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  • av Amy Stewart

  • av Professor Brian Cox & Professor Jeff Forshaw
    174 - 364,-

  • av Torsten Thurén

    Begynnerstudenter på humanistiske og samfunnsfaglige studier støter på en rekke vitenskapsteoretiske problemer. Denne boka er til hjelp for dem når de skal forstå dette viktige fagfeltet. Forfatteren belyser problemer som sann kunnskap og feilkilder og drøfter forholdet mellom vitenskap og verdier. Sentrale posisjoner som positivisme, hermeneutikk og paradigmetenkning presenteres. Mange eksempler fra humanistiske fag og samfunnsfag bidrar til at sentrale poenger trer klart frem. Med litteraturliste og stikkordregister.

  • av Miyamoto Musashi

    Written around 1645, Miyamoto Musashi's Five Rings is an illustrated new modern translation of a classic Japanese work on mastery in swordsmanship, leadership and conflict produced using beautiful traditional Chinese bookbinding techniques and including 75 images.

  • av Timothy Morton

    In twenty short books, Penguin brings you the classics of the environmental movement.Provocative and playful, All Art is Ecological explores the strangeness of living in an age of mass extinction, and shows us that emotions and experience are the basis for a deep philosophical engagement with ecology.Over the past 75 years, a new canon has emerged. As life on Earth has become irrevocably altered by humans, visionary thinkers around the world have raised their voices to defend the planet, and affirm our place at the heart of its restoration. Their words have endured through the decades, becoming the classics of a movement. Together, these books show the richness of environmental thought, and point the way to a fairer, saner, greener world.

  • av Kathryn Paige Harden
    224 - 343,-

    A provocative and timely case for how the science of genetics can help create a more just and equal societyIn recent years, scientists like Kathryn Paige Harden have shown that DNA makes us different, in our personalities and in our health-and in ways that matter for educational and economic success in our current society.In The Genetic Lottery, Harden introduces readers to the latest genetic science, dismantling dangerous ideas about racial superiority and challenging us to grapple with what equality really means in a world where people are born different. Weaving together personal stories with scientific evidence, Harden shows why our refusal to recognize the power of DNA perpetuates the myth of meritocracy, and argues that we must acknowledge the role of genetic luck if we are ever to create a fair society.Reclaiming genetic science from the legacy of eugenics, this groundbreaking book offers a bold new vision of society where everyone thrives, regardless of how one fares in the genetic lottery.

  • - The Truth About Low-Carb, High-Fat Eating
    av Gary Taubes


    De helsefremmende og sykdomsskapende sosiale faktorene boken omtaler, spenner fra oppvekstforhold og livshistorie, via sosiale nettverk, nærmiljø og levekår til samfunnsmessige forhold. Egne kapitler diskuterer ulikheter i helse ut fra sosioøkonomisk status, kjønn og etnisk bakgrunn. Dette kobles sammen med nyere forståelser av hvordan sosial påvirkning «kommer under huden» og bidrar til sykdomsfremkallende forandringer i kroppen. Endelig diskuteres hvordan kunnskapen om sosiale helsedeterminanter kan omsettes i praksis gjennom det nye folkehelsearbeidet.Boken henvender seg til studenter innenfor medisin og helsefag, men også til studenter innenfor sosialfagutdanningene og de stadig flere tverrfaglige studietilbudene i helsefremmende arbeid. Også helsepersonell vil kunne ha glede av å bli oppdatert på dette spennende fagfeltet.Anmelderne sier: "Dette er en stor bok – både i bokstavelig forstand og innholdsmessig. En solid gjennomgang av en tematikk som over de siste tiårene er blitt stadig mer overbevisende og vesentlig både for faget medisin, for forskere fra ulike fagfelt i samfunnet, for politikere og ikke minst for befolkningens ve og vel." Eli Berg, Utposten. “Resultatet er en solid bok med oppdatert kunnskap om sosiale forskjeller i sykelighet og dødelighet. (...) Jeg tenker at temaet er viktig for alle leger med interesse for hvorfor noen blir syke og andre ikke, og jeg vil klart anbefale boken til alle interesserte kolleger uansett spesialitet.” Les anmeldelsen hos Tidsskriftet hos den norske legeforening."Den kan gjerne leses av alle som skal jobbe i eller med helsesektoren, og kanskje kan den bidra til å sette søkelyset på myndighetenes ansvar for å rette opp grunnleggende ulikheter i samfunnet. Jeg kan vanskelig forestille meg at noen leser denne boken uten å gjøre seg noen tanker om sin egen fremtidige helsestatus." Les anmeldelsen på Se innholdsfortegnelsen her: ]]>

