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  • av Julie Bassett

    The perfect guide to getting your personal finances in order, The Budgeting Journal is undated and can be started at any point in the year. Packed with tips and advice for how to keep on top of a budget and find peace of mind through managing your money.

  • av Dan Ariely

    'Thoughtful, moving and well-written' - Yuval Noah Harari'An urgent examination of the human attraction to misinformation' - Daniel H. PinkMisinformation affects us daily, from social media to politics and even personal relationships. Policing social media alone cannot solve the complex problem shaped by partisan politics and subjective interpretations of truth.In Misbelief social scientist Dan Ariely explores the behaviour of 'misbelief' that leads people to distrust accepted truths and embrace conspiracy theories. Misinformation taps into something innate in all of us, regardless of political affiliation. By understanding this psychology, we can mitigate its effects. Grounded in research and Ariely's personal experience as a target of disinformation, the book analyses the psychological drivers behind adopting irrational beliefs. Ariely reveals the emotional, cognitive, personality, and social elements that drive people towards false information and mistrust.Despite advanced AI generating convincing fake news, Ariely offers hope. Awareness of the forces fuelling misbelief makes individuals and society more resilient. Combating misbelief requires empathy, not conflict. Recognising misbelief as a human problem allows us to be part of the solution.

  • av Joe Wicks

  • av Ruth C. (Clark Training and Consulting) Clark & Richard E. (University of Santa Barbara) Mayer

  • av Vijay Kanabar

    In a world where technology is rapidly evolving, the fusion of project management and artificial intelligence stands at the forefront of innovation. The AI Revolution in Project Management delves deep into the transformative power of generative AI tools that promise to reshape industries, and revolutionize how we manage projects. Whether you're looking to build dynamic teams using AI, choose a project development approach, or monitor project performance, this book has got you covered. Each chapter provides insightful narratives and includes a supplemental Technical Guide that provides tips on using the AI technology. With case studies and prompts, the dialogues showcase AI in action, from stakeholder engagement to risk management. Dive in with experts whove spent countless hours using these AI tools in project scenarios to offer a transparent view into generative AI-driven project management. In this book you'll learn: How to create prompts that generate meaningful and actionable insights tailored for your projects When to use AI to enhance decision-making, super-charge productivity, and elevate overall project efficiency Which generative AI models and plug-ins to use for specific project scenarios, ensuring seamless integration and maximum efficiency "AI is not just a buzzword; its a tool reshaping how we manage projects and engage with stakeholders." - From the Foreward by Ricardo Viana Vargas, Ph.D. Ricardo is an experienced leader in global operations, project management, business transformation, and crisis management. As founder and managing director of Macrosolutions, a consulting firm with international operations in energy, infrastructure, IT, oil, and finance, he managed more than $20 billion in international projects in the past 25 years. UpdateAs AI products continue to evolve, information published in this book may change. Please note that as of February 2024, there is a name change for Bing Chat and Bard Chat.Microsoft Bing Chat is now Copilot: Google Bard is now Gemini:

  • av Jo Ingold

    Active labour market policies aim to assist people not in work into work through a range of interventions including job search, training and in-work support and development. While policies and scholarship predominantly focus on jobseekers' engagement with these initiatives, this book sheds light for the first time on the employer's perspective.

  • av Matt Watkinson & Csaba Konkoly
    174 - 258,-

  • av Håvar Brattli, Niels Frederik Garmann-Johnsen & Alexander Utne

    Design thinking har vokst seg fram til å bli en av verdens mest populære metodikker for innovasjon og nyskapning. Disse metodene og prinsippene brukes i dag av store og små organisasjoner, i en rekke ulike bransjer, for å utvikle produkter, tjenester, prosesser og andre typer løsninger. I en verden preget av globalisering, høy konkurranse, kravstore kunder, teknologiske muligheter, men også betydelige utfordringer relatert til bærekraft og miljø, er design thinking som innovasjonsmetodikk mer aktuell enn noen gang. Dette er den første norske læreboken om design thinking. Boken gir en praktisk innføring i metodene og de ulike fasene og prinsippene som design thinking baserer seg på, og den kombinerer faglig teori med konkrete verktøy og eksempler. Vårt mål er at du kan bruke den som et veikart i ditt eget innovasjonsarbeid. Boken retter seg mot studenter, gründere, ledere, konsulenter, markedsførere og andre som jobber med innovasjon og utvikling. Det kreves ingen spesielle forkunnskaper, verken for at du skal forstå innholdet i boken, eller for at du skal kunne ta i bruk design thinking-metodikken.

