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  • av Olav Sand, Egil Haug & Øystein V. Sjaastad
    1 223,-

    Menneskets fysiologi er en omfattende lærebok i fysiologi. Den er i første rekke lagt til rette for studenter i helsefaghøgskolene. Boka gir grunnleggende forståelse av kompliserte fysiologiske prinsipper og organenes virkemåte. Hvert kapittel innledes med en oversikt og avsluttes med spørsmål. Viktige fysiologiske prinsipper er belyst både i et omfattende billedmateriale og gjennom kliniske eksempler. For å gi et solid grunnlag for fysiologiforståelsen, inneholder boka også funksjonell anatomi. Den detaljerte anatomien behandles i boka Anatomisk atlas.

  • - Awakening the New Human Story
    av Gregg Braden

    New York Times bestselling author Gregg Braden crosses the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality to answer the timeless question at the core of our existence: who are we? Gregg offers concrete solutions to the social issues that are destroying our families and dividing us as people, incl. bullying, hate crimes and religious extremism.

  • av Francois Jullien

    An exploration of what it means when we say something is beautiful. Bringing together ideas of beauty from both Eastern and Western philosophy, François Jullien challenges the assumptions underlying our commonly agreed-upon definition of what is beautiful and offers a new way of beholding art. Jullien argues that the Western concept of beauty was established by Greek philosophy and became consequently embedded within the very structure of European languages. And due to its relationship to language, this concept has determined ways of thinking about beauty that often go unnoticed or unchecked in discussions of Western aesthetics. Moreover, through globalization, Western ideals of beauty have even spread to cultures whose ancient traditions are based upon radically different aesthetic foundations; yet, these cultures have adopted such views without question and without recognizing the cultural assumptions they contain.Looking specifically at how Chinese texts have been translated into Western languages, Jullien reveals how the traditional Chinese refusal to isolate or abstract beauty is obscured in translation in order to make the works more understandable to Western readers. Creating an engaging dialogue between Chinese and Western ideas, Jullien reassesses the essence of beauty.

  • av Peter Prescott & Torbjørn Tvedten

  • av Sergei Guriev
    212 - 344,-

    How a new breed of dictators holds power by manipulating information and faking democracyHitler, Stalin, and Mao ruled through violence, fear, and ideology. But in recent decades a new breed of media-savvy strongmen has been redesigning authoritarian rule for a more sophisticated, globally connected world. In place of overt, mass repression, rulers such as Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Viktor Orban control their citizens by distorting information and simulating democratic procedures. Like spin doctors in democracies, they spin the news to engineer support. Uncovering this new brand of authoritarianism, Sergei Guriev and Daniel Treisman explain the rise of such "e;spin dictators,"e; describing how they emerge and operate, the new threats they pose, and how democracies should respond.Spin Dictators traces how leaders such as Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and Peru's Alberto Fujimori pioneered less violent, more covert, and more effective methods of monopolizing power. They cultivated an image of competence, concealed censorship, and used democratic institutions to undermine democracy, all while increasing international engagement for financial and reputational benefits. The book reveals why most of today's authoritarians are spin dictators-and how they differ from the remaining "e;fear dictators"e; such as Kim Jong-un and Bashar al-Assad, as well as from masters of high-tech repression like Xi Jinping.Offering incisive portraits of today's authoritarian leaders, Spin Dictators explains some of the great political puzzles of our time-from how dictators can survive in an age of growing modernity to the disturbing convergence and mutual sympathy between dictators and populists like Donald Trump.

  • av Thor Hanson
    174 - 304,-

    'An original, wide-ranging and carefully researched book ... contains important lessons for humanity.' Mark Cocker, The SpectatorA fascinating insight into climate change biology around the globe, as well as in our own backyards.Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squid is the first major book by a biologist to focus on the fascinating story of how the natural world is adjusting, adapting, and sometimes measurably evolving in response to climate change. Lyrical and thought-provoking, this book broadens the climate focus from humans to the wider lattice of life.Bestselling nature writer Thor Hanson - author of Buzz (a Radio 4 'Book of the Week') - shows us how Caribbean lizards have grown larger toe pads to grip trees more tightly during frequent hurricanes; and how the 'plasticity' of squid has allowed them to change their body size and breeding habits to cope with altered sea temperatures.Plants and animals have a great deal to teach us about the nature of what comes next, because for many of them, and also for many of us, that world is already here.