  • - en mors historie om autisme og ADHD
    av Gro Raugland

    Tims tidlige historie ligner den til mange andre autister: Fra fødselen av var han en normal gutt med fin utvikling, før han i tre års-alderen begynte snakke dårligere, trekke seg inn i seg selv og sakte, men sikkert mistet evnen til sosialt samvær.Moren, Gro Raugland, oppsøkte alle mulige legeinstanser for å få hjelp, ikke minst da autist- og ADHD-diagnosene var et faktum. Hun ville ikke akseptere legenes dom og startet et kappløp mot utviklingen av Tims sykdom og kjempet mot både helsevesen og skole.I denne boken forteller hun den rørende historien om hvordan det føles å «miste» barnet sitt, å oppleve at han forandrer seg til en fjern, forvirret og dysfunksjonell gutt som av det norske helsevesenet ble rådet til sterk medisinering.I tillegg formidler Gro den mest aktuelle forskningen om autisme og ADHD: Hun har samlet sentral og viktig informasjon via Amy Yasko og Rosemary Wearings teorier, sterkt støttet av Karl Ludvig Reichelt. På klargjørende vis belyser hun hvordan autister, ved å legge om kostholdet og følge en streng diett, har mulighet til sterk bedring - og i Tims tilfelle, normal livsførsel. Fremgangsmåten kaller hun TIM-modellen. TIM - en mors historie om autisme og ADHD viser at det finnes en naturlig vei ut av autismen.

  • - How to Heal Our Land and Reclaim Our Health
    av David R. (University of Washington) Montgomery

    A call to action that underscores why the roots of good health start with how we farm

  • av Thomas Piketty
    223 - 312,-

    The world's leading economist of inequality presents a short but sweeping and surprisingly optimistic history of human progress toward equality despite crises, disasters, and backsliding, a perfect introduction to the ideas developed in his monumental earlier books.It is easy to be pessimistic about inequality. We know it has increased dramatically in many parts of the world over the past two generations. No one has done more to reveal the problem than Thomas Piketty. Now, in this surprising and powerful new work, Piketty reminds us that the grand sweep of history gives us reasons to be optimistic. Over the centuries, he shows, we have been moving toward greater equality.Piketty guides us with elegance and concision through the great movements that have made the modern world for better and worse: the growth of capitalism, revolutions, imperialism, slavery, wars, and the building of the welfare state. It's a history of violence and social struggle, punctuated by regression and disaster. But through it all, Piketty shows, human societies have moved fitfully toward a more just distribution of income and assets, a reduction of racial and gender inequalities, and greater access to health care, education, and the rights of citizenship.Our rough march forward is political and ideological, an endless fight against injustice. To keep moving, Piketty argues, we need to learn and commit to what works, to institutional, legal, social, fiscal, and educational systems that can make equality a lasting reality. At the same time, we need to resist historical amnesia and the temptations of cultural separatism and intellectual compartmentalization. At stake is the quality of life for billions of people.We know we can do better, Piketty concludes. The past shows us how. The future is up to us.

  • - Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation
    av Ayelet Fishbach
    161 - 246,99

    The perfect guide to mastering your motivations.