  • av Alex Cowan
    432 - 445,-

  • av Jamal Ahmed

    Are you grappling with the complexities of the GDPR? Struggling to translate its principles into actionable steps for your business? You're not alone. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has transformed how organizations worldwide handle personal data, often making it feel like an intimidating challenge for professionals across all levels.The rapidly evolving data landscape and the expanded responsibilities for professionals require a deep understanding of GDPR principles, practical implementation, and compliance monitoring. Failure to understand and implement GDPR principles can lead to severe fines, not to mention damage to your business's reputation. But GDPR compliance isn't just about avoiding penalties-it's an opportunity to prove your credibility, to shine in your field, and to protect your clients' personal data.Enter "The Easy Peasy Guide to the GDPR" - your key to unlocking the mystery of GDPR compliance. With this unique 'easy peasy' approach, this guide turns legal complexities into actionable insights, providing you with a clear path to GDPR mastery. It simplifies the convoluted legal language, making GDPR accessible, engaging, and most importantly, implementable.This guide is designed to: Demystify GDPR: Break down the complexities and unravel the confusion, leaving you with a clear understanding and practical implementation of GDPR principles.Ignite Confidence: Say goodbye to self-doubt and impostor syndrome. Step into your true potential as a confident and credible GDPR professional. Master Intricacies: Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate the intricate GDPR landscape with ease. Make informed decisions and provide expert guidance confidently. Rise Above the Crowd: Position yourself as the go-to GDPR expert in your field. Shine brightly as a beacon of knowledge amidst a sea of uncertainty.Ascend to Authority: Elevate your professional reputation and gain recognition. Set yourself apart from the rest with your deep understanding and practical application of GDPR principles."The Easy Peasy Guide to the GDPR" is more than just a book; it's a transformative journey, guiding you from GDPR confusion to GDPR mastery. It empowers you to safeguard personal data, foster a culture of privacy, and enhance your professional stature.Let's make GDPR easy peasy, together!Don't just comply with GDPR; master it, the easy peasy way! Grab your copy now

  • av Bjørn Kristian Rudaa

    Lokale lønnsforhandlinger inneholder en rekke konkrete råd og tips for tillitsvalgte som forbereder seg til lokale lønnsforhandlinger. Den gir en grunnleggende innføring i bedriftsøkonomi, et vesentlig verktøy i forhandlingssituasjoner. Boka dekker også andre viktige aspekter ved lokale lønnsforhandlinger, som lønnspolitikk og lønnsdannelsen i privat sektor. Mye av innholdet er basert på samtaler med tillitsvalgte fra ulike fagforbund. Hvert hovedavsnitt i boka har en overskrift formulert som et spørsmål og inngår i innholdsfortegnelsen. Dette gjør boka til en praktisk oppslagsbok. Spørsmålene reflekterer de utfordringene tillitsvalgte møter i drøftinger og lønnsforhandlinger, og introduserer kanskje også nye spørsmål som kan stimulere til refleksjon. Boka er primært rettet mot tillitsvalgte i privat sektor og i offentlig eide selskaper. Den vil også være av interesse for arbeidsgivere som deltar i drøftinger og lokale lønnsforhandlinger, samt for styremedlemmer i bedrifter.

