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  • av Jacques Garin

    "Baby's First Football Book" is an engaging and visually stimulating black and white baby book designed to captivate the curiosity of young minds. This unique book is specifically crafted to introduce infants to the world of football through high contrast images, fostering early reading skills and visual development.Featuring captivating illustrations in bold black and white, this book is meticulously designed to capture the attention of babies during their early stages of visual perception. The high contrast images of balls, goals and football-related objects provide a mesmerizing experience, encouraging babies to explore and observe the world around them.As babies engage with the captivating visuals, they develop their cognitive skills, pattern recognition, and visual tracking abilities. This book's carefully chosen black and white images provide the perfect stimuli for their growing minds, stimulating their visual cortex and fostering neural connections.

  • av Sean Covey

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Guided Journal for Teens offers journal prompts, worksheets, and exercises to help you accomplish all your short and long-term goals.

  • - Viviendo En La Tierra De La Serie De Libros Sensoriales

    Abby El Caimán Necesita Que Le Apreten Las Manos es un libro diseñado para ayudar a enseñar la estrategia sensorial de apretar las manos, así como para equipar a los equipos de apoyo sobre cómo fomentar el crecimiento del lenguaje relacionado con las necesidades sensoriales. Este personaje, Abby, es como muchos niños que tienen las manos muy ocupadas y necesitan información sensorial adicional. Sensory Books de Lizzy, espera que te guste la historia de Abby y aprendas a calmar la información sensorial de las personas que anhelan información sensorial adicional en sus manos. Esta es una estrategia maravillosa para ayudar a brindar información calmante como parte de la rutina a la hora de acostarse y/o para mantener a los niños regulados durante todo el día.

  • - Diez Cuentos
    av Tony A Zhabsky

    Título: Mitos Íberos: Diez CuentosGénero: Ficción infantil.Sinopsis: Este libro transporta a los lectores a través de diez cautivadores cuentos basados en la rica mitología íbera, revelando historias de dioses, héroes y seres míticos que han moldeado la cultura de la península Ibérica. Desde valientes guerreros y sabios poetas hasta protectoras deidades y místicas criaturas, cada cuento es un viaje a un mundo donde la magia y la realidad se entrelazan.Personajes Principales: Cada cuento introduce personajes únicos y memorables, desde Aneirin y Branwen, hermanos guerreros, hasta Amílcar, el guardián de los secretos de Atlántida.Ambientación: Los cuentos se ubican en una variedad de lugares íberos, desde pueblos celtas en la presencia omnipresente de Lug hasta la legendaria Atlántida, presentando un panorama diverso de entornos naturales y culturales. Esta variedad de escenarios proporciona un rico fondo que abarca desde paisajes majestuosos hasta sitios históricos, añadiendo profundidad y autenticidad a cada narrativa.Temas: Los cuentos abordan temas universales como la valentía, la sabiduría, el respeto por la naturaleza, y la trascendencia del espíritu humano, todo ello enmarcado en el contexto de la cosmovisión íbera.Punto de Vista: Narrados desde una perspectiva omnisciente, los cuentos permiten una inmersión profunda en las emociones y pensamientos de los personajes.Estilo de Escritura: La prosa es rica y evocadora, diseñada para capturar la imaginación de los niños y transportarlos a un mundo de mitos y leyendas.Audiencia Objetivo: Principalmente dirigido a niños, este libro también cautivará a cualquier lector interesado en la mitología y la historia.Ilustraciones: Acompañando cada cuento, las ilustraciones capturan la esencia de los mitos íberos, enriqueciendo la narrativa y estimulando la imaginación.Impacto o Recepción: Se espera que este libro no solo entretenga, sino que también eduque a los lectores sobre el rico patrimonio cultural íbero, fomentando un aprecio por las leyendas y tradiciones del pasado.Comparaciones: Puede compararse con colecciones de mitología griega o nórdica adaptadas para niños, pero destaca por su enfoque en la menos conocida, aunque igualmente fascinante, mitología íbera.Motivos para Leerlo: Ofrece una ventana única al mundo íbero, mezclando aventura, magia, y sabiduría ancestral, ideal para jóvenes lectores ansiosos por explorar culturas y mitologías antiguas. CONTENIDO: IntroducciónLug, el Tenebroso: Un Destello de EsperanzaEpona, la Protectora de los CaballosCandamius: El Eco de la TormentaLa Danza de los Caballos y el Sol: El Legado de LugLa Diosa Madre y el Secreto de la SierraLa Guardiana de las Aguas y el Poeta CiegoEl Llanto del Jabalí La Leyenda de EndovellicusEl Combate de la Rueda de la VidaLa Danza de las Estrellas: La Guardiana AtaecinaEl Último Día de Atlántida

