understand the differences between fresh and dried herbs.

  • - Six Daily Strategies for Living Better with Chronic Pain
    av Kevin Bergin

    Life with chronic pain is hard, both physically and mentally. But it's not without hope. In "Strength Through Pain," Kevin takes you on a personal journey that started with a 15-year battle against an unknown source of pain, followed by a diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis. As he faced a future filled with uncertainty, Kevin grappled with the questions that haunt anyone diagnosed with such a condition: "What will my future be like?", "Will I still be able to do the things I enjoy?" and "How bad will the pain get?" Drawing from his own experience and his training as a personal trainer and nutrition coach, Kevin offers practical strategies ranging from fitness and nutrition to mindfulness and gratitude, that can empower you to self-manage chronic pain. "Strength Through Pain is one of the most fascinating books on fitness, health, longevity, wellness, and body composition I have ever read. It truly is a 'one-stop shop' for training advice for the bulk of the population." - Dan John

  • - The Aspiring Yoga Instructor Guide to Mastering Teacher Training
    av Emily Mae Miller

    Take a Deep Breath and Step onto the Mat of TransformationImagine standing at the threshold of a sacred space. Your heart is ablaze with the desire to thread the wisdom of yoga into the tapestry of someone else's life. Yet, the path ahead feels as intricate as a lotus blossom waiting to unfurl. Does the thought of diving into the depths of teacher training leave you with a mix of anticipation and trepidation?A Question That Echoes in the Quiet Moments of ShavasanaDo you envision a version of yourself, poised and graceful, sharing the profound practice of yoga with others, but become daunted by the scholars' language and the precision of teaching postures accurately?Embrace Your Inner LightLet's walk together down the path of self-discovery, where growth and empowerment intertwine with each asana you teach. Feel your spirit rise with each inhale, your confidence bloom with each exhale, as you embrace the art of yoga instruction with clarity and ease.Your Personal Guide Through the Labyrinth of Learning"Enlighten Your Path" unfolds like a map, a treasure chart, leading you through the sacred landscape of yoga teacher training. With these pages as your companion, you unravel the complexities of Sanskrit terminology, the nuances of anatomy, and the tapestry of crafting heart-stirring yoga classes.Themes as Vibrant as Your Favorite Yoga MatWeave the thread of lifelong learning and humility through the fabric of your practice.Balance the scales of ancient wisdom and modern innovation as you shape your teaching.Ignite your inner luminary, crafting an authentic instruction style that resonates with truth and vibrancy.To the Visionaries Poised to Share Their PassionAre you between the bookmarks of your late 20s and 40s, with a heart pulsing to the rhythm of yoga? Do you crave not just to follow, but to lead, to guide others to the oasis of serenity you have found? This book is the beacon that lights your way to laying down the stones of a triumphant foundation in teacher training.Cultivate a Garden of Confidence and KnowledgeAs you turn the final page of this journey, expect to stand taller, your roots of understanding reaching deep into the fertile soil of yoga anatomy and Sanskrit. Allow your teaching skills to bloom, fragrant and full-bodied, a testament to the wisdom you have cultivated.Unique Treasures Found Within These PagesDiscover strategies that thread Sanskrit effortlessly into the fabric of your instructions.Emphasize safety, alignment, and the perfect balance between strength and flexibility in each pose you teach.Carve your niche in the yoga world, balancing the scales of tradition with your own innovative style.Wisdom Applied in the Real WorldTake the insights nestled between these covers and plant them in the fertile ground of your daily practice. Seek the guidance of mentors, and infuse your teachings with a vibrancy that leaves an indelible imprint on your classes.Step Forward into Your TransformationDon't let another sun salutation set without cradling "Enlighten Your Path" in your arms, the catalyst for your metamorphosis into a teacher of depth, resonance, and poise.Open the Gateway to Emboldened InstructionWithin these pages lie the seeds of your potential, awaiting your nurturing hand to coax them into blooming. Discover lessons steeped in ancient wisdom, practical insights for the modern yogi or yogini, and the encouragement needed to step with confidence onto the path of teaching.Feel the excitement of a class hanging on to your every soothing word, the satisfaction of aligning a Warrior II with precision, the joy of witnessing a student's breakthrough-all of this and more awaits you within "Enlighten Your Path."Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single sankalpa. Set your intention now.

