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  • av Anica Mrose Rissi

    A moving middle grade story by Anica Mrose Rissi that will appeal to readers who loved The Thing about Jellyfish and Hello, Universe, about the enduring bond between twins: Anders, who has recently died, and Lily, who has to balance her grief and confusion with a brother who isn't quite gone--and how to navigate a world that is moving forward without him.Of course Anders wasn't lonely in the afterlife. He still, like always, had Lily.Lily doesn't believe in making wishes. Not anymore. Not since Anders died.Wishes can't fix the terrible thing that happened. Wishing won't change how it feels.But Lily does believe in the impossible. She has a secret so extraordinary, so magical, no one would believe that it's true.No one except Anders, of course.Nothing about this summer is turning out how Lily would have wished. But wishes, like seasons, can change.

  • av Nadia C T

    La mansión Rosewood, esconde un gran secreto.Dicen que ese secreto rondaba alseñor Crain, junto a sus empleadosy su gran amor. Anastasia Hill encuentra Rosewoodcomo inspiración para su nueva novela, ¿descubrirá lo que encierra Rosewood?

  • - A World War Two ghost story
    av Kim M Russell

    'Huge haphazard piles of shattered furniture covered in glass and brick dust leaned towards the sky like mountains of Welsh slate - little pieces of his life were hidden underneath.'Seven-year-old Joe sits on a train Paddington Station waiting to depart, with just a cardboard suitcase and a gas mask. On the platform, he sees Nelly from next door, who doesn't get on the train. It pulls away from the station before Joe can wave goodbye.Five years later, Joe returns, looking forward to getting back to normal with his parents, but his house has been bombed, his mum has moved in with his grandparents and she's working as a clippie on the buses, while his dad, a soldier, is away fighting in Belgium..Feeling the pinch of rationing, and lonely in a house full of adults, he visits the bombsite where his home used to be and finds Nelly sitting on the remains of the front steps. They spend every day together: Joe tells Nelly about his evacuation to Wales and Nelly helps him find things in the rubble. Overhearing his grandparents talking about Nelly, which turns his already broken world upside-down, he puts himself in danger in a quest to help her find her parents, who were killed when their house was hit by a bomb. He learns some difficult lessons about life and death in the aftermath of the Blitz.

  • - Fifteen Scary & Silly Stories
    av Kimberly Eldredge

    Are you looking for a great story to tell around the campfire? Well then this is the book for you. In "Scary & Silly Campfire Stories: Fifteen Scary & Silly Stories" you'll not only get spooky campfire stories but a you'll also get seven stories that are happy, funny, or just plain silly. 8 Scary StoriesRed EyeThe Gold Digger WifeScreaming WindmillWidow JonesThe Crying BrideFunny SmellWedding ChestWhat Happens to Liars 7 Silly StoriesPete & the ChupacabraParking AttendantStew Eating ContestThe Most Comfortable BedDrive-By BrainsMolly Turner's DeadBest Beans Also includes a special bonus article: "7 Tips For Telling Scary Stories"

  • - Beat the Game or Die Trying
    av Celinda Labrousse

    THE GAME John's life is about to change forever. Each year one boy and one girl are chosen from the freshman class to run in The Game. A multilevel role-playing game live streamed to the entire school and beyond. As the winner of the golden key card, John has the opportunity to be this year's male runner. THE PRIZE John's dream of being the "it" guy will come true. He will be the one that every girl falls for. The one invited to all the parties. The one that has "it" all. But only if he wins. THE PRICE Each level exposes his worst fears. Peeling away the facade he has carefully built. All his doubts, all his hangups, broadcast live as he struggles to make it out of the Game alive. See John Run.

