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  • - Lecker und Gesund
    av Traude Schubert

    Immer mehr Menschen entschließen sich, mehr und mehr auf Fleisch, Fleischprodukte und Fisch zu verzichten. Auch ich habe mich schon vor längerer Zeit dazu entschlossen. Muss aber auch gestehen, dass ich ab und an ein Schnitzel esse, einen Braten, oder Schäufele. Jedoch viel viel weniger als früher. Dies kommt in einem Monat vllt. noch zwei mal vor. Fleisch hieß es immer, gibt Energie und Kraft. Das kann sein, man ist vor allem länger satt davon. Doch dies sollte kein Hinternis sein, seinen Speiseplan so zu gestallten wir man selbst es möchte. In diesem Buch habe ich meine gesammelten vegetarischen Rezepte aufgeschrieben. Für mich selbst, und für all jene, die ihre Ernährung umstellen möchten. Ich verspreche Ihnen viele neue und alte Lieblingsrezepte von mir. Viel Freude beim Nachkochen und genießen.

  • - Praktische Tipps, um Müll zu reduzieren und nachhaltiger zu leben.
    av Matthias Schröder

    Entdecke, wie du ein nachhaltigeres Leben mit einem Zero-Waste-Lifestyle führen kannst. Hier findest du praktische Tipps, wie du Müll reduzieren und nachhaltiger leben kannst. Dieser umfassende Ratgeber begleitet dich Schritt für Schritt durch die Grundlagen des Zero-Waste-Lebens und bietet dir wertvolle Einblicke, wie du deinen ökologischen Fußabdruck verkleinern kannst. Von den Grundlagen des Zero-Waste-Lebensstils bis hin zu bewussteren Entscheidungen, die sowohl der Umwelt als auch deinem Wohlbefinden zugutekommen, deckt dieser Ratgeber alles ab. Ob in der Küche, im Badezimmer, im Haushalt oder in der Mode, du lernst, wie du in jedem Lebensbereich Müll vermeiden kannst. Egal, ob du gerade erst anfängst oder schon fortgeschrittene Schritte machst, dieser Ratgeber wird dich inspirieren, deine Gewohnheiten zu überdenken und einen positiven Wandel herbeizuführen. Beginne jetzt mit dem Zero-Waste-Lifestyle und mache den ersten Schritt zu einem umweltbewussteren und nachhaltigeren Leben.

  • - Insider-Heilverfahren gegen Arteriosklerose (2. Auflage 2024)
    av Christian Meyer-Esch

    Sie erfahren Insider-Ursachen und Insider-Heilverfahren gegen Arteriosklerose, der Hauptursache von Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall. Wissenschaftlich fundiert mit zahlreichen Studien-Quellen, erfahren Sie leicht verständlich, wie Arteriosklerose entsteht und wie Sie diese mit der Medizin aus der Natur (die auch den meisten Ärzten kaum bekannt sind) beseitigen können. Den Ursachen von Arteriosklerose auf der Spur: - Eisenablagerungen in den Gefäßen - Fluoridvergiftungen - Gesättigtes Fett und Bratfett - Oxidativer Stress - Mikroben: Bakterien, Viren und Pilze in den Gefäßen - Diabetes- und Insulinresistenz - Wie Kaffee bzw. Koffein die Gefäße verengt - Wie Salz (Natrium) und Lakritz die Gefäße schädigen - Wie ein steifer Nacken zu Bluthochdruck führen kann - Wie Phosphatzusätze in Lebensmitteln die Gefäße schädigen Die verschiedenen Arteriosklerose-Typen: - Arterienverkalkung und wie man diese entfernt - Fettablagerungen (Lipoprotein A, Cholesterin und Triglyceride) und deren Auflösung - Homocystein und dessen Beseitigung - Fibrose (verhärtetes Bindegewebe) und dessen Beseitigung - Fibrinogen und Fibrin und deren Auslöschung - Fluorid-Ablagerungen in den Gefäßen und dessen Beseitigung - Durchblutungs-Booster Nachdem Sie dieses Buch gelesen haben, werden Sie in der Lage sein, mit Hilfe der im Buch vorgestellten Naturheilmittel Ihre Blutgefäße zu sanieren und damit einen starken Schutz gegen Herzinfarkt, Schlaganfall, Embolien und Blutgerinnsel aufzubauen. Verlieren Sie keine Zeit. Starten Sie noch heute! Mit meinem neuen Sofort-Programm gegen Arteriosklerose.