  • - Dalle origini nelle risaie alla ribalta globale: esplorazione del potere di una canzone di diventare vessillo di libertà, identità culturale e sfida alla demagogia
    av Mario Partigiano Rossi

    Scopri la storia senza tempo di "Bella Ciao", l'inno di resistenza che ha superato i confini italiani per diventare un simbolo globale di libertà e lotta contro l'oppressione. Questo libro, articolato in una serie di capitoli dettagliati, traccia il viaggio emozionante di una melodia semplice che ha trovato risonanza in tutto il mondo, trasformandosi in un vessillo di identità culturale, resistenza e sfida alla demagogia.Dalla sua umile origine nelle risaie del Nord Italia fino alla sua ribalta globale, "Bella Ciao" ha catalizzato movimenti sociali, infiltrato la cultura pop e ispirato generazioni. Con una prefazione che pone le basi, una introduzione che offre una panoramica e un disclaimer che chiarisce le intenzioni, il libro invita i lettori in un viaggio che esplora le radici profonde della canzone, il suo ruolo chiave nella Resistenza italiana e la sua diffusione oltre i confini nazionali.Attraverso capitoli che includono analisi dettagliate, interpretazioni, versioni diverse e l'impatto di "Bella Ciao" nei movimenti sociali e nella cultura popolare - incluso il fenomeno di "La Casa di Carta" - questo libro offre una visione comprensiva della canzone come catalizzatore sociale. Riflessioni critiche, approfondimenti psicologici e prospettive sul futuro di "Bella Ciao" arricchiscono ulteriormente la narrazione, sottolineando la sua rilevanza transnazionale come inno di identità e resistenza.Con capitoli dedicati agli eventi storici chiave, alla psicologia dietro la sua universale attrattiva, all'educazione e alla didattica, il libro non solo celebra la canzone ma invita alla riflessione sul suo significato più profondo e sull'eco globale che continua a generare nel panorama musicale e culturale."Bella Ciao, Un Inno Senza Tempo" è arricchito da un allegro glossario resistente, ringraziamenti anomali e una sezione finale che guarda al futuro della canzone, offrendo ai lettori una comprensione completa e multifaccettata di questo potente inno alla libertà. Un'opera indispensabile per chiunque sia interessato alla storia della musica, ai movimenti di resistenza e all'impatto culturale delle canzoni che trascendono il tempo e i confini.

  • - Sintesi Argomenti, Schemi Concettuali e Quiz di Esempio per Superare la Prova Preselettiva
    av Ivano Panini

    *Aggiornato a Marzo 2024 con le ultime novità Più pagine e Nuova Grafica Interna, tutto l'essenziale in meno di 150 pagine*Riassunto Manuale Concorso Camera Dei Deputati 2024: La Tua Guida Completa alla PreparazioneScopri il tuo alleato definitivo nella preparazione al Concorso Assistenti Parlamentari 2024 con il Riassunto Concorso Assistenti Parlamentari 2024 Camera Dei Deputati.