  • av Michio Kaku

    Are there other dimensions beyond our own? Is time travel possible? Can we change the past? Are there gateways to parallel universes? All of us have pondered such questions, but there was a time when scientists dismissed these notions as outlandish speculations. Not any more. Today, they are the focus of the most intense scientific activity in recent memory. In Hyperspace, Michio Kaku, author of the widely acclaimed Beyond Einstein and a leading theoretical physicist, offers the first book-length tour of the most exciting (and perhaps most bizarre) work in modern physics, work which includes research on the tenth dimension, time warps, black holes, and multiple universes. The theory of hyperspace (or higher dimensional space)--and its newest wrinkle, superstring theory--stand at the center of this revolution, with adherents in every major research laboratory in the world, including several Nobel laureates. Beginning where Hawking's Brief History of Time left off, Kaku paints a vivid portrayal of the breakthroughs now rocking the physics establishment. Why all the excitement? As the author points out, for over half a century, scientists have puzzled over why the basic forces of the cosmos--gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces--require markedly different mathematical descriptions. But if we see these forces as vibrations in a higher dimensional space, their field equations suddenly fit together like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, perfectly snug, in an elegant, astonishingly simple form. This may thus be our leading candidate for the Theory of Everything. If so, it would be the crowning achievement of 2,000 years of scientific investigation into matter and its forces. Already, the theory has inspired several thousand research papers, and has been the focus of over 200 international conferences. Michio Kaku is one of the leading pioneers in superstring theory and has been at the forefront of this revolution in modern physics. With Hyperspace, he has produced a book for general readers which conveys the vitality of the field and the excitement as scientists grapple with the meaning of space and time. It is an exhilarating look at physics today and an eye-opening glimpse into the ultimate nature of the universe.

  • av David J. Chalmers

    'Reading it will change the way you think about the universe' Sean CarrollIn the coming decades, the technology that enables virtual and augmented reality will improve beyond recognition. Within a century, world-renowned philosopher David J. Chalmers predicts, we will have virtual worlds that are impossible to distinguish from non-virtual worlds. But is virtual reality just escapism?In a highly original work of 'technophilosophy', Chalmers argues categorically, no: virtual reality is genuine reality. Virtual worlds are not second-class worlds. We can live a meaningful life in virtual reality - and increasingly, we will.What is reality, anyway? How can we lead a good life? Is there a god? How do we know there's an external world - and how do we know we're not living in a computer simulation? In Reality+, Chalmers conducts a grand tour of philosophy, using cutting-edge technology to provide invigorating new answers to age-old questions.Drawing on examples from pop culture, literature and film that help bring philosophical issues to life, Reality+ is a mind-bending journey through virtual worlds, illuminating the nature of reality and our place within it.

  • av Maria Ressa
    174 - 234,-

  • av Kari Ingstad

    Organisasjon og ledelse - i helsefag og sykepleie gir en innføring i begreper, teorier og fenomener som er relevante for å lede og organisere arbeid i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Boka er inndelt i tre deler. Den første delen omhandler ledelse, og belyser ulike ledelsesteorier samt hvordan ledelse kan relateres til kjønn og mangfold. I del 2 drøftes forutsetningene og rammene for ledelse, og viser betydningen av å sette pasienten i sentrum for samhandling. Del 3 omhandler kvalitet og kvalitetsutvikling, og knyttes til innovasjon og endring. I tillegg belyses arbeidshelse og pasientorientert ledelse. Hensikten med denne boka er å vise hvordan organisering og ledelse er viktige faktorer for helsepersonell uansett hvor og på hvilket nivå man arbeider. Målet er å bidra til utvikling av leserens egne ledelsesferdigheter, samt skape forståelse for viktigheten av organisering og ledelse i helseorganisasjoner. Boka henvender seg til både praktikere, ledere og studenter, og stoffet er formidlet i et tilgjengelig og klart språk. Kunnskapen som presenteres, er forskningsbasert, men relateres også til konkrete eksempler fra praksis. Figurer, caser og oppsummeringer er godt egnet til å kunne oversette kunnskapen til leserens egen kontekst.

  • av Giulia Enders

    En sjeldent informativ og underholdende bok om fordøyelsen vår, ny utgave med oppdatert forskning 1,7 millioner solgte i Tyskland - utgis i 36 land. Over 130 000 i Norge!Forord av ph.d. Jørgen Valeur, Lovisenberg Diakonale SykehusMat er ikke bare kalorier og næringsinnhold. Mat er viktig også når det gjelder hva den forsyner tarmen med av bakterier. Ny forskning avdekker forbløffende sammenhenger mellom tarmen og resten av kroppen: Ubalanse i bakteriefloraen kan blant annet føre til oppblåsthet og smerter, overvekt, depresjon, allergi, intoleranse og Alzheimer. For å føle oss vel, ha god helse og balanse i kropp og sinn må vi med andre ord ta vare på tarmen vår. I denne sjarmerende boka kan du lese: Alt om fordøyelse, dovaner og matens virkning i kroppen ABC om bæsj Bakteriene våre og hva de betyr for helsen Mange gode råd om hvordan du blir venn med tarmen dinForfatteren, Giulia Enders, er en ung tysk lege som selv fikk noen underlige sår hun ikke ble kvitt med hudbehandling, og som ingen leger fant årsaken til. Til slutt tok hun saken i egne hender, fant ut at hun faktisk hadde en tarmsykdom, la om kostholdet og ble frisk. Les mer om hennes oppsiktsvekkende historie i denne usedvanlige boka om et av våre mest undervurderte organer.

