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  • av Anton C. de Groot

    This book provides a full review of contact allergy to essential oils along with detailed analyses of the chemical composition of essential oils known to cause contact allergy. In addition to literature data, it presents the results of nearly 6,400 previously unpublished sample analyses, by far the largest set of essential oils analyses ever rep

  • av Dee Phyllis Genetti

    This text provides an autoethnographic qualitative study that portrays the author's recovery from a devastating life changing event - a car crash resulting in the hybrid diagnosis of TBI and PTSD, leading to PTG and identity transformation over a ten-year recovery period.


    Fully revised and updated, this edition includes new information on sensory modalities; disease states affecting sensation; nutritional manipulation; unusual sensory hallucinations of food; using flavor to suppress appetite; and the concept of a sixth taste in gustation, lipid and fat receptors on the tongue.


    The book aims to cover the cloud management and framework. It discusses how cloud computing framework can be integrated with fog computing, edge computing, deep learning and IOT. This book is primarily aimed at graduates and researchers to understand the echo system of cloud technology for agriculture and healthcare.

  • av Pankaj (Tezpur Univ.) Barah
    878 - 2 163,-

  • av Debleena (Marwadi Educational Foundation Group of Institutions Bhattacharya
    688 - 1 471,-


    The main aim of Healthcare 4.0: Health Informatics and Precision Data Management is to improve the services given by the healthcare industry and to bring meaningful patient outcomes, Informatics involved by applying the data, information and knowledge in the healthcare domain.

  • av Terri Cole

    Break Free From Over-Functioning, Over-Delivering, People-Pleasing, and Ignoring Your Own Needs So You Can Finally Live the Life You Deserve!


    Focusing on the challenges, directions, and future predictions and the role 5G plays in smart healthcare monitoring, this book offers the fundamental concepts and analysis on methods to apply IoT in monitoring devices for diagnosing and transferring data. It also discusses self-managing to help providers improve their experience of care.


    This collection considers the apparent contradictions and complications of the contemporary status and deployment of the many forms of genital cutting, raising a serious, wide-reaching question: what scope should society have to impose physically invasive rites on people? This book was originally published as a special issue of Global

  • - En praktisk guide for å gå ned i vekt og bli kvitt livsstilsplager
    av Pål Branæs

    I boka Karbofellen tar Pål Branæs, spesialist i allmennmedisin, opp noe av det han møter hyppigst på legekontoret – nemlig pasienter som sliter med overvekt, tap av energi og overskudd, i tillegg til en rekke andre livsstilsplager, som hemmer dem i hverdagen, gir dårlig livskvalitet og skaper mismot. Vanskeligheter med å holde vekten, hodepine, fordøyelsesplager, nedstemhet og søvnproblemer er plager som går igjen, og er du blant dem som kjenner deg igjen, så er du ikke alene.Vi er vitne til en global pandemi av livsstilssykdommer og plager, ifølge fastlegen, og de kan ikke imøtekommes og løses på samme måte som det som har forsårsaket dem, nemlig ved inntak av stadig mer karbohydrater. Karbohydratintoleranse/insulinresistens er blitt stadig mer utbredt, det er et forstadie til diabetes, og denne tilstanden er vi nødt til å snakke mer om, mener fastlegen.Symptomene skyldes problemer med blodsukkerregulering, det begynner mange år før blodsukkernivåene våre er blitt forhøyede. Problemet er at det kan være vanskelig å oppdage for lege og pasientene selv, og dermed griper man ofte an helseproblemer på feil måte, og mange lider. Men en blodprøve gir deg raskt svare på om du er rammet, og hva som skal til for at du kan bli frisk og føle deg bedre.I boka Karbofellen lærer du å forstå hvorfor karbohydratene tar kontroll på deg, og hvordan du selv kan gjøre grepene som skal til for å få en bedre helse. Du vil også se at kostholdsendringene ikke bare påvirker vekt og energinivå her og nå, men at du også kan redusere risikoen for alvorlige livsstilssykdommer i fremtiden.]]>

  • av Cara A. Chiaraluce
    385 - 1 392,-

  • av Adolf Just


    Myths of Menopause illuminates this stage of the female hormone odyssey with insights from leading experts, empowering women with the wisdom and understanding to navigate this journey.