  • - Learn how to choose the right career and set achievable goals
    av Stella Jacobs

    Embark on a Journey to Success with 'Career Planning and Goal Setting for Teens'! Are you a teenager feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task of choosing a career path? Do you struggle with setting achievable goals for your future? Look no further! This comprehensive guide is tailored specifically for teens like you, aiming to demystify the process of career planning and goal setting. In 'Career Planning and Goal Setting for Teens, ' you'll discover: - Practical strategies for identifying your interests, skills, and values to pinpoint the ideal career path. - Step-by-step guidance on narrowing down career options and selecting the most suitable path for your aspirations. - Expert advice on setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to turn your career dreams into actionable plans. - Tips and techniques to overcome obstacles and stay motivated on your journey towards success. With insights and exercises designed to empower and inspire, this book equips you with the tools you need to make informed decisions about your future. Whether you're just beginning to explore career options or seeking to refine your goals, 'Career Planning and Goal Setting for Teens' is your roadmap to a fulfilling and successful future. Start your journey today!"

  • - The Role of Subcultures in Teenagers' Lives
    av Johanan T Sam

    Embark on a transformative exploration of adolescent self-discovery with Johanan T. Sam's compelling work, "Identity and Self-Expression." this insightful book delves into the profound impact of subcultures on the lives of teenagers, unraveling the intricate dynamics of peer interactions, self-expression, and the formation of personal values. Sam's narrative skillfully navigates the labyrinth of adolescence, shedding light on the myriad benefits of involvement in subcultures while addressing potential challenges. Tailored for teenagers, parents, and educators, this book offers a captivating story that intricately weaves through the complex tapestry of adolescent identity. Gain valuable insights into the nuanced world of self-discovery, as Sam provides a roadmap for understanding and resolving the issues that often accompany this pivotal stage of life. "Identity and Self-Expression" is not merely a book; it's a guide that empowers its readers to navigate the challenges of adolescence with wisdom and resilience.

  • av W K Arthur

    Is a dot just a dot? Or is is so much more? Meet Dotty, who is small and mighty! Dotty is found everywhere. Discover so many places a dot can be and find out if a Dot is just a dot...or so much more!

  • - The Great MSL: (The Great Middle School Life)

    McKinzie is a twelve-year-old girl who loves to dream big and write books! She is the author of the popular Chronicles of McKinzie Baker series, which follows her adventures and challenges from being an eight-year-old to being a "Tenacious" middle schooler. In McKinzie's third book, The Great MSL: Middle School Life, McKinzie shares how she deals with the changes and pressures of being a seventh grader. She takes us on a stroll of building friendships, coping with bullying, finding her own style, and discovering her passions. Along the way, she also learns valuable lessons about courage, kindness, loyalty, and creativity. The Great MSL: Middle School Life is a fun and inspiring book that celebrates the power of imagination and the joy of being yourself through the "Starry" eyes of a beautiful, bright, and inspiring preteen. McKinzie has also included a sweet surprise at the end of the book, one that will inspire and empower your child for years to come!

  • av Rodania Sanon

    Aujourd'hui, Jayden et sa classe se font offrir la possibilité de rêver et de rêver grand. Pour faire de leur école la meilleure qui soit, ils laissent aller leur imagination et pensent tous à des idées époustouflantes et uniques ! Mais rapidement, la réalité frappe ces enfants rêveurs... Un album jeunesse, un outil pédagogique, une invitation à l'expression des élèves... Cet ouvrage aborde les réalités de l'école publique québécoise au terme de la grève du personnel scolaire de 2023-2024.


    You can do anything that you set your mind to do. That's what my parents always told me. My dad said, "As long as human beings are designed to do it, you can do it." But another thing my parents taught me that if you want it, you have to work for it. You can do it but it'll take work. What are you dreaming about? You ready to work for it? Know that when you put in the work, you can achieve it. So that this become your mantra, Dream. Work. Achieve.