  • - Burn Fat, Lose Weight, Become Energetic and Happy - Use The Power Of Your Body To Lose Weight and Increase Health
    av Michael Kaiser

    Intermittent Fasting?Does it work? If so..Why does it work? Are you looking to lose weight, break a weight loss plateau or become healthier? Countless scientific research trials have confirmed the beneficial results of fasting. I personally have used intermittent fasting (IM) to burn off the last stubborn 12 pounds of fat I could not lose through exercise or diet. I did not have the will power to do 2-3 day fasts so daily intermittent fasting worked great for me, in fact, it worked so well that I can't help but to do it almost everyday, and there is NO hunger! Countless scientific research trials have confirmed the results of fasting. If you want to learn how intermittent fasting (fasting for 16 hours a day then eating during an 8-hour window) has the ability to make you burn fat fast, and become healthier then this is the book for you. It is a basic introduction to the science behind IM including some meal plans. In this book you will discover: 1) The history of fasting2) What is wrong with our modern diets3) The science of fasting4) Tips for lasting sustainable success5) Training while fasting6) Sample meal plans to get you started (fasting is not a diet, there are very few restrictions on types of food you can eat)7) Much More.. See for yourself the benefits you will get from intermittent fasting on your health and physique. Resuls are inevetiable. Scrolls to the top and click the 'Buy Now' button to start your journey! 100% Money-Back Gaurantee!

  • av Chris Shelton

    Back pain is no joke. If you've ever had a serious back injury, you know that simple things like tying your shoes, standing up straight, and even being able to take a deep breath can become major tasks. And you're not alone. Up to a hundred million Americans suffer and spend approximately $86 billion each year trying to fix back issues. Western medicine believes that back pain comes from age, prolonged sitting, your occupation, being overweight, and even diabetes. But after working with thousands of clients, international Qigong expert Chris Shelton tells a different story. In Chris Shelton's Easy Guide To Fix Neck and Back Pain, Shelton lays out step-by-step how to get immediate relief on your own, without painful, invasive, and expensive surgeries, and provides crucial lifestyle adjustments that can help prevent your back pain from sneaking up again in the future. Grounded in the five-thousand-year-old Chinese principles of Qigong, a time-tested body-mind exercise and self-healing system, Shelton guides you through exercises, stretches, cupping, breathing, and visualization techniques to put the power back into your hands to heal acute and chronic neck and back pain. This straightforward integrative approach, with instructive photographs and illustrations, will liberate you from pain to live the life you were meant to live.

  • - Natural Weight Loss - Glowing Health and Skin - Natural Cures and Alkaline Healing With Apple Cider Vinegar
    av Dana Lee

    Apple Cider Vinegar - The Ancient Health Benefits "I started supplementing with apple cider vinegar many years ago and it has had dramatic effects on my health and physique." I wrote this book for newcomers to this "miracle liquid" that has been around for thousands of years. Now is the time to start - you can buy apple cider vinegar almost anywhere and it is relatively inexpensive." In Apple Cider Vinegar: Natural Weight Loss, Glowing Health and Skin, Natural Cures, and Alkaline Healing with Apple Cider Vinegar, you will learn: The History of Apple Cider Vinegar: This liquid has been used since biblical times, and probably even before that. In chapter one, you will learn all about the different ways this liquid has been used throughout history and is still used today. Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar: Did you know that apple cider vinegar can help fight diabetes and also makes your hair shinier? Learn about the scientifically proven benefits of this liquid. Which Type to Use: Not all apple cider vinegar is created equal. Throughout this book, you will be given tips for selecting the right type of vinegar so you can gain as many health benefits as possible. Precautions: When is apple cider vinegar unsafe and what should you be cautious about in regards to it? Find out in chapter five. And More: The last chapter will give you some bonus information on getting rid of cellulite, and chapter three will go over some of the many beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar. As you can see, there's a lot to benefit from with this miracle liquid. Learn about apple cider vinegar today so you can start putting it to use and improving your life. Don't wait, grab your copy of this book today, reap the benefits the right way with this ancient elixir.

