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  • - Secrets - How to Start a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business and Generate Passive Income Online, Even as a Complete Beginner
    av Chandler Wright
    228 - 260,-

  • - Simplified - The Fundamentals, Psychology, Trading Tools, Risk Control, Money Management, And Proven Strategies (Stock Market Investing for Beginners)
    av Mark Lowe
    215 - 250,-

  • - Faster, Smarter User Experience Research and Design
    av Laura Klein

    With this practical, hands-on book, you'll learn how to do it faster and smarter using Lean UX techniques. UX expert Laura Klein shows you what it takes to gather valuable input from customers, build something they'll truly love, and reduce the time it takes to get your product to market.

  • - Discover the secrets of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time
    av George Berkowski

    THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO BUILDING AN APP-BASED BUSINESS 'A must read for anyone who wants to start a mobile app business' Riccardo Zacconi, founder and CEO King Digital (maker of Candy Crush Saga) 'A fascinating deep dive into the world of billion-dollar apps. Essential reading for anyone trying to build the next must-have app' Michael Acton Smith, Founder and CEO, Mind Candy Apps have changed the way we communicate, shop, play, interact and travel and their phenomenal popularity has presented possibly the biggest business opportunity in history.In How to Build a Billion Dollar App, serial tech entrepreneur George Berkowski gives you exclusive access to the secrets behind the success of the select group of apps that have achieved billion-dollar success.Berkowski draws exclusively on the inside stories of the billion-dollar app club members, including Instagram, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Candy Crush and Uber to provide all the information you need to create your own spectacularly successful mobile business. He guides you through each step, from an idea scribbled on the back of an envelope, through to finding a cofounder, building a team, attracting (and keeping) millions of users, all the way through to juggling the pressures of being CEO of a billion-dollar company (and still staying ahead of the competition).If you've ever dreamed of quitting your nine to five job to launch your own company, you're a gifted developer, seasoned entrepreneur or just intrigued by mobile technology, How to Build a Billion Dollar App will show you what it really takes to create your own billion-dollar, mobile business.

  • - How Great Entrepreneurs Exit Their Companies on Top
    av Bo Burlingham

    Bo Burlingham, the bestselling author of Small Giants, returns with Finish Big, an original guide to exiting your company successfully and gracefully.No two exit experiences are exactly alike. Some people wind up happy with the process and satisfied with the way it turned out, while others look back on it as a nightmare. The question I hope to answer in this book is why. What did the people with 'good' exits do differently from those who'd had 'bad' exits?'Bo Burlingham's first book Small Giants became an instant classic for its original take on a common business problem: how to handle the pressure to grow. Now he is back to tackle an even more common problem: how to exit your company well.Sooner or later, all businesses get sold, given away, or liquidated. Whatever your preferred outcome, if you start planning for it while you still have time and options, you can build a stronger, more resilient company with a higher market value. Unfortunately, most don't - and they pay a steep price for their procrastination.Through dozens of interviews with entrepreneurs across a range of industries, Burlingham identifies eight key factors that determine whether owners leave their businesses happily. He showcases the insights, exits and cautionary tales of entrepreneurs across an array of industries including manufacturing, food and services. Finish Big is an illuminating and inspirational guide to one of the most stressful, and yet potentially rewarding, processes business owners must go through.Bo Burlingham is the author of Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big, a finalist for the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year in 2006. An editor at large at Inc., he has reported on the entrepreneurial revolution in America since the early 1980s and has witnessed up close the birth and development of the companies that have reshaped our world.

  • - Building Your Business From Start to Success
    av Lars (The Fantastic Corporation Tvede

    Entrepreneur beschreibt die grundlegenden Schritte beim Aufbau eines Unternehmens und richtet sich an Neugründer, bestehende Startups, Manager in Unternehmen, die sich neu aufstellen müssen. Sie lernen, wie man erfolgreiche Startup-Ideen entwickelt und in überlebensfähige Geschäftsmodelle überführt, Kapital aufbringt, erstklassige Teams aufbaut, das Unternehmen expandiert, am Markt wettbewerbsfähig agiert, Allianzen eingeht, das Unternehmen gesund erhält und letztlich Gewinn macht.

  • av Ashlee Vance

    From his humble beginnings in apartheid South Africa, he showed himself to be an exceptionally bright child, and overcame brutal bullying to become the world's most exciting entrepreneur, founding PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla and Solar City. He has emerged as something of a superhero-like figure for today's generation of children.

  • av Victionary

    New in the Brandlife series, showcasing some of the most stunning boutigue hotels and hostels

  • - An Entrepreneur's Quest to Educate the World's Children
    av John Wood

    In 1998 John Wood was a rising executive at Microsoft . Then a trip to Nepal inspired him to set up schools and libraries in the developing world.