  • - Varices, jambes lourdes: la fin du calvaire !
    av Philippe Delannoy

    Découvrez ce guide pour mieux être et mieux vivre avec vos jambes. Basé sur trente années d'expérience, les enquêtes et analyses de données menées par le Dr. Philippe Delannoy, médecin vasculaire, lui ont permis d'expliquer l'apparition des différents problèmes veineux qu'il constate chez ses patients. Ce recueil cherche à faire comprendre, le plus simplement possible, pourquoi vous souffrez de vos jambes, et pourquoi elles se dégradent, mais surtout comment vous pouvez éviter cela. Dès la lecture des premières pages, portez-vous mieux et au diable la varice ! Le Dr. Philippe Delannoy, pionnier dans l'utilisation du doppler couleur, est allé jusqu'à l'aboutissement de leur prise en charge, en les opérant par radiofréquence, en plus des traitements plus classiques. Il vous offre aujourd'hui la synthèse de décennies de recherche et de réflexion, rédigé avec des mots de tous les jours, pour transmettre ce qu'il a compris d'une partie de l'art médical: la phlébologie.

  • - Uncovering and Conquering the Roadblocks to Weight Loss
    av Cobi Slater

    The Ultimate Weight Loss Plan - Uncovering and Conquering the Roadblocks to Weight LossAre you looking for a weight loss plan that finally works? For many people, losing weight is much more than just cutting calories and increasing exercise. The age old theory of weight loss plans being no more than 'calories in versus calories out' has been disproved by the masses. Weight loss resistance is becoming more and more prevalent because the underlying reasons for sluggish metabolisms are continually overlooked. Have you ever thought that the reason losing weight is so hard is because of your metabolism? In this book, Dr. Cobi Slater will help guide you to determine why you are having trouble losing weight and show you exactly what to do about it. Living a completely balanced and healthy lifestyle without weight fluctuations is possible when you discover and conquer which roadblocks are the underlying root causes of weight loss resistance.The secrets to how to lose weight fast are revealed in The Ultimate Metabolic Weight Loss Plan include the following: How a Liver Detox Cleanse can help you to lose weightStress and the Adrenal glandsThe Thyroid Connection and Weight LossEstrogen DominanceFood AllergiesThe Hidden Yeast Issue - How a Candida Cleanse Can Help You Lose WeightThe Sleep and Weight Loss ConnectionThe Detrimental Effects of SugarInsulin ResistanceMedications that Cause Weight GainTop Lab Tests which Uncover Hidden Road Blocks to Weight LossThe Ultimate Metabolic Weight Loss Plan includes a 6 week guided weight loss plan containing a complete detox diet. Meal plans for weight loss, recommendations for metabolic supplements as well as over 100 healthy recipes for weight loss are also incorporated in this life changing book.Dr Cobi Slater is a Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Registered Herbal Therapist, Registered Nutritionist and she also holds a PhD in Natural Health Sciences. Dr Cobi is extremely passionate about helping others heal naturally as well as empowering patients to live a life of optimal health. Dr Cobi is a regular guest on many international radio and TV health shows. She also contributes to numerous publications as a health expert. Dr Cobi has helped thousands of patients regain their health through lifestyle changes resulting in a freedom to enjoy life like never before! Dr Cobi grew up in an environment with her mother ceaselessly searching for various natural remedies to heal herself from a life-threatening illness.Dr. Cobi's inspiration to pursue a holistic approach to health and wellbeing led her to establish Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic. Essential Health is dedicated to providing professional, safe and effective complementary healthcare through the use of research and evidence-based natural medicine therapies. Offering assistance for chronic disease, hormone issues, immune health, allergies, skin problems, digestive complaints, nutrition counseling and lifestyle counseling to name a few, Essential Health educates and empowers individuals to achieve an optimal state of health and wellbeing.