  • av Thomas Hoholm & Kari J. Kværner

    Den norske befolkningen eldes, og hver enkelt av oss lever stadig lenger. Flere får livsstilssykdommer, samtidig som forventningene til helsehjelp vokser. Til tross for økende helsebudsjetter øker gapet mellom hva det er penger til og hva som er ønskelig og mulig å gjennomføre. Blant de største samfunnsutfordringene er et sterkt voksende behov for arbeidskraft i helsevesenet og et voldsomt press på dem som allerede arbeider der. Vi må tenke smartere om helsesektoren i fremtiden, og vi må basere utviklingsarbeidet på dokumenterte metoder og relevante erfaringer.Håndbok i helseinnovasjon gir deg verktøyene du trenger for å bidra til innovasjon i helsetjenesten, og gir praktiske råd om hvordan man involverer menneskene som er berørt av tjenestene, hvorfor og hvordan man kan ta de rette beslutningene underveis, å navigere gjennom en offentlig anskaffelse, og å dokumentere spor av endringer mens de skjer.De enkle og gode verktøyene bygger på forskningsbaserte samarbeidsprosjekter med store og små partnere fra kommuner, sykehus, næringsliv og akademia, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt.Håndbok i helseinnovasjon samler forskning utført av forskere fra Handelshøyskolen BI, Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo, Institutt for informatikk ved Universitet i Oslo, Akershus universitetssykehus og Oslo universitetssykehus. Forskerne og de andre partnerne har tilhørt Senter for fremtidig helse (C3), et senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon (SFI) finansiert av Norges forskningsråd i perioden 2015-2023.Bokens redaktører, Kari J. Kværner og Thomas Hoholm, er anerkjente forskere og innovatører i feltet. Med Håndbok i helseinnovasjon deler de effektive måter å stimulere til helseinnovasjon i praksis på. Boken er nyttig både for deg som arbeider i helsetjenesten, i sykehus og i helseforvaltningen. Den er for deg som ønsker å skape gode helsetjenester og som vil vite mer om hvordan du kan bidra til innovasjon og endring i helsesektoren.

  • av Howard Steven Friedman

    This book is a compelling and comprehensive guide to data science, emphasizing its real-world business applications and focusing on how to collaborate productively with data science teams.

  • av Peter Ries

    Guide clients through a NetSuite implementation with the latest features in 2023 including gathering requirements, setting up the basics, creating custom automations, and importing data with SuiteQLKey Features:Pick up the best ways to identify a client's needs by asking the right questions in the initial interviews.Explore the new features in NetSuite 2023, including the Supply Chain Control Tower for managing inventory and gathering performance reports.Avoid pitfalls and get the implementation right first time by following the advice of a Consulting Technical Director at Oracle NetSuite.Book Description:ERP and CRM consultants can effectively implement NetSuite for a client organization with the aid of NetSuite for Consultants, revised with the latest features and best practices for NetSuite 2023.After reading this book, you'll have a thorough understanding of how to configure the NetSuite ecosystem for any business. You'll learn how to apply new features such as the Manufacturing Mobile application, NetSuite budgeting features, and tools for handling rebates and trade promotions. This edition also includes expanded coverage of technical topics such as SuiteQL and the SuiteTalk REST API.Understanding what a business requires is a crucial first step toward completing any software product deployment, and this NetSuite guide will teach you how to ask meaningful questions that ascertain which features, basic and new, you will need to configure for your client.Most importantly, you'll not only learn how to perform a NetSuite implementation; preparing clients to use the software confidently is the true test of a great consultant.What You Will Learn:Understand the NetSuite ecosystem, including the platform, its primary modules, and associated featuresLearn how to gather and document requirements, including understanding an organization's industry, transactions, and peopleLearn about the methodologies that go into creating a project plan for a NetSuite implementationFulfill client requirements with expanded coverage on managing employees, customer projects, and budgetingDiscover how to create custom automations and perform data migration with SuiteQL scriptsPerform integrations with expanded coverage on how we use the REST API for business purposesRecognize the procedures for testing and developmentRefine your skills with NetSuite tips and tricks and make each implementation process a successWho this book is for:This book is aimed at new NetSuite consultants who are tasked with guiding an organization through their NetSuite implementation. To make the most out of this book, you are expected to have already completed the basic NetSuite Foundations training course.