  • av Dominic Couzens

    Fascinating stories of the birds and birdsongs from the Tropics for every week of the year, with QR codes for every entry.From the incredible screech of the macaw, who shows amazing intelligence, to the imitations of humans of the mynah bird and the humming sounds of the hummingbird, this is a beautiful collection of stories about one of nature's wonders: tropical birds. Bird expert and writer Dominic Couzens invites you to enjoy not only their birdsongs but also their amazing feats and colourful displays. With stunning illustrations from award-winning Madeleine Floyd and QR codes to listen to their songs as you read, you can immerse yourself in a tropical wonderland. A natural wonder that has captivated and fascinated generations, tropical birdsong is unique. This book offers the perfect tonic whether you are an avid birdwatcher or just want to understand the songs from the most iconic birds in the world. With 52 weekly stories, the book takes you through the calendar year of tropical life. Listen and read about jewel-like toucans, mating cries of the cock-of-the-rock bird of paradise, duet songs of sunbirds, the fascinating glossy starling oxpeckers who sit on the backs of elephants and the gorgeous songs of hornbills. The latest research and information about these bright lights of the bird world is captured here by one of the most respected but accessible writers on birds. It's like joining him on a field trip. Anyone with even a passing interest in the bird world, or even the natural world, will be captivated by the stories and sounds.

  • av Susannah Marriott

  • av Kathleen DiChiara

  • av Carla Oates

    Revolutionize your beauty regime with Feeding Your Skin, the guide to natural beauty treatments by Carla Oates, founder of The Beauty Chef. From revitalizing face masks, nourishing body scrubs and luscious lip balms to treatment oils, cleansers, toners, moisturizers and more, it contains everything you need to enhance your natural radiance from head to toe. Each simple yet luxurious treatment is made using pure, nourishing ingredients, while Carla's expertise ensures each formula is optimised to bring out your inner glow. Embrace self-care with practical, easy-to-follow solutions that are as kind to your skin as they are to the environment and illuminate your beauty naturally – one nourishing blend at a time.

  • av Charles C. Froude

  • av Rachel Newcombe

    From garden herbs and flowers to foraged fruits and berries, plants have the power to nourish and heal. Used in home remedies and by professional herbalists for thousands of years, nature's medicine chest offers incredible healing benefits for body, mind, and spirit.

  • av William Gibson

  • av Charlotte Libov

  • av Michaeleen Doucleff

  • - dikt perspektiver foto
    av Terje Eugen Holthe

    Boken består av to deler. Den første delen inneholder dikt og foto av femogtyve vanlige norske trær. Den andre delen har perspektiver på plantenaturen og naturmedisin.Det er avsnitt om: 1) de fem elementene som brukes i feng shui og tradisjonell kinesisk medisin 2) trær som blomstermedisin 3) trær som arketyper med referanse til human design, menneskenaturen. Enten du er interessert i feng shui, Bachs blomstermedisin, eller human design vil du kunne ha glede av denne diktsamlingen.

  • - poems perspectives photos : five trees for each of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine related to Bach flower remedies and Human Design
    av Terje Eugen Holthe

    The book consists of two parts. The first part contains poems and photos of twenty-five common Norwegian trees. The second part has perspectives on plant nature and natural medicine.There are sections on: 1) the five elements used in feng shui and traditional Chinese medicine 2) trees as flower medicine 3) trees as archetypes with reference to human design, human nature. Whether you are interested in feng shui, Bach flower remedies, or human design, you will be able to enjoy this collection of poems.

  • av Monte Lai

  • av Louise Thompson
    160 - 324,-

  • av Dr Karan Rajan

  • av Michael Hornberger

    The only guide for the public to the science and history of Alzheimer’s disease. This book can help you if you fear that you have Alzheimer’s disease or if a friend or family member has Alzheimer’s disease.

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