  • av Caroline Lobbin

  • av Patrick Carman

    Read the stories, watch the videos, and always keep one eye open. Welcome to the first collection of Skeleton Creek short stories, complete with video endings that will scare the daylights out of you. Skeleton Creek series main character Ryan McCray has gone into hiding. But someone has found him, a mysterious person who calls themselves SEVEN. And SEVEN has sent Ryan something terrifying. Seven Secret Stories.That's right. Seven terrible things that happened to seven people just like you. And you want to know what's even worse?They all included video footage of what happened to them.Was it Sarah Fincher, Ryan's video making friend from Skeleton Creek, who made the videos and found the stories? It's just the sort of thing she would do. But if Sarah isn't SEVEN, then who is?After reading the stories and watching the videos, Ryan is convinced of three important things:1. He will never sleep without having nightmares again.2. There are ghosts and goblins and monsters out there he knew nothing about.3. The videos were all made by the same person to reenact the endings of the stories they found.Ryan can't be the only one who carries these stories around in his head. He needs to know other people have heard and seen them. He needs to know he's not alone.Ryan is going to share all seven secret stories with you. It's up to you whether or not you read and watch them, but he will give you a warning: you can't unhear what you have heard or unsee what you've seen. Once you consume these stories, they will try to eat you alive. They'll dig into your brain and root around in there and you'll wake, like Ryan, at midnight.And you will know.You will know about a mysterious box that should never have been opened.You'll know about a strange device called a Spin Ruler, and the terrible trouble it caused.You're going to climb up on the roof of a house, because something is up there.As weird as this sounds, you'll encounter a frying pan phantom. It's scarier than you'd think.You're going to be introduced to the oldest door in the world, and the terrifying thing that waits behind it.You will feed a monster you should not have fed.And unfortunately for you, you'll discover a creature that howls at midnight.By the time you realize you should not have picked up this book, it will be too late.You'll be just like Ryan.At least then he won't be alone.

  • av E. Michael Lunsford

    The Addams Family meets Pirates of the Caribbean when twelve-year-old Derek Hyde runs away from the Hyde Funeral Home Body Parts Shop to find his missing parents-that he thought were dead.

  • av Brayden Scott

    I hope you enjoy these four spine-chilling stories in Terrortown#4!

  • av D a Wysong

    CREEPER CEEPERS -Book ThirteenVampire Darkness in the French QuarterMeet Aaron an Eight Hundred and Thirteen -Year old Vampire. He is accompanied by the beautiful Nichelle as the two of them roam the streets of New Orleans lurking in the corners for their next prey. Will they go undetected forever?


    La festa di Halloween è da sempre il momento migliore per scherzare col macabro, assaporare l'orrendo e tirare scherzi di dubbio gusto. Ma quando si tratta di fare la conoscenza delle tre streghe dell'istituto Saint Michael, per Rick e i suoi compagni la questione è diversa. Riusciranno gli Impossibili a scoprire il segreto della Congrega del Corvo e a far luce sul mistero che l'avvolge? Tutto ciò che sembra uscito da un libro del brivido può spalancare l'oscura porta oltre i confini reali di Witherport, verso l'ignoto e la paura. Dominic si volse verso di lui e gli strinse una spalla con polso fermo.A Raven Rock c'è qualcosa, Rick, una forza non di questo mondo che Amelie ha creduto di poter evocare e che da secoli saggi indiani, religiosi e sensitivi hanno temuto e tenuto a bada. In questa terra ci sono delle porte che danno su altri mondi, che tu ci creda oppure no. E se la Congrega è riuscita a trovarne una aperta, deve essere richiusa a qualsiasi costo. Alessandro Fusco è autore di romanzi e racconti di fantasia, del mistero e del terrore. Creatore del mondo immaginario di Ferhaven, ha esordito nel 2012 con il romanzo La Sesta Regola (primo capitolo della saga intitolata Il Sole di Alur) e pubblicato il primo seguito della stessa, Il Custode del Tramonto, insieme a diversi racconti per vari editori e su Amazon, fra i quali Playback, La nouvelle Clarimonde, L'esprit de l'escalier, Come nasce una leggenda, Sconnessione e La Casa delle Falene. Nel 2014, insieme ad alcuni collaboratori, ha dato vita al collettivo indipendente Specchio Nero, con cui ha pubblicato il terzo capitolo della saga, Il Risveglio dei Lupi, e la raccolta illustrata Le Leggende di Ferhaven. Nel 2017 pubblica il suo romanzo sperimentale Monochrome (Scatole Parlanti Editore) e collabora con l'illustratrice Livia De Simone, curando i testi del libro Dei del Nord - I Signori dei Nove Mondi (Dark Zone Edizioni). Nel 2020 esordisce su Amazon la sua serie di racconti del brivido per ragazzi con il primo episodio Rick Shelley e il Club degli Impossibili.

  • - Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray

    Oscar Wilde: Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray / Neu editierte Ausgabe 2020 /Im Atelier eines Malers wünscht sich der junge und reiche Dorian Gray von ganzem Herzen, er könne seine jugendlich strahlende Schönheit für immer bewahren - und sein Porträt möge statt seiner altern. Und tatsächlich, so geschieht es. Er kann sich nun den hedonistischen Ausschweifungen seines von Endzeitstimmung und Dekadenz geprägten Zeitalters (>Fin de siècleDas Bildnis des Dorian Gray ist der einzige Roman des irischen Schriftstellers Oscar Wilde und gehört heute zu den Klassikern der Weltliteratur. Bei seinem Erscheinen im Jahr 1890 galt er wegen des oft drastischen und mit (homo-)erotischen Anspielungen durchzogenen Stils als Skandalbuch.

  • - Blut und Eis
    av Nika S Daveron

    Als die achtzehnjährige Trêve Kerrigan im Jahr 1921 in Grytviken, einem Ort mitten in der Antarktis, ankommt, fühlt sie sich im ewigen Eis regelrecht begraben. Ihr Vater, ein renommierter Walfänger, ist nur selten zu Hause, und sie langweilt sich tödlich auf South Georgia, bis eines Tages Haya in ihr Leben tritt - eine geheimnisvolle junge Frau, die faszinierend schaurige Geschichten erzählt. Als Trêve beginnt, diese aufzuschreiben, geschehen jedoch seltsame Dinge auf der Insel. Dunkle Kreaturen schleichen nachts um die Häuser, und obendrein gehen äußerst merkwürdige Dinge im Labor von Hayas Vater vor sich. Und dann ist da noch der Mann ohne Schatten, der die Tore zum Inferno der gescheiterten Schöpfung öffnet.

  • av Scar Hernández

    México, donde el apoyo a las artes y deportes es poco, Andrea a tan solo 17 años de edad sueña con ser una famosa escritora, lo cual le es difícil, pero un día ella y unos adolescentes ambiciosos son invitados a formar parte del servicio escolar en una de las mejores escuelas latinoamericanas con el fin de ofrecerles apoyo a sus sueños. Andrea desde el primer dia empieza a alucinar con alguna extraña palabra que no logra reconocer, pero un dia que decide ir a una pijamada luego de contar una leyenda de la escuela, ella sueña con ello, pero se percata que todo habia sido real. Habia amanecido con golpes, los mismo que le dieron en su sueño.Andrea junto a sus amigos enfrentan rivalidades con el resto de compañeros del servicio hasta que un dia, gracias a una foto y un accidente se dan cuenta que lo mas importante de eso es salir con vida.