  • av Michael Dow
    188 - 385,-

    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence(R) book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children's health literacy level as well as help to prepare them for courses and jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. We need more scientists so I hope that many children will enjoy this book series and consider a job involving science. Introducing Some Medical Words to Kids in Every Book(R) A Movement of Global Health Promotion and Literacy Dow Creative Enterprises(R) Help Civilization Reach Its Potential

  • - Mastering the Art of Extended Ecstasy for Men
    av Peter Pandore

    Embark on an unprecedented journey of erotic discovery and profound pleasure with "Multiple Orgasm Technique." This ground-breaking manual provides an enlightening exploration into the realms of human sexuality, going beyond conventional knowledge to reveal age-old secrets and techniques that allow men to experience multiple orgasms. Originating from the wisdom of the ancient Chinese dating back to 2968 BC, these empowering techniques have been further evolved by the timeless teachings of Tantra and Taoism. Across millennia, these disciplines have unveiled the distinction between orgasm and ejaculation, enabling men to experience an array of orgasms without the resultant loss of vital energy through ejaculation. "Multiple Orgasm Technique" not only redefines your understanding of the male orgasm but also advocates for mastery over ejaculation, rather than its complete elimination. It emphasizes the crucial role ejaculation plays in maintaining prostate health while highlighting the ultimate goal: the ability to control ejaculation, thereby allowing you to savor the ecstasy of multiple orgasms before choosing the moment of release. Dare to dream of preserving your life-force energy while indulging in numerous orgasms within a single day or even a single hour! This compelling guide offers a step-by-step approach to understanding your body's natural conditions and potentials while mastering the techniques that will unlock your capacity for multiple orgasms. With this book, you'll uncover a comprehensive ten-minute daily exercise regime that promises a lifetime of sexual fulfillment. By integrating these practices into your everyday routine, you'll not only quickly master the multiple orgasm technique, but you'll also acquire the tools necessary to effortlessly incorporate it into your intimate experiences throughout your life. "Multiple Orgasm Technique" invites you to embark on an intimate journey of self-discovery and sexual mastery. Open the door to a realm of unparalleled sexual potential that awaits your exploration. Embrace the endless horizon of erotic pleasure, and dive into the immersive world of multiple male orgasms. Your journey into transcendent pleasure begins here. Uncover the hidden potential of your sexual prowess and discover a whole new realm of intimacy and satisfaction with "Multiple Orgasm Technique". The secrets to a more vibrant, fulfilling sexual life lie within these pages. Are you ready to unlock them?

  • - Toward a New Perspective
    av Ellen Lewin

    Originally published in 1985, this collection of essays expands the understanding of both health itself and the ways in which women may experience their roles as consumers and providers of health care. The authors represent a number of disciplines - anthropology, sociology and political science - and examine issues of public concern on both sides of the Atlantic. Many important health questions are discussed, including the increasing use of high technology methods on obstetrical care, HRT, the treatment of frail elderly women, occupational health, health issues of sport and fitness, and health care systems of the UK, US and Canada as they relate to women in various social circumstances.

  • - Low Fiber-Low Residue Meals

    Are you looking for handy pre and post operative colon procedure recipes? This is the book for you!The doctors may give you a single sheet of DOs and DONTs but nothing really useful. They use terms like soft diet, low-fiber diet, low-residue diet-What does it all mean? Better yet, have you tried to find tasty recipes meeting their criteria?When the author's husband was scheduled for a colonoscopy, followed by a colon resection, she knew a special diet was required. After researching the guidelines, she created her own recipe book to make the process easier and more enjoyable. Some of the recipes are so good, you'll want to keep them even after you get back to 'normal.'Whether you are scheduled for a simple colonoscopy, or a major surgical procedure, this book is your go-to source. You'll learn: The difference between low fiber, low residue, and soft dietsDOs and DONTs of food choicesEasy to digest foods to promote healingRecipes meeting the doctor's criteriaMeal suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacksThe author has taken the leg work out of research so you can be the best caregiver you can be!ABOUT THE AUTHOR: M.D. Wells spent over forty years involved in the medical profession. Before retiring she was the Program Manager for a Vascular Fellowship Program. Having assisted in training future vascular surgeons, she understands the necessity of following 'doctor's orders.' When her husband needed colon surgery, she wanted to ensure the best possible outcome. Her experience in medical research aided her in compiling this handy reference and recipe guide.