  • - Volume 1
    av Heather Preusser

    Hitch the Hedgehog wants nothing more than to nap. But when his informant, Vinnie the Rat, reveals the City Zoo's panda has gone missing, Hitch is (reluctantly) on the case. Author Heather Preusseur expertly weaves witty and playful text in this chapter book series opener with black-and-white illustrations by renowned illustrator Gal Weizman. All Hitch the Hedgehog wants to do is nap, but there's a mystery to solve. Someone changed the sign at the panda exhibit of the City Zoo. Instead of "please feed the panda, " it says, "please free the panda, " and well . . . it's pandemonium for Hitch! Along with his cohort, partner, and informant Vinnie the Rat, Hitch embarks on an adventure to catch the cagey culprit and return the panda to its bear-y perfect spot. With hardboiled humor, fun animal facts, and a plethora of puns, Hitch and Vinnie's detective shenanigans are full of hilarity and heart. This joyful series opener also has over 50 charming black-and-white illustrations, maps, and hidden clues! This book is perfect for fans of Leila and Nugget Mysteries, Enola Holmes, and The Critter Club.

  • - Novela and the Crazy Chickens
    av Queen Far
    173 - 184,-

    "Novela and the Crazy Chickens" is the second installment in the "Umi's Garden" series, a delightful collection of stories for young readers. In this book, Umi, invites her friends in her garden to introduce baby Novela and her crazy chickens. Umi tells the delightful stories of how Rocky the Rooster and the Hens, helped take care of Umi's granddaughter Novela and how chickens are important.

  • - The Causes of Gender Inequality Among Pupils in Northern Nigeria
    av Chimezie Kingsley Irobiko

    The United Nations (UN) sustainable development agenda on girls' education in the world, including Nigeria, is a continuous project. Data-based evidence suggests that stakeholders in global education systems achieve best returns on girls' education when they have opportunities to complete 12 years of basic education. This is just as true for education and economic outcomes as it is for health, social and societal outcomes. Risk Factors in Girl Child Education: The Causes of Gender Inequality Among Pupils in Northern Nigeria examines various systemic factors that hinder enrolment of girls in school systems within and outside Nigeria. Using relevant research themes, concepts, and theories of education, the author analysed common global challenges hindering access to basic education-particularly among girls. This practical text presents a well-researched analysis of theoretical and practical implications of classroom safety, gender equality, and inclusion to proffer effective solutions for improving pedagogy outcomes in educational facilities around the world. Useful for students, researchers, educators and policymakers, the book discusses research gaps in pedagogical literature, policy failures, and country-specific challenges. to provide effective recommendations that can reduce the number of OOSC in Nigeria and other countries. Closing the wide gender gap in global education systems and empowering more women and girls to take part in decisions that affect them will not only reduce the high rate of gender-based violence but increase their social engagement, productivity, and value in patriarchal societies.

  • - An Alphabet Coloring Activity Book
    av O Randall Jenkins Dedmin

    Building and supporting the student's vocabulary and writing skills through learning the alphabet and coloring objects and playing I Spy. Kids love coloring and using their imagination. Alphabet Doodles by Papa O is a fun resource to add to your tool kit for learning. Simple pictures that are familiar, and some may even be new! Let the learning and fun begin!

  • - Empowering the Next Generation Nurturing self confidence in Teen
    av D Harvey

    In Nexus of Confidence in Teens: Empowering Teen Confidence," we explore the transforming power of confidence and self-belief while delving into the complex world of adolescence. This insightful book provides a road map for teens to overcome the obstacles of their early years, enabling them to realize their own potential and take charge of their own success. This book offers insightful information about the relationship between confidence and adolescent development through a blend of research, firsthand accounts, and useful techniques. It breaks down the variables that affect confidence, such as peer pressure, insecurity, and the effects of social media. Readers are equipped with the knowledge of these effects to overcome pessimism and celebrate their uniqueness. "Nexus of Confidence in Teens" provides teens with a thorough arsenal for boosting their self-confidence. Every chapter gives teenagers practical advice on how to improve their confidence and make a positive difference in their lives, from creating a growth mindset and setting realistic objectives to improving communication skills and fostering healthy relationships. Furthermore, this book tackles delicate subjects like body image, peer pressure, and academic stress while acknowledging the particular difficulties that today's youth experience. With its abundance of useful activities, inspirational statements, and true tales of resiliency, it is a helpful guide for teenagers who want to embrace their strengths and overcome challenges. Additionally, "Nexus of Confidence in Teens" highlights the significance of mental health and self-care. It offers pointers on stress management, mindfulness training, and getting help when you need it. Teenagers who prioritize their emotional and mental well-being can build a solid foundation of confidence that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Nexus of Confidence in Teens: Empowering Teen Confidence" talks directly to youth with its accessible and engaging tone. It provides them with a road map for realizing their full potential and navigating the turbulent journey of adolescence with bravery, resiliency, and unshakeable self-confidence.