  • av Jennifer Schielke
    249 - 346,-

  • av Gino Wickman

    "Gino Wickman, bestselling author of Traction, teams up with mindfulness expert Rob Dube to share their journeys and help readers strike a crucial balance between their inner and outer worlds while taking their success to new heights. With a self-assessment survey, a rich resource guide, and prompts for reflection at the end of every chapter, Shine is a groundbreaking approach to work-life balance and peace of mind"--

  • av Håvar Brattli, Niels Frederik Garmann-Johnsen & Alexander Utne

    Design thinking har vokst seg fram til å bli en av verdens mest populære metodikker for innovasjon og nyskapning. Disse metodene og prinsippene brukes i dag av store og små organisasjoner, i en rekke ulike bransjer, for å utvikle produkter, tjenester, prosesser og andre typer løsninger. I en verden preget av globalisering, høy konkurranse, kravstore kunder, teknologiske muligheter, men også betydelige utfordringer relatert til bærekraft og miljø, er design thinking som innovasjonsmetodikk mer aktuell enn noen gang. Dette er den første norske læreboken om design thinking. Boken gir en praktisk innføring i metodene og de ulike fasene og prinsippene som design thinking baserer seg på, og den kombinerer faglig teori med konkrete verktøy og eksempler. Vårt mål er at du kan bruke den som et veikart i ditt eget innovasjonsarbeid. Boken retter seg mot studenter, gründere, ledere, konsulenter, markedsførere og andre som jobber med innovasjon og utvikling. Det kreves ingen spesielle forkunnskaper, verken for at du skal forstå innholdet i boken, eller for at du skal kunne ta i bruk design thinking-metodikken.

  • av Jamal Ahmed

    Are you grappling with the complexities of the GDPR? Struggling to translate its principles into actionable steps for your business? You're not alone. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has transformed how organizations worldwide handle personal data, often making it feel like an intimidating challenge for professionals across all levels.The rapidly evolving data landscape and the expanded responsibilities for professionals require a deep understanding of GDPR principles, practical implementation, and compliance monitoring. Failure to understand and implement GDPR principles can lead to severe fines, not to mention damage to your business's reputation. But GDPR compliance isn't just about avoiding penalties-it's an opportunity to prove your credibility, to shine in your field, and to protect your clients' personal data.Enter "The Easy Peasy Guide to the GDPR" - your key to unlocking the mystery of GDPR compliance. With this unique 'easy peasy' approach, this guide turns legal complexities into actionable insights, providing you with a clear path to GDPR mastery. It simplifies the convoluted legal language, making GDPR accessible, engaging, and most importantly, implementable.This guide is designed to: Demystify GDPR: Break down the complexities and unravel the confusion, leaving you with a clear understanding and practical implementation of GDPR principles.Ignite Confidence: Say goodbye to self-doubt and impostor syndrome. Step into your true potential as a confident and credible GDPR professional. Master Intricacies: Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate the intricate GDPR landscape with ease. Make informed decisions and provide expert guidance confidently. Rise Above the Crowd: Position yourself as the go-to GDPR expert in your field. Shine brightly as a beacon of knowledge amidst a sea of uncertainty.Ascend to Authority: Elevate your professional reputation and gain recognition. Set yourself apart from the rest with your deep understanding and practical application of GDPR principles."The Easy Peasy Guide to the GDPR" is more than just a book; it's a transformative journey, guiding you from GDPR confusion to GDPR mastery. It empowers you to safeguard personal data, foster a culture of privacy, and enhance your professional stature.Let's make GDPR easy peasy, together!Don't just comply with GDPR; master it, the easy peasy way! Grab your copy now