  • - Learn the somatic movement way to retrain tight muscles, reduce pain, improve posture and move well through life
    av Emily Harrison

    Learn to release tight muscles, reduce pain and improve posture with gentle somatic movement.Whether your goal is to manage the aches and pains of daily life, to improve your posture after hunching over a desk all week, or to keep up with the grandkids, this empowering system is designed to help you move well through life and keep doing the activities you love to do for as long as possible. In this book you'll learn: a brain-body movement system to address underlying patterns and habits of muscular holdingwhy muscles can become tight and stay tight and why stretching doesn't always create lasting change for tight muscles (so what's the alternative?)how to offset common postural patterns like 'tech neck, ' rounded shoulders or a tight back with a series of gentle floor-based movementsmovements alongside a developmental perspective, linking the phases of our early sensory-motor development and corresponding life themesa complete movement toolkit that you can keep exploring. Shared from the author and practitioner's own experience, this is the book for when you've tried all the therapies and are still searching - and ideally before you have to try all the therapies!You don't need to wait to be in pain.Start learning the smart muscles, smart brain way today.This book is written in Australian English style and as such some words like, 'centre, ' 'ageing, ' 'practice/practise' may appear differently to American style spelling.

  • av Mama Rae

    Do you feel like life is passing you by?Are you energetic and joyous every day?Are you doing what you love and living your life without regrets?Do your health habits support you to thrive?Authored by Mama Rae, Vital & Alive At 75 will show you how you can live the life of your dreams and be healthy at the same time. Mama Rae shares essential wisdom and knowledge on many topics including: Eating well to be healthyThe importance of reducing toxins in your homeWhy purpose is key to your vitalityUnderstanding your body typeHow to take care of your eyesWork-life balanceAnd MUCH more! This book will inspire you to make important life changes so can feel truly vital and alive.

  • av Davina McCall

    Birthing is the honest, no-holds-barred roadmap to a positive conception, pregnancy, birth and the fourth trimester with your new baby. Following Menopausing, which won Book of the Year at the British Book Awards 2023, Davina will now tackle another subject that is close to her heart - pregnancy and birth. Rarely spoken about and another period in their lives when women are stripped of their agency, Davina will empower women to know all their options before they even become pregnant, allowing them to make the right decisions that suit their individual needs in all stages of the process.Written alongside medical experts and specialist contributors, and filled with real life stories and experiences from before birth to the first few months with your baby, this is the ultimate guide and offers all you need to know.Birthing will impart knowledge, reduce fear and energise women during one of the most vulnerable, confusing and stressful periods in their lives. Davina is here to lead us on a pregnancy revolution; it is time to find your voice and be heard.

  • av Levi G Eckert

    Have you ever wondered what's so good about massage therapy?What You Need To Know About Massage Therapy can help anyone new or familiar to the world of massage. It explains how massage works, why it helps, when it should help, and what it should avoid as well as what types of therapy there are. Book Features: What to expect before, during, and after a massageBody AwarenessTension ChartBody MathTips from a veteran massage therapistFAQThis book is perfect for people that want to understand why they should get massage therapy. It's time you found out how massage therapy can help you.

  • av Latraci Aldridge

    "In sickness and in health..." We've heard these words 1000 times and maybe even said them a time or two. But what happens when those words become your reality? Sure, we believe we can handle this should this come up in marriage, but who truly thinks you will be faced with a in sickness and in health situation? Especially at a young age. But that is what happens to me and my husband as we were just living life without much care in the world, until one day that all changed, abruptly. This book takes you on my journey from the moment, the doctor said, " Mr. Aldridge isn't doing good", through the hard times, and to the happier times. Additionally, this book will show you how I found me in the midst of all the hats in my life and what that meant for me. It is my hope that my journey encourages you and helps you along your journey

  • av Lisa M Huff
    341 - 411,-

    In this book Lisa takes you through the inner most depths of her soul. From identity confusion of not knowing or understanding the difference between a boy and girl and which one she most identified with to molestation and sexual assault to catching her first felony at the age of 11. Lisa then takes you on a journey through the corridors of the gutter where she would find herself losing her virginity to a "trick," to buy her cap n gown to graduate high school with. Her story only darkens before it gets better as she finds herself 5 minutes away from sticking a needle in her arm. This book is filled with interesting facts and trials that will keep the reader engaged from start to finish. Whether you're from the hood or the suburbs; whether you were raised in a single parent household or a two-parent household; and whether you have a college degree or don't have a high school diploma you will find this book riveting and inspiring. A must read for everyone over 18 years of age!As you flip through these pages, you will experience a wide range of emotions. From laughter to anger to sadness to triumph. You will believe and know that change is possible for anyone that's willing to work hard for it. I pray to spread my message of hope and resilience to help everyone I encounter. Experience is always the best teacher!