  • av Ollivier Pourriol

  • av Michael Ignatieff
    164 - 244,-

    From renowned intellectual and historian Michael Ignatieff comes a moving portrait of artists, writers, politicians, emperors, and poets overcoming tragedy and crisis an ancient tradition of consolation which will resonate with readers in our turbulent times.

  • av Walter Benjamin

    Collected here are "Franz Kafka," "Karl Kraus," and "The Author as Producer," the meditation "A Berlin Chronicle," discussions of photography and the French writer, and previously untranslated pieces on such subjects as language and memory, theological criticism and literary history, astrology and the newspaper, Valery, Hitler, and Mickey Mouse.

  • - The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning
    av Paul Bloom
    257 - 394,-

    1 517,-

    *2022 Nautilus Book Award Gold Medal Winner: Ecology & Environment *2022 Nautilus Book Award Special Honors as Best of Anthology For readers of Braiding Sweetgrass and The Overstory From The Center for Humans and Nature, a collection in five volumes: essays, interviews, poetry, and stories of solidarity that highlight the interdependence that exists between humans and nonhuman beings We live in an astounding world of relations. We share these ties that bind with our fellow humans--and we share these relations with nonhuman beings as well. From the bacterium swimming in your belly to the trees exhaling the breath you breathe, this community of life is our kin--and, for many cultures around the world, being human is based upon this extended sense of kinship. Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations is a lively series that explores our deep interconnections with the living world. More than 70 contributors--including Robin Wall Kimmerer, Richard Powers, David Abram, J. Drew Lanham, and Sharon Blackie--invite readers into cosmologies, narratives, and everyday interactions that embrace a more-than-human world as worthy of our response and responsibility. These diverse voices render a wide range of possibilities for becoming better kin. Contents: Planet What are the sources of our deepest evolutionary and planetary connections, and of our profound longing for kinship? Place To what extent does crafting a deeper connection with the Earth's bioregions reinvigorate a sense of kinship with the place-based beings, systems, and communities that mutually shape one another? Partners How do relations between and among different species foster a sense of responsibility and belonging in us? Persons Which experiences expand our understanding of being human in relation to other-than-human beings? Practice What are the practical, everyday, and lifelong ways we become kin? From the recognition of nonhumans as persons to the care of our kinfolk through language and action, Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations is a guide and companion into the ways we can deepen our care and respect for the family of plants, rivers, mountains, animals, and others who live with us in this exuberant, life-generating, planetary tangle of relations. Proceeds from sales of Kinship benefit the nonprofit, non-partisan Center for Humans and Nature, which partners with some of the brightest minds to explore human responsibilities to each other and the more-than-human world. The Center brings together philosophers, ecologists, artists, political scientists, anthropologists, poets and economists, among others, to think creatively about a resilient future for the whole community of life.

  • av J. B. Mackinnon

  • - The Soul of Japan
    av Inazo Nitobe

    Bushido is the chivalric code of moral principles that the Samurai followed: rectitude, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honour and loyalty. Beautifully produced in traditional Chinese binding, Bushido Illustrated will appeal to anyone interested in leadership, the code of the Samurai and Japanese culture.