  • - Zombie Apocalypse Survival
    av Mark Davis

    The story is about a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. The main characters, Timmy and John, are two friends who are determined to find a cure for the zombie virus and bring an end to the undead plague.They work with a community of survivors to secure funding and resources, and they build a facility where scientists can work to develop a cure. Among the scientists is Dr. Smith, who is secretly working for the government and trying to release a new strain of the virus into the city.Timmy and John overhear Dr. Smith's plan and set out to stop him, but they are too late. The virus is released and John is infected, turning into a zombie. Timmy and the other survivors are forced to flee the city and wander the wasteland. Timmy with a fire in his heart wants to seek revenge for John (This will continue to part 2)

  • - What you wish isn't always what you get...
    av Dimitrios Spyridon Chytiris

    Careful what you wish for...Ken is an average student and a socially awkward teenager, who is often the victim of pranks by the school bullies. The only thing that helps him escape his tedious life is his love for mobile games, so he spends hours and hours on his phone playing. Until one day he comes across an application that will transform his life; The Djinni.The boy now has the power to turn the tables; for The Djinni will grant him the wishes he desires most. However, Ken will soon come to understand that his wishes always come with a price, and perhaps sometimes the price he has to pay is too high for his own benefit.

  • - - Case 106 -
    av Khushi Gadhia

    After receiving a mysterious and unnerving call, Mila was worried that her mother was in danger. The lady on the other end of the call screamed for Help! Mila had suspicions that the voice of the desperate lady calling for help could be her mother.After reaching her mom's home, she finds a disturbingly tragic scene that has her wrecked with grief and anger.What will Mila find at her mother's home and how will she find out the truth?

  • av Alison Oropeza

    En cuanto vio la casa, con sus arbustos podados geométricamente en la entrada y la cerca blanca bordeándola, decidió que sería suya. No porque hubiera algo especial en ella ni porque tuviera una apariencia vistosa. De hecho, lucía tan común y suburbana que se mimetizaba con el resto del vecindario. Y eso era precisamente lo que le atraía de ella. Sería el refugio perfecto ahora que pretendía retirarse de su oficio. Y, por fortuna, no tardaría en salir al mercado. Sobre todo, después de esa noche.El final siempre era inevitable.

  • av T. D. Magnus

    A social outcast, a secret birthright, and an ultimatum.Isabel always knew she was different. But she had no idea just how different.But when a first date ends terribly, Isabel starts to realize that she has some questions to ask her family.Questions she may not like the answer too.The connection she has between her sister and her mother has always been unparalleled, but will it begin to unravel as Isabel begins to test out her newfound power and responsibility?Will Isabel embrace her destiny or turn away for a normal life? Isabel won't have long to decide as lives hang in the balance.And in a world full of ancient magic and tradition, will Isabel's modern approach of using technology to influence her magic be successful?Join Isabel, Rhiannon, and Josephine, as they battle their internal and external demons, in an attempt to master their thoughts, feelings, and powers.

  • av K. A Hambly

    Sequel to The Rise of the New Bloods, From Dark BeginningsEleven months later, and Jyrki is back again. In Wales. What has the ancient prophecy got planned for him now?Having left New York to embark on a UK tour with the Black Stones, Jyrki set sails across the Atlantic to London, but things don't go according to plan - well they won't when you're still a vampire.As Jyrki and Blaze begin to start their music career they meet a mysterious cab driver called Dave who takes them to Wales to meet with Ryder, and it doesn't take Jyrki long to turn into a bad vampire either. Upon meeting with a guy, simply called Vlad, Jyrki soon learns that the prophecy has another plan for him. He now has to tackle the Underworld that is escaping from the veil that was left open last Halloween at Central Park. But there is a darkness rising that might just jeopardise his efforts to become human

  • av M. C. Ryder

    I used to tell my best friend, through thick and thin, I'd always have her six and then I was the one who stabbed her in the back. I have to live with that regret every day, which is why I chose to drink animal blood. Chose to be weak against my nature. I am a vampire. A creature of the dark. A shadow in the night. Dark clouds surround me everywhere I go as I try to find my place in this eternal world. I'm supposed to find forgiveness in myself. I don't think I can ever forgive myself even if my best friend dared me to. The only thing I can do with this curse is use it for something good. Try to help others. Try to view it as a gift. I'm trying, but I can't stop living in the past. Can't stop seeing that moment when life changed for me forever. Can't get untangled from that punishing part I try hard to forget, but it's always there haunting me.