  • av Thomas Hoholm & Kari J. Kværner

    Den norske befolkningen eldes, og hver enkelt av oss lever stadig lenger. Flere får livsstilssykdommer, samtidig som forventningene til helsehjelp vokser. Til tross for økende helsebudsjetter øker gapet mellom hva det er penger til og hva som er ønskelig og mulig å gjennomføre. Blant de største samfunnsutfordringene er et sterkt voksende behov for arbeidskraft i helsevesenet og et voldsomt press på dem som allerede arbeider der. Vi må tenke smartere om helsesektoren i fremtiden, og vi må basere utviklingsarbeidet på dokumenterte metoder og relevante erfaringer.Håndbok i helseinnovasjon gir deg verktøyene du trenger for å bidra til innovasjon i helsetjenesten, og gir praktiske råd om hvordan man involverer menneskene som er berørt av tjenestene, hvorfor og hvordan man kan ta de rette beslutningene underveis, å navigere gjennom en offentlig anskaffelse, og å dokumentere spor av endringer mens de skjer.De enkle og gode verktøyene bygger på forskningsbaserte samarbeidsprosjekter med store og små partnere fra kommuner, sykehus, næringsliv og akademia, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt.Håndbok i helseinnovasjon samler forskning utført av forskere fra Handelshøyskolen BI, Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo, Institutt for informatikk ved Universitet i Oslo, Akershus universitetssykehus og Oslo universitetssykehus. Forskerne og de andre partnerne har tilhørt Senter for fremtidig helse (C3), et senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon (SFI) finansiert av Norges forskningsråd i perioden 2015-2023.Bokens redaktører, Kari J. Kværner og Thomas Hoholm, er anerkjente forskere og innovatører i feltet. Med Håndbok i helseinnovasjon deler de effektive måter å stimulere til helseinnovasjon i praksis på. Boken er nyttig både for deg som arbeider i helsetjenesten, i sykehus og i helseforvaltningen. Den er for deg som ønsker å skape gode helsetjenester og som vil vite mer om hvordan du kan bidra til innovasjon og endring i helsesektoren.

  • av Volker Viechtbauer

    From the outside, logotherapy and Red Bull seem to have little in common. Yet both worlds are based on the same principles: freedom, self-responsibility, and an unwavering creative drive. Volker Viechtbauer, long-time confidant of Dietrich Mateschitz, shows us how Frankl's humanism aligns with the Red Bull founder's philosophy of life. With this, he not only provides insight into the culture of Red Bull, but also highlights how Frankl laid the foundation for purpose- and talent-oriented entrepreneurship and a modern working world defined by self-responsibility.

  • av Edwina Dunn

  • av Brian Grazer

    In this specially-combined edition with a new foreword, Academy Award-winning producer Brian Grazer and acclaimed author Charles Fishman blend their insights from the bestselling books A CURIOUS MIND and FACE TO FACE to transform the art of connecting with and through curiosity.

  • av Rupal Patel

  • av Dan McCrum

  • av Jenny Drew

  • av Tony Biasi

    For those looking for a compelling and complete guide to transforming one's life and living up to one's potential, this book is an absolute must-read. Author Tony Biasi offers a comprehensive look at utilizing Merkaba Mysticism, which focuses on self-discovery, improvement, and empowerment. Along the way, he shares his spiritual ideology, reveals secrets of success, and shares his life story. By applying the Merkaba model to everyday life, the author has been able to understand and harness the power of creative universal energy to achieve material success, spiritual growth, and development-and you can, too!Though the knowledge of defining and mastering one's reality has been systemically hidden and oppressed throughout the years, Biasi has synthesized it all here in this simple and incredibly gratifying guide. So, if you've been looking for a way to change your life, whether you want more money, freedom, or personal power, this spiritual self-development manual is the perfect choice.

  • av Paul A. Gompers & Steven N. Kaplan

  • av Matt Watkinson

    'Mandatory reading. Not just for company founders and leaders, but for anyone wanting to succeed in our ever-changing world.' Keith FerrazziWhat separates the world's most successful entrepreneurs and business tycoons from the rest? It's not their superhuman intelligence. It's something more fundamental: they understand how to turn uncertainty to their advantage.We all know that the future is inherently unknowable, and yet we behave and plan as though it is. Once we truly understand the nature of uncertainty, though, we can take practical steps to make the most of the opportunities that come our way. In Mastering Uncertainty award-winning author Matt Watkinson and investor and entrepreneur Csaba Konkoly offer a masterclass on the workings of luck and probability. They show how to calculate when to make big bets and when to pull back. And they offer supremely practical advice on how we can improve our odds, whether through maximising our networks, learning how to read warning signs, or assessing where best to place our energies.The unforeseen always occurs. Mastering Uncertainty shows you how to prepare for it and make the best use of it.

  • av Ken (Author) Valledy

    From angels to unicorns, the startup world has its own unique, and occasionally impenetrable language. If you're learning about entrepreneurship, thinking of starting or joining a startup or dipping your toes in the world of investing - the sheer number of acronyms, buzzwords and technical phrases used can leave people confused, bemused, or worse yet, embarrassed at the things they think they should know. That's where The Startup Lexicon comes in. With contributions from academics, founders, investors and people from the tech ecosystem, this book deciphers the hidden language of the startup world. With simple definitions of the most frequently used words, alongside stories that give more context and colour, the Startup Lexicon is an incredible primer for anyone interested in one of the biggest and fastest growing sectors in the business world. Whether you're in a boardroom or a classroom, or if you're just brushing up before an all-important investment or partnership meeting, the Startup Lexicon will act as your primer and reminder on everything from web3 to burn rate.

  • av Jack Welch & Suzy Wetlaufer
    145 - 394,-

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