  • - A Complete Natural Hormone Balancing Guidebook for Clinicians and Patients
    av Cobi Slater

    The Ultimate Hormone Balancing Guidebook More and more people are experiencing increasing hormone dysfunction in our society today. A plethora of symptoms that are plaguing women and men of all ages can be linked to imbalances within the hormonal cascade. The underlying cause is often overlooked or undiscovered and people are recommended masking medications that ultimately offer no cure.The Ultimate Hormone Balancing Guidebook offers a detailed account of the underlying causes as well as the standard and natural treatments for restoring hormone balance. With special sections dedicated to endocrine disruptors, liver toxicity, the stress effect, nutritional factors, testing procedures as well as bioidentical hormones, this guidebook gives the latest research based information on hormone disruption.This comprehensive work provides traditional and natural solutions to balance hormones and achieve greater overall health for issues such as: AnxietyDepressionAdrenal FatigueThyroid disordersEstrogen DominancePremenstrual Syndrome (PMS)FibroidsEndometriosisPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)Ovarian CystsMenopauseAndropauseWeight GainThe author, Dr Cobi Slater, is a Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Registered Herbal Therapist, Registered Nutritionist and she also holds a PhD in Natural Health Sciences. Dr Cobi is a regular guest on many international radio and TV health shows. She also contributes to numerous publications as a health expert and is the author of 3 health books including The Ultimate Candida Guide and Cookbook, The Ultimate Hormone Balancing Guidebook as well as The Ultimate Metabolic Plan. Dr Cobi has helped thousands of patients regain their health through lifestyle changes resulting in a freedom to enjoy life like never before!

  • - An illustrated guide to pesky organisms and pandemics
    av Allen Jones

    A primer about hundreds of infections, The Hidden Zoo Inside You provides the foundations of infectious disease required to understand pandemics through the use of humor, drawings, and even doodles. The entire book is handwritten and includes diagrams and sketches that explain, in layman's terms, the origin, epidemiology, clinical features, public health concerns of various life-threatening diseases. It reveals to the reader how the microbial world coexists with the rest of the Animal Kingdom and even the Plant Kingdom. The diseases elucidated in the book include the plague, smallpox, influenza, COVID, and a host of others. The book provides contextual information and the disaster management required for each disease presented within its pages.Described as "a graphic novel like Maus meeting Gray's Anatomy," the content of the book is broad and detailed, written in language (and drawings) that everyone can understand, and covers topics like the initiation and course of various pandemics across history, for example, the Black Death in England in the 1300s, the Plague of Athens (typhus) in 430 BC, the Ebola endemic in Africa that began in 1976 and continues to this day, the Antonine Plague (smallpox) that decimated Rome between 165 and 180 AD, and-of course-the COVID pandemic that began in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. Other features of the book include explanations of how to choose the right mask for the job by explaining the distinction between droplets and aerosols, a guide on how to easily memorize information, an extensive index that will help the reader find specific information in the book, and a massive online bibliography that summarizes and provides more context and information about the sources of information. The book and bibliography are rich in information that will create common ground between health professionals, educators, students, parents, and politicians.

  • av Kimberly Helgesen-Fuentes

    interested in learning more about eyelashes and how to apply them, along with some of the highest standards for sanitization. This manual will help guide you with all of this information and more! In this easy to read manual the writing is not complicated to understand, it's just straight to the point, easy to understand guidance for you. From eye anatomy, health and safety, know about lash room environment and adhesive, lash preparation, eye shapes, classic lashes, hybrid lash sets and even removal techniques!This manual will step up your lash game by helping you understand how to Bridge gaps and to help achieve more fullness in your set

  • av Zhiqing Cheng

    Harness the Power of Nature with Essential OilsDrawing on over 20 years of experience, three authors guide readers through the world of essential oils, empowering them to manage their health and well-being.This book blends the wisdom of essential oil theory in the West with traditional Chinese medicine practices to provide a collection of essential oil recipes for men's various ailments in all life stages. By reading this book, you'll gain insights into the natural world's potential to promote health and discover practical tips for incorporating essential oils into your life.