  • av Adam Grant

    "We live in a world that's obsessed with talent. We celebrate gifted students in school, natural athletes in sports, and child prodigies in music. But admiring people who start out with innate advantages leads us to overlook the distance we ourselves can travel. We underestimate the range of skills that we can learn and the amount of ground that we can gain. When opportunity doesn't knock, there are ways to to build a door. Hidden Potential offers a new framework for reaching aspirations and exceeding expectations. Realizing potential isn't about being a workaholic or a perfectionist. What matters most is not how hard we work, but how well we learn. It's not about being a genius-growth depends more on developing character skills than cognitive skills. The character skills that propel progress include the proactivity to absorb and adapt to new information, the courage to embrace discomfort, and the determination to find the beauty in imperfections. Mastering those skills doesn't require us to find the one perfect mentor or expert coach to guide us. Often we just need to borrow a compass to begin charting our own path. And we can clear the path for more people by building better systems of opportunity in our schools, teams, and workplaces. Many writers have chronicled the habits of superstars who accomplish great things. This book breaks new ground by revealing how anyone can rise to achieve greater things. The true measure of your potential isn't the height of the peak you reach, but how far you climb to get there"--

  • av Dan Carter
    142 - 323,-

    Ten timeless truths on leadership, purpose and potential - from the unique culture of the All Blacks, and the mind of a living legend.You might think success at the highest level insulates you from self-doubt.But nothing could be further from the truth.In this book, I take you inside a journey that has forced me to look inwardly in a way I've never had to before. It's been challenging, frustrating, rewarding and left me full of gratitude.Whether you're a leader on a steep learning curve, a person navigating change in their life or just someone of any age trying to get that little bit better every day, I hope that my experience can spur you on to greater heights.For the first time, sporting legend Dan Carter distils his two decades at the frontiers of high-performance into his 'perfect ten' lessons.You won't find conventional wisdom here, but hard-learned truths, including:- Why great leaders are made, not born, and why they must constantly evolve- How to forge a winning team culture- Why embracing your past can be every bit as important as looking towards your future- Why empowering others leads to the best decisions- Why confidence and self-belief are nothing without humility and a beginner's mindsetHonest, surprising and inspiring, The Art of Winning converts a legendary career into timeless lessons for readers in any walk of life. Step inside the unique culture of the All Blacks - and inside the mind of a legend.

  • av Jasper Steinhausen

    Addressing common questions and misconceptions about the cost of sustainability, Making Sustainability Profitable takes you through the five core principles of the Impact Blueprint that will boost your company's sustainability credentials and profitability.

  • av Dina Aziz

    'Ramadan isn't just about not eating for prolonged periods of time, it's about working on ourselves - our character and imaan - and setting goals, replacing bad habits and working on our spirituality. It's a time to focus on personal growth and to help others where we can.' - Dina Aziz____________________________________________________________The month of Ramadan is a time for reflection, self-improvement, personal growth, and of heightened devotion and worship, but the pressures and stresses of day-to-day life can sometimes make it feel hard to keep track of all your good intentions. From suhoor to iftar and beyond, The Ramadan Planner is here to help guide you through the month of Ramadan. Full of helpful checklists, reminders, journal prompts, and spaces to reflect - whether you're fasting or exempt - get ready to track your progress through the holiest month:Set and keep track of your goals for the month aheadCheck-in on your mood and mental healthFast mindfully and plan your suhoor and iftar mealsStay focused on your goals and good intentionsKeep track of your prayers for each dayMake a list of du'as and note down your good deedsCreate space to reflect on the highs and lowsPrepare for Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations Schedule your day to make the most of the month________________________________________________________What readers are saying about The Ramadan Planner:"So amazing that I wanted to share it with my family and friends""Incredible . . . I have been looking for something like this for a long time""The best! It's made Ramadan easier for me and many others""This has made a massive difference in how I'm using the days of Ramadan""So easy to follow . . . I don't know what I would have done without it""Using this planner is the most productive and closest to God I have been for any Ramadan"