  • av Arild Bjørndal, Signe Flottorp & Atle Klovning

    Boka gir råd om hvordan man kan håndtere store mengder ny medisinsk kunnskap, og øver opp evnen til å stille spørsmål som er relevante for klinisk og samfunnsmedisinsk praksis. Den viser hvordan man kan finne pålitelig kunnskap og kritisk vurdere forskningsmetoder og -resultater. Forskningsbasert informasjon kan så integreres med annen relevant informasjon. Forfatterne viser hvordan man kan implementere ny kunnskap i klinisk og samfunnsmedisinsk praksis, og slik treffe bedre faglige beslutninger. Har litteraturliste og register. Målgruppe: helsepersonell og helsefagstudenter.

  • av Hanne Bringager, Marit Hellebostad, Randi Sæter & m.fl.

    Denne boken er skrevet for sykepleiere i videreutdanning i barnesykepleie og onkologisk sykepleie og for dem som arbeider med kreftsyke barn og deres familier.Når et barn får kreft, innebærer det en katastrofe for hele familien, deres tilværelse blir snudd på hodet på et øyeblikk. Likevel er det innenfor kreftbehandling av barn at legevitenskapen har gjort noen av sine største fremskritt; minst to av tre barn med kreft blir helbredet, alle kreftformer sett under ett. Det er viktig for forfatterne å formidle at behandlingen av barn med kreft innebærer å ta vare på en hel familie, og at dette krever en utstrakt grad av tverrfaglig samarbeid mellom de ulike gruppene av fagfolk.Bokens første del gir en redegjørelse for ulike kreftsykdommer hos barn og behandlingsmetoder. Boken tar også for seg barnets og familiens situasjon fra sykdommen oppdages til barnet har gjennomgått behandling. Forfatterne beskriver utfordringer sykepleieren står overfor i møtet med barnet og familien som må leve med en kritisk sykdom over lengre tid. Boken beskriver konkrete tiltak og gir mange tankevekkendeeksempler på hvordan sykepleieren kan bygge opp tillit hos barnet og familien og bidra til en følelse av mestring i situasjonen. Det hele er formidlet på en utradisjonell måte, og tegningene i Hanne Bringagers humoristiske og klare strek kaller på smil og ettertanke hos leseren.

  • av Per Magnus & Leiv S. Bakketeig

    Forfatterene gjør rede for grunnprinsippene i faget epidemiologi, og planlegging og gjennomføring av forskningsprosjekter. Denne andre utgaven har med risikoanalyse, risikokommunikasjon, infeksjoner og arvelige sykdommer. Bokens målgruppe er medisinstudenter, studenter ved helsefaghøgskolene og studenter i samfunnsfag og statistikk. Med litteraturliste og stikkordregister.

  • - Averting the Insect Apocalypse
    av Dave Goulson

    He passionately argues that we must all learn to love, respect and care for our six-legged friends. Eye-opening, inspiring and riveting, Silent Earth is part love letter to the insect world, part elegy, part rousing manifesto for a greener planet.

  • - Technology, Solutionism, and the Urge to Fix Problems that Don't Exist
    av Evgeny Morozov