  • av Enzo Trapani
    508 - 676,-

    In this second edition of The Pill on the Wall(R), Enzo Trapani, M.D., a neurologist and artist, has added more information in an improved format with enhanced graphics for better understanding.Enzology(TM) is a new concept that Trapani developed to improve our physical, emotional, genetic, mental and spiritual health, fusing several disciplines.He explains how the external environment (where we live our daily lives, home, family, food, relationships, work) and the internal environment (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, genetics) influence our quality of life.This fusion allows us to raise awareness about health by bringing together spirituality, psychology, anatomy, quantum physics, history, nutrition, epigenetics, science and art.Using his Enzology(TM) theory, Trapani created The Pill on the Wall(R) where the pill is his art and the wall is the environment in which you live. His art is a symbol of awareness.It's all explained in this book. It is never too late to get yourself on a path of healthy living for a longer life.

  • - An Antidote to Civilization
    av Blake Sinclair

    A New Beginning: This is Blake Sinclair's final book of his Golden Book Series Trilogy. This book brings his readers to the next highest level of health, consciousness and spirituality. He takes his reader on an incredible journey of navigating through the complexities of health, longevity and immortality in a way that makes sense, is easy to understand and follow. Blake further guides the reader in discovering our amazing body, micro universe, energy centers and Divine Presence that exist within all us as well as within our planet Mother Earth and beyond. Secrets known by Daoist Masters, Qi Gong Masters, Mystics, Yogis and healers are shared about how to optimize your health, longevity, energy and spirituality. Through Blake's own experiences, extensive research and interviews from some of the top health experts, he provides wisdom and tools to help solve many of the mysteries of our modern-day sufferings (mental, emotional, physical as well as spiritual). Not only are the causes of much of our collective suffering are explored, the core of the issues is identified to awaken us on a path of enlightenment and salvation. Ultimately, Blake guides the reader on how to step into the sovereignty of their true and Divine Nature to live a God realized life full of peace, love, harmony and radiant health so that Heaven on Earth can be created within us as well as here on Earth.

  • - Proven Ways to Avoid and Cure Breast Cancer
    av Natasha Harvey

    Breast cancer is a prevalent form of cancer characterized by the abnormal growth of cells in the breast tissue. While it primarily affects women, men can also develop this disease. Risk factors include genetic predisposition, hormonal factors, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences. Early detection through screening and awareness of symptoms are critical for timely diagnosis and effective treatment. Treatment options vary based on individual circumstances and may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or targeted therapy. Support networks and ongoing research play vital roles in improving outcomes and advancing our understanding of breast cancer.

  • - Guide Pratique pour une Alimentation Saine
    av Liane Bondy

    Plongez dans l'univers de la santé digestive avec "Le Régime de la Maladie de Crohn: Guide Pratique pour une Alimentation Saine". Ce guide exhaustif vous offre des conseils pratiques, des recettes délicieuses et des astuces nutritionnelles expertes pour apaiser les symptômes de la maladie de Crohn et favoriser un bien-être durable. Découvrez des plats savoureux spécialement conçus pour nourrir votre corps tout en régalant vos papilles, et explorez les secrets d'une alimentation équilibrée pour une vie saine et épanouie. Que vous cherchiez à soulager les inconforts ou à adopter une approche proactive de votre santé, ce livre essentiel est votre allié indispensable sur le chemin du mieux-être.

  • - The Sole Symphony of Tranquility: Nurturing Balance and Wellness Through the Timeless Art of Foot Reflexology
    av Stewart Woods