  • av Natasha Oakley
    156 - 294,-

  • av Volker Viechtbauer

    From the outside, logotherapy and Red Bull seem to have little in common. Yet both worlds are based on the same principles: freedom, self-responsibility, and an unwavering creative drive. Volker Viechtbauer, long-time confidant of Dietrich Mateschitz, shows us how Frankl's humanism aligns with the Red Bull founder's philosophy of life. With this, he not only provides insight into the culture of Red Bull, but also highlights how Frankl laid the foundation for purpose- and talent-oriented entrepreneurship and a modern working world defined by self-responsibility.

  • av Gene Kim

    Gene Kim and Steven J. Spear, DBA, combine their decades of experience and research to offer a new business dynamic in the digital age.

  • av Ali Abdaal
    160 - 273,-


    This upper-level open access textbook uses an interdisciplinary perspective to discuss the ¿what and why¿ of public procurement, providing insight into the ¿how¿ of contemporary procurement in the public sector. The authors use theories and exemplary practices to show the next generation of public procurement professionals how public value can be created via the acquisition of works, supplies, or services by organizations operating in the public domain. Perfectly tailored to university students in public administration, law, economics, or management and those in executive education, the book first describes and explains the public procurement process, the concept of public value, the legal context of procurement and how the procurement function is organized in public organizations. The book subsequently explains how a procurement policy can be developed and translated into a procurement strategy, how tenders can be organized, suppliers selected, and contracts designed and evaluated. A final discussion chapter addresses the changes and developments in public procurement and how public procurement is moving forward. The reader of this innovative and accessible book will therefore not only learn what public procurement entails, but also how they can become a professional change agent in the field of public procurement. Forward-thinking and comprehensive, this book offers ideal reading for anyone interested in public procurement.

  • av John Willis

    "This is not a biography. This is a story of discovery From the birth of modern industry, to winning WWII, to Japan's Economic Miracle, W. Edwards Deming helped shape some of the most profound moments in modern history. Deming, an American engineer and statistician, is widely recognized for his contributions to the field of quality management. But his teachings go beyond quality management; they influence not only how we work today, but also how we can continue to succeed into the future. Part business history, part biography, part journey into deep business sense, author John Willis captures the full picture of Deming's life and influence. Most importantly, it reveals the experiences that led to Deming's greatest discovery: the System of Profound Knowledge, a collection of fundamental truths that show how any system or process can be transformed into something greater. From the real-life Rosie the Riveter to a hacker writing US cybersecurity law, Deming's ingenuity and system of thinking changed how we think in the modern world. This book shows how we can take that influence and continue to apply it our own future"--

  • av Niall Downey

    Niall Downey brings you the go-to guide for error management for your business and every day life."I am thirty miles south of London's Gatwick Airport, the world's busiest single-runway airport, when one of the seven Flight Control computers in my Airbus A320 aircraft fails..."So begins this pioneering book by Niall Downey - a cardio-thoracic surgeon who retrained to become a commercial airline pilot - where he uses his expertise in medicine and aviation to explore the critical issue of managing human error. With further examples from business, politics, sport, technology, education and other fields, Downey makes a powerful case that by following some clear guidelines any organization can greatly reduce the incidence and impact of making serious mistakes.While acknowledging that in our fast-paced world getting things wrong is impossible to avoid completely, Downey offers a strategy based on current best practice that can make a massive difference. He concludes with an aviation-style Safety Management System that can be hugely helpful in preventing avoidable catastrophes from occurring.An acknowledged expert in error management, Niall Downey advises governments, major corporations and the health industry on how to develop a systemic approach to controlling for human imperfection. Arguing that prevention is far preferable to denying responsibility after the fact, he gave an influential TEDx talk outlining how healthcare could use aviation's experience to reduce tragic outcomes and improve patient safety.

  • av Edwina Dunn

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