  • - Including a Step-by-Step Translation
    av Lao Tzu

    The Dao De Jing (also called the Tao Te Ching) was written more than 2,500 years ago and is considered one of the most important books in world literature. Coming in at only 5,000 Chinese characters, its timeless wisdom has inspired millions of people around the world and serves as one of the cornerstones of the Taoist religion.It has been translated into English many, many times, but this new work by the best-selling writing team of Jeff Pepper and Xiao Hui Wang is much more than a translation. The authors have taken the unusual step of not just giving you the English translation, but also showing, word by word, how one gets from the original Chinese characters to the English version.Each of the 81 short chapters contains a beautiful English translation, followed by a word-by-word and line-by-line breakdown of the chapter, showing the original Chinese, the pinyin (phonetic spelling in English characters), a word-for-word literal translation into English, and occasional helpful notes to help the reader better understand the translation. The result is a book that can be read casually, or studied carefully, or anything in between.This new translation expresses the DDJ in simple language that anyone can access. In their Authors' Notes they say: "This is a book for ordinary people, not scholars. Many DDJ translations have been created by scholars for other scholars, and while we have studied many of them and owe a debt of gratitude to those scholars, we feel that the DDJ's message is simple, practical and universal, and we want everyone to have the chance to benefit from it. We try to follow the guidance of Laozi in Chapter 70, who tells us, in his usual elliptical way: "My words are very easy to understand, very easy to practice. In this world, they can't be understood, and can't be practiced."It's impossible to do a 100% literal translation of the DDJ. Ordinary modern Chinese is quite different from Western languages, and the language used in this book is even more different. To start with, the original DDJ is extremely compact. Its verses have very few connecting words, forcing the reader to think deeply about the verse in order to tease out its underlying meaning or meanings. Some words can, depending on context, serve as nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs. Verbs in Chinese generally have no past, present or future tense, nouns have no gender (male/female), and no number (singular/plural). And to make things even more difficult, helpful little words like prepositions and pronouns are often missing entirely. As a result, translating literally from Chinese to English usually results in gibberish. Pepper and Wang have added just enough connecting words so that the sentence makes sense, while still expressing Laozi's thoughts as concisely as possible. They've also tried really hard to avoid the temptation to add things that weren't already there in order to make the sentence more readable.A Pocket Edition of this book is also available. The Pocket Edition contains only the English translation, not the original Chinese or the detailed translation notes. It's only 114 pages vs. 380 pages, and it's a smaller size (5"x8" instead of 6"x9"), making it a better fit for the pants pocket.

  • - For More Than Human-Centered Worlds
    av Ron Wakkary

    How posthumanist design enables a world in which humans share center stage with nonhumans, with whom we are entangled.Over the past forty years, designers have privileged human values such that human-centered design is seen as progressive. Yet because all that is not human has been depleted, made extinct, or put to human use, today's design contributes to the existential threat of climate change and the ongoing extinctions of other species. In Things We Could Design, Ron Wakkary argues that human-centered design is not the answer to our problems but is itself part of the problem. Drawing on philosophy, design theory, and numerous design works, he shows the way to a relational and expansive design based on humility and cohabitation. Wakkary says that design can no longer ignore its exploitation of nonhuman species and the materials we mine for and reduce to human use. Posthumanism, he argues, enables a rethinking of design that displaces the human at the center of thought and action. Weaving together posthumanist philosophies with design, he describes what he calls things--nonhumans made by designers--and calls for a commitment to design with more than human participation. Wakkary also focuses on design as "nomadic practices"--a multiplicity of intentionalities and situated knowledges that shows design to be expansive and pluralistic. He calls his overall approach "designing-with": the practice of design in a world in which humans share center stage with nonhumans, and in which we are bound together materially, ethically, and existentially.

  • - The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain
    av David Eagleman

    A remarkable account of the brain's plasticity, from the internationally bestselling author

  • - A Critical Edition
    av Walter Benjamin
    287 - 1 171,-

  • - How to Make Big Things Happen
    av Damon Centola
    194 - 225,-

    How do you change someone's mind? How do you stop bad habits? A bold new theory about the way ideas and behaviours spread (and can be altered) from the world's leading expert, Professor Damon Centola

  • av Carl Zimmer

    Acclaimed &i>New York Times&/i> science writer Carl Zimmer investigates what current science has to say on the most fundamental of questions: what is life? What does it mean to be alive?

  • - Manufacturing Discontent and Resistance
    av Noam Chomsky & Marv Waterstone

  • - For an Alternative Hedonism
    av Kate Soper
    184 - 244,-

    An urgent and passionate plea for a new and ecologically sustainable vision of the good life.

  • av Hannah Arendt

  • - The Pursuit of Happiness 1680-1790
    av Ritchie Robertson

    av Professor Matthew Cobb

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