    Unleash the power of holistic healing and experience profound relaxation with "Reflexology for Relaxation." This comprehensive guide is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of reflexology, a natural therapy that promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and enhances overall well-being. Dive into a world of rejuvenation as you discover the ancient art of reflexology and its transformative benefits.In this indispensable book, you'll embark on a journey through the following transformative chapters: Introduction to Reflexology: Understand the fundamentals of reflexology and how it harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit.The History and Origins of Reflexology: Delve into the rich history and origins of this ancient practice, dating back thousands of years.How Reflexology Works: Explore the intricate network of reflex points on the body and learn how stimulating these points can promote relaxation and healing.Reflexology Techniques: Master a variety of reflexology techniques, including thumb walking, finger walking, and hook and back up, to effectively address stress and tension.Reflexology for Specific Health Conditions: Discover targeted reflexology routines for common health issues such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and more.Reflexology for Emotional Well-being: Learn how reflexology can enhance emotional balance, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of inner peace.Self-Reflexology: Empower yourself with self-reflexology techniques to promote relaxation and well-being anytime, anywhere.Incorporating Reflexology into Your Daily Life: Gain practical tips on integrating reflexology into your daily routine for sustained relaxation and vitality."Reflexology for Relaxation" is not just a book; it's a transformative journey toward inner harmony and well-being. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, looking to enhance your overall health, or simply yearning for deep relaxation, this book is your indispensable companion.Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the profound benefits of reflexology. Take the first step towards a more relaxed, balanced, and vibrant life. Your journey to holistic wellness starts here.Grab your copy of "Reflexology for Relaxation" now and embark on a path to rejuvenation and tranquility. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you.

  • - The Kegel Solution [Easy and Simplified Penile Exercises for Powerful Performance]
    av Alton C Raymond

    Get ready to reclaim your sexual confidence and unlock powerful performance with "Conquer Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation: The Kegel Solution" by Alton C. Raymond!Are you struggling with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation? Don't worry, you're not alone. In this easy-to-follow guide, Alton C. Raymond shares his expert insights and simplified penile exercises to help you overcome these common challenges and take control of your sexual health.Inside this book, you'll discover: - Simple and effective Kegel exercises designed specifically for men- Step-by-step instructions for performing each exercise correctly- Tips for maintaining proper form and avoiding strain- A customizable routine to incorporate Kegels into your daily lifeWith Alton's guidance, you'll learn how to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, improve blood flow to the penis, and enhance control over ejaculation. Say goodbye to frustration and embarrassment, and hello to renewed confidence and powerful performance in the bedroom!Don't let ED and PE hold you back any longer. Take action today and embark on your journey to sexual empowerment with "Conquer Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation: The Kegel Solution." Your best sex life awaits!

  • - Nourishing Recipes for Women: A Female focused, dietary nutrition guide, Wellness, Her Health Kitchen, cuisine Nutritious and Balanced meals
    av Brandon Oliver

    Within this treasury of culinary delights, you'll encounter a wide array of tantalizing dishes crafted to cater to the unique nutritional requirements of women. From invigorating breakfast choices to fulfilling lunches and indulgent dinners, each recipe serves as a homage to both flavor and well-being.Bid farewell to monotonous diets and rigid meal schedules. Our cookbook serves as a testament to the joy of embracing healthy eating, presenting a delightful assortment of recipes that exemplify how nourishing meals can be both exhilarating and satisfying. Welcome a realm of lively salads teeming with fresh ingredients, hearty soups brimming with wholesome nourishment, and delightful desserts that gratify your sweet cravings while upholding nutritional integrity.However, this cookbook exceed the ordinary compilation of recipes. It serves as an all-encompassing manual for female wellness, brimming with invaluable insights and strategies to aid you in navigating your health journey with assurance. Acquire the knowledge to make enlightened decisions regarding food choices that not only replenish your body but also ignite your passions.Some Benefits of this amazing book: Tailored recipes for women's health needs.Empowers women to make healthier choices.Supports hormonal balance with nutritious meals.Helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight.Reduces the risk of chronic diseases.Enhances energy levels and mental performance.Promotes glowing skin and strong hair.Encourages mindful eating habits.Provides meal planning and preparation tips.Addresses common nutritional concerns.Offers options for various dietary preferences.Inspires creativity with flavorful recipes.Educates on nutrient-dense ingredients.Easy-to-follow instructions for practical cooking.Irrespective of whether you're a seasoned culinary aficionado or a novice in the kitchen, this 'Healthy Eating Cookbook for Females' caters to all. With simple-to-follow instructions and readily available ingredients, you'll swiftly concoct culinary marvels of your own.Join the movement toward a healthier, more contented version of yourself. Embrace the transformative influence of food and unlock your inherent potential. Secure your copy of the 'Healthy Eating Cookbook for Females' today and commence a voyage toward well-being that's as delectable as it is empowering.

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