  • av Kelly Hambly

    Brandon Masters is a vampire. A vampire who has no memory of his life prior to 1978.Fronting L.A.'s hottest metal band, The Thorned Angels, Brandon's un-dead life takes a dramatic turn when he collapses on stage one night. He discovers his ''soul'' had split into two different centuries. One part resides in Medieval England, and the other in present day America. Longing to find out what his purpose is, he eventually discovers that the government has plans to experiment on humans with the vampire gene taken from Vlad Tepes. His Father. It is a race against time to save the present from the horrors of the past.

  • av Carlos Medrano

    ¡Prepárate para un escalofriante viaje a través de los rincones más oscuros de la imaginación con "Micro cuentos de terror"! Este fascinante libro de cuentos cortos te invita a explorar el poder de la brevedad narrativa mientras te sumerges en historias llenas de misterio y suspense. Experimenta el terror en su forma más concentrada. Cada cuento es una pequeña dosis de miedo que te dejará boquiabierto y ansioso por más. Los "Micro cuentos de terror" desafían la idea de que una historia debe ser extensa para ser intensa; en su lugar, te brindan la misma emoción en menos palabras. Los "Micro cuentos de terror" despiertan la mente y permiten que tu imaginación tome el control. Cada historia te desafiará a llenar los huecos y crear imágenes aterradoras en tu mente, sumergiéndote aún más en la experiencia única de cada cuento. Descubre cómo unas pocas palabras pueden dejar una impresión duradera. ¡Sumérgete en el misterio y la emoción de "Micro cuentos de terror" y experimenta la magia de los cuentos cortos que cautivan y aterrorizan en igual medida! ¡Atrévete a adentrarte en el oscuro mundo de la brevedad narrativa!

  • av Lee Anthony Reynolds

    gumbo CHRISTIAN horror is a Novella written for teens and young adults who gravitate towards horror themed books, movies & music.being a CHRISTIAN I attempt to place hard lessons in my writings, as to give the stories true street cred and validation. I want them to relate to what there reading and in that light the themes become real & strong. Opinions are marshaled and conversations are mandatory.Though fiction. subject matter has every day scenarios that though sad or scary, they are true and happen daily around the world.I pray that my reading audience at the least find the tales entertaining. and if any cautionary lessons are learned along the way. Im wishes always from the Author & Publisher of: gumbo CHRISTIAN horror yo bro: Lee Anthony Reynolds

  • av Seth Sjostrom
    141 - 245,-

  • av Kristen Kiesling
    194 - 209,-

  • av Dan Smith

    When a meteorite harbouring alien lifeform crashes to Earth near Crooked Oak, Pete, Nancy and Krish are determined to find it. But horrifying consequences abound, not least what they uncover deep down in Killburn Mine, in this gruesome and gripping story from master of creepy sci-fi Dan Smith.

  • av John Belanger

    The Grim Factory is a harrowing story of loss, heartbreak, and the cruel realities that children can face in a world of evil. One moment, your child is there, and the next, they're gone forever. It's a nightmare that no parent or sibling should ever have to endure, and yet it can happen anywhere - in front of your home, at a crowded shopping mall, or in a playground full of children.The book follows Tommy, a special boy who is forced to endure a lifetime of cruelty, abuse, and hardship. His parents don't care whether he's alive or dead, and his world is filled with sadness and heartbreak. It's a world that shouldn't exist, but unfortunately, it does.Despite the darkness that surrounds him, Tommy is filled with happy thoughts that shouldn't be there. But there's hope for him and the other children of his world, as a new happiness reaches out like a loving hand and the sun begins to shine.The Grim Factory paints a devastating picture of the suffering that children can face, and the evil that can lurk behind closed doors. It's a reminder that our world can be cruel, and that it's the innocent who often suffer the most. But ultimately, it's a story of hope, resilience, and the power of love to overcome even the darkest of circumstances.

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