  • - Live Better, Longer: Live Better
    av Peter Raymond

    Dive deep into the science of happiness and discover how it can amplify your health and extend your years. But this journey doesn't stop at knowledge. Embedded within these pages is a practical workbook complete with exercises that invite you to actively engage with the material, apply the teachings to your life, and see real change unfold.You'll embark on a voyage of self-discovery, uncovering the joys that fuel your fire. Learn not only to identify what truly makes you happy but also to integrate these revelations into your daily life. Through a blend of cutting-edge research and relatable examples, this book offers a blueprint for balancing work, relationships, and leisure, managing stress with grace, and adopting a nutrition and exercise routine that energizes your body and soul.

  • - The Military Athlete's Performance Manual
    av Jeramiah Solven

    The Whole Man Project is your ultimate guide to: - Learn how to think, train, and achieve like the top 1%.- Win the pursuit of military athlete excellence.- Gain insight on how to sharpen your goal setting and accomplishment.- Develop elite-level decision-making skills and discipline.- Synchronize the mind, body, and spirit to reach peak performance.- Discover the elite mindset habits necessary to break through the physical andmental barriers holding you back.- Increase potential in every aspect of your life, military or civilian.- Gain a tactical advantage for success in Special Operations Selections.- Get stronger, smarter, and faster, today.

  • - How Surgical Mesh Stole Years of Health and Dreams From Me and Countless Others
    av Diane Ritter-Gardner

    Author Diane Ritter-Gardner shares her story of years lost to unnecessary pain and suffering from what should have been a fairly simple hysterectomy. Instead, the decision to use propylene mesh, and her lack of understanding of the consequences, destroyed her ability to work, enjoy simple joys like working in her garden, taking long walks, and even being intimate with her husband.She knew something was wrong but after countless doctors, holistic treatments, and even therapy, she was finally able to be heard and have the mesh removed. Though her health has improved, she is still suffering and will never get those years back. She wrote this book in an effort to encourage women (and men) to ask questions and look at their options before making major health decisions.

  • - Cooking for Wellness - Incorporating Healing Herbs into Everyday Meals
    av Sage Green

    Unlock the Ancient Wisdom of Herbs in Your Modern KitchenFor thousands of years, cultures around the world have turned to the incredible power of herbs and plants for healing, nourishment, and vitality. Now you can bring this ancient botanical wisdom into your own home with this comprehensive guide to incorporating herbs into your cooking and self-care rituals.Whether you seek to boost immunity, ease digestion, find calm amidst chaos, or simply enliven your meals with vibrant flavors, you'll discover the perfect herbal allies. Explore a wealth of knowledge on common healing herbs and their health-promoting benefits. Gain clarity on the advantages of using whole herbs over supplements.From there, you'll learn to stock an herbalist's dream pantry with the essential dried herbs and tips for growing a flourishing edible herb garden. Proper storage methods ensure you preserve the robust flavors and medicinal potency of your herbal bounty.But this book goes beyond just growing and acquiring herbs - it dives into therapeutic applications for supporting immunity, reducing inflammation, and promoting respiratory health with nature's remedies. You'll discover herbs that settle digestion, gently detox, and keep your microbiome in balance.For those moments when life feels overwhelming, you'll find solace in adaptogens and calming herbs that guide you into a state of focused relaxation. And as you gain mastery in the kitchen, you'll create fresh, fragrant dishes bursting with herbs as well as versatile dried blends to add flair to endless meals.From energizing herbal vinegars to luscious compound butters and flavored oils, you'll elevate your culinary arts by infusing the exquisite essences of the plant kingdom into every dish. Unlock the abundant gifts of herbs and embark on a flavourful journey towards holistic well-being.

  • - From the Hatha Verses to Practice
    av Angela Ashwin

  • - A Practitioner Guide
    av Annie Prince

    This book is a timely, evidence-based guide for aromatherapists and practitioners who wish to put the individual client's needs at time of treatment front and centre of the therapeutic encounter, giving them a fully personalised experience.