  • - A Whirlwind of Fun and Educational Exploration
    av Ionel Publishing

    Alphabet Exploration: Take your little one on a captivating journey through the ABCs. Each letter comes to life with playful activities that make learning the alphabet a joyous experience. Dot Marker Fun: Unleash creativity with dot marker activities that not only enhance fine motor skills but also provide hours of colorful entertainment. Your child will love creating beautiful patterns and designs. Butterfly Coloring: Enter a world of imagination with enchanting butterfly coloring pages. This section encourages artistic expression and allows young artists to bring their own unique touch to each delicate wing. How to Vehicle Draw: Foster a love for drawing with step-by-step guides on how to draw various vehicles. From cars to airplanes, your child will develop essential drawing skills while having a blast. Number Discovery: Introduce early math concepts through fun and interactive number activities. Counting becomes an adventure with engaging exercises that make learning numbers a breeze. Vehicle Coloring Adventures: Rev up the excitement with pages dedicated to coloring different vehicles. Whether it's a fire truck, a submarine, or a rocket, young artists will enjoy giving each vehicle a burst of color.

  • av Dolphin And Jupiter

    "Wissenswelten: 1165+ spannende Fakten für schlaue Kids"öffnet dir die Türen zu den erstaunlichsten Geheimnissen unserer Welt.Mit über 1165+ sorgfältig ausgewählten Fakten, die in jedem Kinderzimmer einen Platz finden sollten, ist dieses Buch der perfekte Begleiter für junge, neugierige Köpfe und ein echter Coach für deine Allgemeinbildung.Von den tiefsten Geheimnissen der Ozeane bis hin zu den weit entfernten Sternen des Weltraums, von der faszinierenden Vielfalt der Tierwelt bis zu den neuesten Errungenschaften in Wissenschaft und Technik, von den spannendsten Kapiteln der Geschichte bis zuden Wunderwerken der Kunst und Musik - dieses Buch bietet eine vielfältige Palette an Wissen, das sowohl kurios als auch unglaublich interessant ist. Jede Seite ist gefüllt mit spannenden Informationen, die dein Verständnis der Welt um dich herum bereichern und dein Interesse an weiterem Lernen anregen.Highlights des Buches: Über 1165 Fakten, die ein tolles Allgemeinwissen fördernEine fesselnde Mischung aus interessanten WissenshappenLeicht verständliche, altersgerechte TexteVielfältige Themen von Natur und Wissenschaft bis hin zu Technologie, Geschichte, Kunst und MusikBonusmaterial: Quizfragen, die zum Nachdenken anregen und das Lernen noch spielerischer gestaltenMit "Wissenswelten: 1165+ spannende Fakten für schlaue Kids" beginnt deine abenteuerliche Entdeckungsreise in die Welt des Wissens. Dieses Buch ist ein unverzichtbarer Schatz für jedes neugierige Kind, das bereit ist, mehr über unsere erstaunliche Welt zu erfahren und sein Wissen auf spannende Weise zu erweitern."

  • av Bafana Innocent Gwebane

    Logan is a very intelligent young owl with a dream of changing the lives around him through education mainly by encouraging reading. As he comes across difficulties and disagreements in changing the other owls' mindsets, in particular one very old owl set in his ways, he never gives up, or changes his perspective about reading and education. Bafana Gwebane was born in 1997 in Barberton, South Africa. He has a great sense of humour especially when it comes to children and seeing the funny side of their behaviour. He says their curiosity melts his heart.