    To Save Everything, Click Here, the new book by the acclaimed author of The Net Delusion, Evgeny Morozov, is a penetrating look at the shape of society in the digital age, of the direction in which the 21st Century may take us, and of the alternate paths we can still chooseOur society is at a crossroads. Smart technology is transforming our world, making many aspects of our lives more convenient, efficient and - in some cases - fun. Better and cheaper sensors can now be embedded in almost everything, and technologies can log the products we buy and the way we use them. But, argues Evgeny Morozov, technology is having a more profound effect on us: it is changing the way we understand human society.In the very near future, technological systems will allow us to make large-scale and sophisticated interventions into many more areas of public life. These are the discourses by which we have always defined our civilisation: politics, culture, public debate, morality, humanism. But how will these discourses be affected when we delegate much of the responsibility for them to technology? The temptation of the digital age is to fix everything - from crime to corruption to pollution to obesity - by digitally quantifying, tracking, or gamifiying behaviour. Yet when we change the motivations for our moral, ethical and civic behaviour, do we also change the very nature of that behaviour? Technology, Morozov proposes, can be a force for improvement - but only if we abandon the idea that it is necessarily revolutionary and instead genuinely interrogate why and how we are using it.From urging us to drop outdated ideas of the internet to showing how to design more humane and democratic technological solutions, To Save Everything, Click Here is about why we should always question the way we use technology.'A devastating expos of cyber-utopianism by the world's most far-seeing Internet guru' John Gray, author of Straw Dogs'Evgeny Morozov is the most challenging - and best-informed - critic of the Techno-Utopianism surrounding the Internet. If you've ever had the niggling feeling, as you spoon down your google, that there's no such thing as a free lunch, Morozov's book will tell you how you might end up paying for it' Brian Eno'This hard-hitting book argues people have become enslaved to the machines they use to communicate. It is incisive and beautifully written; whether you agree with Morozov or not, he will make you think hard' Richard Sennett, author of TogetherPraise for The Net Delusion:'Gleefully iconoclastic . . . not just unfailingly readable: it is also a provocative, enlightening and welcome riposte to the cyberutopian worldview' Economist'A passionate and heavily researched account of the case against the cyberutopians . . . only by becoming "e;cyberrealists"e; can we hope to make humane and effective policy' Bryan Appleyard, New Statesman'Piercing . . . convincing . . . timely' Financial TimesEvgeny Morozov is the author of The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom (which was the winner of the 2012 Goldsmith Book Prize) and a contributing editor for The New Republic. Previously, he was a visiting scholar at Stanford University, a Scwhartz fellow at the New America Foundation, a Yahoo fellow at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown, and a fellow at the Open Society Foundations. His monthly column on technology comes out in Slate, Corriere della Sera, El Pais, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and several other newspapers. He's also written for the New York Times, The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and the London Review of Books.

  • - Theorizing with Abductive Analysis
    av Iddo Tavory & Stefan Timmermans
    244 - 1 113,-

  • - How We Became Postmodern
    av Stuart Jeffries
    184 - 257,-

    A radical new history of a dangerous idea

  • av Janna Levin

    Our solar system is currently orbiting a black hole 26,000 light years away at a speed of 200 km per second. In Black Hole Survival Guide physicist and novelist Janna Levin takes you on a journey into a black hole, explaining what would happen to you in there and why.

  • - How to Succeed at Defeat
    av The School of Life

    A reassuring guide on how to overcome failure, teaching us that we can learn to fail well.

  • - Ancient Eastern wisdom for a flourishing writing life
    av Beth Kempton

    THE ARTIST'S WAY for writing, with a Zen twist and a dash of BIG MAGIC.

  • - emosjonell prosessering av traumatiske erfaringer
    av Edna B. Foa

    Metoden er fleksibel og gjør det mulig å skreddersy en effektiv behandling som passer for ulike pasienter med PTSD, også dem med komplekse og kroniske traumelidelser.Formålet med behandlingen er å hjelpe den som har vært utsatt for et traume, med å emosjonelt prosessere traumatiske erfaringer for å redusere eller eliminere PTSD og andre traumerelaterte symptomer.Boken inngår i den anerkjente serien Treatments that work fra Oxford University Press, og er den første boken fra denne serien som er oversatt til norsk. Treatments that work har til hensikt å gjøre nyutviklet, evidensbasert psykologisk behandling tilgjengelig for flest mulig.]]>

  • - The Neuroscience of Remodelling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity and Joy
    av Dawson Church

    Award Winner in the Science category of the 2020 Best Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest

  • - Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice
    av Raj Patel & Rupa Marya

  • - Upheaval in the Lifeworld
    av Byung-Chul Han
    198,99 - 617,-

  • av Carl Erik Fisher
    174 - 244,-

  • - The Facts
    av Mark A. Maslin

  • av Ben Rawlence

  • - A Proposal in Natural Philosophy
    av Roberto Mangabeira Unger & Lee Smolin
    381 - 571,-

    Cosmology is in crisis. The more we discover, the more puzzling the universe appears to be. How and why are the laws of nature what they are? A philosopher and a physicist, world-renowned for their radical ideas in their fields, argue for a revolution. To keep cosmology scientific, we must replace the old view in which the universe is governed by immutable laws by a new one in which laws evolve. Then we can hope to explain them. The revolution that Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Lee Smolin propose relies on three central ideas. There is only one universe at a time. Time is real: everything in the structure and regularities of nature changes sooner or later. Mathematics, which has trouble with time, is not the oracle of nature and the prophet of science; it is simply a tool with great power and immense limitations. The argument is readily accessible to non-scientists as well as to the physicists and cosmologists whom it challenges.

  • av James Allen

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