  • - A Person-Centred Approach for Clinical Settings
    av Jo James

    GP surgeries, outpatient clinics, and hospitals can be difficult for people with dementia, as physical and emotional discomfort can build up and become overwhelming. This book invites healthcare workers to examine the root causes of distress for people with dementia in clinical settings, and offers ways to resolve incidents without the need for restraint or sedation. It also suggests strategies for reflection after incidents and forward planning, to support patients and staff and reduce the frequency of difficult interactions. Each chapter includes illustrative case studies to bring key concepts and dilemmas to life, and is supported by analysis and practical advice rooted in the authors' extensive experience in dementia care. This guide helps healthcare professionals to understand why people with dementia may become distressed in a clinical setting, and gives them the tools to not only resolve incidents, but create a person-centred, supportive environment to reduce future distress.

  • - The Struggle Against Decency
    av Marie Audemard

    «Bold and engaging, a well-researched look at how clothes can simultaneously reveal and conceal.» (Victoria Bateman, author of Naked Feminism: Breaking the Cult of Female Modesty) Do you sometimes look at yourself and think, «I can't wear this without a bra - my nipples are showing»? Have you ever heard someone tell you that «you can't go out like that», after looking you up and down? This book is a thought-provoking exploration of the double standards faced by women. Through personal stories and insightful analysis, it challenges Western societal norms and the pressure to conform. Delving into the complex interplay between femininity, bras and societal expectations, this empowering read invites individuals to redefine their understanding of what it means to be «decent» in a patriarchal society.

  • - Essential information for mothers with HIV
    av Pamela Morrison

    Recent research has shown that breastfeeding poses a much lower risk of HIV transmission than previously thought, and in 2009 global guidance that promoted formula to avoid HIV transmission was reversed. Mothers living with HIV can now choose to breastfeed if they wish - but in Western societies with low rates of breastfeeding among all mothers, informed and skilled support can be hard to find. Pamela Morrison, retired IBCLC and author of HIV and Breastfeeding, the definitive work on the subject, has written this short book specifically for HIV-positive mothers, and the health professionals they work with, to offer clear, evidence-based information about breastfeeding in the context of HIV.The book explains: background information about the normal course of lactationhow to initiate and maintain breastfeedinghow to prevent and work through or around difficulties that may arisehow to maintain breastmilk production or breastmilk-feeding if supplements are recommended.The aim is to support mothers living with HIV to reach their goals to breastfeed, and then to stop breastfeeding easily and safely whenever they and their babies are ready.

  • - Verbessern Sie Ihre Kraft, Flexibilität und Haltung und schaffen Sie gleichzeitig einen glücklichen Gemütszustand.
    av Olivia Burns

    Sind Sie auf der Suche nach neuen Wegen, um den glücklichen Gemütszustand zu schaffen, den Sie all die Jahre verpasst haben?Wollen Sie herausfinden, was Sie von einem einfachen Ansatz zurückhält, der wirklich funktioniert?Die Zeit und den Raum zu finden, um sich auf eine Weise zu bewegen, die Sie wirklich befreit, ist der Schlüssel zu einem langen, glücklichen und gesunden Leben, das Sie auf jede mögliche Weise befreit.Yoga wurde früher als Modeerscheinung angesehen, aber jetzt ist es sehr viel zu einem Lebensstil geworden. Sich zu entscheiden, es anzunehmen, ist wie sich zu entscheiden, ein glückliches Leben zu führen. Nicht nur das, sondern Sie können es auch nutzen, um etwas Befähigendes zu tun, denn...... SIE KÖNNEN Müdigkeit, schlechte Beweglichkeit, negatives Denken und vieles mehr besiegen, indem Sie einfach Ihren Körper und Geist mit regelmäßigem Yoga befreien. Nicht sicher, wie Sie anfangen sollen? Möchten Sie eine einfache Einführung, die Sie überall durchführen können, ohne jemals für eine teure Fitnessstudio-Mitgliedschaft bezahlen zu müssen?"Stuhl-Yoga" ist für alle, die ihre Lebensqualität mit einem bewährten Ansatz verbessern möchten, der Sie wirklich ohne die Kämpfe, die Sie bisher erlebt haben, befreien wird.In diesem Stuhl-Yoga Buch erfahren Sie mehr über: Was Stuhl-Yoga ist und wie man das Beste daraus machtDie negativen Auswirkungen mangelnder FlexibilitätWarum Sie jemand sind, der sich bewegen und mobil sein sollteWie sich die körperlichen Vorteile manifestierenGrundlegende Probleme in allen Lebensbereichen, die Sie angehen könnenWie Sie ein gewinnendes Aufwärmen für Stuhl-Yoga durchführenEinen effektiven Cool Down für Stuhl-YogaSo führen Sie fortgeschrittene Posen ausWie Sie Ihre Grundlagen mehrmals überdenken und festigenUnd so viel mehr!Jetzt, da Sie wissen, dass eine solche Ressource existiert, liegt es an Ihnen, sie mit beiden Händen zu ergreifen und damit zu arbeiten.Sie sind jemand, der so viel mehr erreichen kann, als Sie jemals für möglich gehalten haben, weshalb es für Ihr persönliches Wachstum und Ihr Selbstgefühl von entscheidender Bedeutung ist, diesen Moment zu ergreifen.Sobald Sie anfangen, werden Sie sehen, wie die einfache Ausführung einer Pose, sich mit Dehnung und Achtsamkeit, auf jeden Bereich Ihres Lebens auswirken kann.Und das beste?Die Veränderungen werden im Hintergrund stattfinden, bevor Sie es bemerken...Warum warten... scrollen Sie nach oben und holen Sie sich jetzt Ihr Exemplar!Sie werden es definitiv nicht bereuen. Also fangen Sie jetzt an.Öffnen Sie es, schätzen Sie es und setzen Sie alles, was es Ihnen sagt, in die Praxis um.