  • - Bravery: A Motivational Storybook about Bravery, Facing Fears, Courage, Confidence, Friendship, learning valuable life lessons, and cultivating unshakable self-belief
    av Holly W Perry

    "A Collection of Stories on B: Bravery" beckons young hearts aged 4 to 10 into a captivating world where courage takes center stage. Get ready for an adventure-filled journey through ten heartwarming tales that ignite curiosity and inspire bravery.In these vibrant stories, discover relatable characters like Ella, Justin, and Chloe as they face fears, embrace challenges, and showcase the extraordinary bravery within every child. Each story is a magical blend of fun, friendship, and valuable life lessons.Feel the excitement build as your little ones are transported to enchanting realms, fostering a desire for exploration, imagination, and self-discovery. "A Collection of Stories on B: Bravery" is more than just a book; it's an invitation to join the ranks of brave adventurers.Grab a copy today and watch as your child eagerly flips through the pages, captivated by tales that spark joy, laughter, and a newfound enthusiasm for bravery. Let the adventure begin as young minds dive into stories that resonate long after the last word is read.Fuel their imagination, inspire their bravery - "A Collection of Stories on B: Bravery" is the key to unlocking a world of delightful storytelling and valuable life lessons.Happy Reading!

  • - I color beautifully to show my parents!
    av Lacramioara Publishing

    Unicorn, Coloring Book for Kids Ages 4-8 / I color beautifully to show my parents! Features: 78 pages, including 39 coloring pagesDimensions 8,5 - 11 inchesPolished soft coverBlack and white interior with white paper, followed by coloring pages

  • - Trigonometrie: Vorbereitung auf MSA und Abitur Mathe
    av Sool Simple Online and Offline Learning

    Entdecke die Welt der Trigonometrie mit unserem umfassenden Leitfaden! Dieses Mathematik Buch bietet eine einzigartige Kombination aus Merkblättern, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, praktischen Anwendungsaufgaben und ausführlichen Lösungen, die dich durch den Prozess des Verstehens und Berechnen verschiedenster Aufgaben führen. Das Übungsbuch eignet sich für Personen, die das Thema neu lernen oder auffrischen möchten und ist sowohl für Schüler zur als auch für Studenten geeignet.Dein Wegweiser durch die Welt der Dreiecke: Verständliche Merkblätter: Jedes Merkblatt fasst Schlüsselkonzepte und -formeln zusammen, damit du schnell auf wichtige Informationen zugreifen kannst.Detaillierte Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen: Unsere Anleitungen machen Berechnungen verständlich, indem sie jeden Schritt der Berechnungen klar darstellen.Reale Anwendungsaufgaben: Vertiefe dein Verständnis mit umfassenden, ausführlichen Beispielen und Übungen.Ausführliche Lösungen: Schau dir die detaillierten Lösungen an, um deinen Lernfortschritt zu überprüfen.Illustrationen zur Veranschaulichung: Klare und einfache Grafiken unterstützen das Verständnis und erleichtern das Lernen.Dieses Buch beinhaltet Grundlagen, wie beispielsweise: WinkelartenStrahlensatzKongruenzsätzeSatz des Pythagoras, aber auch Themen für Fortgeschrittene wie: SinussatzKosinussatzSinusfunktionenKosinusfunktionenOb Abitur, MSA, Studium oder einfach nur so - lerne nachhaltig, lerne mit SooL

  • - An Animal Coloring Book For Kids, easy and fun coloring book, Alphabet coloring & Many More Animal Illustrations To Color For Boys & Girls !!
    av Nurjahan Begum

    An Animals Coloring Book For Kids Ages 2+Easy and simple designs. The Mindfulness Coloring Book for Children who have successful coloring and activity books for kids.Not only will this magical book provide relaxing time between children and family but it will also help develop fine motor skills and give them time away from screens!Animals Coloring Book For Kids Features: ♥Funny Easy coloring pages♥Each coloring page is printed on a separate page to avoid bleed-through♥Perfect Children coloring book for boys, girls, and kids of all ages♥Matte Premium Cover♥Perfectly Large sized 8.5 x 11 Inches;♥High-Resolution and printing♥A great gift ideaImagine how much fun it would be to color the pictures in this book together with your sons, nephews or siblings and cut out pages to attach them around the house or give to your guests as a gift!