    av David H Dighton

    The calories we eat, and the calories we use while exercising, are the focus of every book on dieting and slimming, but typically, one key topic is missing - mentality. What drives some of us to become overweight and to fail repeatedly to lose weight, and what drives others to be slim, fit and athletic. Without suppressing our 'Fat Mentality', every weight-loss strategy is bound to last only a short time.Psychologically, we all have a 'Fat Mentality' and 'Fit Mentality'. These two components of our eating and exercise mindset co-exist, and are forever in opposition. The 'Fat Mentality' promotes our inactivity, self-indulgence and weight gain; our 'Fit Mentality' drives our desire for activity and the disciplined control of everything we do. Because they direct what we eat, and what exercise we choose to do, they will affect our body weight.A better understanding of the 'Fat Mentality' is crucial to everyone who has repeatedly failed to lose weight. Because it can so easily overwhelm whatever strategy we adopt, ignoring it is not an option for those who wish to succeed. In matters of weight control, we must consider our attitude to food and exercise, alongside food calories, portion sizes, carbohydrates in food, and the latest information about our genes, gut hormones and gut biome. A discussion of all the long-known, and new weight loss interventions, will enable individuals to choose the strategies that suit them best.Given the liability of overweight people to diabetes and heart disease, I have added something new to the weight loss debate. Which foods are best for the heart and circulation.Explore within -- How to break free from a 'Fat Mentality' mindset.- How to cultivate a 'Fit Mentality' mindset.- About calories and portion sizes.- About appetite control.- About carbohydrates.- About food that can be good or bad for your arteries.- About your metabolism.- About ketones.- About your hormones.- About your genes.- About gut hormones.- About the gut biome.- About exercise.- About medical and psychological help.- About appetite suppressants.- About bariatric surgery.- About dieting myths.

  • - There's Always Another Way
    av Shim Ravalia

    Are you tired of the constant stomach drama? Sick and tired of spending money, time and your precious energy through endless diets and supplements that promise the world to "fix it" but deliver nothing? It's time to cut through the crap and take back control of your gut health like never before.In "Cut Out The Bullshit: There's Always Another Way", Shim Ravalia isn't here to sugarcoat anything. This no-nonsense guide is your ticket to a healthier, happier gut, and she doesn't waste a single word on fluff.Use this book as your go to resource and discover the incredible ways your gut influences your overall well-being, from managing your weight, gaining more energy levels to mental clarity and building immune strength that is resilient to fight for you. Say goodbye to bloating, indigestion, and those "mystery" health issues that have been holding you back for a long time.Get ready to dive into the straight-up science, the practical tips, and the real-life case studies that will inspire you to make changes that actually last. No gimmicks, no silly stuff, no shortcuts, just pure gut intelligence that works.It's time to understand your own powerhouse system and create a plan that works for you and for you only.Are you in?

  • av John E Lewis
    345,- www./ Today, maintaining or improving brain health is a hotly contested and discussed topic. Unfortunately, the overwhelming amount of information is typically not helpful or even based on good science. Moreover, many people do not understand that the answer to optimal health lies in utilizing what Mother Nature provides us, not in taking medications. Regardless of your level of interest about nutrition, your current health status, or your stage in life, "The Complete Nutrition Guide to Cognitive Function - The Nutrition Genius Series(TM)" by Dr. John E. Lewis will give you the best current scientific information that you can use to your benefit. This book summarizes the clinical trials in humans of 19 different classes of nutrients and phytonutrients and their effects on various indicators of cognitive function and brain health. All of this information is based on what the science shows in humans; not information from studies on cells, tissues, or animals and certainly not based on marketing hype. Every statement in this book is supported with the original scientific reference that you can look up to confirm its veracity. You also have a summary table that lists each article that was reviewed, the nutrient or phytonutrient tested, the amount taken, the subjects studied, and the effects on the cognition or brain health outcomes, giving you a quick tool to help you decide if you want to use any of these nutrients or phytonutrients. If you want to learn useful and practical recommendations about nutrients and phytonutrients that may help improve brain health and cognitive function, then this is the right book for you. Dr. Lewis has spent much of his career conducting nutrition research and evaluating different nutrients and phytonutrients for their ability to improve health, so you can count on him to deliver information that is accurate and useful in a no-nonsense manner.

  • - How to Nurture Wellbeing Through and Beyond a Cancer Diagnosis
    av Anne-Marie O'Dwyer

    The Cancer Companion is a definitive and inspirational book designed to help patients, partners, family, and work colleagues navigate the trials and difficulties associated with cancer and its treatment. With over forty years' worth of experience to her name, O'Dwyer writes about cancer with humanity and clarity, helping to combat the myths and misinformation surrounding the disease in an age of information overload. Adopting an integrated biological and psychological perspective, O'Dwyer highlights the person at the heart of every treatment, providing helpful advice and shared experiences that are able to destigmatize the shame, fear and denial faced by those affected by cancer. The Cancer Companion is an empowering and informative book for all those whose lives and loved ones have been touched by cancer.

  • - The Science, the Myths, and the Future
    av Julie M Stamm

    A 2022 Choice Reviews Outstanding Academic TitleDispels the myths surrounding head impacts in youth sports and empowers parents to make informed decisions about sports participation"They're just little kids, they don't hit that hard or that much." "Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) only happens to former NFL players." "Youth sports are safer than ever." These are all myths which, if believed, put young, rapidly maturing brains at risk each season. In The Brain on Youth Sports: The Science, the Myths, and the Future, Julie M. Stamm dissects the issue of repetitive brain trauma in youth sports and their health consequences, explaining the science behind impacts to the head in an easy-to-understand approach. Stamm counters the myths, weak arguments, and propaganda surrounding the youth sports industry, providing guidance for those deciding whether their child should play certain high-risk sports as well as for those hoping to make youth sports as safe as possible. Stamm, a former three-sport athlete herself, understands the many wonderful benefits that come from playing youth sports and believes all children should have the opportunity to compete--without the risk of long-term consequences.

  • - The Startling History of Life Before and After Vaccines
    av Stacy Mintzer Herlihy

    A look at the long history of vaccines, yesterday, today and still to come.Once largely an issue for parents and children, vaccines now occupy a central space in the very heart of our national conversation. We've all been forced to think about this subject closely for over two years. In the absence of a COVID-19 vaccine, thousands of deaths from a single virus once again swept the earth. Millions of Americans now suffer from the aftermath as they cope with the effects of long haul COVID.Life Before and After Vaccines moves the reader from the early history of vaccines into modern conversations about this subject. In the book, the author connects the dots between the modern anti-vax movement and previous anti-vax movements. She will help readers understand the history of vaccines and the equally long history of vaccination opposition. Life Before and After Vaccines also explores the many large and small ways that lack of access to vaccination has meant societal change, and includes updates on several of the topics in the author's previous work.