  • - 中英对话

    "Chinese English Conversation" is the collection of every day's Chinese conversational sentences. It contains Pinyin, Chinese and English. Pinyin helps you read Chinese word; English sentences help you understand the meaning of these conversational sentences. For those who want to study English, it is a perfect tool to learn from this book. For those who want to learn Chinese and to speak Chinese, it is a best tool to use this book as well.

  • av Abel Cubero Cruz

    Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de la granja con este encantador libro de colorear. Descubre la vida vibrante y animada que se desarrolla entre los campos verdes y los establos acogedores. Desde simpáticos pollitos hasta majestuosos caballos, cada página te invita a explorar la diversidad de la vida en la granja.

  • av Lena Kim

    In "Sofia's Quest," a young girl grapples with her future ambitions. Each chapter sees Sofia envisioning a new profession, reflecting on its realities. Through encounters with diverse role models in San Francisco, Sofia's journey is an exploration of identity and dreams, ultimately leading her to discover her true calling lies in inspiring others.

  • - Know Your Nature
    av Vimla Deepak

    Welcome, young adventurers, to a journey unlike any other - a thrilling expedition into the heart of our extraordinary planet! Are you ready to embark on an adventure that will unravel the mysteries, wonders, and hidden treasures of nature?In "Exploring Earth's Wonders: Know Your Nature", get ready to dive into the magical world that surrounds us every day. Whether you're soaring high with the birds, tiptoeing through enchanted forests, or discovering the mysteries of the deep blue oceans, this book is your ultimate guide to understanding the secrets of Mother Earth.Together, we'll take curious steps and unravel the vibrant tapestry of nature's marvels. From the tallest trees to the tiniest insects, from the snowy mountain peaks to the sandy ocean shores, each page will be a gateway to a new adventure, filled with incredible stories, fascinating facts, and mind-boggling discoveries.You'll meet creatures beyond your wildest dreams, learn how they survive, and uncover their incredible adaptations. We'll explore the interconnectedness of all living things, how they depend on each other, and the importance of keeping our planet healthy and thriving. But wait, this isn't just any adventure; it's a call to action! As nature's explorers, you'll not only learn but also take part in protecting and preserving our precious Earth. You'll discover how small changes in our daily lives can make a huge difference in safeguarding our planet for generations to come.So, gather your curiosity, put on your explorer's hat, and join us on this incredible journey! The world is waiting for you to discover its secrets. Are you ready to explore Earth's wonders and become a guardian of nature? Let the adventure begin!

  • - with 26 coloring pages
    av Rosa Acuña Ascencio

    "My first ABC Coloring Book" is an educational book designed for children ages 3 and up, with the aim of introducing them to the fascinating world of the alphabet in a fun and creative way. This book offers a unique learning experience by combining the process of learning the letters of the alphabet with the activity of coloring.Each page of the book presents a letter of the alphabet, accompanied by a cute drawing that represents a word that begins with that letter. Children can enjoy coloring the picture while becoming familiar with the shape and sound of the corresponding letter."My first ABC Coloring Book" not only provides a fun approach to learning the alphabet, but also encourages the development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and concentration in young children. This book is a valuable tool for parents and educators looking to make learning letters a joyful and stimulating experience for little ones.

  • - 50 Fun & Easy Coloring Pages for Toddler and Kids Ages 3 - 8, Preschool And Kindergarten Coloring Book...
    av Smile Door to Door Publishing

    This Insects coloring book is a perfect gift for kids. Discover with this educational coloring book our collection of beautiful, illustrated, which can be used as a complementary activity book for ages 3 to 10 years. It is also a nice idea for a gift and has wide pages. Feature: - 50 Coloring Pages- Unique design- High-quality paper If your kids loves Insects this is the best gift for them!

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