  • - Living Well in Perimenopause and Menopause
    av Jessica Shepherd

    Evidence based. Lifestyle oriented. The practical guide you need for the life you want. Finally, here is a fresh plan for a new generation entering perimenopause and menopause. With clinical insights, actionable tips, and holistic guidance, Dr. Jessica Shepherd, a board-certified OB/GYN and women's health advocate, redefines how to sustain the marathon of this life stage so you can make the most of your health and vitality. In Generation M, she throws out the old playbook and provides you with an empowering approach to thriving through this change and beyond. Dr. Shepherd draws upon many conversations with leading experts in nutrition, meditation, and fitness, as well as with those living through perimenopause and menopause, who've shared what challenges them and what helps them live vibrantly. In this book you will find: Scientifically backed information and advice from a doctor and menopause expert Evidence-based recommendations, tips, tools, and personal building blocks for the best health practices A guided exploration of new medical research and data A deep dive on the safety and efficacy of HRT, including information on what medications to take and when to take them Holistic advice on how to ease your transition during this period, including recommendations for exercise, diet, sleep, mindfulness practices, and more An accessible yet powerful, and at times humorous, voice from a woman who understands what you are going through Discover the steps you need now for the future you desire--and stay healthy, active, and fabulous along the way.

  • - Evie's Story
    av Louise Shone

    Bob's niece Evie enters Fred's pharmacy and has a big surprise for Fred!

  • av Linda Lewis Alexander
    1 553,-

    Revised and update to keep pace with changing issues that affect all women, the best-selling New Dimensions in Women's Health, Ninth Edition provides a modern look at the health of women of all cultures, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. Written for undergraduate students within health education, nursing, and women's studies programs, the text provides readers with the critical information needed to optimize their well-being, avoid illness and injury, and support their overall health. The authors took great care to provide in-depth coverage of important aspects of women's health and to examine the contributing epidemiological, historical, psychosocial, cultural, ethical, legal, political, and economic influences. The Ninth Edition includes: - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on many aspects of women's health, from the workplace to violence, substance abuse and more. - Updates related to the Affordable Care Act and post-Medicaid expansion. - New information on diet and nutrition trends - The Dobbs decision and its impact on women's health - Updated information on mental illness disorder classification and mental illness resources. - New content on substance abuse trends along with cannabis and other legalization efforts. - Updated violence data to reflect intimate partner violence in domestic partnerships and LGBTQ relationships, among others.


    The tiny nematode, C. elegans, plays a big role in biological research. But studying their behavior, lifespan, and responses to various stimuli traditionally involves manual observation under a microscope, a tedious and time-consuming process. This project aims to revolutionize this field by developing new methods for automating C. elegans experiments using "active vision."Imagine a system that doesn't just passively observe the worms, but actively adapts its vision to get the best possible view. This is achieved through intelligent lighting control, optimized camera positioning, and cutting-edge image processing techniques. By analyzing these images, the system can automatically count worms, track their movements, and even classify their health status.The benefits are manifold. Automation frees up researchers' time, allowing them to focus on data analysis and interpretation. It also improves data consistency and reduces human error, leading to more reliable results. Moreover, active vision allows for continuous monitoring, capturing subtle changes in behavior that might be missed by manual observation.This technology has broad applications. It can be used to study the effects of drugs, mutations, and environmental factors on C. elegans, accelerating research in aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and other areas. Additionally, it can be adapted to automate experiments with other small model organisms, further expanding its impact.This project is not just about automating tasks; it's about opening a new window into the world of C. elegans. By harnessing the power of active vision, we unlock new possibilities for understanding these tiny creatures and their role in biology and medicine.

  • av Annie Humphris
    199 - 344,-

    A journal for all mums going through the postnatal journey Conceived and compiled by new mum Annie Humphris, The Maternal Mindset is a journal for anyone navigating the trials and tribulations of motherhood. It aims to create a safe space for readers to release their thoughts and feelings without any judgement. Simple to read and to navigate, this book uses minimalist graphics and limited colours to avoid overwhelming even the most burnt-out or sleep-deprived mum. As well as offering advice and support on topics such as Overwhelm, Burnout, Expectations vs Reality and Identity, The Maternal Mindset includes many contributions from 'Real Life Mums'.

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